Adding corresponding column A values if values in column B match one another - excel

I need to create a formula that adds up column A if the values in column B match.
1 123
1 123
2 345
2 345
1 345
So for this example I need it to add up 123's to show 2 and 345's to show 5. I have been playing with SUMIF and VLOOKUP but haven't been able to get it to work.

In row2 and copied down to suit:


Find duplicates with a suffix in excel and keep results

I have a spreadsheet with a list of items in one column (A) and in column C shows the total sold. I'm trying to find all the items within column A.
The issue is, some items are the same, only they have a suffix, mostly separated by a -. The values in column C would be different as well.
ABC = 5
ABC-123 = 3
ABC-543 = 2
I'm looking to identify only 123 and then combine all the values, so that it will show ABC and 10 as the total.
I've looked around how to remove the duplicate suffix, but have so far failed to find a method when trying to add the total values.
Many thanks
do you mean the data you have looks like this:
column A column B column C
ABC-123 3
ABC-543 2
if so, you can select column A then go to data then text to columns then delimited select other by putting - sign, next and finish.
result must be:
column A column B column C
ABC 123 3
ABC 543 2
then you can =sumifs(C:C;A:A;"ABC") (keep in mind that column B must be empty)
if you have ABC-123 = 3 in the same cell as a text, then you can do:
where F3 is equal to ABC-123 = 3 The formula above searches fo ABC and gives you a value after = sign, no matter how long this value is. If there is no ABC it will return an error.
if there is no need to look for ABC then just use:
I hope this helps. I cannot comment, so ask if you have questions.
Best - AB

A function that will lookup a reference

Before I get started thanks for taking your time and helping.
This is what my worksheet looks like:
Row # B C D E F
2 1 Product 1 B2 B3 B4
3 2
4 6
5 1 Product 2 B5 B6
6 5
7 4 Product 3 B7
I was trying to follow this formula: (The best answer one or green check mark) return values from multiple matching rows
I got all the way to the =IFERROR(INDIRECT(lookups!H5),"") but can not get this to work.
What I am tying to do is order the numbers in Column B to go to the right of the product. Which I was able to get the column it is in (B) and the row number it is in (B2). I would like to change the value (B2) to the number that is there.
I would like it to look like this:
Row # C D E F
2 Product 1 1 2 6
5 Product 2 1 5
7 Product 3 4
If someone could help explain this to me or find a better way that would be great.
Not sure what is to happen to columnB but if you replace B with "="B throughout columns D:F then select each of these in turn and apply Text to Columns with Tab as the delimiter the 'cell references' convert to formulae referring to the values in B. If you want to delete columnB copy D:F and Paste Special, Values over the top.

Comparing two columns in excel, inserting blank rows moving associated data

I have a large set of data in excel that needs to be matched by column. Specifically, the data currently looks like:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
1 1 aaaa
2 3 bbbb
3 4 cccc
Ideally, I want the data to look like:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
1 1 aaaa
3 3 bbbb
4 4 cccc
I've looked at different ways of comparing Column 1 and Column 2 (similar to this), but haven't found a good way to a) insert the blank space where column 1 and 2 don't match and b) also attach the data in column 3.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
If you want / can use directly Excel:
In the cells of Col "D" put this formula:
In the cells of Col "E" put this formula:
In the cells of Col "F" put this formula:
Copy and paste for all the cells.
The good think it's that it's autoupdated... Or when finish copy and paste with value.

How to compare 2 cells to another 2 cells in a different sheet in excel?

I want to know how to compare or know the difference of 2 cells to another 2 cells in a different sheet in excel 2007
Sheet 1
1 101 KIWI
2 102 APPLE
3 103 BANANA
Sheet 2
1 101 KIWI
2 102 APPLE
3 103 ORANGE
I want to show the there is a difference in 3rd row on Sheet 1 and 2
If you put =A1&B1 in C1 of each sheet and copy down then it is like comparing single columns. So with, in D1:
in Sheet1: =MATCH(C1,Sheet2!C:C,0)
in Sheet2: =MATCH(C1,Sheet1!C:C,0)
copied down in each case the resulting numbers should show the row number where the match is on the 'other sheet' (the lists need not be sorted) and otherwise #N/A for where matches have not been found.
There is obviously no need for the concatenation for the example provided, since the two 'A' columns are identical, but I take it that was because the example was simplified.

Find value from one cell, copy value from cell near to that cell and paste it to another sheet

I have 2 sheets with different values. I need to find a value from one cell.sheet1 in sheet2 and copy value from nextcell_in_the_same_row.sheet1 to nextcell_in_the_same_row.sheet2.
It is very difficult to explain let look at the example bellow.
first sheet:
1 aaa 123
2 bbb 456
3 ccc 789
4 ddd 122
second sheet:
1 aaa
2 ada
3 cca
4 ccc
first sheet:
1 aaa 123
2 bbb 456
3 ccc 789
4 ddd 122
second sheet:
1 aaa *need to find value in the first sheet and copy value from B2 because aaa in A1*
2 ada *value does not exist in the first sheet so copy nothing*
3 cca *not need to copy because no value in the first sheet*
4 ccc *need to copy the value from B3*
Thank you so much!
Use a VLOOKUP along with an IFERROR.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet1!A:B, 2, 0), "")
This will do what you described (well described, by the way!) in your question. Drag the formula down in Sheet2 till the bottom.
VLOOKUP takes the value of A1 in sheet 2 (no sheet reference because the value is in the same sheet as the formula) and looks it up in column A of Sheet1.
It returns the second value (hence why 2) of the table selected in the formula (column A is 1, column B is 2).
The 0 tells the VLOOKUP to look for exact matches. You don't need approximate match here.
And IFFERROR is there in case VLOOKUP doesn't find anything (like with ada) and instead of giving #N/A, returns an empty cell, "".
