How to update Matlab shared libraries? - linux

It appears that Matlab has its own version of the linux shared libraries. I have a program that requires libwfdb, a shared library that calls into a few of the standard shared libraries. The programs work fine on my machine, but when Matlab tries to call them using the system() function it fails because its versions are too old. Specifically, I get
/usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a/bin/glnxa64/ no version information available (required by /usr/local/lib64/
Is there a way for me to update my Matlab shared libraries? Or is there a workaround where I can run the command as a local user? I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 if it matters.
EDIT: I'd prefer not to link all the libraries. I already tried that with libcurl and it failed because it wanted a new version of libssl and libcrypto.

For future reference, I was able to workaround this by setting my LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Matlab before running any of my system commands. Definitely not the best solution, but it works:
setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/');


How to link against system libraries and not Matlab's provided libraries

We have Matlab R2017a installed on a RHEL 7.3 machine and I can provide verbose installation instructions if necessary. We have the Matlab library paths saved in /etc/ and have run ldconfig to make sure the paths get picked up. Matlab works and everything is functional. However, Matlab seems to come bundled with it's own versions of libraries such as libstdc++, libicui18n, and others.
I'm trying to build and link a non-Matlab executable with the two libraries mentioned above and it's linking against Matlab's and not the system. How can I tell the linker to use the system provided libraries? I'm pretty sure this isn't a Matlab-specific problem, but that happens to be the environment I'm working in. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what our /etc/ file looks like. Based on some testing, it does look like all three of these are necessary.
There are libraries installed in the runtime that depend on libraries installed in sys/os. The libraries in sys/os are the ones conflicting with the RHEL system libraries (such as libstdc++).

Manage shared library for different version of Ubuntu

We build a shared library which depends on libsdl-gfx.
On Ubuntu 12.04 through 14.10, is linked; On Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10 libSDL_gfx is updated to
In order to make it work, we need to build another version of our shared library which depends on
So the question is what is the correct way for this case? Is it possible to just build my library once which can be used on both Ubuntu 12 and Ubuntu 15? Thanks.
So the question is what is the correct way for this case?
What you are already doing: build two versions of your library.
Is it possible to just build my library once which can be used on both Ubuntu 12 and Ubuntu 15?
No. Assuming developers are competent, there is a reason they changed the external version of the library: an ABI change. If you tried to use your library with ABI-incompatible version of libSDL_gfx, you would get a crash (or worse -- subtle memory corruption). Read about external library versioning here.

Program package to work with all the Linux distribution

I'm currently working on a Linux project. This project needs to run under every Linux distribution (without installing any package/libraries/others for the clients) and it's a bit hard to do it well.
I already tried to do it myself, see this, i have also tried to use CDE but it didn't work well since i got an error with some distribution. For example:
Ubuntu 8.04: Impossible to read the header ELF
Debian 7.8: version of GLIBC_2.14 not found
So, i would like to know if there is a way to get a package of my program who can run under every Linux distribution.
Edit: I would like to avoid the static compilation, since my program is pretty big.
There are big differences between linux distributions, especially version of libraries and package management system.
The only way how to do it is to build/compile your project against all libraries you need to use statically, and distribute them with your project.
For example skype and ejabberd do it this way.

Deploy a Qt Application Binary on Linux, compatible with LSB

I have developed a small application in Qt Creator on Ubuntu 12.04 which I want should run on any other linux distro (mostly different versions of CentOS and ubuntu), just like any portable application on windows does.
I want to be able to simply share the binary file of the Application, and run the application.
I am able to successfully do this in windows, by just building the project in QT Creator and then putting the required libraries in the Application directory and then transfering them to other windows systems.
I searched all over and found out that I should be trying to build the project using LSB(Linux Standard Base) Compatibility, so that it runs on other linux distros. Is that the right way to do this?
I am very new to Qt and also to Linux (dont know much of Shell Scripting).
Thus, I dont know how I should proceed to make the Application LSB Compliant.
I have refered to, the following links:
Distributing Qt-based binaries on Linux and
Deploying Qt applications on Linux but have not beem able to understand what I am suposed to do.
I also found this question here which states a very similar situation as mine, but because I am a novice, I dont know how I should do this.
Moreover, considering that the first two articles were written 6 years back, shouldn't there be a simpler way to deploy Qt apps on the linux platform now?
I also saw something about static linking, is that the way to go?
Isn't there a way by which all of this can be done through Qt Creator itself?
If there is no hope of creating a portable Qt Application for Linux, then is there a way, say a shell script or something that would combine all the steps required to compile the Qt project on another computer and run it. Say, download Qt-SDK if not present, run qmake and make and then the newly compiled application, if not already there, so that the user can run the program just by running one script.
Your problem here is not the Linux Standard Base, but rather the presence or not of the specific version of Qt you need (or a later one).
Exactly like on a Windows machine, a user may have any of Qt installed, or they may not have it at all. On Windows it is easier to check for the presence of a certain version of Qt than it is on Linux, thus it is easier to write install tools that automate the experience.
To solve your problem there are a few ways:
Inform the user that your program requires a certain version of Qt or higher, and let the user handle the problem
Learn how to create packages for every distribution you want to target and create specific packages
Use a program like 0Install or Elf Statifier to create a package/executable containing all the necessary libraries.
The latter is similar to what many Windows and Mac programs do (they include every library they need within the installer), but it is not the preferred way on Linux, which relies heavily on shared libraries.
Making a binary application compatible with any other Linux distro is practically impossible since you will never know in advance which libraries are available in distro X, or what version of that library is available. Even among a single distro (e.g. Ubuntu), binary application are almost never backward-compatible, since anything built on Ubuntu 12.04 will have dependencies on versions libraries which are installed on that version of Ubuntu, and trying to run that binary on Ubuntu 10.04 will most probably fail simply because it doesn't have a recent enough version of glibc or some other necessary library.
However, the idea can be much more implementable if you limit yourself to a finite list of distros and versions of those distros. You can then know which libraries are available for those distros, and aim for the lowest common denominator. I used to maintain a binary application which had to support several distros (Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, SLED, Mandriva), and the way I would do it is install the oldest distro I was targeting on my build machine. That way, the binary application would be linked to the oldest versions of the libraries available on those distros. Unless there's a new major version of such a library (which happens quite rarely, and even then, distros usually distribute the previous major version for a while for compatibility purposes), your compiled binary will then be compatible with all your targeted distros.
Therefore, the quick piece of advice I would give for your situation, use the oldest LTS version of Ubuntu which is still supported (10.04 at the moment) for your development, and you should be pretty safe for most recent popular distros. For the application you already developped on Ubuntu 12.04, you should have no problem simply recompiling the same source on 10.04. Understand that you will never however achieve 100% compatibility with a compiled C++ Qt application.
If Qt is not all that important to you, you could use a higher-level or interpreted language such as Python, Java, Perl or Ruby. With such languages, you can usually count on the language implementation already being installed on the target distro.
Deploy an application in Linux is a nightmare, luckily there are some solutions. Check this projects to build a portable binary with all their dependencies bundled:
Another solution is make a portable 0install package:
I recomend this solution. Personally I have been problems with the 3 first packagers.

Run-everywhere statically-linked gcc binary for Linux

I have an old SuSE-10.1 setup which works basically fine, but has a broken YaST (package manager) and no gcc. (Yes, I am in progress of moving one website after another to another server to get rid of that fossil, so please don't tell me to "upgrade", but it's a slow process and I have to maintain it.)
To install anything from source, I need a C-compiler - preferrably one that doesn't need any shared libraries and runs on 32-bit.
Where can I get (or how can I create) such a binary?
You can retrieve a precompiled version with static-get
static-get -x gcc
