Sails call one controller from another controller - node.js

I am having two controllers, SocketController and ProjectController
SocketController has method getData(data)
ProjectController has method addProject(data)
I need to call addProject() from getData() method.
I tried using sails.controllers.ProjectController.addProject(data) but I got following error:
Cannot find method addProject of undefined
I searched for alternative ways to call another controller using services in Stack Overflow but that was of no help to me. Is there any other way to get this work?

Controllers are just Node modules that export public methods. You can require them like anything else. So assuming your methods are correctly exposed with module.exports, this will work:
/* ProjectController */
module.exports = {
addProject: function(data) {
// ...
/* SocketController */
// Assuming ProjectController.js exists in the same directory (default for Sails)
var projectController = require('./ProjectController');
module.exports = {
index: function(req, res) {
// ...
Edit: I will add that using services is a better place to keep common functionality like your example. Services allow complex logic to be decoupled from the controller layer and reused by other areas of the application with ease. Controllers should generally be reserved for handling HTTP requests from the client and passing the data to the service or model layers for manipulating the database. I believe Sails also makes services global by default so you don't have to worry about confusing require paths.

Controller functions are also accessible through the global sails object, without use of require, however a function from ProjectController will be found under:
instead of
Anyways you might want to consider having shared functionality in either services or models, as was pointed out previously.


Change server option in middleware

In Fastify I can specify instance options while creating it, e.g.
const fastify = require('fastify')({logger:true, disableRequestLogging: false});
Is it possible to do this in a middleware registered with the instance?
e.g. if I do something like
and instance of fastify is passed to myPlugin - can I, for example change its disableRequestLogging value while in the middleware?
The router is the what relies on disableRequestLogging to switch on/off logging for the request and the later response.
if (disableRequestLogging === false) {{ req: request }, 'incoming request')
The router does provide a setup function that allows disableRequestLogging to be changed. You can see fastify.js uses router.setup() late in initialisation here to apply some new values.
The problem is fastify doesn't provide access to router as part of it's public API. Only functions like fastify.get/.post/.route etc which allow access to specific components of the router.
Short of modifying the source, I can't see a way. Not even something dodgey like onkeypatching a function in due to the way fastify variables are scoped. Even if you could do that, it would be delving into undefined/untested behaviours.

Access controller methods from sails service?

I have a function declared in a controller but outside of it, so it's a regular method not an action/api.
Let's say it's just does a console.log().
I need to access it from a sails service.
I've tried using sails.controllers.user.myFunction(). UserController being the function but I get 'undefined is not a function'.
Is there a way to do this?
The way I know to do it is like this (depending on where you are getting it your path could change, I put my test in the services folder):
var controller = require('../controllers/UserController.js');
controller.myFunction( );
I hope this helps!

mean.js $resource to call express server RESTful API

I come from a completely non web-development background, but having seen the traction that mean.js is picking up, i really wanted to give it a shot.
I've followed tutorials online so I've basically started, run and modified the example app but am now trying to do something thats off of the tutorials. As a result I have a basic understanding of express and angular
I've been trying to integrate the activator npm package ( into the app, and while I've managed to fit in the angular bits, I'm having trouble plugging in the express bits. Which brings me to a very fundamental doubt, the answers to which I haven't really been able to find. I know that in Mean, the angular code connects to the express code using REST API's created in express. And that I believe happens using angular services. But I don't understand how. For instance, the users module has the following service defined:
angular.module('users').factory('Users', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('users', {}, {
update: {
method: 'PUT'
Can anyone explain how this works ?
Also if I have some code on the express side say:
var sayHello = function(name){
return "Hello"+name;
How can I call this through angular? I know we use $resource for that from the ngResource module, but I dont really understand how.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Connecting these things together can be a bit confusing. I think the thing to understand is that when using Express on the server side, you need to model your API around a route, and handle communication with the req and res objects you'll be handed.
So first on the client side, taking a simple example, I generally use the $resource as a way of wrapping the HTTP/ajax details which I don't want to worry about. So I'll write my service as such:
"use strict";
angular.module("myModule").factory("UserService", ["$resource",
function($resource) {
var resource;
resource = $resource("/api/users", null, {
listUsers: {
method: "GET",
isArray: true
return resource;
(Notice that I'm passing the isArray parameter to this resource since I expect an array of users to return -- which is not always the case with all APIs).
Then to take advantage of that resource, perhaps in my controller I'll have code like this:
"use strict";
angular.module("myModule").controller("UserCtrl", ["$scope", "UserService",
function($scope, userService) {
$scope.loadUsers = function() {
userService.listUsers(function(resource, headers) {
// this function is called on success, with the result
// stored within the `resource` variable
// ...
}, function(response) {
// this function is called on error
// ...
Now assuming everything goes right on the server side, we'll receive our list of users to play around with passed in to the first function as the resource.
On the server side, we'll need to configure our routes (wherever those are configured) to include our users controller, which will serve as our users API. So perhaps within this app we have a routes directory which contains all our Express routes (see the app.route documentation for more information on Express routes). We also have a controllers directory which contains all our Express controllers that handle the logic for our routes. Keeping with the "users" example, we'll have a route defined that matches the /api/users $resource route we defined above in our Angular code:
"use strict";
var controller = require("../controllers/user");
module.exports = function(app) {
This code takes in the Express app as input, and defines a single route for /api/users as a GET HTTP request (notice the .get function called). The logic for this route is defined in the user controller, which would be something like this:
"use strict";
exports.listUsers = function(req, res) {
var users;
// ...somehow populate the users to return...
We've left the details on how to populate that array of users, but hopefully this gives you the idea. This controller is passed the req (request) and res (response) HTTP objects as input, so it can query the request object for details on what the user passed in, and must send some response back to the user to complete the request/response loop. In this example I'm using the res.send function to simply send back our JavaScript array (which will be passed as JSON).
Does that make sense?

Want to get crystal clear about NodeJS app structure (Full JavaScript Stack) [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I would like to know the structure of a typical NodeJS app, because the more I read and see the projects, the more confused I am, specifically for questions like these (or even more after I updated this question):
Take the MEAN stack for example, from what I know, NodeJS and Express take care of the server part, providing the server interface, etc. MongoDB and Angular are pretty straightforward.
But where should the business logic go? Say if I have a controller.js which contains a function, and the route.js file binds the request with this controller function. My question is: under which module these files belong to/run under (Express or NodeJS?)
Where is the starting point of a NodeJS app? Say index.php is the starting point of a PHP app, but where is it for NodeJS app? I can see that all Nodejs projects have a file called server.js or app.js, etc.(containing something like module.exports = app;) But how can NodeJS know which file to find and execute?
I am a fresh noob on NodeJS, Express, sequelize.js/Mongoose, Jade/EJS but want to get started on a NodeJS project. Could you please elaborate on the actual function that each modules provide and a general introduction of the typical structure for a full JS stacked NodeJS app? Thanks in advance!
Alright, this is a pretty broad question and I'm definitely no expert, but I'll do my best here.
routes are controllers that tell what logic to execute when a user navigates their browser to a certain path within your app, including which views to render and what data to send to those views
models are just that - data models within your application
module.exports = tells a file what exactly it "exports", that is what code needs to be executed or accessible from your main app file.
require(..) includes a module. You can set this on a variable so that you may call module functions later, or simply execute a function if that is all that module.exports returns.
Combining these techniques can help you nail down a solid framework for any of your applications.
Long Answer
Express provides a solid framework for structuring your Node.js application. Node is completely independent of Express, but because of how popular Express is they practically go hand-in-hand. Once installed, Express can be used to generate a scaffold web project (with options) for you to build on top of if you'd like.
A generated project will create /routes/index.js, which (if you understand MVC) is essentially your main controller. A route in express is written as so:
app.get('/path', function(req, res, next){ .. } );
Lets break that down: our application variable (app) is being told that on a GET request to '/path' to execute an anonymous callback function with req, res, next variables (request, response, callback respectively). I find it helpful to think of this like a custom event handler.
Its important to note at this point that we could also call with the same syntax for posts to a URL as opposed to gets.
Within our anonymous callback, we handle any incoming data and render a view for the user. This is where most of my business logic ends up, so it actually makes sense to NOT use anonymous functions here. Here's an example of a basic callback that just displays a homepage:
app.get('/', function(req, res, next){
//some business logic
When the user tries to GET the index path of our application (/), we simply render our home view that, from the root of our project, is stored in a views folder.
But what if we want to modularize this so that we aren't declaring all of our routes in our main app.js or server.js?
We use module.exports = .. in our modules to tell our server what exactly to include. In my controller, I export a single function that takes the application as an argument and uses that to define our routes like so:
module.exports = function(app){
app.get('/users', function(req, res){
var users = req.db.collection('users').find();
if (!users) {
console.log("no users found");
} else {
res.render('users/index', {users : users});
Don't worry about the req.db code, I attach the database to the request in my application but that isn't done by default. Simply understand that I'm getting a list of 'users' here, and redirecting the user to the index of my app if there aren't any.
Mongoose provides us with a great interface for writing models. With mongoose, writing models is a three step process:
Define a schema
Define model logic
Generate and export the model
Here is an example of a User model:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
joinDate: {type: Date, default: }
User = mongoose.model('user', userSchema);
module.exports = user;
Server App
module.exports is used to help us define some modularity to our codebase. When we run a node application, we're ultimately running a single JavaScript file (you've already seen that file with server.js or app.js).
To keep this file from getting too big with multiple models and routes, we use require(module) to include code from other JS files. module in our case would be a path to the module we want to require. If you have the following doc structure:
| Controllers
- User.js
| Models
- User.js
| Views
To include your user controller from app.js, you would write: require('./Controllers/User'). Since our controller modules simply export functions, we can call that function immediately after our require statement by simply adding parentheses at the end (with whatever parameters are required). Including my controllers looks like so:
I'm passing in the actual app, because my module (below) simply exports a function that adds business logic to my app's routes. This only needs to be called and never used, so I don't capture my controller as a variable to call methods on later.
Including models is a little different, since we may want to perform some operation that our model defines. We can do this by changing up our require code just a bit:
var User = require('./Models/User');
Now we can call methods of our User model whenever. Mongoose gives us a lot of base functionality for free:
User.find({}, function(err, users){ .. });
The above function will go find all of our users, and then execute an anonymous function with a potential err (is null if no issues) and then a list of our users in JSON format. Pretty nifty.
Combining all of these concepts is how you create a basic web application using Express and Node.js. Please let me know in the comments if there's anything I can clarify about how I use Express. This is very surface level knowledge, and I suggest digging into documentation and looking at plugins to extend the capabilities of your apps. Good luck!

Add express middleware for param validations

In a sails.js application is there a simple way of including express-middleware?
For instance extending the request object with express-validator.
Adding express-middleware in a sails application is simple.
create a new policy.
middleware.js / .coffee
Add Express MiddlewareYOUR_MIDDLE_WARE_FILE_NAME.js
Inside your middleware file we create the standard export for node.js
module.exports = require('middle-ware')(OPTIONS_GO_HERE) // See middleware docs for configuration settings.
Then once you have created the middleware you can apply it to all requests or a single controller by following the Sails.js convension.
Entire Applicationpolicies.js
module.exports.policies = {
'*':['middleware'] // node same name as file without extention
Single Controller Action policies.js
module.exports.policies = {
First of all, #SkyTecLabs' answer is the proper way to do this. But I wanted to add that, in some cases, you may need to control your static files (images, client-side javascript, css, etc) as well (I just had to deal with this recently). In this case, you can apply middleware generically to every route.
As of Sails.js v0.9.3, you can do:
// Put this in `config/express.js` = {
customMiddleware: function (app) {
app.use(require('../node_modules/sails/node_modules/express').basicAuth('balderdash', 'wickywocky'));
More here:
In the case where you want middleware to run before one or more of your controllers or actions, you're definitely better served using the policy approach though!
