I'm going to do my best to describe what I'm trying to accomplish and hopefully someone could help me out with the process I can use to get what I'm wanting done. Not really a step by step, but as I said just a process so I can kind of wrap my head around what needs to get done.
I have built a NodeJS blogging application. It requires the use of MongoDB. What I am attempting to do is have my dockerfile/mynodeblog image and dockerfile/mongodb and link the containers together (I do not want to include the installation of MongoDB in my blog Dockerfile, I would specifically like to link the containers). However I'm somewhat being caught up in a catch 22.
My node app again requires MongoDB which isn't a problem when just installing MongoDB, installing my node blog, and then running my node blog the old fashioned way. The problem I'm facing is that I'm trying to build my node blog into a Dockerfile and build out the image. Unfortunately the image will never be built out successfully because it needs MongoDB to finish. But MongoDB is going to be in another container!
If that made any sense at all, I would appreciate any feedback on how I could even begin to approach the problem I'm having. Thank you in advance!
this is my first question ever. I'm trying to run an Adonis.js app by entering adonis serve --dev at the terminal. The messages are always the same in this succession:
Watching files for changes...
Fatal error in , line 0
Check failed: U_SUCCESS(status).
FailureMessage Object: 000000D7655ECBA0Application crashed, make sure to kill all related running process, fix the issue and re-run the app
The only thing that changes is the FailureMessageObject. My Node version is 12.0, npm 6.9.
I can't say anything seriously working on your situation cause you gave me no detailed data but I know that surely you are doing something wrong.
It could be better if you at least mentioned the version of adonisjs you've been using.
Anyway, if you learned to run your server from a video from someone else's youtube channel, I strongly recommend you to read documentation and stop watching those videos.
And for adonisjs there are 2 different documentation:
adonisjs's Documentation, version 4.1 or less.
You can change the version on top left combo box.
adonisjs's preview Documentation, version 5.0.
Actually the documentation is not still completed at this time but the version is stable. yeah, that's the reason why I wrote preview.
And that's it, start recreating an adonisjs app from documentation guides.
I solved it. It was something with node or npm. I followed this steps enumerated in this post: How to completely remove node.js from Windows. Reinstalled node. Installed Adonis and it's CLI again and created an app and this time the app didn't crashed, and ran smoothly (after that I also created some migrations and they too worked well).
Having a bit of an issue with Heroku. I've always uploaded in one directory, but this time I wanted my folder structure to be a bit more, well structured. The problem is I can't seem to upload to Heroku like this.
I have a directory containing a folder called "client" which contains my angular 9 application and I have a folder called "middle-tier" containing the node.js server application.
I can't figure out how to push this up and allow it to work. The node application serves the angular application.
Everything works locally I just have no idea how to push this up to Heroku servers.
Please see attached screenshots of the structure.
Below is the error message I'm getting. Which I tried to fix by running git init again in the root of the structure. And then running the command to have a node.js build pack. Which was to no avail this also did not work and produced the same problem.
I have tried to include as much detail as I can but if there is anything else I can provide please let me know. I've spent quite some time building my application and am quite eager to deploy it!
Thanks for your time guys!
In short, with multiple discussions with Heroku support line, at the moment it is impossible to upload a mono repo to a single Heroku instance.
I am trying to make an application in django via docker and I want separate the backend (django) container from frontend (node, react) container using only one repository.
I want to run node commands from django container (for example: npm init and creating the package.json at main folder).
Is it a good pratice?
If yes, how can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
If you only need Nodejs for building, you should have one docker image just for building (and if you want, deploying) the static files, and then use a whole different docker setup for the actual production environment.
You can look at https://github.com/dkarchmer/django-aws-template (disclaimer, I am the developer) to see an example. Unfortunately, the project is not yet fully tested and documented, but shows how I propose to handle static files outside Django (it does emulate what I do for real in production - just not fully tested).
You will see a top level docker image I use only for building the webpack type project (using gulp), and actually releasing that directly to S3. The top level index.html file gets copied to the django templates directory, to be used as the base template by other django templates (you may not need this if your front-end will be 100% independent of Django). But IMO, I find it useful to mix. For example, I do all the authentication portion using regular django (django-allauth).
Your question is fairly open ended (not exactly a good way to ask in SO), but I hope the link above gives you some ideas on how to implemented what you need.
After being completely confused and googling tutorial after tutorial, reading books about cucumber that do not cover the JS implementation, I got over the fear of flames and decided to post my question here.
I have setup Cucumber-JS on my box, running fine. I use CoffeeScript, because I am lazy. I got my features folder, have my .feature written. Got my step definition and figured out that Cucumber JS requires a 'World' thingie to be anything near useful. I also discovered just moments ago, there can be some env.js tweaking to make this setup find the rest of my app.
I am not building a web based app, as I want some core logic to be worked out first. Where my trouble starts is the part how I am supposed to continue now.
I have a folder called 'lib' in the project root. Inside it, it is going to have my JS app, which I will eventually be running through NodeJS.
What changes do I have to make to env.js, world.coffee and mystep definition to be able to test my code I am developing in lib/myapp.coffee?
Thank you!
Eventually, I found out this is no Cucumber thing. It has to do with NodeJS and the way it handles modules. I eventually ended here:
I using the upcoming weekend to check two things off of my 2013 project list:
Give Cloud Development A Try
My game plan is to set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO and then use the stack to complete one of the many Angularjs tutorial projects available online.
I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous or otherwise or if anyone is aware of any good blog post that go through the process for someone with little to no javascript development experience.
Also, if you have setup a MEAN stack are there any things you would do differently or are there any invaluable resources I should be aware of.
Some Resources I Found Useful:
I've been researching online for the past week and have uncovered some great resources, but it would be great to see what others have found or can suggest. Below are some links to some resources that I have come across that may be helpful to others:
Building Angular Start-up Stack - Toronto Meetup Stream
Egghead.io Offers some great Video tutorials on Angular
Google's Angular site has a wealth of info.
USC Linux User Group Youtube video on MEAN on Amazon AWS
Thanks in advance for any resources, insights or guidance.
Since you are starting on JavaScript I would suggest that you start simple. For example
Build a simple web site with Node.js and Express (no Angular, no Mongo).
Deploy it to the cloud.
Then add Angular and see how the structure changes when you use an MVC framework on the client side (e.g. your backend becomes a plain REST API).
Then, play with Node.js and Mongo probably outside your simple Node/Express/Angular app to get the hand of a NoSQL database and database access from Node.js (the fact that everything is async brings some interesting challenges for beginners)
Then integrate Mongo into your app.
Ok, here's how I successfully set-up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO.
First, many thanks to Valeri V. Karpov and his The Code Barbarian blog. In July he had a blog post titled Introduction to the MEAN Stack, Part One: Setting Up Your Tools. I primarily followed his article, only making adjustment dictated by the Nitrous cloud platform.
So here are the steps:
Create A Nitrous Box: Go to the Nitrous site and sign-up for an account. Please note the free account does not provide enough storage to accommodate the full MEAN Stack. You'll need at least a "Start" pricing plan - at $9.99 per month.
Create A Nodejs Box: Once you complete your registration and select a pricing plan, its time to create a Nodejs box. Follow the instructions on the Nitrous site. The box comes preconfigured Nodejs.
Install Mongodb: To install Mongodb on your box, go to the shell prompt and type: parts install mongodb You can confirm the installation was successful by typing parts start mongodb. To stop the mongodb server you type parts stop mongodb.
Confirm your Node & NPM Installations: Type node at the command prompt. You should see a > sign if node is installed correctly. You are now in the node shell. Type control-c to exit the shell. Type NPM at the prompt and you should see some usage information
Install Express: type npm install express -g The -g flag means the package will be installed so you can run it from the terminal. Note, if you are using the free box you will likely encounter errors during the Express installation as a result of you exceeded the allocated storage.
From here on you can follow Valeri's article at Step 4 Creating an ExpressJS application..
Good luck and enjoy.
Use Bitnami https://bitnami.com/stack/mean. I like it a lot, pretty simple and concise. In my case it was for Windows and it was a seamless experience