6-bit binary counter with LED output - verilog

I'm really new to verilog world and i can't understand why my program return nothing. I'm trying to make simple 6-bit up counter that counts on button press. The code is
module top (CLK, BTN_RST, LED, BTN_C);
input CLK, BTN_RST, BTN_C; //
output [5:0]LED;
reg [5:0]LED;
always #(posedge CLK or posedge BTN_RST) begin
if (BTN_RST) begin
LED <= 6'b000000;
else begin: COUNT
while (BTN_C) begin
LED <= LED + 1'b1;
disable COUNT;
And the test bench is
module top_test;
reg CLK;
reg BTN_RST;
reg BTN_C;
reg [5:0]LED;
initial begin
CLK = 0;
BTN_RST = 0;
BTN_C = 0;
#1 BTN_RST = 1;
#5 BTN_RST = 0;
#10 BTN_C = 1;
#5 CLK=~CLK;
This code compiles and runs (as i can see on iSim), but LED output gives me XXXXXX. I think I'm not only got some mistakes here, but also can't understand how test bench works and how to make right assignments on input and output. Can anyone please help me?

You need to add an instance of your design in your testbench. Now, LED is no longer X; I see it counting up from 0.
module top_test;
reg CLK;
reg BTN_RST;
reg BTN_C;
wire [5:0]LED;
initial begin
CLK = 0;
BTN_RST = 0;
BTN_C = 0;
#1 BTN_RST = 1;
#5 BTN_RST = 0;
#10 BTN_C = 1;
#5 CLK=~CLK;
top dut (
// Inputs:
// Outputs:
I changed reg to wire for LED in top_test. I see LED increasing from 0 when I use VCS as a simulator. But, when I switch to Incisive, LED stays at 0.
I think your while/disable code is causing a problem. I have recoded it to look a little more standard:
module top (CLK, BTN_RST, LED, BTN_C);
input CLK, BTN_RST, BTN_C; //
output [5:0]LED;
reg [5:0]LED;
always #(posedge CLK or posedge BTN_RST) begin
if (BTN_RST) begin
LED <= 6'b000000;
end else if (BTN_C) begin
LED <= LED + 1'b1;


Why do I get red color for some signals in simulation?

I want to do manchester encoder's simulation in verilog. Design code and testbench codes are written. Although I don't get any error, in the simulation part "clk" and "data_out" are not working which is red color in simulation but reset and data_in are working in the simulation properly. How can I correct the issue?
module manchester_encoder(clk,reset,data_in,data_out);
input clk;
input reset;
input data_in;
output data_out;
integer prev_data;
assign data_out = data_in ^ prev_data;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
prev_data <= 0;
end else begin
prev_data <= data_in;
Its testbench
module testbench_manchester_encoder();
// Declare the signals
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg data_in;
wire data_out;
// Instantiate the DUT
manchester_encoder encoder(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data_in(data_in), .data_out(data_out));
// Generate the clock signal
always #10 clk = ~clk;
// Stimulus process
initial begin
reset = 1;
data_in = 0;
#20 reset = 0;
#10 data_in = 1;
#10 data_in = 0;
#10 data_in = 1;
#10 data_in = 0;
#10 $finish;
// Monitor process
always #(posedge clk) begin
$display("Time=%t, data_out=%b", $time, data_out);
You never initialize clk in your testbench, doing that fixes your problem:
module testbench_manchester_encoder();
// Declare the signals
reg clk = 0; // <------- here
reg reset;
reg data_in;

No response from uut in testbench

I am not getting any response from the uut in the testbench. The module exp2_up_down_counter works ok without testbench, but gives output as xxxx when instantiated in the testbench.
Here is the main module of the up-down counter:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module exp2_up_down_counter (input clk, reset, mode, output reg [3:0] count);
always #(posedge clk)
if (reset == 1)
count <= 0; // reset the counter if reset is high
else if (mode == 1)
count <= count + 1; // works as up counter if mode pin is high
count <= count - 1; // works as down counter if mode pin is low
Simulation without testbench:
Testbench for up-down counter
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module exp2_up_down_counter_tb;
reg clk, reset, mode;
wire [3:0] count;
exp2_up_down_counter uut(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .mode(mode), .count(count));
initial begin
clk = 1'b0;
always #(*) #5 clk <= ~clk;
initial begin
// initializing the inputs
reset = 1;
mode = 0;
reset = 0;
mode = 1;
#5000 $finish;
Simulation with testbench:
In exp2_up_down_counter, count is declared as a reg. This means that its default value is X at time 0. Since the reset signal is synchronous to the clock, you need to wait for the 1st posedge of clock before you release the reset. Currently, the reset is released at the 1st posedge of clock in the testbench, which is a race condition. Therefore, count does not get assigned the value of 0, and it retains the value of X for the whole simulation.
You need to delay the reset release. For example, change:
reset = 0;
reset = 0;
However, it is better to drive your synchronous inputs in the testbench the same way you drive your signals in the design: using #(posedge clk) and using nonblocking assignments (<=):
initial begin
reset = 1;
mode = 0;
repeat (2) #(posedge clk);
reset <= 0;
repeat (1) #(posedge clk);
mode <= 1;
#5000 $finish;
Also, this is a more standard way to drive the clock in the testbench:
always #5 clk = ~clk;

incrementing mod counter every n clock cycle

This is the verilog code for mod 64 counter, incrementing every clock cycle
module modulus64counter
#(parameter N=64,
parameter WIDTH=5)
(input clk,
input rstn,
output reg[WIDTH-1:0] out);
integer i;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(!rstn) begin
else begin
out<= out+1;
and the test bench is
module modulus64countertb;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg rstn;
// Outputs
wire [4:0] out;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
modulus64counter uut (
always #10 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 1;
rstn = 0;
$monitor ("T=%0t rstn=%0b out=0X%h", $time,rstn,out);
repeat(2) #(posedge clk);
rstn <=1;
repeat(50) #(posedge clk);
Now if i want to increment the value of out every "n" clock cycle instead of consecutive clock cycle , how can i modify the program
Kindly help
Updated 20220131
Updated the code to produce output after every 2 clock cycles. Similarly, if you wish to delay for even more clock cycle, the simplest way is to continuously flopping it.
For a better implementation, you can try out a shift register.
module modulus64counter #(
parameter N=64,
parameter WIDTH=8,
parameter DELAY_CYCLE=2
input clk,
input rstn,
output reg[WIDTH-1:0] out,
output reg[WIDTH-1:0] actual_out
integer i;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] cntr;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] dly1clk;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(!rstn) begin
out <= 0;
dly1clk <= 0;
end else if(out == DELAY_CYCLE-1) begin
out <= 0;
dly1clk <= dly1clk + 1;
end else begin
out <= out + 1;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(!rstn) begin
actual_out <= 0;
end else begin
actual_out <= dly1clk;
The code below should work for you. You can always swap the out and actual_out if you insist on using out as the final counting variable.
Also, removing the out on the monitor line in the testbench will only print the value when it reaches mod n. I kept both out and actual_out on testbench's monitor to ease debugging purpose.
Verilog code
module modulus64counter #(
parameter N=64,
parameter WIDTH=8
input clk,
input rstn,
output reg[WIDTH-1:0] out,
output reg[WIDTH-1:0] actual_out
integer i;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] cntr;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(!rstn) begin
out <= 0;
actual_out <= 0;
end else if(out == N-1) begin
out <= 0;
actual_out <= actual_out + 1;
end else begin
out <= out + 1;
module modulus64countertb;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg rstn;
// Outputs
wire [7:0] out;
wire [7:0] actual_out;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
modulus64counter uut (
always #10 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 1;
rstn = 0;
$monitor ("T=%0t rstn=%0b out=%d actual_out=%d", $time,rstn,out,actual_out);
repeat(2) #(posedge clk);
rstn <=1;
repeat(200) #(posedge clk);
Output result simulated using edaplayground:

Verilog: one clock cycle delay using register

I'm trying to delay two signals. I wrote a register to do that and instantiated it but a strange thing happens. Delaying "state" signal seems to work, but delaying "nb_bits" signal doesn't.
Here's my code for the register:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module register(
input CLK,
input clr,
input en,
input [7:0] in,
output [7:0] out
reg [7:0] temp;
always # (posedge CLK or posedge clr) begin
if (clr) begin
temp <= 8'b00010000;
else if (en) begin
temp <= in;
else begin
temp <= temp;
assign out = temp;
And that's ma instantiation:
wire [3:0] nbb;
nb_bits_register nb_bits_reg(
wire [7:0] stt;
register state_reg(
nb_bits_register module is analogical; I didn't want to parametrize before solving this problem.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module nb_bits_register(
input CLK,
input clr,
input en,
input [3:0] in,
output [3:0] out
reg [3:0] temp;
always # (posedge CLK or posedge clr) begin
if (clr) begin
temp <= 4'b0000;
else if (en) begin
temp <= in;
else begin
temp <= temp;
assign out = temp;
And here's a simulation:
enter image description here
And testbench:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module state_machine_tb();
reg CLK, clr, en;
reg [7:0] symbol;
reg [3:0] nb_bits;
wire [7:0] state;
initial begin
CLK <= 1;
clr <= 0;
en <= 0;
symbol <= 8'b00110010;
nb_bits <= 1;
clr <= 1;
en <= 1;
clr <= 0;
symbol <= 8'b00110001;
nb_bits <= 1;
symbol <= 8'b00110010;
nb_bits <= 2;
symbol <= 8'b00110001;
nb_bits <= 1;
symbol <= 8'b00110001;
nb_bits <= 1;
symbol <= 8'b00110000;
nb_bits <= 3;
always begin
#5 CLK <= ~CLK;
state_machine state_machine_inst(
It does seem like a rase condition in the scheduler. By definition from the Verilog LRM, the order of evaluating procedural blocks (always blocks and initial blocks) is indeterminate. You might notice a pattern with a particular simulator and version, but that patter can change when changing the simulator or changing the version of the same simulator.
Use blocking assignment with your clock (ex: always #5 CLK = ~CLK;). With will guarantee the CLK will be updated before other stimulus.
In the test bench, change all the #10 to #(posedge CLK). The timing will be the same, however it guarantees CLK was updated before evaluating the new values symbol and other stimulus.
FYI: If you change output [7:0] out to output reg [7:0] out you can assign out directly in your always block, removing the need for temp. This doesn't change anything functionally; just fewer variables and lines of code.
It seems like a race condition: your changes of nb_bits coincide with positive edges of CLK, so there's an ambiguity resolved by the simulator in this way:
change nb_bits (from 1 to 2, etc.)
change CLK from 0 to 1
execute in nb_bits_register: if (en) temp <= in; ... assign out = temp;
As the result, out = in in nb_bits_register.
A solution is to avoid this coincidence, e.g. by changing the first #10 in the testbench to #11.

Parse error when I try to use Verilog; testbenching an LFSR doesn't work

I am currently working on random number generation using Verilog. Sources have indicated that using Linear Feedback Shift Registers are one of the best ways to randomize MSBs. So I decided to code and testbench an LFSR. Snippet is below:
module lfsr_counter(clk, reset, ce, lfsr_done);
input clk, reset, ce;
output lfsr_done;
reg lfsr_done;
reg [10:0] lfsr;
initial lfsr_done = 0;
wire d0,lfsr_equal;
assign lfsr_equal = (lfsr == 11'h359);
always #(posedge clk,posedge reset) begin
if(reset) begin
lfsr <= 0;
lfsr_done <= 0;
else begin
lfsr <= lfsr_equal ? 11'h0 : {lfsr[9:0],d0};
lfsr_done <= lfsr_equal;
module testbench();
reg clk, reset, ce;
wire lfsr_done;
lfsr_counter dut(clk, reset, ce, lfsr_done); // Design Under Test
reset = 0;
clk = 1;
ce = 0;
ce = 1;
#200 $finish;
//Generate Clock
always #10 clk = !clk;
But I keep getting these parse errors:
I don't really get it. I'm using Verilogger Pro btw
I think always block terms are separated by or, not a comma.
always #(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
