how to represent relationship between entities in Go? - graphics

There is a large project on Golang which divided into many packages. I want to visualize the relationship between its entities to better understand the structure of the project. The first thing that comes to mind - the dependency graph classes. How to build it?
And I want find all unused method's / structures

The tool closest to what you search (but without the diagram feature though) would be go oracle
It can be embedded in:
Atom with go-oracle package
SublimeText with the waigani/GoOracle plugin
I also like to use test cases in order to compute a code coverage, which also helps to pinpoint unused methods.


How can I do squence labeling and entities relationships labeling at the same time

Is there an NLP annotation tool can do both of them?
Btw, I can't install Brat, the download page is 404 page.
I have doccane and tagtog but it seems that they can only do one kind of labeling.
I can recommend INCEpTION ( for the kind of parallel annotation you're looking for.
It's got many features and takes some setting up, but it can handle more complex tasks and I've found it to be more reliable than Doccano for example. Its developers are from the Computer Science Department at TU Darmstadt and it seems well-suited for NLP research.
LightTag can, and it's free to use for moderate sized projects.
I happen to have made LightTag and this feature in particular. It's set up so that you can do entities and then drag and drop them onto each other to create a relationship tree. You can express constituency grammars or dependency grammars.

How to generate a dependency diagram from a set of XSD files?

See the title: I have around 50 XSD files importing each other (with tags) and I need to analyze their dependencies.
Do you know any software (preferably free) to generate a dependency diagram automatically from these files?
I did not find any existing program to do that, so... I developed my own! It is called GraphVisu.
There is a first program to generate the graph structure from seed XSD files, and another one to visualise graphs. I also included a detection of clusters of interrelated nodes (called "strongly connected components" in graph theory).
Feel free to use it!
I am not aware of any free solution tailored specifically for XSD. If I would have to build it using freely available components, I would probably consider GraphViz. You would need to write a module to generate the data needed by GraphViz which will come from parsing the XSD files. The latter is kind of trivial, if you take into account how schema location works and is resolved, and handle correctly circular dependencies. The good thing is that GraphViz is supported on a wide set of platforms, and as long as you can parse XML, you could be set.
I've also developed my own, in form of an XML Schema Refactoring (XSR) add-on for QTAssistant. This particular feature set has been around since 2004, so it works really well, including WSDL and XSD files.
I can interpret differently what you asked, so I'll refer to what you could do with XSR:
XSD files dependencies
This is a simple one, showing a hierarchical layout.
This is a more complex one, showign an organic layout.
intra-XSD file schema components dependencies: can be filtered on arbitrary criteria (not sure what you meant by with tags).
XSD file set schema components dependencies (same as the above, but one can navigate across different files)
The tool comes with an automation library, where you can write a few lines of C# or Java script code which you can then invoke using QTAssistant shell or a command line shell to integrate it with an automatic build process.
Other features include the ability to export the underlying data using GraphML, that is if you wish to analyse or process the graph further (e.g. topological sorting, cycles, etc.)

Haskell module naming conventions

How should I name my Haskell modules for a program, not a library, and organize them in a hierarchy?
I'm making a ray tracer called Luminosity. First I had these modules:
Vector Colour Intersect Trace Render Parse Export
Each module was fine on it's own, but I felt like this lacked organization.
First, I put every module under Luminosity, so for example Vector was now Luminosity.Vector (I assume this is standard for a haskell program?).
Then I thought: Vector and Colour are independent and could be reused, so they should be separated. But they're way too small to turn into libraries.
Where should they go? There is already (on hackage) a Data.Vector and Data.Colour, so should I put them there? Or will that cause confusion (even if I import them grouped with my other local imports)? If not there, should it be Luminosity.Data.Vector or Data.Luminosity.Vector? I'm pretty sure I've seen both used, although maybe I just happened to look at a project using a nonconventional structure.
I also have a simple TGA image exporter (Export) which can be independent from Luminosity. It appears the correct location would be Codec.Image.TGA, but again, should Luminosity be in there somewhere and if so, where?
It would be nice if Structure of a Haskell project or some other wiki explained this.
Unless your program is really big, don't organize the modules in a hierarchy. Why not? Because although computers are good at hierarchy, people aren't. People are good at meaningful names. If you choose good names you can easily handle 150 modules in a flat name space.
I felt like [a flat name space] lacked organization.
Hierarchical organization is not an end in itself. To justify splitting modules up into a hierarchy, you need a reason. Good reasons tend to have to do with information hiding or reuse. When you bring in information hiding, you are halfway to a library design, and when you are talking about reuse, you are effectively building a library. To morph a big program into "smaller program plus library" is a good strategy for software evolution, but it looks like you're just starting, and your program isn't yet big enough to evolve that way.
These issues are largely independent of the programming language you are using. I recommend reading some of David Parnas's work on product lines and program families, and also Matthias Blume's underappreciated paper Hierarchical Modularity. These works will give you some more concrete ideas about when hierarchy starts to serve a purpose.
First of all I put every module under Luminosity
I think this was a good move. It clarifies to anyone that is reading the code that these modules were made specifically for the Luminosity project.
If you write a module with the intent of simulating or improving upon an existing library, or of filling a gap where you believe a particular generic library is missing, then in that rare case, drop the prefix and name it generically. For an example of this, see how the pipes package exports Control.Monad.Trans.Free, because the author was, for whatever reason, not satisfied with existing implementations of Free monads.
Then I thought, Vector and Colour are pretty much independent and could be reused, so they should be separated. But they're way to small to separate off into a library (125 and 42 lines respectively). Where should they go?
If you don't make a separate library, then probably leave them at Luminosity.Vector and Luminosity.Colour. If you do make separate libraries, then try emailing the target audience of those libraries and see how other people think these libraries should be named and categorized. Whether or not you split these out into separate libraries is entirely up to you and how much benefit you think these separate libraries might provide for other people.

StarUML in generating C++ code

I'm new to UML and I have written a Sequence diagram for a Voucher User Interface, it is a small pet project I'm doing to learn UML. I have written a decent Sequence Diagram in StarUML and now I would like to generate the C++ code, the step is very simple I just go to Tools/C++/Generate Code... But there I face a problem, which you can understand from the screen captures below. I tried various places but I could not find any help, anyone experienced in StarUML who could help me go further?
Haven't used starUML for a while so things may have changed. But:
Last time I looked, it didn't provide templates for behavioural code generation. The only codegen templates were for static structure (classes, attributes, packages). If that's still the case then I suspect the empty panel arises from it not finding any suitable model elements to generate code for. i.e. your Sequence Diagram package doesn't have any classes in it.
You might be able to work it out by looking at the codegen templates; they should be in
I just tried to generate the code from start uml.
With Version It works well.
I got the diagram instantly.
One issue, it actually did not generate the composition / aggregation stuff but, then, I did that manually.
Since its propitiatory for my organization, I cannot revel but, sequence is exactly the same as of yours.
I choose Design model & then gave file path in dialog box.

Generate class diagram from existing javadocs

I'm using an external java library for which I only have the javadocs and do not have the source code. I'd like to generate a UML diagram from the existing javadocs so that I can visualize the class hierarchy using something like Graphviz. Is that possible? Note that what I'm looking for is a graphical version of overview-tree.html.
Please let me know if you have any ideas and/or suggestions.
I don't believe that there is such a tool. Most of the reverse engineer tools depend on the actual code. The javadoc information isn't guaranteed to match the code as a 1:1 for the structure, thus making it unreliable.
I'm not familiar with any off-the-shelf solution for this purpose. Most commonly folks have the source code that generated the JavaDoc.
That being said, the overview-tree.html traditionally has a fairly straightforward HTML format.
It should not be difficult to write a script that would read the file as text or as a DOM, reconstruct the hierarchy of UL and LI tags, and use that to build an input file for graphviz. I've done similar stuff in the past with other forms of data.
It's just a matter of time and proficiency with the scripting language or appropriate tools.
The one problem of this approach is that you would only get the hierarchy of classes. You would have to make it somewhat smarter if you wanted to get the "implements XYZ" and create multiple hierarchies. Even if you could get that data, you would have to manipulate GraphViz's levels to get it to provide an appropriate layout once you have this multiple inheritance structure.
Of course, adding the details of the members would turn this into a whole new problem since you will have to access other HTML files.
