Arithmetic operations inside templates - erb

I'm trying to add a number to a parameter inside a puppet template as below
"https://localhost:<%= 9443 + #offset %>/service/"
This gives me the following error.
Detail: String can't be coerced into Fixnum
'offset' is a numeric value. Is it possible to do this kind of arithmetic operations in puppet?

Everything in puppet is parsed as a string. Give the following a try:
"https://localhost:<%= 9443 + #offset.to_i %>/service/"
"https://localhost:<%= 9443 + Integer(#offset) %>/service/"
Hope this helps.


Call groovy script dynamically in Apache Camel using doTry-doCatch

I'm building a route which calls a groovy script whose path is dynamically computed and, if the script can't be found, defaults to a generic, static script:
The problem is that the exchange property consumerType is not resolved since the uri string parameter of toD is evaluated using groovy and not simple.
MultipleCompilationErrorsException -> startup failed:
Script_09b4150584d9e2c979353feee06897b5.groovy: 1: Unexpected input: 'scripts/${exchangeProperty.consumerType}' # line 1, column 20.
1 error
How can I obtain the desired behavior?
According to the error shown there, it seems Camel is not able to resolve the string you provided in the toD().
By default, the expression you pass to a dynamic to is evaluated as Simple language but, as described in To Dynamic Camel documentation, you can specify other languages for the dynamic evaluation.
In your case, you are trying to evaluate the endpoint with groovy language but then you're using Simple language to substitute a piece of the name of the script.
One solution I've found (yet not the best) would be to specify the language for the interpretation of the string as simple and then use language:groovy to specify the endpoint that will need to be called.
You could write something like this:
It seems to work, but I hope someone else comes up with a better solution.

How to interpolate expressions in Terraform?

I'm trying to use the keys expression in Terraform to grab a list of keys (from a map variable) and assign it to a local variable. Here is the code snippet:
locals {
project_name_list = keys(${var.project_map})
However, I'm getting the following error:
Unknown token: 29:22 IDENT keys
Am I missing something here. Nowhere can I find an example of this expression. As bad as it is, even the official documentation does not help -
HashiCorp has really done a bad job of elaborating the nuances of Terraform for beginners on their website.
Terraform functions need to be wrapped in expression syntax to show that it's not a literal value: "${}"
So try this: project_name_list = "${keys(var.project_map)}"
The example in the documentation is written as though being run from the terraform command line, which already assumes the command is a HCL expression and doesn't require that syntax.
I said above that the expression syntax is to show that it's not a literal value. It's probably more accurate to speak of it as expression syntax vs. configuration syntax. Configuration syntax is the first level of interpolation, which forms the basic structure of your terraform file with resource blocks, data blocks, etc. The second interpolation level is expression syntax which is used to generate values used by your configuration.
Thinking of it in these terms makes better sense of the error message, Unknown token, because terraform is attempting to read it as a configuration key word.
I had compared it to a literal value because it's in the same position as where a literal value would be.

How to concatenate a string with SpEL in SpringXD Stream Definition

I'm trying to create a stream definition that uses two payload fields joined together to create a concatenated string.
stream create --name blah --definition "http | gemfire-json-server --keyExpression=payload.getField('deviceId') + payload.getField('timestamp')" --deploy`
The concatenation piece in the keyExpression is incorrect, what should it be to get it to work inline?
The simplest answer to you is based on the fact that String has concat() method. So, you code may look like:
From other side, here you are a quote from XD Reference Manual:
It is only necessary to quote parameter values if they contain spaces or the | character. Here the transform processor module is being passed a SpEL expression that will be applied to any data it encounters:
transform --expression='new StringBuilder(payload).reverse()'
And find this chapter, please, for more information about quotes.

proper syntax for bpel bpel:doXslTransform

I am trying to do an XSL transform on an xml structure in a bpel assignment statement. There is a syntax problem, but I am having trouble finding official documentation. There are examples all over the internet but I have not found a clear explanation. Here is my best shot. What do the last two parameters do? Why is eclipse saying the first argument must be a literal, even though test3.xsl is a string?
<bpel:assign validate="yes" name="Assign">
<bpel:copy keepSrcElementName="no">
<![CDATA[bpel:doXslTransform("test3.xsl", $personalInfoServiceOutput.parameters), "middle", $positionSkillManagementInput]]>
<bpel:to variable="positionSkillManagementInput"></bpel:to>
The signature of doXSLTransform looks as follows:
object bpel:doXslTransform(string, node-set, (string, object)*)
The first parameter is the name of the XSLT script, the second parameter is an XPath identifying the source document (e.g. a variable, part, nodeset, node). The third and the fourth parameter is a key-value pair, the string is the key and the object is the value. Those pairs are mapped into the script's parameter context so that you can access these values by their name in the script. There can be any number of these pairs.
The best resource to look up such things is the WS-BPEL 2.0 specification, doXSLTransform is described in Sect. 8.4
When I use the following code :
<bpel:copy keepSrcElementName="no">
<![CDATA[bpel:doXslTransform("parseSample.xsl", $output.payload)]]>
<bpel:to variable="output"></bpel:to>
I also get the error, that first argument must be literal string.
But, when I deploy my service (with error) to wso2 bps, it works fine.
You can try with this.
I faced the same issue. Agree with NGoyal. Shows error in BPEL but works when deployed.

Assigning a mathematical string expression to double variable

I have a mathematical expression in string form like:
string strExpression = "10+100+Math.Sin(90)";
I want to simply assign this expression (at run time) to a float variable (say result), so that it becomes the following code statement:
float result = 10+100+Math.Sin(90);
How can I do this?
You have to compile the expression within a syntactically correct code block. See as an example.
Edit: Or alternatively write your own expression parser if the expression is going to be VERY simple (I wouldn't recommend this though)
You could use CS-Script to dynamically make a class with a method that you can run, if you don't want to write your own parser but rather use C# which you allready know..
