Safely close an indefinitely running thread - multithreading

So first off, I realize that if my code was in a loop I could use a do while loop to check a variable set when I want the thread to close, but in this case that is not possible (so it seems):
DWORD WINAPI recv thread (LPVOID random) {
recv(ClientSocket, recvbuffer, recvbuflen, 0);
return 1;
In the above, recv() is a blocking function.
(Please pardon me if the formatting isn't correct. It's the best I can do on my phone.)
How would I go about terminating this thread since it never closes but never loops?

Amongst other solutions you can
a) set a timeout for the socket and handle timeouts correctly by checking the return values and/or errors in an appropriate loop:
setsockopt(ClientSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&timeout,sizeof(timeout))
b) close the socket with recv(..) returning from blocked state with error.

You can use poll before recv() to check if some thing there to receive.
struct pollfd poll;
int res;
poll.fd = ClientSocket; = POLLIN;
res = poll(&poll, 1, 1000); // 1000 ms timeout
if (res == 0)
// timeout
else if (res == -1)
// error
// implies (poll.revents & POLLIN) != 0
recv(ClientSocket, recvbuffer, recvbuflen,0); // we can read ...

The way I handle this problem is to never block inside recv() -- preferably by setting the socket to non-blocking mode, but you may also be able to get away with simply only calling recv() when you know the socket currently has some bytes available to read.
That leads to the next question: if you don't block inside recv(), how do you prevent CPU-spinning? The answer to that question is to call select() (or poll()) with the correct arguments so that you'll block there until the socket has bytes ready to recv().
Then comes the third question: if your thread is now blocked (possibly forever) inside select(), aren't we back to the original problem again? Not quite, because now we can implement a variation of the self-pipe trick. In particular, because select() (or poll()) can 'watch' multiple sockets at the same time, we can tell the call to block until either of two sockets has data ready-to-read. Then, when we want to shut down the thread, all the main thread has to do is send a single byte of data to the second socket, and that will cause select() to return immediately. When the thread sees that it is this second socket that is ready-for-read, it should respond by exiting, so that the main thread's blocking call to WaitForSingleObject(theThreadHandle) will return, and then the main thread can clean up without any risk of race conditions.
The final question is: how to set up a socket-pair so that your main thread can call send() on one of the pair's sockets, and your recv-thread will see the sent data appear on the other socket? Under POSIX it's easy, there is a socketpair() function that does exactly that. Under Windows, socketpair() does not exist, but you can roll your own implementation of it as shown here.


Multithreaded Environment - Signal Handling in c++ in unix-like environment (freeBSD and linux)

I wrote a network packet listener program and I have 2 threads. Both runs forever but one of them sleeps 30 sec other sleeps 90 sec. In main function, I use sigaction function and after installed signal handler, I created these 2 threads. After creation of threads, main function calls pcaploop function, which is infinite loop. Basic structure of my program:
(I use pseudo syntax)
only sets a flag (exitState = true)
while 1
sleep 30 sec
check exit state, if so exit(0);
do smth;
while 1
sleep 90 sec
check exit state, if so exit(0);
do smth;
necassary snytax for sigaction ;
sigaction( SIGINT, &act, NULL );
sigaction( SIGUSR1, &act, NULL );
create thread1;
create thread2;
pcaploop(..., processPacket,...); // infinite loop, calls callback function (processPacket) everytime a packet comes.
join threads;
return 0;
check exitState, if true exit(0);
do smth;
And here is my question. When I press CTRL-C program does not terminate. If the program run less than 6-7 hours, when I press CTRL-C, program terminates. If the program run 1 night, at least 10 hours or more, I cannot terminate the program. Actually, signal handler is not called.
What could be the problem? Which thread does catch the signal?
Basically it would be better to remove all pseudo code you put in your example, and leave the minimum working code, what exactly you have.
From what I can see so far from your example, is that the error handling of sigaction's is missing.
Try to perform checks against errors in your code.
I am writing this for those who had faced with this problem. My problem was about synchronization of threads. After i got handle synchronization problem, the program now, can handle the signals. My advice is check the synchronization again and make sure that it works correctly.
I am sorry for late answer.
Edited :
I have also used sigaction for signal handling
and I have change my global bool variable whit this definition :
static volatile sig_atomic_t exitFlag = 0;
This flag has been used for checking whether the signal received or not.

recv with flags MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_PEEK on TCP socket

I have a TCP stream connection used to exchange messages. This is inside Linux kernel. The consumer thread keeps processing incoming messages. After consuming one message, I want to check if there are more pending messages; in which case I would process them too. My code to achieve this looks like below. krecv is wrapper for sock_recvmsg(), passing value of flags without modification (krecv from ksocket kernel module)
With MSG_DONTWAIT, I am expecting it should not block, but apparently it blocks. With MSG_PEEK, if there is no data to be read, it should just return zero. Is this understanding correct ? Is there a better way to achieve what I need here ? I am guessing this should be a common requirement as message passing across nodes is used frequently.
int recvd = 0;
do {
recvd += krecv(*sockp, (uchar*)msg + recvd, sizeof(my_msg) - recvd, 0);
printk("recvd = %d / %lu\n", recvd, sizeof(my_msg));
} while(recvd < sizeof(my_msg));
BUG_ON(recvd != sizeof(my_msg));
/* For some reason, below line _blocks_ even with no blocking flags */
recvd = krecv(*sockp, (uchar*)tempbuf, sizeof(tempbuf), MSG_PEEK | MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (recvd) {
printk("more data waiting to be read");
more_to_process = true;
} else {
printk("NO more data waiting to be read");
You might check buffer's length first :
int bytesAv = 0;
ioctl(m_Socket,FIONREAD,&bytesAv); //m_Socket is the socket client's fd
If there are data in it , then recv with MSG_PEEK should not be blocked ,
If there are no data at all , then no need to MSG_PEEK ,
that might be what you like to do .
This is a very-very old question, but
1. problem persits
2. I faced with it.
At least for me (Ubuntu 19.04 with python 2.7) this MSG_DONTWAIT has no effect, however if I set the timeout to zero (with settimeout function), it works nicely.
This can be done in c with setsockopt function.

Does the new thread exist, when pthread_create() returns?

My application creates several threads with pthread_create() and then tries to verify their presence with pthread_kill(threadId, 0). Every once in a while the pthread_kill fails with "No such process"...
Could it be, I'm calling pthread_kill too early after pthread_create? I thought, the threadId returned by pthread_create() is valid right away, but it seems to not always be the case...
I do check the return value of pthread_create() itself -- it is not failing... Here is the code-snippet:
if (pthread_create(&title->thread, NULL,
process_title, title)) {
ERR("Could not spawn thread for `%s': %m",
if (pthread_kill(title->thread, 0)) {
ERR("Thread of %s could not be signaled.",
And once in a while I get the message about a thread, that could not be signaled...
That's really an implementation issue. The thread may exist or it may still be in a state of initialisation where pthread_kill won't be valid yet.
If you really want to verify that the thread is up and running, put some form of inter-thread communication in the thread function itself, rather than relying on the underlying details.
This could be as simple as an array which the main thread initialises to something and the thread function sets it to something else as its first action. Something like (pseudo-code obviously):
array running[10]
def threadFn(index):
running[index] = stateBorn
while running[index] != stateDying:
running[index] = stateDead
def main():
for i = 1 to 10:
running[i] = statePrenatal
startThread (threadFn, i)
for i = 1 to 10:
while running[i] != stateBorn:
// All threads are now running, do stuff until shutdown required.
for i = 1 to 10:
running[i] = stateDying
for i = 1 to 10:
while running[i] != stateDead:
// All threads have now exited, though you could have
// also used pthread_join for that final loop if you
// had the thread IDs.
From that code above, you actually use the running state to control both when the main thread knows all other threads are doing something, and to shutdown threads as necessary.


I want to use recv syscall with nonblocking flags MSG_NONBLOCK. But with this flag syscall can return before full request is satisfied. So,
can I add MSG_WAITALL flag? Will it be nonblocking?
or how should I rewrite blocking recv into the loop with nonblocking recv
For IPv4 TCP receives on Linux at least, MSG_WAITALL is ignored if MSG_NONBLOCK is specified (or the file descriptor is set to non-blocking).
From tcp_recvmsg() in net/ipv4/tcp.c in the Linux kernel:
if (copied >= target && !sk->sk_backlog.tail)
if (copied) {
if (sk->sk_err ||
sk->sk_state == TCP_CLOSE ||
(sk->sk_shutdown & RCV_SHUTDOWN) ||
!timeo ||
target in this cast is set to to the requested size if MSG_DONTWAIT is specified or some smaller value (at least 1) if not. The function will complete if:
Enough bytes have been copied
There's a socket error
The socket has been closed or shutdown
timeo is 0 (socket is set to non-blocking)
There's a signal pending for the process
To me this seems like it may be a bug in Linux, but either way it won't work the way you want. It looks like dec-vt100's solution will, but there is a race condition if you try to receive from the same socket in more than one process or thread.That is, another recv() call by another thread/process could occur after your thread has performed a peek, causing your thread to block on the second recv().
Plain recv() will return whatever is in the tcp buffer at the time of the call up to the requested number of bytes. MSG_DONTWAIT just avoids blocking if there is no data at all ready to be read on the socket. MSG_WAITALL requests blocking until the entire number of bytes requested can be read. So you won't get "all or none" behavior. At best you should get EAGAIN if no data is present and block until the full message is available otherwise.
You might be able to fashion something out of MSG_PEEK or ioctl() with a FIONREAD (if your system supports it) that effectively behaves like you want but I am unaware how you can accomplish your goal just using the recv() flags.
This is what I did for the same problem, but I'd like some confirmation that this works as expected...
ssize_t recv_allOrNothing(int socket_id, void *buffer, size_t buffer_len, bool block = false)
ssize_t bytes_received = recv(socket_id, buffer, buffer_len, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_PEEK);
if (bytes_received == -1)
return -1;
if ((size_t)bytes_received != buffer_len)
return 0;
return recv(socket_id, buffer, buffer_len, MSG_WAITALL);

Behavior of WaitForMultipleObjects when multiple handles signal at the same time

Given: I fill up an array of handles with auto reset events and pass it off to WaitForMultipleObjects with bWaitAll = FALSE.
From MSDN:
“When bWaitAll is FALSE, this function checks the handles in the array in order starting with index 0, until one of the objects is signaled. If multiple objects become signaled, the function returns the index of the first handle in the array whose object was signaled.”
So, now if multiple objects signal I’ll get the index of the first one. Do I have to loop though my array to see if any others have signaled?
Right now I have a loop that’s along the lines of:
For ( ; ; )
If (not failed)
Process object that called.
Remove the handle that signaled from the array.
Compact the arrary.
So, now if multiple objects signal I’ll get the index of the first one. Do I have to loop
though my array to see if any others have signaled?
Why not just go back round into the Wait()? if multiple objects signalled, they will still be signalled when you come back round. Of course, if you have a very rapidly firing first object in the wait object array, it will starve the others; what you do is order your objects in the wait object array by frequency of firing, with the least frequent being first.
BTW, where you're using an endless for(), you could use a goto. If you really are not leaving a loop, an unconditional goto most properly expresses your intent.
Yes. One alternative would be that you could do WaitForSingleObject(handle, 0) on each handle which will return immediately and indicate if they are signaled or not.
EDIT: Here's sample pseudocode for what I mean:
ret = WaitForMultipleObjects()
if (ret >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && ret < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + (count))
firstSignaled = ret - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
// handles[firstSignaled] guaranteed signalled!!
for (i = firstSignaled + 1; i < count; i++)
if (WaitForSingleObject(handles[i], 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// handles[i] Signaled!
One other option you might have is to use RegisterWaitForSingleObject. The idea is that you flag the signaled state of event in a secondary array from the callback function and then signal a master event which is used to wake up your primary thread (which calls WaitForSingleObject on the master event).
Obviously you'd have to take care to ensure that the secondary array was protected from access by the main thread but it would work.
Only the auto-reset event that ended the wait (whose index is returned) will be reset. If the wait times out no events will be reset.
