How to serialize two 'has_one' model using activerecord - active-model-serializers

I have two has_one models (from_airport and to_airport) which gets its values from the model 'airport'.
How do i embed the ids of from_airport and to_airport and include the airport objects
using active model serializers and also include the airport object using active model serializer.


nestJS fetch data from a model dynamically i.e. model name as variable

How to fetch data from mongo model in nestjs only by name of the model.
i.e. instead of this.userModel.find() can we have some approach to get the model dynamically and then fetch data from there.
I tried,
const model = mongoose.model('User');
but it's not working
I have a requirement, where based on the input variable I have to get data of that collection.

Split Model declaration among several app in Django

I am working and building my website with Django and I am facing this logical issue.
My project is made by several app.
I would like to declare in each one of these a "piece" of a bigger model that will be represented in one single table-
model Person
model DetailsPerson
As each single app specifies a specific part of the person, my idea was to decentralize the declaration of DetailsPerson model so that they figure in one single table but each app enlarge the fields the app needs to work.
Is this possible?
EDIT 25/11/2021: here is a graphical representation of how I would like my models be working like
I would like to declaire, "to detail" the table Person adding in various app the fields the app itself introduce. In this way I can have a single table with various fields, introduced time by time as I create new apps into my project.
Is this possible? My aim is to keep only one table.
I tried with Nechoj's first solution but declairing Person(models.Model) and then in another app PsysicalModel(Person) adding field_1 and field_2 and then makemigrations and migrate doesn't fill my table with field_1 and field_2 but leaves the table with only id_person, birthdate and city.
Class Inheritance
You can use class inheritance, like
class Person(models.Model):
# in other file, import this class an inherit
class PersonWithDetails(Person):
(add. fields)
EDIT: According to the docs on multitable inheritance this will create an additional table for PersonWithDetails that holds the additional fields. However, to the user it appears as if all data is stored in a single table. For example, filterand update queries work as expected:
PersonWithDetails.objects.filter(<some criteria>)
will return instances that contain all fields (both from Person and PersonWithDetails) as if all fields where stored in a single table PersonWithDetails. Furthermore, it is possible to select all persons irrespective of their details:
will return all Person instances, including those that have been created as PersonWithDetails. If you have a Person instance p at hand, then you can check whether a special attribute is present and then know, whether this instance is also a PersonWithDetails:
if p.personwithdetails is not None:
This example show how to acces fields of the PersinWithDetails if the instance at hand is Person.
Another option is to use one-to-one relations.
class Person(models.Model):
# in other file, import this class and do
class DetailsPerson(models.Model):
person = models.OneToOneField(Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
(additional fields)
In case of adding details to a Person class, I would prefer the second option.
And if you want to have several different Detail classes to one Person, use ForeignKey:
class DetailsPerson1(models.Model):
person = models.ForeignKey(Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
(additional fields)
class DetailsPerson2(models.Model):
person = models.ForeignKey(Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
(additional fields)

Extends Entity vs Extends Model in loopback4

What is the Difference between extending Model vs Entity in loopback4?
export class Todo extends Entity {}
export class Todo2 extends Model {}
An Entity is a persisted model with an identity (ID).
A Model is a business domain object.
Entity: A domain object that has an identity (ID). Its equality is based on the identity. For example, Customer can be modeled as an Entity because each customer has a unique customer id. Two instances of Customer with the same customer id are equal since they refer to the same customer. For example, this is how a Customer can be modelled::
Model: A domain object that does not have an identity (ID). Its equality is based on the structural value. For example, Address can be modeled as a Model because two US addresses are equal if they have the same street number, street name, city, and zip code values. For example, this is how a Address can be modelled::

Why does the model name matter in Mongoose?

Why does the model name matter in Mongoose? I understand that given a model name, Mongoose can try to guess the collection name. However, for this application it seems better and easier to just explicitly specify the collection name instead of the model name.
What else is the model name used for in Mongoose?
Mongoose is an Object Data Mapping (ODM) library for node similar to Object Relational Mapping (ORM) in Ruby on Rails and some other frameworks. Therefore, it follows more or less the same rules (or guidelines, as you can override them):
Class name capital and singular
Table name small and plural
Class object mapped/translated to table row and vice versa
Class and its objects have methods/hooks
Model name capital and singular (e.g. User)
Collection name small and plural (e.g. users)
Model object mapped/translated to collection document and vice versa (e.g. object of model: new User({name: "abc"}), document in collection: {"name": "abc"})
Model and its objects have methods/hooks (e.g. pre, post hooks; validations etc)
The mapping is between incompatible types, like an object of Ruby class to a row of SQL table; and a JavaScript object of Mongoose model (can have functions, for instance) to a JSON document of mongodb (valid JSON can't have functions).
Since class and table, model and collection are different entities (though related) and serve different purpose, they are named differently (though similarly). Hence the need of model name in Mongoose!

Multiple similar entities or use the same one in core data?

So I've got a Client entity that needs a relationship to a PhoneNumber entity to allow multiple phone numbers. And I've got an Employee entity that also needs a relationship to a PhoneNumber entity to allow multiple phone numbers. Should I create two separate PhoneNumber entities or can I somehow use the same entity for both?
I would create a parent entity called Person for your Client and Employee entities. The Person entity would have a relationship to the PhoneNumber entity.
Inherited entities have the same attributes and relationships as their parent entity. Of course you can add attributes and relationships to the "child"-entities as well. I omitted that in the screenshot.
Something like this:
you can configure the parent entity in the core data inspector in the right side pane.
