I have created a large schematic. It is larger than the default page size in ExpressSCH. I would like to resize the page boundaries to fit. How do you do this?
There is a rectangle around the sheet, with small squares on each corner. I need to resize this! I would guess that you click on one of the small squares, or navigate the menus to achieve this, but that does not work. There is also no web-searchable directions.
How do you resize the page / change the outer rectangles size?
Select the page tab you're trying to resize, go to "Page size" item in the "File" menu. This gives you a list of available standard sizes such as letter, tabloid, A4 sizes. Once selected, the page will be expanded/shrunk to selected size.
I am trying to determine the visible worksheet area in points. So far, I have tried the Application.Width, but that gives me the entire area including the scroll bars, and likewise Application.Height includes the ribbon and horizontal scroll bar. What I need specifically is the size of only this viewable worksheet area.
Something I have tried so far is looking at the visible range. For example, if I can see A1 thru AA40, then I can use the code
Debug.Print ws.Range("A1:AA40").Width
Debug.Print ws.Range("A1:AA40").Height
The only problem with this is if I can see half of column AB and half of row 41, then I don't have the full size. Also, it is not adjustable if I decide to change the application window size to half the screen.
I have no need for converting into the number of pixels, I just need the point sizes. Does anyone know a way to get the visible area size, or at the very least how to resize a range to fit only this visible area?
You can access the Windows collection of Application and use the Width and Height properties of items of that collection. E.g.
Debug.Print Application.Windows(1).Width
Debug.Print Application.Windows(1).Height
You can also refer to ActiveWindow and get the properties from that as well.
Grid's dimensions:
?Activewindow.activepane.VisibleRange.Height, Activewindow.activepane.VisibleRange.Width
The above worked for me, returning the dimensions of only Excel's grid which could be seen on my screen- no scrollbars, no Ribbon, no formula bar - just cells displayed.
I am having problem in resizing views according to screen size changes in android studio. I have 3 image buttons adjacent to each other and I want their combined width to fill width of screen. I know that match_parent can fill the screen size but this case is different. I want each button of width as 1/3 size of screen. How can I do this?
Assuming these 3 buttons are located inside a horizontal <LinearLayout> add these tags to each button layout_width="0dp" and layout_weight="1"
I have a scrolled window in my application, in which I have created a drawing area widget. In the drawing area, I have placed multiple images. When the user enters information about an image in a search box, the appropriate image gets highlighted.
My problem is how do I get the application to scroll automatically to the highlighted Image box without the user using the scroll bar. The scrolledwindow should automatically move the view region, to display the region where the highlighted Image is present.
The scrolling policy used on the scrolled window is XmAUTOMATIC.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Try XmScrollVisible() if this does not work then you will need to:
1. Find out the size of the work area.
2. Find out the size and position of the clip window.
3. Find out the max/ min values for the horizontal scrollbar.
4. Use XmScrollBarGetValues() for the horizontal scrollbar to get its position within the max/min values.
5. Do some math magic to determine how much to move the horizontal scrollbar to get the work area to show through the clip window.
6. Call XmScrollBarSetValues() with Notify = True.
7. Repeat for the Vertical scrollbar.
I'm using the Java Scene Builder 2.0 to create a GUI that uses the tab pane. I've added an Imageview to each tab so I can give them icons instead of text. I set the tabs minimum width and height to 100x100 and they adjust to that size. When I add an imageview to the tab I'm making it's minimum width and height 100x100 but it shrinks the tab size and only shows a part of the icon. This happens when the imageview has a picture and when it doesn't so I don't think it's a problem with the size of the picture.
You can see from this picture the first tab from the left doesn't have an imageview and is the size I want the tabs to be. The second tab has an empty image view and the rest of the tabs have images. I would like the images to be 100x100 and fit in the tabs.
A Java Scene Builder solution is prefered but I will also gladly accept a code solution.
I solved the problem it was something simple. In the tab pane Layout settings I only changed the min height/width to 100x100 but I left the max height/width to the default which was 1.7976931348623157E308. I didn't notice that number was so small at first and I changed it to 200. Now the images display better.
I require the following layout, with three columns, left, content & right.
The left and right content simply will have an image within them, and the left col. Image needs to stay to the left of the browser, and the right col. Image to the right side of the browser, so when the browser width is resized both the columns stay to their edge.
Where as the content/centre column needs to be a fixed with of 960px and also remain in the middle of the screen.
So on resize the browser width the content stays in the middle, but then when the browser is width is reduced both left and right columns do not go over the main content but stay either side.
I have tried multiple times but am having much success at present, any help would be appreciated.
thanks si
As requested I have added a jsfiddle of what I have tried:
I get to 99% of what I want but the content remains centred and the right stays to the right but ideally I would like it so the content and the panels remain centered.
At the moment if scaled down the left column and part of the content is viewable but I would like the content to be viewed in the window/centred so the left column is displaced to the left off the screen. thanks hope the link helps.
Bit of details: side columns should be min width of 280 and the content section width of 960 set, thus the outer container min 1520.
Does this help you at all?
Well having looked around, looks as if Its not possible just yet for how I wanted to do it, so what I did was have my left and right columns positioned using css to the left and right, then using css media queries added a negative margin to each so that they would move so not interrupting the main content.