Why can't I change the scope of my object with ServiceStacks IoC? - servicestack

Given the following code from my Configure method:
OrmLiteConnectionFactory dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(ConfigUtils.GetConnectionString("Oracle:FEConnection"), OracleOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance);
container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(dbFactory)).ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request); // <== this does NOT work
// But these work
container.Register<IPreprocessorRepository>(c => new CachedPreprocessorRepository(dbFactory, c.Resolve<ICacheClient>())).ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Default);
container.Register<IPreprocessor>(c => new DirectApiPreprocessor(c.Resolve<IPreprocessorRepository>(), c.Resolve<IValidator<LeadInformation>>())).ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Default);
How can I make sure that the dbFactory instanciated is used in other registrations will per request?
Thank you,

You can't change the scope of this:
Because you're only passing in an instance of an object, and not a factory function that the IOC would need to be able to instantiate instances of the object itself. All the IOC can do in this case is return the instance, making it a singleton.
To be able to change the scope you would need to register a delegate that can create an instance, i.e:
container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c =>
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(...))
But you never want to do this with any connection or client factories like IDbConnectionFactory or IRedisClientsManager since they're designed to be used as singletons.
i.e. They're thread-safe singleton factories used to create single client/connection instances:
using (var db = container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open())
using (var redis = container.Resolve<IRedisClientsManager>().GetClient())


Mikro-orm inter-service transactions in NestJS

I am evaluating Mikro-Orm for a future project. There are several questions I either could not find an answer in the docs or did not fully understand them.
Let me describe a minimal complex example (NestJS): I have an order processing system with two entities: Orders and Invoices as well as a counter table for sequential invoice numbers (legal requirement). It's important to mention, that the OrderService create method is not always called by a controller, but also via crobjob/queue system. My questions is about the use case of creating a new order:
class OrderService {
async createNewOrder(orderDto) {
const order = new Order();
order.customer = orderDto.customer;
order.items = orderDto.items;
const invoice = await this.InvoiceService.createInvoice(orderDto.items);
order.invoice = invoice;
await order.persistAndFlush();
return order
class InvoiceService {
async create(items): Invoice {
const invoice = new Invoice();
invoice.number = await this.InvoiceNumberService.getNextInSequence();
// the next two lines are external apis, if they throw, the whole transaction should roll back
const pdf = await this.PdfCreator.createPdf(invoice);
const upload = await s3Api.uplpad(pdf);
return invoice;
class InvoiceNumberService {
async getNextInSequence(): number {
return await db.collection("counter").findOneAndUpdate({ type: "INVOICE" }, { $inc: { value: 1 } });
The whole use case of creating a new order with all subsequent service calls should happen in one Mikro-Orm transaction. So if anything throws in OrderService.createNewOrder() or one one of the subsequently called methods, the whole transaction should be rolled back.
Mikro-Orm does not allow the atomic update-increment shown in InvoiceNumberService. I can fall back to the native mongo driver. But how do I ensure the call to collection.findOneAndUpdate() shares the same transaction as the entities managed by Mikro-Orm?
Mikro-Orm needs a unique request context. In the examples for NestJS, this unique context is created at the controller level. In the example above the service methods are not necessarily called by a controller. So I would need a new context for each call to OrderService.createNewOrder() that has a lifetime scoped to the function call, correct? How can I acheive this?
How can I share the same request context between services? In the example above InvoiceService and InvoiceNumberService would need the same context as OrderService for Mikro-Orm to work properly.
I will start with the bad news, mongodb transactions are not yet supported in MikroORM (athough they will land within weeks probably, already got the PoC implemented). You can subscribe here for updates: https://github.com/mikro-orm/mikro-orm/issues/34
But let me answer the rest as it will then apply:
You can use const collection = (em as EntityManager<MongoDriver>).getConnection().getCollection('counter'); to get the collection from the internal mongo connection instance. You can also use orm.em.getTransactionContext() to get the current trasaction context (currently implemented only in sql drivers, but in future this will probably return the session object in mongo).
Also note that in mongo driver, implicit transactions won't be enabled by default (it will be configurable though), so you will need to use explicit transaction demarcation via em.transactional(...).
The RequestContext helper works automatically. You just register it as a middleware (done automatically in the nestjs orm adapter) and then your request handler (route/endpoint/controller method) is ran inside a domain that shares the context. Thanks to this, all services in the DI can share singleton instances of repositories, but they will automatically pick the right context from the domain.
You basically have this automatic request context, and then you can create new (nested) contexts manually via em.transactional(...).

Play Scala and thread safety

The project is written using Play framework and Scala language.
I have implemented compile time dependency.
I have followed this example from Play:
Looking at the MyApplicationLoader.scala:
import play.api._
import play.api.routing.Router
class MyApplicationLoader extends ApplicationLoader {
private var components: MyComponents = _
def load(context: ApplicationLoader.Context): Application = {
components = new MyComponents(context)
class MyComponents(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)
with play.filters.HttpFiltersComponents
with _root_.controllers.AssetsComponents {
lazy val homeController = new _root_.controllers.HomeController(controllerComponents)
lazy val router: Router = new _root_.router.Routes(httpErrorHandler, homeController, assets)
and the following line of code:
lazy val homeController = new _root_.controllers.HomeController(controllerComponents)
my understanding is that there is only one instance of HomeController created the first time HomeController is called.
And that instance lives as long as the application lives. Are these statements correct?
The HomeController in my application looks like that:
class HomeController{
val request = // some code here
val workflowExecutionResult = Workflow.execute(request)
So Workflow is of type object and not class.
The Workflow looks like that:
object Workflow {
def execute(request: Request) = {
val retrieveCustomersResult = RetrieveCustomers.retrieve()
// some code here
val createRequestResult = CreateRequest.create(request)
// some code here
So Workflow calls a few domain services and each domain service is of type object and not class.
All values inside the domain services are immutable, I am using vals everywhere.
Is this enough to ensure thread safety?
I am asking as I'm used to writing C# Web APIs where a HomeController would look like that:
class HomeControllerInSeeSharpProject{
// some code here
var request = new Request() // more code here
var workflow = new WorkflowInSeeSharpProject()
var workflowExecutionResult = workflow.execute(request)
and a Workflow would look like that:
public class WorkflowInSeeSharpProject {
public execute(Request request) {
var retrieveCustomers = new RetrieveCustomers()
var retrieveCustomersResult = retrieveCustomers.retrieve()
// some code here
var createRequest = new CreateRequest()
var createRequestResult = createRequest.create(request)
// some code here
return workflowExecutionResult
So in a C# project every time a HomeControllerInSeeSharpProject is called a new instance of WorkflowInSeeSharpProject is created and all the domain services
are also newed-up and then I can be sure that state cannot be shared between separate threads. So I am afraid that because my Scala Workflow
and domain services are of type object and not class that there could be a situation where two requests are sent into the HomeController
and state is shared between those two threads.
Can this be the case? Is my application not thread safe?
I have read that objects in Scala are not thread safe since there is only single instance of them. However I have also read that although
they are not thread safe using vals will make the application thread safe...
Or maybe Play itself has a way to deal with that problem?
Because your are using compile time dependency injection, you control the number of instances created, and in your case HomeController is created only once. As requests come in, this single instance will be shared between threads so indeed you have to make sure it is thread-safe. All the dependencies of HomeController will also need to be thread-safe, thus object Workflow has to be thread-safe. Currently, Workflow is not publicly exposing any shared state, so it is thread-safe. In general, val definitions within object are thread-safe.
In effect HomeController is behaving like a singleton and avoiding singletons could be safer. For example, by default Play Framework uses Guice dependency injection which creates a new controller instance per request as long as it is not a #Singleton. One motivation is there is less state to worry about regarding concurrency protection as suggested by Nio's answer:
In general, it is probably best to not use #Singleton unless you have
a fair understanding of immutability and thread-safety. If you think
you have a use case for Singleton though just make sure you are
protecting any shared state.

extend the CRUD method in LoopBack

I would like to know how to extend CRUD methods created by LoopBack.
I have a model with an attribute public_key. I would like to build two custom behaviors for the POST api endpoint for this model.
generate a public key and set the value
generate a private key and send it back as a result (using SSL)
How can I extend the default method to implement these behaviors?
I was able to override the default method by creating a javascript file under server/boot.
module.exports = function(app) {
var MyModel = app.models.MyModel;
var create = MyModel.create;
// Overrides POST '/api/MyModel' endpoint
MyModel.create = function(data, done) {
// Do custom things
create.call(MyModel, data, done);
However I was not able to modify the return value.
You can define custom remote methods that are exposed as REST endpoints

owin oauth webapi with a dynamic TokenEndpointPath

I've successfully implemented oAuth using OWIN in my WebApi 2 Server with:
app.UseOAuthAuthorizationServer(new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions {
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/TokenByPassword"),
// ...
However, I would like the TokenEndpointPath to be dynamic as I will have multiple databases each with their own account records.
I believe I want something like:
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/{databaseid}/TokenByPassword");
I don't believe OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions supports this and even if it did - how would I get the databaseid ?
I could implement this in my own WebAPI with AttributeRouting, but then what would be the correct OWIN calls to make in that WebAPI to generate the correct BearerToken?
I found the answer..
Even though the TokenEndpointPath is specified in the OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions, the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider has a delegate called OnMatchEndpoint. Inside this delegate, you can access the Request.Uri.AbsolutePath of the call and if it matches your criteria, you can then call MatchesTokenEndpoint() in which case OnGrantResourceOwnerCredentials will get called where you again can gain access the the Request.Uri and pick out the {databaseid} and use the correct database to Grant access.
OWIN is very flexible, but not immediately obvious which calls to make when to do what you want when it is something not quite straightforward.
Just to make it clearer, here is the implementation of the function MatchEndpoint of the class that extend OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider, as suggested by David Snipp :
private const string MatchTokenUrlPattern = #"^\/([\d\w]{5})\/token\/?$";
public override async Task MatchEndpoint(OAuthMatchEndpointContext context)
var url = context.Request.Uri.AbsolutePath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Contains("token"))
var regexMatch = new Regex(MatchTokenUrlPattern).Match(url);
if (regexMatch.Success)
await base.MatchEndpoint(context);
Be careful on what you do in there because it is called at every request.

How to change CacheClients at runtime in ServiceStack?

I'd like (through app/web configuration perhaps) to change the cache client used in my ServiceStack application, during runtime.
For example, I have this currently:
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
I'd like at runtime to change this to a Redis ICacheClient usage. What if I had two containers registered (one Memory and on Redis). Is it possible to switch between containers at runtime in a call like this in my service:
public object Get(FooRequest request)
string cacheKey = UrnId.CreateWithParts("Foo", "Bar");
return RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache(base.Cache, cacheKey, sCacheDuration, () =>
return TestRepository.Foos;
Note, after more research, if you have more than one ICacheClient registered:
container.Register<IRedisClientsManager>(c => new PooledRedisClientManager("localhost:6379"));
container.Register(c => c.Resolve<IRedisClientsManager>().GetCacheClient());
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
Then accessing base.Cache within your service will return the most recent ICacheClient that was registered... ie: in the case above, MemoryCacheClient.
So with the ability to access the Cache object from within the service, I'd just need a way to get a particular Cache from my registered caches, which I can't see any property for.
Doing something like this would allow you to register different providers with the container based on a web config setting:
var redisCacheString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseRedis"];
var useRedis = false;
if (!bool.TryParse(redisCacheString, out useRedis))
container.Register<IRedisClientsManager>(c => new PooledRedisClientManager("localhost:6379"));
container.Register(c => c.Resolve<IRedisClientsManager>().GetCacheClient());
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
Hope that helps!
It seems to me that you'll need more flexibility rather than just a simple registration on the composite root, you can try to implement the composite pattern in your container registration.
steven explains this pattern using simple injector but I think it can be implemented with the IOC provided OOB by SS or any other
I hope that helps
