With Dapper Extensions, how do I sort by random? - predicate

It seems sorting in Dapper Extensions can be achieved with Predicates:
Predicates.Sort<Person>(p => p.LastName)
My question is, how do I implement random sorting (i.e. RAND() in sql) to predicates?

Predicates.Sort actually produces an ISort-compatible interface which is defined as follows:
public interface ISort
string PropertyName { get; set; }
bool Ascending { get; set; }
It looks like we have a chance of setting property name to "RAND()" or something, right?... But, sadly, this interface is used in this way:
if (sort != null && sort.Any())
sql.Append(" ORDER BY ")
.Append(sort.Select(s => GetColumnName(classMap, s.PropertyName, false) + (s.Ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC")).AppendStrings());
So Dapper Extensions in fact check that the passed name is a column name. And the GetColumnName is defined as follows:
public virtual string GetColumnName(IClassMapper map, string propertyName, bool includeAlias)
IPropertyMap propertyMap = map.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(propertyName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (propertyMap == null)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not find '{0}' in Mapping.", propertyName));
return GetColumnName(map, propertyMap, includeAlias);
Therefore, the string actually should be not a column name, but a property name (they have named the field in ISort interface for a purpose, right?).
So, to implement something like the thing you want you need to customize their SQL generator.
For further details, the best way is to refer to sources:
Predicates: https://github.com/tmsmith/Dapper-Extensions/blob/master/DapperExtensions/Predicates.cs
SqlGenerator: https://github.com/tmsmith/Dapper-Extensions/blob/master/DapperExtensions/Sql/SqlGenerator.cs
PS: I am unable to post link to the repo root due to beginner's rep, hope you can guess it ;)
PPS: The same is true for whole predicates system in Dapper Extensions. I believe it should be greatly refactored to allow more than plain-forward column-based restrictions.


ServiceStack OrmLite wrong SQL?

I have the following class:
public class ProcessInstance
public int Id { get; set; }
public ProcessDefinition ProcessDefinition { get; set; }
public int ProcessDefinitionId { get; set; }
// and more...
Then running the following, which looks fine to me:
var q = db.From<ProcessInstance>().Where(inst => inst.ProcessDefinition.Id == id
&& Sql.In(inst.Status, enProcessStatus.READY, enProcessStatus.ACTIVE));
return db.Exists(q);
When I inspect the last command text SQL from the "db" object, it's wrong:
SELECT 'exists'
FROM "ProcessInstance"
WHERE (("Id" = #0) AND "Status" IN (#1,#2))
Note that it's filtering on Id instead of ProcessDefinition.Id, which of course is wrong. Don't know why it's doing that -- at least I'd appreciate getting an error instead of just a wrong result.
However, I've found how to fix it: Use ProcessDefinitionId: Where(inst => inst.ProcessDefinitionId == id gives the correct SLQ:
SELECT 'exists'
FROM "ProcessInstance"
WHERE (("ProcessDefinitionId" = #0) AND "Status" IN (#1,#2))
Why didn't the first one work? Why is there no error?
OrmLite is designed for providing a typed api around an SQL Expression so that it should be intuitive to determine the SQL generated from a typed Expression. It doesn’t support magic behavior such as querying any nested objects as attempted with the reference complex type property, I.e. you can only query direct column properties as done in your 2nd query.

DDD Invariants Business Rules and Validation

I am looking for advice on where to add validation rules for domain entities, and best practices for implementation. I did search and did not find what i was looking for, or i missed it.
I would like to know what the recommended way is for validating that properties are not null, in a certain range, or length, etc... I have seen several ways using an IsValid() and other discussions about enforcing in the constructor so the entity is never in an invalid state, or using preprocessing and postprocessing, and others using FluentValidation api, how invariants impact DRY and SRP.
Can someone give me a good example of where to put these sorts of checks, when using a App Service, Bounded Context, Domain Service, Aggregate Root, Entity layering. Where does this go, and what is the best approach?
When modeling your domain entity, it is best to consider real-world implications. Let's say you are dealing with a Employee entity.
Employees need a name
We know that in the real-world an employee must always have a name. It is impossible for an employee not to have a name. In other words, one cannot 'construct' an employee without specifying its name. So, use parameterised constructors! We also know that an employees name cannot change - so we prevent this from even happening by creating a private setter. Using the .NET type system to verify your employee is a very strong form of validation.
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Employee(string name)
Name = name;
Valid names have some rules
Now it starts to get interesting. A name has certain rules. Let's just take the simplistic route and assume that a valid name is one which is not null or empty. In the code example above, the following business rule is not validated against. At this point, we can still currently create invalid employees! Let's prevent this from EVER occurring by amending our setter:
public string Name
return name;
private set
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Employee name cannot be an empty value");
name = value;
Personally I prefer to have this logic in the private setter than in the constructor. The setter is not completely invisible. The entity itself can still change it, and we need to ensure validity. Also, always throw exceptions!
What about exposing some form of IsValid() method?
Take the above Employee entity. Where and how would an IsValid() method work?
Would you allow an invalid Employee to be created and then expect the developer to check it's validity with an IsValid() check? This is a weak design - before you know it, nameless Employees are going to be cruising around your system causing havoc.
But perhaps you would like to expose the name validation logic?
We don't want to catch exceptions for control flow. Exceptions are for catastrophic system failure. We also don't want to duplicate these validation rules in our codebase. So, perhaps exposing this validation logic isn't such a bad idea (but still not the greatest!).
What you could do is provide a static IsValidName(string) method:
public static bool IsValidName(string name)
return (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
Our property would now change somewhat:
public string Name
return name;
private set
if (!Employee.IsValidName(value))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Employee name cannot be an empty value");
name = value;
But there is something fishy about this design...
We now are starting to spawn validation methods for individual properties of our entity. If a property has all kinds of rules and behavior attached to it, perhaps this is a sign that we can create an value object for it!
public PersonName : IEquatable<PersonName>
public string Name
return name;
private set
if (!PersonName.IsValid(value))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Person name cannot be an empty value");
name = value;
private PersonName(string name)
Name = name;
public static PersonName From(string name)
return new PersonName(name);
public static bool IsValid(string name)
return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value);
// Don't forget to override .Equals
Now our Employee entity can be simplified (I have excluded a null reference check):
public Employee
public PersonName Name { get; private set; }
public Employee(PersonName name)
Name = name;
Our client code can now look something like this:
employee = new Employee(PersonName.From(name));
// Send a validation message to the user or something
So what have we done here?
We have ensured that our domain model is always consistent. Extremely important. An invalid entity cannot be created. In addition, we have used value objects to provide further 'richness'. PersonName has given the client code more control and more power and has also simplified Employee.
I built a library that can help you.

Using IQueryable<TEntity> instead DbSet<TEntity> problem

i stumbled to the next problem... I have database context:
// For support unit testing...
public interface IDbContext : IDisposable
IQueryable<Hardware> Hardwares { get; }
IQueryable<ProviderHardware> ProviderHardwares { get; }
// Real DbContext (EF 4.0, Code First)
public class PrimaryDbContext : DbContext, IDbContext
public DbSet<Hardware> Hardwares { get; set; }
public DbSet<ProviderHardware> ProviderHardwares { get; set; }
IQueryable<Hardware> IDbContext.Hardwares
{ get { return Hardwares; } }
IQueryable<ProviderHardware> IDbContext.ProviderHardwares
{ get { return ProviderHardwares; } }
And i try get all hardwares, which doesnt exists in ProviderHardwares table:
var hardwaresRemoved = db.Hardwares.Where(i => (i.IsAvailable == true) &&
(db.ProviderHardwares.Count(j => j.Article == i.Article) == 0)).ToList();
If i use PrimaryDbContext strictly such as "PrimaryDbContext db = new PrimaryDbContext();" all work fine. But if i use it implicitly "IDbContext db = new PrimaryDbContext();" that i get an exception:
Unable to create a constant value of type
'ConfiguratorMvcApplication.DomainModels.ProviderHardware'. Only
primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in
this context.
Summarize, i can't replace a DbSet on an IQueryable. And how i can use unit testing in this case? I hope someone have resolved this problem yet...
Thank in advance very much!
I ended up having two properties for each DbSet: one of type IQueryable, and one of type DbSet. The IQueryable property is defined in the interface, and it relays the calls to the concrete implementation (property of type DbSet), as follows:
// Exists in the interface
public IQueryable<AccountContact> AccountContacts
return DbAccountContacts;
DbAccountContacts = (DbSet<AccountContact>)value;
// Exists only in the implementation
public DbSet<AccountContact> DbAccountContacts { get; set; }
Having this setup, I was able to get mocking to work correctly and could unit test the code.
This is definitely too late for the OP, but maybe this helps someone who is struggling with the same question, as I did.
I suggest you better keep DbSets and do INTEGRATION TESTING including the database.
Because, although passing a unit test with a mock of a DB could be somewhat usefull, you are going to be better off testing with real database (but it's not unit testing).
On the ClassInitialize erase the database and/or create the initial data for testing.
If you create an App.config file with a connection string you can have a separate test database, and if you are using EF Code First, you get it for free.
Best regards.

How to map enum as string in database

My table:
create table MyTable (
Id int identity(1,1) not null,
MyStatus char(2) not null
insert into MyTable(MyStatus) select 'A'
Class and enum:
public class MyTable
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual MyTableStatus MyStatus { get; set; }
public enum MyTableStatus
public MyTableMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.MyStatus);
When I execute the following test, I get System.FormatException : Input string was not in a correct format...
public void Blah()
MyTable myTable = Session.Get<MyTable>(1);
Assert.That(myTable.MyStatus, Is.EqualTo(MyTableStatus.A));
What is the right way to map an enum to it's string representation in the database?
Edit - I am writing my application on an existing database, which I cannot modify easily because it is used by other applications also. So some fields in the database (which I would like to represent as enums in my application) are of type int and some of type char(2).
You need to create a custom IUserType to convert an enum to its string representation and back. There's a good example in C# here and an example in VB.NET for working with enums here (scroll down to implementing IUserType).
Well as far as I am aware NHibernate stores enums as string only in the db by default. I think I know what the problem here is. The way you are creating the table is incorrect.
if you are using Nhibernate use it build configuration function to create the tables instead of creating the tables manually and then you will see that your enum is stored as string.
We use enums extensively in our app and it makes sense for us to store it as strings in the db. The reasons are simple if I add a new value to an enum tom then if default values are not set then my code and my data are tightly coupled which I definitely wouldnt want.
SimpleConfig.ExposeConfiguration(c => new SchemaExport(c).Create(false, true)).BuildConfiguration();
Also instead of using char for your string can you use varchar for the property.
After the update:
Cant you guys do some kind of manipulation before you store it in the database? Thus when you want to store the new char enums write a function that generates an int value for you and store this in the propertry and now save it or if you want to make it simple the function can have a switch case.
So what you do is you dont have a get on this property that is retrieved from the db instead you add a new property in the class Status that basically has the logic of getting the appropriate enum.
Do you think thats a good idea?
Hope this helps.

How to adapt the Specification pattern to evaluate a combination of objects?

I know that the Specification pattern describes how to use a hierarchy of classes implementing ISpecification<T> to evaluate if a candidate object of type T matches a certain specification (= satisfies a business rule).
My problem : the business rule I want to implement needs to evaluate several objects (for example, a Customer and a Contract).
My double question :
Are there typical adaptations of the Specification patterns to achieve this ? I can only think of removing the implementation of ISpecification<T> by my specification class, and taking as many parameters as I want in the isSatisfiedBy() method. But by doing this, I lose the ability to combine this specification with others.
Does this problem reveal a flaw in my design ? (i.e. what I need to evaluate using a Customer and a Contract should be evaluated on another object, like a Subscription, which could contain all the necessary info) ?
In that case (depending on what the specification precisely should do, I would use one of the objects as specification subject and the other(s) as parameter.
public class ShouldCreateEmailAccountSpecification : ISpecification<Customer>
public ShouldCreateEmailAccountSpecification(Contract selectedContract)
SelectedContract = selectedContract;
public Contract SelectedContract { get; private set; }
public bool IsSatisfiedBy(Customer subject)
return false;
Your problem is that your specification interface is using a generic type parameter, which prevents it from being used for combining evaluation logic across different specializations (Customer,Contract) because ISpecification<Customer> is in fact a different interface than ISpecification<Contract>. You could use Jeff's approach above, which gets rid of the type parameter and passes everything in as a base type (Object). Depending on what language you are using, you may also be able to pull things up a level and combine specifications with boolean logic using delegates. C# Example (not particularly useful as written, but might give you some ideas for a framework):
ISpecification<Customer> cust_spec = /*...*/
ISpecification<Contract> contract_spec = /*... */
bool result = EvalWithAnd( () => cust_spec.IsSatisfiedBy(customer), () => contract_spec.IsSatisfiedBy( contract ) );
public void EvalWithAnd( params Func<bool>[] specs )
foreach( var spec in specs )
if ( !spec() )
return false; /* If any return false, we can short-circuit */
return true; /* all delegates returned true */
Paco's solution of treating one object as the subject and one as a parameter using constructor injection can work sometimes but if both objects are constructed after the specification object, it makes things quite difficult.
One solution to this problem is to use a parameter object as in this refactoring suggestion: http://sourcemaking.com/refactoring/introduce-parameter-object.
The basic idea is that if you feel that both Customer and Contract are parameters that represent a related concept, then you just create another parameter object that contains both of them.
public class ParameterObject
public Customer Customer { get; set; }
public Contract Contract { get; set; }
Then your generic specification becomes for that type:
public class SomeSpecification : ISpecification<ParameterObject>
public bool IsSatisfiedBy(ParameterObject candidate)
return false;
I don't know if I understood your question.
If you are using the same specification for both Customer and Contract, this means that you can send the same messages to both of them. This could be solved by making them both to implement an interface, and use this interface as the T type. I don't know if this makes sense in your domain.
Sorry if this is not an answer to your question.
