What happens under the hood with `deriving` in Haskell? - haskell

I am just beginning to learn Haskell. I have seen many intro examples explaining the basics of types, but they often have a deriving statement below the type. Here is an example from Chapter 3 of RealWorldHaskell:
data Cartesian2D = Cartesian2D Double Double
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Polar2D = Polar2D Double Double
deriving (Eq, Show)
They explain deriving somewhat in Chapter 6, which helps you know how it is used.
So far from what I understand, deriving (Show) is necessary to tell Haskell how to turn your type into a string. That makes sense at a practical level. I come from JavaScript land, so to me you could easily imagine this would be implemented like:
Polar2D.prototype.toString = function(){
return '[Polar2D]';
In Haskell, they give the example of how to implement your own Show for the Color type, instead of using deriving.
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
instance Show Color where
Red = "red"
Green = "green"
Blue = "blue"
That means when your in the ghci repl, you can do:
> show Red
But this doesn't explain what deriving is actually doing, it's still magic to me.
My question is, what is happening under the hood with deriving? Also, is there a place on GitHub in the Haskell source where you can see the implementation? That may also be helpful.

GHC is effectively just writing the same instance you wrote by hand, if you pass -ddump-deriv to the compiler you can see the code it generates. For instance:
Prelude> data Color = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Show)
==================== Derived instances ====================
Derived instances:
instance Show Color where
showsPrec _ Red = showString "Red"
showsPrec _ Green = showString "Green"
showsPrec _ Blue = showString "Blue"
showList = showList__ (showsPrec 0)
Generic representation:
Generated datatypes for meta-information:
Representation types:
There's not really much magic going on here, Show just has a very mechanical implementation. Inside it looks at the internal form of the data constructors (the type is DataConRep in GHC's source ) which it gets from translating the frontend AST and then looks at the names provided in the frontend source and adds a new Show instance in terms of these names and any nested types that also implement Show. The new auto-generated typeclass is registered just like a hand-coded class as if it were written in the current module.


Get data of type without pattern match on all data contructors

Is there a way to make abstraction of the data type and just use the values?
data Color a = Blue a | Green a | Red a | Yellow a | Magenta a deriving (Show)
Something like :
calcColor :: Color a -> Color a -> Maybe a
calcColor (_ x) (_ y) = Just $ x + y
It doesn't have to be necessarily in the function declaration.
One option I was thinking was to have something like fromJust but even that feels a little redundant.
fromColor :: Color a -> a
fromColor (Blue t) = t
fromColor (Red t) = t
fromColor (Green t) = t
fromColor (Yellow t) = t
Edit - added context and more clarifications
From the way I managed to question it, the title might look like a duplicate question.
I'm not that sure, but that is for the community to decide.
I pretty new to Haskell so maybe my question looks stupid but still I think it's a valid case because I actually have this situation.
#FyodorSoikin, #leftaroundabout Your answers helps me, but partially. I'll try make explain better what exactly I would like to achive.
I want to think at the Color type like a category (let's say G), the colors beeing elements of the G,
and I also have phones that come in different colors. The phones category (let's say H).
Now I have I try to come with a way to make use of the morphisms (functions) of the G category using a functor in the H category or the other way around.
For example : determine the future stocks of a color type based on the sales of phones.
I want to understand to what extend I can create a types like Color to have the advantages of a type ustead of using a string value.
You could do a hack like
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, toList)
data Color a = Blue a | Green a | Red a | Yellow a | Magenta a
deriving (Show, Foldable)
fromColor :: Color a -> a
fromColor c = case toList c of
[ca] -> ca
_ -> error "Impossible, `Color` has only one field."
But I agree with Fyodor Soikin's comment: why have the a field in each constructor in the first place? Just factor it out
data Hue = Blue | Green | Red | Yellow | Magenta
data Color a = Color { hue :: Hue, value :: a }
Based on your edit, it looks like you are looking for a basic vocabulary for dealing with Color. That can be provided both by class instances and by special-purpose functions.
A Functor instance, for example, allows you to change the a value in a Color a independently of the color itself:
data Hue = Blue | Green | Red | Yellow | Magenta
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Color a = Color { hue :: Hue, value :: a }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Color where
fmap f (Color h a) = Color h (f a)
GHCi> test1 = Color Red 27
GHCi> fmap (2*) test1
Color {hue = Red, value = 54}
Two brief notes:
The things I'm suggesting here can be done equally as well with your four-constructor Color type or with leftaroundabout's single-constructor one. The latter, though, should be easier to work with in most situations, so I'll stick with it.
The DeriveFunctor extension means you almost never have to write a Functor instance explicitly: turn it on by adding {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} to the top of your file and then just write:
data Color a = Color { hue :: Hue, value :: a }
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
Another thing you might want to do is having a Hue -> Colour a -> Maybe a function, which would give you a way to use operations on Maybe to filter the a values by their attached hue:
colorToMaybe :: Hue -> Color a -> Maybe a
colorToMaybe chosenHue col
| hue col == chosenHue = Just (value col)
| otherwise = Nothing
GHCi> test1 = Color Red 27
GHCi> test2 = Color Red 14
GHCi> test3 = Color Blue 33
GHCi> import Data.Maybe
GHCi> mapMaybe (colorToMaybe Red) [test1, test2, test3]
GHCi> import Control.Applicative
GHCi> liftA2 (+) (colorToMaybe Red test1) (colorToMaybe Red test2)
Just 41
GHCi> liftA2 (+) (colorToMaybe Red test1) (colorToMaybe Red test3)
These are just rather arbitrary suggestions. The specifics of what you'll want to define will depend on your use cases.

Efficient way of printing property names in Haskell

Hello i am new to Haskell and i was wondering :
For every new defined type constructor even if it is something with 0 depth eg.:
data Letter =A | B | C deriving (Show)
do i have to provide
instance Show Type
Letter A = "A"
Letter B ="B"
Letter C ="C"
I understand that for nested types you have to provide Show implementation but for something simple is there no other way to just use something equivalent to reflection (C#) ? Just get the property name / constructor name and ToString-it ?
Do haskell programmers provide instances for Show for any adhoc type they create?
By nested types i mean having a simple ADT inside another ADT inside another etc..but all you want is to get their names:
data Person = Male | Female
data IsMarried=Yes | No
data Worker=Worker{
For this kind of nesting do i really have to define instance of Show for all these type constructors even though all i want is their name be "stringified"?
Do I have to provide [a show instance for every type?]
No, because you have automatically derived Show:
data Letter = A | B | C deriving (Show)
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here
However, if you want a 'smarter' show, such as displaying a custom list as [1,2,3] rather than a mess of constructors, you're going to have to write it yourself.
You can do the same for a number of classes (Including Eq,Ord,Read,Enum, and Bounded) but most classes, including user-defined classes, must be implemented manually without the use of certain language extensions.
I understand that for nested types you have to provide Show implementation[...]
You do not! For instance, I can write this:
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing deriving (Show)
And the compiler will automatically add the necessary constraints, despite it being a 'nested' type.
Just get the property name / constructor name and ToString-it ?
There are no 'properties' in Haskell - don't think in terms of C# here. show is the equivalent of ToString. However, a form of type reflection is available in TypeReps, though I would advise not using this until you have a solid grasp on Haskell.
Since #AJFarmar edit back his answer when i change it:
Do I have to provide [a show instance for every type?]
Yes. Either by deriving it with deriving Show, or by supplying a type instance
instance Show -type- where...
I understand that for nested types you have to provide Show implementation[...]
Yes you do, the compiler will not add any necessary instances for Show.
data Test = Test -- no instance for Show
test :: String
test = show $ (Just Test :: Maybe Test)
Will not compile with the error message:
main.hs:4:8: error:
• No instance for (Show Test) arising from a use of ‘show’
• In the expression: show $ (Just Test :: Maybe Test)
In an equation for ‘test’: test = show $ (Just Test :: Maybe Test)
Which is why you need to have a Show instance for a aswell. If one already exists, you do not have to supply a new one, however.

Haskell interdependent datatype tree aesthetics

I have made an interdependent tree of datatypes as below. PT being the 'root'-datatype. There are functions that should combine the lower datatypes to the root. This way, Giving these functions the type signature (a -> b -> ... -> PT), requires me to include a lot of information to get to lower datatypes (PTCmd CmdSub Hp ...). This descent down the datatype tree is irrelevant and i wouldn't like to include this information in the result.
If I define all the lower datatypes in PT itself, the datatype definition harder to read.
Besides adding worthless information to the result, and a single huge datatype definition, is there another, preferably less of an eyesore, way to have my functions result in the root datatype PT?
data PT = PTCmd Command | PTVal V | PTCon C
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Command = CmdSub Sub | ...
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SubCommand = Hp V C | ...
deriving (Eq, Show)
Perhaps you could define some "smart constructors"; for example:
cmdSub = PTCmd . CmdSub
hp = cmdSub . Hp
If you can afford using GHC 7.8 then you should look at the PatternSynonyms extension, as it addresses your issues quite well.

How do I create an unbox instance of an ADT?

I'm having trouble finding good resources that work for how to make my data types unboxed, for use in an unboxed vector. How would I make the data type
data Color = Yellow | Red | Green | Blue | Empty deriving (Show, Eq)
be an instance of Unbox?
Edit: after poking around a bit more, it seems that by forcing paramaters in some functions to be strict, I can convince GHC to unbox them automatically. If this applicable in my case? How do I know which paramaters to make strict?
You can use the vector-th-unbox package to derive the instance for you. You just need to provide conversion functions to and from some existing Unbox type:
colorToWord8 :: Color -> Word8
colorToWord8 = ...
word8ToColor :: Word8 -> Color
word8ToColor = ...
derivingUnbox "Color"
[t| Color -> Word8 |]
GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving won't help you here because you're dealing with a 'full-blown' ADT, rather than a newtype wrapping something that's already an instance of Unbox.
Your data type is more suited to boxed vectors. Use Data.Vector.Unboxed if you need to hold more primitive numeric types like Doubles, Ints, etc. Perhaps you can make Color an instance of Unbox, but it almost certainly isn't worth the hassle. Import Data.Vector and you'll be set:
import qualified Data.Vector as V
Color = Red | Blue deriving Show
someColors :: V.Vector Color
someColors = V.fromList [Red, Blue, Blue, Red]

Template Haskell data declarations that derive Show

The following doesn't compile:
import Language.Haskell.TH
makeAlpha n = [d| data Alpha = Alpha $(conT n) deriving (Show, Read) |]
I can't make out what the error means at all:
Can't derive instances where the instance context mentions
type variables that are not data type parameters
Offending constraint: Show t_d
When deriving the instance for (Show Alpha)
In the Template Haskell quotation
[d| data Alpha = Alpha $(conT n) deriving (Show, Read) |]
In the expression:
[d| data Alpha = Alpha $(conT n) deriving (Show, Read) |]
Is it possible to do derivations like this?
This problem arises because TH quotes are type checked when they are compiled, with splices replaced by variables. This is usually a good idea, because it allows many kinds of problems to be detected before the splice is run, but in some cases this can make the compiler wrongfully reject a splice that would generate valid code.
In this case, this means that the compiler tries to check this code:
data Alpha = Alpha t deriving (Show, Read)
This doesn't work because the derived Show and Read instances need to use Show and Read for t, but since t is not a type parameter of Alpha, it cannot add the necessary constraints. Of course, when this splice is run, t is replaced by a concrete type, so the appropriate instances will be available without the need for any constraints, so this is one of the cases where the compiler is being over-cautious.
The workaround is to not use quoting, but instead use TH combinators, which are not subject to these extra checks. It's messy, but it works:
makeAlpha n = sequence [dataD (cxt []) alpha []
[normalC alpha [strictType notStrict (conT n)]] [''Show, ''Read]]
where alpha = mkName "Alpha"
There has been some talk about relaxing the checks done on quotes, but for now you'll just have to deal with it.
