Opening xlsx file created with SpreadSheetGear - excel

I have created a simple Excel file using SpreadSheetGear. If I save it as an xls file
workbook.SaveAs("file.xls", SpreadsheetGear.FileFormat.Excel8);
and attach it to an email, I can open it on my phone (tested both with iPhone and Android).
If I save it as an xlsx file
workbook.SaveAs("file.xlsx", SpreadsheetGear.FileFormat.OpenXMLWorkbook);
and attach it to an email, I CANNOT open it on my phone.
If I open the xlsx file attachment on my computer and save it with no changes and attach it to an email, I now can open it on my phone.
Apparently Excel saves the file differently than SSG. The file size of the xlsx file attachment is 9 KB. When I open it on my computer and save it, the new file size is 24 KB.
Some of my users prefer the xlsx format. Is there anything I can do with to make the SSG generated file attachment open like an Excel generated file attachement?

iOS depends on certain attributes being present in the worksheet data of the Open XML file format to properly parse these files. SpreadsheetGear does not write these attributes out because they are listed as optional in the Open XML file format specification and, also, omitting them reduces file size, as you have noted. Excel, for whatever reason, always writes out these optional attributes and other third-party components often times rely on their presence to function correctly. SpreadsheetGear V5 added a workaround to write out these attributes by enabling a certain "Experimental" option. This option was added because the OLE DB provider also exhibits this errant behavior. You might try something like the following and see if this helps in getting SpreadsheetGear to better work with your viewer:
IWorkbookSet workbookSet = Factory.GetWorkbookSet();
workbookSet.Experimental = "OleDbOpenXmlWorkaround";
IWorkbook workbook = workbookSet.Workbooks.Open(#"C:\temp\BadWorkbook.xlsx");
workbook.SaveAs(#"C:\temp\GoodWorkbook.xlsx", FileFormat.OpenXMLWorkbook);
Please see the SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbookSet.Experimental property for more information on this feature.
From what I can tell, iOS/Andriod/etc often also depend on other certain optional features available in the file formats that SpreadsheetGear either doesn't support or write out by default. For instance, iOS depends on a "data cache" stored within charts to display chart series data points and SpreadsheetGear's support for writing out this data cache is limited. This can result in charts not displaying as expected in iOS, Android, etc.


When report was downloaded from the Oracle ebs Excel report.While I am trying to open it was generating an error

The file format and extension of 'Accounts.xls' don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust its source, don't open it. Do you want to open it anyway?
It was generating this error while I am trying to open the downloaded excel report from the Oracle ebs
I don't know what to do
the Oracle EBS BI Publisher cannot create real xlsx Excel output files and generates and xml (xslt) format instead, which is given the extension xls to open automatically in Excel. Excel detects that the content does not match the expected binary xls format and shows the warning.
To avoid this problem, you can use third party products like blitz report.

Changing the File extension from "Demo.xlsx" to "Demo.pdf" how does it covert the file from doc to pdf?

In work place everyday we used different type of documents to hold data. For example, DOC, XLSX, PDF files. And sometime we use software (like adobe reader) excel to PDF converter.
As far i know another way to convert a document from excel to pdf is changing the document type from the SaveAs option (correct me if i am wrong) or changing the file extension.
My question is when we change the Document type from save as option does it change the code behind the file?
Another silly question is if we can convert the file by changing extension why we are paying for 3rd party software?!
Every document type has its format. So behind the screen, every type has its style. For example, XLSX format is a combination of XML and zip compression. PDF is a rich document representation format created by Adobe uses PostScript.
When you save a document as XLSX, the document will be saved as its standards. The saving method will be changed. As an answer to your first question, Yes the coding(method) will be changed when saving.
For the second question, the changing file format is not always an easy task. You need to change the encoding of the file when performing the conversion. When you change the extension you do not apply any conversion operation. You say your computer "This is an ... file.". But the encoding of the file is still unchanged.

warning message in excel file

I code an asp file to response an excel file using Excel.Application object. I change the content type below.
Response.ContentType = "application/"
When user downloads this file and open it, he get the following message.
The file format and extension of 'test.xls' don't match. The file
could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust its source, don't open
it. Do you want to open it anyway?
I don't want to give this message to use. How can I remove this message from excel file.
This is due to a feature in MS Excel called Extension Hardening. There are 2 ways to fix this problem
You need to generate proper XLS files that are truly excel files, not HTML Tables saved with XLS extension
Each of the client machines need a registry tweak as explained here

Office Invalid XML error, file still opens in Office

I have an .xlsx file that when run through the open Office SDK 2.5 generates an error that the document is invalid and contains multiple validation errors involving the slicerCache and invalid attribute values.
I can attach more information about the actual XML if needed from the xlsx file, however my question is actually this. Excel still opens the document without an error. Not even a request to "repair" the document.
I am curious why using the Microsoft open office XML SDK generates validation errors, yet office is still able to open these documents.
Does office make a best guess? Or is the SDK given by microsoft not entirely accurate??
This is a formatting issue as far as I can tell. When you save it in xlsx it saves it as a workbook, not a spreadsheet. I would save it in a different file format or see if there libraries that your sdk needs in order to process the xlsx. I've never worked with office sdk, but I get similar errors when I open xlsx in other programs. 99% of the time I can just change the format. (if you live dangerously you can just manual change the file extension in your folder to something itll read.)

Make Infragistics UltraGrid Document Exporter launch file

We have an existing application that allows exporting of an Infragistics data grid to either Excel or PDF format. Currently, when the user clicks on the Export button, it asks them where to save the file and then it exports it and saves it. Then, to launch it, they go to where they saved it and then it launches.
The user wants the application to instead launch the grid into either Adobe Acrobat or Excel and THEN that is where the user can opt to save the file. They don't want it to ask where you wish to save it before it exports, like it currently is doing now.
Is this possible with the Infragistics Document Exporter? I couldn't find any information on this from the Infragistics web site.
I'm thinking, instead of giving it a filename, I could instead use a stream maybe to the console or something like that and let the OS give the user the option to launch it?
Is there an example somewhere of this being done? I see there is an overload in the Export member function that allows you to pass in a stream.
The Infragistics excel engine and documents engine will need to write to a file to be able to have the file opened in Excel or Adobe Acrobat so you will still need to save a file before they can open it.
For the requirement to open the file, you could use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start method and if there is a program associated with the file type you can pass the file that you just saved.
As there is a dependency on the file system to open the file in Excel or Adobe Acrobat you will not be able to achieve your goal of not requiring the file be saved first. While it may be an option to save the file in a temporary location and then open that file it also has an issue that if the user were to click save in excel it would still save in the temporary location so they would need to know to use Save As to save in a different location.
