Similar paradigms as readers-writers prob and producer-consumer prob - multithreading

for my Operating Systems Networking class, we must come up with a common paradign that is faced when developing operating systems and propose a solution to the paradigm. Some possible topics suggested in class were: Producer/Consumer problem, reader/writer problem and there was a third one, idk the name for it. It was something like this:
Protection of Private Data – When a user has personal or private data he must share with a network in order to get information, but doesn’t want his information to be released.
-If a user must request a server for information and must provide some private data, the user tells his OS to request the information by sending a series or an array of data to the server. Some are actual data and some are fake. The server responds, handling each set of data as a separate request, it then returns the results and the OS picks the right one.
1) Person A uses his phone which uses his GPS coordinates to locate the closest bank. The OS on the phone knows that if the GPS coordinates were to get out, this could be bad. The phone instead, sends a request to AT&T asking for the closest bank for the following locations: the actual location person A is at, as well as 3 other fake locations. AT&T has no way of telling which location is the true location and which are the fake ones and is therefore forced to treat each one as a separate request. The results are sent back to the phone and the phone uses only the result for the location that is correct.
Another problem one of my friends did last semester was DDoS. I was wondering if you guys new of any other problems,issues or paradigms that are still lurking about.
Thank you for your suggestions.


How to implement Commands and Events for complex form using Event Sourcing?

I would like to implement CQRS and ES using Axon framework
I've got a pretty complex HTML form which represents recruitment process with six steps.
ES would be helpful to generate historical statistics for selected dates and track changes in form.
Admin can always perform several operations:
assign person responsible for each step
provide notes for each step
accept or reject candidate on every step
turn on/off SMS or email notifications
assign tags
Form update (difference only) is sent from UI application to backend.
Assuming I want to make changes only for servers side application, question is what should be a Command and what should be an Event, I consider three options:
Form patch is a Command which generates Form Update Event
Drawback of this solution is that each event handler needs to check if changes in form refers to this handler ex. if email about rejection should be sent
Form patch is a Command which generates several Events ex:. Interviewer Assigned, Notifications Turned Off, Rejected on technical interview
Drawback of this solution is that some events could be generated and other will not because of breaking constraints ex: Notifications Turned Off will succeed but Interviewer Assigned will fail due to assigning unauthorized user. Maybe I should check all constraints before commands generation ?
Form patch is converted to several Commands ex: Assign Interviewer, Turn Off Notifications and each command generates event ex: Interviewer Assigned, Notifications Turned Off
Drawback of this solution is that some commands can fail ex: Assign Interviewer can fail due to assigning unauthorized user. This will end up with inconsistent state because some events would be stored in repository, some will not. Maybe I should check all constraints before commands generation ?
The question I would call your attention to: are you creating an authority for the information you store, or are you just tracking information from the outside world?
Udi Dahan wrote Race Conditions Don't Exist; raising this interesting point
A microsecond difference in timing shouldn’t make a difference to core business behaviors.
If you have an unauthorized user in your system, is it really critical to the business that they be authorized before they are assigned responsibility for a particular step? Can the system really tell that the "fault" is that the responsibility was assigned to the wrong user, rather than that the user is wrongly not authorized?
Greg Young talks about exception reports in warehouse systems, noting that the responsibility of the model in that case is not to prevent data changes, but to report when a data change has produced an inconsistent state.
What's the cost to the business if you update the data anyway?
If the semantics of the message is that a Decision Has Been Made, or that Something In The Real World Has Changed, then your model shouldn't be trying to block that information from being recorded.
FormUpdated isn't a particularly satisfactory event, for the reason you mention; you have to do a bunch of extra work to cast it in domain specific terms. Given a choice, you'd prefer to do that once. It's reasonable to think in terms of translating events from domain agnostic forms to domain specific forms as you go along.
HttpRequestReceived ->
FormSubmitted ->
where the intermediate representations are short lived.
I can see one big drawback of the first option. One of the biggest advantage of CQRS/ES with Axon is scalability. We can add new features without worring about regression bugs. Adding new feature is the result of defining new commands, event and handlers for both of them. None of them should not iterfere with ones existing in our system.
FormUpdate as a command require adding extra logic in one of the handler. Adding new attribute to patch and in consequence to command will cause changes in current logic. Scalability is no longer advantage in that case.
VoiceOfUnreason is giving a very good explanation what you should think about when starting with such a system, so definitely take a look at his answer.
The only thing I'd like to add, is that I'd suggest you take the third option.
With the examples you gave, the more generic commands/events don't tell that much about what's happening in your domain. The more granular events far better explain what exactly has happened, as the event message its name already points it out.
Pulling Axon Framework in to the loop, I can also add a couple of pointers.
From a command message perspective, it's safe to just take a route and not over think it to much. The framework quite easily allows you to adjust the command structure later on. In Axon Framework trainings it is typically suggested to let a command message take the form of a specific action you're performing. So 'assigning a person to a step would typically be a AssignPersonToStepCommand, as that is the exact action you'd like the system to perform.
From events it's typically a bit nastier to decide later on that you want fine grained or generic events. This follows from doing Event Sourcing. Since the events are your source of truth, you'll thus be required to deal with all forms of events you've got in your system.
Due to this I'd argue that the weight of your decision should lie with how fine grained your events become. To loop back to your question: in the example you give, I'd say option 3 would fit best.

Modeling one-to-many relations using Domain Driven Design

This question is more of a general question about how to model simple one-to-many relations using collections: should a change in a list item be reflected in the version of the aggregate containing it?
The domain is about meeting scheduling (like in Outlook).
I have a Meeting entity, which can have multiple Participants.
A participant can accept/decline meeting requests.
Rescheduling a meeting nullifies all of the participants confirmations.
I thought of two ways to model this.
Option 1
The Meeting aggregate will contain a list of Participants where each Participant has a ParticipantId and a Status (accepted/denied).
The problem here is that every Accept or Deny command, for a specific participant, increments the Meeting's version, which means two participants will enter a race condition if trying to Accept the meeting request based on the same original version.
Although this could be solved by re-reading the Meeting's document and retrying the Accept command, it's quite annoying considering how often this could happen.
Another approach is to ignore the meeting's version when executing the Accept command, but this introduces a new problem: what happens if, after sending the meeting requests, the meeting has been rescheduled? In this case we can't afford to ignore the Meeting's version, because this time the version DOES represent a real version that should be considered.
BTW, is it at all a good practice to ignore the version in some of the commands and not in others?
Option 2
Extract a Participation aggregate out of Meeting.
Participation will have MeetingId, ParticipantId, and Status.
It will also have its own version.
This way, when participant X Accepts the meeting request, only the relevant Participation will be modified, and the rest will be left intact.
And, when rescheduling the meeting, a "Meeting Rescheduled" event will be published and an event handler will respond to it by resetting all of the Participations' statuses to "NotAccepted" regardless of their current version.
On the one hand this sounds logical in the sense that a meeting's version shouldn't be incremented just because someone accepted/denied its request.
On the other hand, modeling Participation as a standalone aggregate doesn't sound quite right to me, because it is has no meaning outside of the context of the meeting.
Anyway, would love to get feedback on this and see the various approaches to this problem.
Although this could be solved by re-reading the Meeting's document and retrying the Accept command, it's quite annoying considering how often this could happen.
This looks like a modeling error. You should keep in mind that the meeting aggregate is not the book of record for the participants availability - the real world is. So the message shouldn't be AcceptInvitation, but instead InvitationAccepted. There shouldn't be a conflict about this, because the domain model doesn't get to veto events outside of its authority boundary.
You might, depending on your implementation, end up with a concurrent modification exception in your plumbing, but that's something that you should be handling automatically (ie: expected version any, or a retry).
Another approach is to ignore the meeting's version when executing the Accept command, but this introduces a new problem: what happens if, after sending the meeting requests, the meeting has been rescheduled?
The solution here is to model more carefully. Yes, sometimes you will get a message that accepts or declines an invitation that has expired.
Put another way: race conditions don't exist.
A microsecond difference in timing shouldn’t make a difference to core business behaviors.
What happens to Alice, who replied instantly to the invitation, when the meeting is rescheduled? Why wouldn't the same thing happen to Bob, when his reply arrives just after the meeting is rescheduled?
Participation as a standalone aggregate doesn't sound quite right to me, because it is has no meaning outside of the context of the meeting.
I find that heuristic isn't particularly effective. It's much more important to understand whether entities can change state independently, or if their changes need to be coordinated.
Actually, the Meeting aggregate is used to track the participants availability. That's what it purpose is. Unless I didn't fully understand you...
It's a bit subtle, and I didn't spell it out very well.
Suppose the model says that I'm available, but an emergency in the real world calls me away. What happens? Am I blocked from going to the hospital because the model says I have to go to a meeting? Can somebody cancel my emergency by changing the invitation I've submitted?
Furthermore, if I'm away on an emergency, are you available for a meeting that is scheduled for the same time as the meeting you and I were going to have?
In this space, the real world is the authority for whether or not somebody is available. The model is just looking at a cached copy of a message describing whether or not somebody was available in the past.
The cached information being used by the model is not guaranteed to be complete. See Greg Young on warehouse systems and exception reports.
which makes me think that perhaps the Meeting aggregate should have two version fields: one will be a strong version which, when incremented, represents a breaking change, and another soft version for non-breaking changes. Does this make any sense?
Not really. Version is not, as far as I know, a term taken from the ubiquitous language of scheduling meetings. It's meta data, if it exists at all, and the business rules in your model should not depend upon meta data.
I agree, but a Meeting ID (or any ID for that matter) is also not part of the ubiquitous language, yet I might pass it back and forth between my domain world and external worlds.

RFID Limitations

my graduate project is about Smart Attendance System for University using RFID.
What if one student have multiple cards (cheating) and he want to attend his friend as well? The situation here my system will not understand the human adulteration and it will attend the detected RFID Tags by the reader and the result is it will attend both students and it will store them in the database.
I am facing this problem from begging and it is a huge glitch in my system.
I need a solution or any idea for this problem and it can be implemented in the code or in the real live to identify the humans.
There are a few ways you could do this depending upon your dedication, the exact tech available to you, and the consistency of the environment you are working with. Here are the first two that come to mind:
1) Create a grid of reader antennae on the ceiling of your room and use signal response times to the three nearest readers to get a decent level of confidence as to where the student tag is. If two tags register as being too close, display the associated names for the professor to call out and confirm presence. This solution will be highly dependent upon the precision of your equipment and stability of temperature/humidity in the room (and possibly other things like liquid and metal presence).
2) Similar to the first solution, but a little different. Some readers and tags (Impinj R2000 and Indy Readers, Impinj Monza 5+ for sure, maybe others aswell) have the ability to report a response time and a phase angle associated with the signal received from an interrogated tag. Using a set up similar to the first, you can get a much higher level of reliability and precision if you use this method.
Your software could randomly pick a few names of attending people, so that the professor can ask them to identify themselves. This will not eliminate the possibility of cheating, but increase the risk of beeing caught.
Other idea: count the number of attendiees (either by the prof or by camera + SW) and compare that to the number of RfID tags visible.
There is no solution for this RFID limitation.
But if you could then you can use Biometric(fingerprint) recognition facility with RFID card. With this in your system you have to:
Integrate biometric scanner with your RFID reader
Store biometric data in your card
and while making attendance :
Read UID
Scan biometric by student
Match scanned biometric with your stored biometric(in the card :
step 2)
Make attendance (present if biometric matched, absent if no match)
Well, We all have that glitch, and you can do nothing about it, but with the help of a camera system, i think it would minimise this glitch.
why use a camera system and not a biometric fingerprint system? lets re-phrase the question, why use RFID if there is biometric fingerprint system ? ;)
what is ideal to use, is an RFID middleware that handle the tag reading.
once the reader detects a tag, the middleware simply call the security camera system and request for a snapshot, and store it in the db. I'm using an RFID middleware called Envoy.

Online test security measures

I'm developing a feature for a client in which users voluntarily take an important test online. The test is difficult and the users will be highly motivated to do well (think SATs or GRE, etc)... so there's also a high incentive to cheat. Apparently there are 3rd party services in which a human virtually monitors the test taker via a webcam, but they're really expensive and we don't quite have the budget. We still need to make it as hard as possible for a user to game the system. Some of the things we suspect they might try are:
Getting someone else to take the test for them (a pinch hitter).
Taking the test multiple times with different profiles to practice
and gain an unfair advantage.
Taking the test alongside friends or while in contact with a friends
to tell them the answers.
The question order will change, as well as the order of the answers. The test will be timed, and an "open book" format, so we're not really worried about the user looking things up online, but we can't have them sharing their screen and having others assist them. So the main concern at this point is ensuring that the user is, in fact, who they say they are (and not someone else).
Here are a few of the security measures we're considering:
Requiring the user's device to have a webcam, which we'll activate and either record/photograph the user during the test (with the user's consent of course).
Asking users to verify an arbitrary bank deposit amount (presumably via PayPal). There's nothing to stop them from opening up multiple bank accounts, but at least it's a big hassle.
Really scary terms of use that threaten legal action if the user is caught cheating.
QUESTION: Are there any other measure we can/should take to make sure our test is secure and the results are reliable?
CLARIFICATION: We realize that with enough resources and determination, any security system can eventually be beaten. The goal of this question is not to find a magically unbeatable solution, but to find ways to raise the stakes enough so that it won't be worth it for most users to cheat. In this spirit, I'd much prefer answers that focus on what can be done as opposed to what can't.
As you know there are many ways of cheating. Your goal is limit the possibility of cheating as much as possible. Cheating in online courses has been a hot topic.
A pinch hitter:
This type of attack can be conducted a number of ways. Even if you have a cam looking at the person, the video that the test taker is seeing could be mirrored on another screen. A pinch hitter could see the question and just read him the answers or otherwise feed answers the test taker in a covert channel.
Possible counters to this attack is to also enable the mic to see if they are talking to anyone. You can also record the screen while they take the test. This could prevent them from opening a chat window or viewing other unauthorized content. (Kind of like the Elance tracker)
user verification:
In order to register the person should attach a scanned copy of their photo-id. This way you are linking a photo of the person to a unique identifier, such as a drivers license number. Before the person starts taking the test, ask the user to look directly at the camera and make sure you get a good image of them that can be verified against their photo id.
A simple attack against this system is to use photoshop to modify the id. To make this attack more difficult you could verify their name against a credit/debit card transaction. The names should match on both cards.
An evercookie could be used to track machines to see if the same computer is being used. This could happen though legitimate reasons, but it could also be used to flag tests for further review. A variant on the evercookie is to drop a file with a random value or set a registry key with a random value to "mark" that machine.

Contact or address book app using Core Data and a SQLite storage file

I was wondering if it is possible to create a address book or contacts app, like Apple's, that uses Core Data and an SQLite storage file.
The part I am not sure if it is possible, or how to do it is having multiple properties for phones. So a user could input five different phone numbers for the same contact.
The only way I could think of doing it is say... have one entity for the person... then another entity for phones with them having a relationship. So one person could have multiple phones but one phone could only have one person. But that didn't seem to like it would be a good way to do it... anyone have a suggestion?
I don't see how you came to the conclusion that several entities are not a good way to do something like this. That's the only way to do it if you want flexibility. Adding three phone number attributes to your entity is definitely the wrong way.
I would use a simple data model like this:
Each record has a type (e.g. email, phone, fax, IM contact) a key (e.g. office, home, mobile, twitter, jabber) and a value (e.g. 55512345,, #foobar).
Such a model offers the most flexibility and it's not very complicated to implement.
Though you need a couple of predicates to get phone numbers, emails etc.
