Redefining monad list instance - haskell

I am attempting to redefine the monad list instance using newtype to create a wrapped list type, so as to allow this to be done at all, since it seems the Prelude definitions are unable to be overridden.
So far I have the following:
newtype MyList a = MyList { unMyList :: [a] }
deriving Show
myReturn :: a -> [a]
myReturn x = [x]
myBind :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
myBind m f = concat $ map f m
instance Monad MyList where
return x = MyList [x]
xs >>= f = undefined
As a beginner in Haskell, I am at a loss to know how to define the >>= operator for the instance, using my function for the definition of bind.
Should the myReturn and myBind functions have types using MyList rather than plain type variables? How does one do the packing and unpacking necessary to define >>= properly?
I am getting stuck on the function argument to map f, where f :: a -> [b], but it seems I need f :: a -> MyList b, but then map won't accept that as an argument.
Apologies for the confusion. All assistance appreciated.
[I am aware there is a similar question here: Redefine list monad instance but I'm afraid I cannot follow the answers there.]

You simply need to unwrap your MyList type, operate on it, then wrap it back up:
instance Monad MyList where
return x = MyList [x]
(MyList xs) >>= f = MyList . concat . map unMyList . map f $ xs
You can (and should) condense this to MyList $ concatMap (unMyList . f) xs, but I've left it expanded for illustrative purposes. You could simplify this definition by defining your own map and concat functions for MyList:
myMap :: (a -> b) -> MyList a -> MyList b
myMap f (MyList xs) = MyList $ map f xs
myConcat :: MyList (MyList a) -> MyList a
myConcat (MyList xs) = MyList $ concat $ map unMyList xs
myConcatMap :: (a -> MyList b) -> MyList a -> MyList b
myConcatMap f xs = myConcat $ myMap f xs
instance Monad MyList where
return x = MyList [x]
xs >>= f = myConcatMap f xs
And now it looks like the normal list instance:
instance Monad [] where
return x = [x]
xs >>= f = concatMap f xs


apply a function n times to the n-th item in a list in haskell

I want a higher-order function, g, that will apply another function, f, to a list of integers such that
g = [f x1, f(f x2), f(f(f x3)), … , f^n(xn)]
I know I can map a function like
g :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
g f xs = map f xs
and I could also apply a function n-times like
g f xs = [iterate f x !! n | x <- xs]
where n the number of times to apply the function. I know I need to use recursion, so I don't think either of these options will be useful.
Expected output:
g (+1) [1,2,3,4,5] = [2,4,6,8,10]
You can work with explicit recursion where you pass each time the function to apply and the tail of the list, so:
g :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
g f = go f
where go _ [] = []
go fi (x:xs) = … : go (f . fi) xs
I here leave implementing the … part as an exercise.
Another option is to work with two lists, a list of functions and a list of values. In that case the list of functions is iterate (f .) f: an infinite list of functions that can be applied. Then we can implement g as:
g :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
g f = zipWith ($) (iterate (f .) f)
Sounds like another use for foldr:
applyAsDeep :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
applyAsDeep f = foldr (\x xs -> f x : map f xs) []
λ> applyAsDeep (+10) [1,2,3,4,5]
If you want to go a bit overkill ...
import GHC.Exts (build)
g :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
g f xs0 =
build $ \c n ->
let go x r fi = fi x `c` r (f . fi)
in foldr go (const n) xs0 f

Define bind without join for the list monad in Haskell

I understand the definition of >>= in term of join
xs >>= f = join (fmap f xs)
which also tells us that fmap + join yields >>=
I was wondering if for the List monad it's possible to define without join, as we do for example for Maybe:
>>= m f = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> f x
Sure. The actual definition in GHC/Base.hs is in terms of the equivalent list comprehension:
instance Monad [] where
xs >>= f = [y | x <- xs, y <- f x]
Alternatively, you could try the following method of working it out from scratch from the type:
(>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
We need to handle two cases:
[] >>= f = ???
(x:xs) >>= f = ???
The first is easy. We have no elements of type a, so we can't apply f. The only thing we can do is return an empty list:
[] >>= f = []
For the second, x is a value of type a, so we can apply f giving us a value of f x of type [b]. That's the beginning of our list, and we can concatenate it with the rest of the list generated by a recursive call:
(x:xs) >>= f = f x ++ (xs >>= f)

Haskell: Create a list of tuples from a tuple with a static element and a list

Need to create a list of tuples from a tuple with a static element and a list. Such as:
(Int, [String]) -> [(Int, String)]
Feel like this should be a simple map call but am having trouble actually getting it to output a tuple as zip would need a list input, not a constant.
I think this is the most direct and easy to understand solution (you already seem to be acquainted with map anyway):
f :: (Int, [String]) -> [(Int, String)]
f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
(which also happens to be the desugared version of [(i, x) | x < xs], which Landei proposed)
Prelude> f (3, ["a", "b", "c"])
This solution uses pattern matching to "unpack" the tuple argument, so that the first tuple element is i and the second element is xs. It then does a simple map over the elements of xs to convert each element x to the tuple (i, x), which I think is what you're after. Without pattern matching it would be slightly more verbose:
f pair = let i = fst pair -- get the FIRST element
xs = snd pair -- get the SECOND element
in map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
The algorithm is no way specific to (Int, [String]), so you can safely generalize the function by replacing Int and String with type parameters a and b:
f :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)]
f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
this way you can do
Prelude> f (True, [1.2, 2.3, 3.4])
and of course if you simply get rid of the type annotation altogether, the type (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)] is exactly the type that Haskell infers (only with different names):
Prelude> let f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
Prelude> :t f
f :: (t, [t1]) -> [(t, t1)]
Bonus: you can also shorten \x -> (i, x) to just (i,) using the TupleSections language extension:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
f :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)]
f (i, xs) = map (i,) xs
Also, as Ørjan Johansen has pointed out, the function sequence does indeed generalize this even further, but the mechanisms thereof are a bit beyond the scope.
For completeness, consider also cycle,
f i = zip (cycle [i])
Using foldl,
f i = foldl (\a v -> (i,v) : a ) []
Using a recursive function that illustrates how to divide the problem,
f :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int,a)]
f _ [] = []
f i (x:xs) = (i,x) : f i xs
A list comprehension would be quite intuitive and readable:
f (i,xs) = [(i,x) | x <- xs]
Do you want the Int to always be the same, just feed zip with an infinite list. You can use repeat for that.
f i xs = zip (repeat i) xs

Adding predicate to a map function

Completely new to Haskell and learning through Learn Haskell the greater good.
I am looking at the map function
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
is it possible to add a predicate to this? for example, to only map to every other element in the list?
You can code your own version of map to apply f only to even (or odd) positions as follows. (Below indices start from 0)
mapEven :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEven f [] = []
mapEven f (x:xs) = f x : mapOdd f xs
mapOdd :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapOdd f [] = []
mapOdd f (x:xs) = x : mapEven f xs
If instead you want to exploit the library functions, you can do something like
mapEven :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEven f = map (\(flag,x) -> if flag then f x else x) . zip (cycle [True,False])
or even
mapEven :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEven f = map (uncurry (\flag -> if flag then f else id)) . zip (cycle [True,False])
If you want to filter using an arbitrary predicate on the index, then:
mapPred :: (Int -> Bool) -> (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapPred p f = map (\(i,x) -> if p i then f x else x) . zip [0..]
A more direct solution can be reached using zipWith (as #amalloy suggests).
mapEven :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEven f = zipWith (\flag x -> if flag then f x else x) (cycle [True,False])
This can be further refined as follows
mapEven :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEven f = zipWith ($) (cycle [f,id])
The "canonical" way to perform filtering based on positions is to zip the sequence with the naturals, so as to append an index to each element:
> zip [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13] [0..]
This way you can filter the whole thing using the second part of the tuples, and then map a function which discards the indices:
indexedFilterMap p f xs = (map (\(x,_) -> f x)) . (filter (\(_,y) -> p y)) $ (zip xs [0..])
oddFibsPlusOne = indexedFilterMap odd (+1) [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
To be specific to you question, one might simply put
mapEveryOther f = indexedFilterMap odd f
You can map with a function (a lambda is also possible):
plusIfOdd :: Int -> Int
plusIfOdd a
| odd a = a
| otherwise = a + 100
map plusIfOdd [1..5]
As a first step, write the function for what you want to do to the individual element of the list:
applytoOdd :: Integral a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
applytoOdd f x = if odd x
then (f x)
else x
So applytoOdd function will apply the function f to the element if the element is odd or else return the same element if it is even. Now you can apply map to that like this:
λ> let a = [1,2,3,4,5]
λ> map (applytoOdd (+ 100)) a
Or if you want to add 200 to it, then:
λ> map (applytoOdd (+ 200)) a
Looking on the comments, it seems you want to map based on the index position. You can modify your applytoOdd method appropriately for that:
applytoOdd :: Integral a => (b -> b) -> (a, b) -> b
applytoOdd f (x,y) = if odd x
then (f y)
else y
Here, the type variable a corresponds to the index element. If it's odd you are applying the function to the actual element of the list. And then in ghci:
λ> map (applytoOdd (+ 100)) (zip [1..5] [1..])
λ> map (applytoOdd (+ 200)) (zip [1..5] [1..])
Or use a list comprehension:
mapOdd f x = if odd x then f x else x
[ mapOdd (+100) x | x <- [1,2,3,4,5]]
I'm glad that you're taking the time to learn about Haskell. It's an amazing language. However it does require you to develop a certain mindset. So here's what I do when I face a problem in Haskell. Let's start with your problem statement:
Is it possible to add a predicate to the map function? For example, to only map to every other element in the list?
So you have two questions:
Is it possible to add a predicate to the map function?
How to map to every other element in the list?
So the way people think in Haskell is via type signatures. For example, when an engineer is designing a building she visualizes how the building should look for the top (top view), the front (front view) and the side (side view). Similarly when functional programmers write code they visualize their code in terms of type signatures.
Let's start with what we know (i.e. the type signature of the map function):
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Now you want to add a predicate to the map function. A predicate is a function of the type a -> Bool. Hence a map function with a predicate will be of the type:
mapP :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
However, in your case, you also want to keep the unmapped values. For example mapP odd (+100) [1,2,3,4,5] should result in [101,2,103,4,105] and not [101,103,105]. Hence it follows that the type of the input list should match the type of the output list (i.e. a and b must be of the same type). Hence mapP should be of the type:
mapP :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
It's easy to implement a function like this:
map :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapP p f = map (\x -> if p x then f x else x)
Now to answer your second question (i.e. how to map to every other element in the list). You could use zip and unzip as follows:
snd . unzip . mapP (odd . fst) (fmap (+100)) $ zip [1..] [1,2,3,4,5]
Here's what's happening:
We first zip the index of each element with the element itself. Hence zip [1..] [1,2,3,4,5] results in [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5)] where the fst value of each pair is the index.
For every odd index element we apply the (+100) function to the element. Hence the resulting list is [(1,101),(2,2),(3,103),(4,4),(5,105)].
We unzip the list resulting in two separate lists ([1,2,3,4,5],[101,2,103,4,105]).
We discard the list of indices and keep the list of mapped results using snd.
We can make this function more general. The type signature of the resulting function would be:
mapI :: ((Int, a) -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
The definition of the mapI function is simple enough:
mapI :: ((Int, a) -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapI p f = snd . unzip . mapP p (fmap f) . zip [1..]
You can use it as follows:
mapI (odd . fst) (+100) [1,2,3,4,5]
Hope that helps.
Is it possible to add a predicate to this? for example, to only map to every other element in the list?
Yes, but functions should ideally do one relatively simple thing only. If you need to do something more complicated, ideally you should try doing it by composing two or more functions.
I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, so I'll show a few examples. First: if what you mean is that you only want to map in cases where a supplied predicate returns true of the input element, but otherwise just leave it alone, then you can do that by reusing the map function:
mapIfTrue :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapIfTrue pred f xs = map step xs
where step x | pred x = f x
| otherwise = x
If what you mean is that you want to discard list elements that don't satisfy the predicate, and apply the function to the remaining ones, then you can do that by combining map and filter:
filterMap :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
filterMap pred f xs = map f (filter pred xs)
Mapping the function over every other element of the list is different from these two, because it's not a predicate over the elements of the list; it's either a structural transformation of the list of a stateful traversal of it.
Also, I'm not clear whether you mean to discard or keep the elements you're not applying the function to, which would imply different answers. If you're discarding them, then you can do it by just discarding alternate list elements and then mapping the function over the remaining ones:
keepEven :: [a] -> [a]
keepEven xs = step True xs
where step _ [] = []
step True (x:xs) = x : step False xs
step False (_:xs) = step True xs
mapEven :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapEven f xs = map f (keepEven xs)
If you're keeping them, one way you could do it is by tagging each list element with its position, filtering the list to keep only the ones in even positions, discard the tags and then map the function:
-- Note: I'm calling the first element of a list index 0, and thus even.
mapEven :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEven f xs = map aux (filter evenIndex (zip [0..] xs))
where evenIndex (i, _) = even i
aux (_, x) = f x
As another answer mentioned, zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] combines two lists pairwise by position.
But this is the general philosophy: to do a complex thing, use a combination of general-purpose generic functions. If you're familiar with Unix, it's similar to that.
Another simple way to write the last one. It's longer, but keep in mind that evens, odds and interleave all are generic and reusable:
evens, odds :: [a] -> [a]
evens = alternate True
odds = alternate False
alternate :: Bool -> [a] -> [a]
alternate _ [] = []
alternate True (x:xs) = x : alternate False xs
alternate False (_:xs) = alternate True xs
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] ys = ys
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs
mapEven :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapEven f xs = interleave (map f (evens xs)) (odds xs)
You can't use a predicate because predicates operate on list values, not their indices.
I quite like this format for what you're trying to do, since it makes the case handling quite clear for the function:
newMap :: (t -> t) -> [t] -> [t]
newMap f [] = [] -- no items in list
newMap f [x] = [f x] -- one item in list
newMap f (x:y:xs) = (f x) : y : newMap f xs -- 2 or more items in list
For example, running:
newMap (\x -> x + 1) [1,2,3,4]

Filter an infinite list of monadic values

Perhaps this is obvious, but I can't seem to figure out how to best filter an infinite list of IO values. Here is a simplified example:
infinitelist :: [IO Int]
predicate :: (a -> Bool)
-- how to implement this?
mysteryFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
-- or perhaps even this?
mysteryFilter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [IO a] -> [IO a]
Perhaps I have to use sequence in some way, but I want the evaluation to be lazy. Any suggestions? The essence is that for each IO Int in the output we might have to check several IO Int values in the input.
Thank you!
Not doable without using unsafeInterleaveIO or something like it. You can't write a filter with the second type signature, since if you could you could say
unsafePerformIOBool :: IO Bool -> Bool
unsafePerformIOBool m = case mysteryFilter' id [m] of
[] -> False
(_:_) -> True
Similarly, the first type signature isn't going to work--any recursive call will give you back something of type IO [a], but then to build a list out of this you will need to perform this action before returning a result (since : is not in IO you need to use >>=). By induction you will have to perform all the actions in the list (which takes forever when the list is infinitely long) before you can return a result.
unsafeInterleaveIO resolves this, but is unsafe.
mysteryFilter f [] = return []
mysteryFilter f (x:xs) = do ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ mysteryFilter f xs
y <- x
if f y then return (y:ys) else return ys
the problem is that this breaks the sequence that the monad is supposed to provide. You no longer have guarantees about when your monadic actions happen (they might never happen, they might happen multiple times, etc).
Lists just do not play nice with IO. This is why we have the plethora of streaming types (Iteratees, Conduits, Pipes, etc).
The simplest such type is probably
data MList m a = Nil | Cons a (m (MList m a))
note that we observe that
[a] == MList Id a
toMList :: [a] -> MList Id a
toMList [] = Nil
toMList (x:xs) = Cons x $ return $ toMList xs
fromMList :: MList Id a -> [a]
fromMList Nil = []
fromMList (Cons x xs) = x:(fromMList . runId $ xs)
also, MList is a functor
instance Functor m => Functor (MList m) where
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap (fmap f) xs)
and it is a functor in the category of Functor's and Natural transformations.
trans :: Functor m => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> MList m a -> MList n a
trans f Nil = Nil
trans f (Cons x xs) = Cons x (f (fmap trans f xs))
with this it is easy to write what you want
mysteryFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> MList IO (IO a) -> IO (MList IO a)
mysteryFilter f Nil = return Nil
mysteryFilter f (Cons x xs)
= do y <- x
let ys = liftM (mysteryFilter f) xs
if f y then Cons y ys else ys
or various other similar functions.
