How to secure messaging system like RabbitMQ/MQTT for use in a mobile application? - security

Let's say I want to write a mobile chat application (just as an example).
How to receive only the messages meant for one client and don't let other clients receive messages which where not meant for them!?
Create a temp queue only known to the client? - Secure enough?
Encrypting the message with clients public key? - Own PKI needed!
Restrict access to queues based on some credentials the client sends with every request? - Every request needs to be authenticated!
If a client sends a message to the outgoing queue, how to prevent other clients from reading the message directly out of the queue!?
Restricting access to write-only? - Don't know if this is possible...
Encrypting the message? - Own PKI needed!
I hope my question/problem is clear and I'm really looking forward to hear your ideas and best practices!
Thanks in advance!
//edit: So using a temp queue for every client with encrypted messages might be a good choice. Or do you have any other ideas???

If you use RabbitMQ AMQP broker, then you can use Validated User-ID extension power, but you have to create separate users for each client.
Using per-client queue maybe a good choice, but you have to realize that it "security through obscurity" and it smells. But as you suggested, message encryption may fix that.
You can play with Access Control but you may find better to have some server application to handle complex user management things and use it api from clients for better user policies management.


How to build a highly secure End to End Encryption React Native messaging app

I just posted this question on security stackexchange and they advised me to move my question to stackoverflow so here it is.
I am currently working on an instant React Native messaging app and I want to implement E2EE (End to End Encryption between the sender and the receiver) for better security. The libraries/frameworks I use are NodeJS for the backend, for real-time communication, MongoDB for data management and obviously React Native for the frontend.
At this point, I am able to send messages back and forth from sender to the server and back to the receiver but the server can actually read the messages which is quite anoying because I want to save the messages (encrypted) in my database and retrieve them for the user to see his history.
Recently I found that the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange was a good solution to generate a shared secret key on each endpoint device but I don't know how to implement it in my app.
I also found that big messaging app (like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal,... ) uses the Signal Protocol which is based on a X3DH (Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman) and I was wondering if it is possible to implement such a good thing in my RN app. But the problem is that even after reading the Signal Protocol's documentation I could not figure out how to implement it.
In conclusion my question is how can I implement the Signal Protocol in my RN app and uses to send and receive encrypted messages? And if for some reason this is not possible, how can I implement the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange algorithm?
Thanks to anyone who can help me!

How can I securely implement a notification system using socket?

I am currently working on a web application using the MEAN stack. It has a social aspect to it so I want to be able to push notifications to users.
The way I do it now is when something happens that should be a notification it gets stored in a mongo database with an unread flag. Each client will send a get request to the server every 30 second and will receive every notification marked as unread, and will then mark it as read.
I want to switch to using a message queue and sockets so less network resources will be used, and also provide the user with a real-time experience. I've thought about using redis and its pubsub structure but I can't seem to figure out how to do this securely. If I push out notifications to the affected users, won't it be easy for someone malicious to subscribe to somebody else's channel and receive notifications not meant for them? Am I missing something or is it just the wrong approach for such a system?
Edit: Figure I update with the solution I went with if anyone else reading this is having the same problem.
Instead of using rabbitmq, as the answer suggested, I figured that a much more easy and elegant solution is to just use When new sockets connects to the server I save a mapping from the userID to the socketId in a redis in-memory DB. (After I've validated their token) That way, if I need to push a notification to a user I just look up the socketId in the redis DB, and then send it to the correct socket.
This way I don't need any security beyond that as socketIDs are unguessable, and the message is only sent across the single socket that belongs to the given user.
This way it will only get sent through the connection of the given socket, as socketIDs are only used server side to keep track of all the connection. This means no one else can "listen" using someone else's socketID.
you can use RabbitMQ for this. Also authentication is there. Please go through following link and try.
also, you can apply authentication in existing structure using subscription auth tokens with all subscribed users only.
even redis has its security with topics. Please have a look in link below

Efficient Chat Streams

I'm attempting to create an application which will work as a chat app. I'm currently contemplating the best way to do this and I'm thinking of going with a server sent event package such as the following. Every conversation would have an id, and the message would be emitted under the id. For instance
stream.emit(1512, "Hello") would send the message and
stream.on(1512, function(message){console.log(message)}) would print the message. Only the chat members would have the chatId.
I was initially thinking of using websockets but I thought that not every user should be receiving data, as chats were private and I didn't want to configure authentication within websockets.
Back to server sent events:
I have a few questions on the topic.
Are they efficient and, if not, what would be a more efficient solution
Is the method of sending chat through a randomized, hashed, id (such as 309ECC489C12D6EB4CC40F50C902F2B4D) secure?
Would you recommend a different method for sending chat? This is to be implemented as a mobile application where individual users can chat privately with oneanother so, again, security is pretty important.
I recommend the client-call package (disclaimer: I wrote it). It provides a very simple method to run a client-side method from the server code.
Besides this, you can always just put the chat messages to a db collection and remove them after some time.

protocol comparison for notification server with node.js

I'd like to implement push notification server using node.js. The basic scenario is:
Some applications sends notification messages to the server.
Notification server receives the request and forwards the message to uesr's mail or IM client based on user's preference.
In step 1, which protocol (e.g. REST, socket, HTTP/XML and so on.) would you recommend from the performance perspective?
Also in step 2, I have a plan to use node-xmpp module for IM client but for mail, which way is the best to implement? For example,
Just use SMTP. (But I think this might occur performance degradation because SMTP is an expensive communication and performance depends on SMTP server capacity.
use queue mechanism, in order to avoid drawbacks from the above. node.js app simply puts the message into the queue, and smtp server pulls the message.
other solutions...
Thanks in advance.
With regards to what to use as a protocol, i would go for a REST interface, whereby the application posting sends a POST request to a resource associated with the USER. something along the lines of "{userID}/notifications
I personally would use json as the data/content of the rest request and have node.js write this information to a message queue. (as a json string).
You can than have xmpp readers for each user, as well as an SMTP handler reading from this queue as fast as the SMTP server allows it to go.
However, this full post is what i would do in your situation, rather than a factual response on what is best. I know JMS fairly well and i've been working a lot with rest interfaces lately, therefore this is the way i would do it.

Socket connection on iPhone (IOS 4.x)

I am working on a Chatting application (needs to connect to a server) on iPhone. The sending packet from iPhone shouldn't be a problem.
But I would like to know whether it is possible for iPhone to establish a incoming socket connection to server continuously or forever under mobile environment.
OR What do I need to do to give the connection alive ? Need to send something over it to keep it alive ?
Not sure why you want to have chatting app to have persisted connection... I'd better use SMS like model. Anyways, Cocoa NSStream is based on NSSocket and allows a lot of functionality. Take a look at it.
Response to the question. Here is in a nutshell, what I would do:
Get an authentication token from the server.
this will also take care of user presence if necessary but now we are talking about the state; once presence is known, the server may send out notifications to clients that are active and have a user on their contact list.
Get user's contact list and contact presence state.
When a message send, handle it according to addressee state, i.e. if online, communicate back to the other user, if offline, queue for later delivery or reject.
Once token expires, reject communication with appropriate error and make the client to request a new token.
Communication from server to client, can be based on pull or push model. In first case, client periodically makes a request and fetches all messages. This may sound not good but in reality, how often users compose and send messages? Several times a minute? That's not too much. So fetching may happen every 5-10 seconds.
For push model, client must be able to listen and accept connections.
Finally, check out SIP, session initiation protocol. No need to use full version of it though. Just basic stuff.
This is very rough and perhaps simplified. I don't know the target complexity of your chatting system. For example, the simplest thing can also be that server just enables client to client communication by distributing their end points and clients take care of everything themselves.
Good luck!
Super out of date response, but maybe it will help the next person.
I would use xmppframework and a jabber server.
