CMIS Folder not getting set - cmis

I am using CMIS but my folder ID isnt getting set as expected?

Got this resolved with creating a new CMIS Session and creating the folder from root level


How to get the Builds for a project using OData in Azure Devops

I'm trying to get all the builds for a project using Odata for Azure Devops. However I found there was an endpoint for that{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/Builds but while trying the same for my Project I'm getting the below error
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"Resource not found for the segment 'Builds'.","typeName":"Microsoft.OData.UriParser.ODataUnrecognizedPathException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.OData.Core","typeKey":"ODataUnrecognizedPathException","errorCode":0,"eventId":0}
Is this endpoint not available anymore. Or is there something wrong with my query?
Is this endpoint not available anymore. Or is there something wrong
with my query?
The entity set Build has been renamed. You can check this post from our User Voice forum.
All entity sets and entity properties with names starting with Build will be renamed to start with PipelineRun.
For e.g. Builds entity set will be called PipelineRuns, BuildId entity property will be called PipelineRunId.
So what you should use is :{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/PipelineRuns. It works on my side :)

Lotus Notes : properties file couldnt not be found and loaded

I am new to lotus and I am trying to pull the properties data from the server in Java Agent and I am getting error that file is not found and one thing is if I use ff.load method it is giving error as cannot access properties file.
Can any one tell what I have to add it in this code such that it would work correctly. I have corrected restriction rights also. and select the second option
Java Code.
InputStream con = session.getClass().getResourceAsStream("C:/");
if(con== null)
System.out.println("FLAG FILE NOT FOUNDFIND NOT FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!");
System.out.println("FLAG FILE FOUND !!!!!!!!FIND FOUND");
Properties ff = new Properties();
The OS's filesystem security settings are probably not allowing the Domino server to read files from the root directory of the C: drive.
Try moving the file into a location that you know for sure that the Domino server can read. E.g, the C:\IBM\Lotus\Domino\Data folder - or whatever the equivalent location is in your Domino server's configuration.

How to set the file upload path in liferay portlet so that it can be stored either in unix or windows system(machine independent)?

The suggestions were giving the path as catalina_home or user/home.
Do I need to set any parameters in server.xml?
And using actionRequest.getPortletSession().getPortletContext().getRealPath("/"); I am unable to store the file path in database.
Properties properties=PortalUtil.getPortalProperties();
String serverHome = properties.getProperty("liferay.home");
//To get the liferay server home folder
create any folder for uploaded files under it.

Document!X To accomplish this action, set property AssemblyName

I am new to using Document!X and am receiving the following error when building the contents of my database
"To Accomplish This action, Set Property AssemblyName"
I guess the error speaks for itself - Set the property AssemblyName, but I don't know where the settings are for setting the assembly name.
Please could someone instruct me on how to resolve this issue
This error is a compatibility issue, Document!X 2011 cannot create databse builds for SQL Server 2012.

XSD Validation in azure

I have several services which I would like to deploy to azure.
Each service has an xsd schema which is placed in the project where the service is.
In the validation module I try to load the schema this way:
XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();
Uri baseSchema = new Uri(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
string mySchema = new Uri(baseSchema, "LogInService.xsd").ToString();
XmlSchema schemaLogIn = XmlSchema.Read(new XmlTextReader(mySchema), null);
... but apparently the path AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory is incorrect, and when I try to deploy the service I get the following error:
Could not find file 'F:\sitesroot\0\LogInService.xsd'
(on dev this code is working perfectly)
My question is, where am I supposed to put the xsd files - or how can I change the code above so it will work on the cloud?
I think your path is correct, what is probably happening is that your xsd is not being included in the package that is being uploaded. Check the properties of the file, in particular the build action property to make sure it will be copied.
