Merge two endpoint using a different name and schema with Eve - python-3.x

This is a simplified version of my
accounts_schema = {
'username': {
'password': {
accounts = {
'schema': accounts_schema,
After a user is created with a POST request to the /accounts endpoint, the user's info can be retrived with a GET to /accounts/<id_of_user>.
I would like to know if it possible to "merge" two endpoints that are using a different schema so
POST /update_accounts/<id_of_user>
will point to
but update_accounts must have, for example, this schema:
update_accounts_schema = {
'token': {
'validity': {

From the documentation:
Multiple API endpoints can target the same database collection. For example you can set both admins and /users to read and write from the same people collection on the database.
So you can have update_accounts and accounts both targeting the same datasource, and each one with its own user privileges/allowed methods, etc.


Prisma Connect Relationship While Creating

I'm trying to create a new entry into my table that has a relationship called "organizationAdmins". In that relationship is another relationship called "Role". I need to look up Role based on some criteria to connect. I've tried many different iterations to get this to work but the best I have is this, which doesn't work unfortunately...
let current_organization = await prisma.organization.create({
data: {
organizationAdmins: {
create : [{
account_id: account_id,
Role: {
connect : {
where: {name:"OWNER", owner:1, role:1, write:1, read:1}
So if I were to take the SQL example for what I'm trying to do it would be this...
select id from role where name='OWNER' and owner=1 and role=1 and write=1 and read=1
I could pull the role_id like I did for account_id separately. But I'm trying to use prisma do the work for me so that we don't have multiple queries going on (less efficient). Welcome any thoughts here.

Exclude user's password from query with Prisma 2

Recently I started working on a new project to learn some new technologies (Prisma 2, REST api with Express, etc.). Tho, I faced a problem.
My app has a user authentication system and the user model has a password column. So, when the client requests a user, the backend selects all the columns from the database including the password (that's hashed by the way).
I tried to not select the password column on the prisma findMany, like this:
await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
select: {
password: false
But I got an error by prisma saying that the select should contain at least one truly value. Thus, I added id: true to the select. I made an api request and I saw that only the id was returning for the user.
By my understanding, prisma expects me to add all the columns I care to the select object. But, I need a lot of columns from the user and I am making a lot of queries to fetch users and I cannot just write all the field I need everytime.
So, I wanted to ask you if there is a legit way to do that.
PS: I don't take "use rawQuery instead" as a solution.
The only legit way is adding column: true to the columns you want to include. There are requests for excluding columns here so it would be great if you could add a 👍 to the request relevant to you so that we can look at the priority.
I've been wondering about how to implement this as well, and bafflingly the issues linked in #Ryan's post are over two years old, and still unresolved. I came up with a temporary workaround, which is to implement a middleware function for the Prisma client which removes the password field manually after each call.
import { PrismaClient } from '#prisma/client'
async function excludePasswordMiddleware(params, next) {
const result = await next(params)
if (params?.model === 'User' && params?.args?.select?.password !== true) {
delete result.password
return result
const prisma = new PrismaClient()
This will check if the model being queried is a User, and it will not delete the field if you explicitly include the password using a select query. This should allow you to still get the password when needed, like when you need to authenticate a user who is signing in:
async validateUser(email: string, password: string) {
const user = await this.prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { email },
select: {
emailVerified: true,
password: true,
// Continue to validate user, compare passwords, etc.
return isValid
Check out the following code
Exclude keys from user
function exclude(user, ...keys) {
for (let key of keys) {
delete user[key]
return user
function main() {
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: 1 })
const userWithoutPassword = exclude(user, 'password')
prima official Website

Skip GraphQL Resolvers to return data

I have a GraphQl resolvers that resolves nested data.
for eg. this is my type definitions
type Users {
_id: String
company: Company
For the post I have my resolver which resolves post._id as
Users: {
company: (instance, arguments, context, info) => {
return && Company.find({_id:});
The above example works perfectly fine when I query for
Query {
Users {
company {
But the problem is sometime I don't have to use the company resolver inside Users, because it is coming along with the user so I just need to pass what's in the user object (no need of database call here)
I can achieve this just by checking if is and _id or Object, if _id get from database otherwise resolve whatever coming in.
But the problem is I have these type of resolvers in many places so I don't think it's a good idea to have this check in all places wherever I have resolver.
Is there a better way where I can define a configuration just to skip this resolver check.
Any feedback or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Migration of Small Parse IDs to normal MongoDB's ObjectIDs

I am using Parse Dashboard for User Management of my iOS Application.Also, I am using external APIs which are using MongoDB database.
The issue currently I am facing is the User created from Parse Dashboard is having small id instead of MongoDB's ObjectID, and other resources which are not over parse are generated by normal ObjectID.
eg. User Object:
user_name:"Aditya Raval"
Document Object:
Task Object:
I am also using Keystone.js as a Backend Admin Dashboard.So basically due to this mix kind of IDs relationships inside KeyStone.js is broken and Keystone.js gets crashed.
So I want to migrate all my existing small IDs to normal MongoDB ObjectIDs without breaking into relationships or any other walkthrough by fixing Keystone.js
You can run something like this:
var users = db.Users.find({});
for(var i = 0; i < users.length(); i++)
var oldId = users[i]._id;
delete users[i]._id;
db.Users.insert(users[i], function(err, newUser) {
db.Documents.updateMany({"user": oldId},{ $set: { "user": newUser._id }});
//Do this for all collections that need to be update.
db.Users.deleteMany({_id: { $type: "string" }});

Ember.js data records shows content: null in relationships inspector

I have the following code in my 'user.js' model in ember-data:
export default DS.Model.extend({
organization: DS.belongsTo('organization'),
//other stuff
The CRUD for the website is working as expected, and in MongoDB I can see the following for the organization field of User:
"organization" : ObjectId("571974742ce868d575b79d6a"),
BUT, and I'm not sure if this is an error in my code or me not understanding how Ember-data works, I cannot access that ID from a model hook like so:
return"user", this.get(""))
.then(user =>"location", {organization: user.organization}));
And if I go to the Ember inspector to observe the belongsTo attribute of the User object, I see:
organization: <(subclass of Ember.ObjectProxy):ember956>
But clicking through I see content: null
What am I doing wrong? Could it be a server-side error?
Edit including JSON response from server for the above findRecord("user") call:
Confirmed. As stated by Kingpin2k,
the relationships isn't being built up correctly, I think the type and id inside of organization need to be within a data object.
This applies to Ember sites expecting a JSON API spec payload, meaning they have been configured to use JSONAPISerializer for incoming payloads.
