Using chroot() after loading shared libraries? - linux

In order to avoid copying all the shared libraries and config files into the chroot folder, I plan to call chroot("path/to/folder"); right after all the shared libraries and config files have been loaded.
Would a buffer overflow exploit in the previously loaded libraries provide the attacker access outside the chroot? (Because they were loaded before chrooting.)
Are there any drawbacks to this delayed chroot method in comparison to chrooting before program execution?

Shared libraries are loaded into your executable's process space, and have exactly as many privileges as your executable. As soon as your executable is chrooted, so are they.
Delayed chrooting isn't necessarily a good idea for executables that are run setuid/setgid, and are meant to be hardened against local attacks, because the sorts of things they access before they chroot (command-line arguments, configuration files) are exactly the sorts of things that would be exploitable. That goes for shared libraries too, I suppose. But if you're, say, mitigating the potential vulnerabilities of a networked server process, delayed chroot offers you the best of both worlds.

It's a relatively remote possibility, but the libraries you load may open files/directories, create threads, etc. as soon as you load them (source). This means there may be handles open to things outside the chroot that could be abused in the event of an exploit.


Solution for shared home directory across separate machines - change $HOME variable?

I have an account on a set of machines which have separate processors, memory, and storage but share the same home directory. So, for instance, if I ssh into either machine, they will both source the same bashrc file.
The sysadmin does not install all of the software I wish to use so I have compiled some from source and store it in bin, lib, etc. directories in the home directory and change my PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables to include these. Each machine, at least up until recently, had different operating systems (or at least versions) installed and I was told that compiled code on one machine would not necessarily give the same result on the other. Therefore my (very hacky) solution was the following:
Create two directories in $HOME: ~/server1home and ~/server2home,
each with their own set of bin, lib, etc. with separately
compiled libraries.
Edit my .bashrc to check which server I am on and set the path variables to look in the correct directories for binaries and libraries for the server.
Lately, we moved building and the servers were rebooted and I believe they both run the same OS now. Most of my setup was broken by the reboot so I have to remake it. In principle, I don't need anything different on each machine and they could be identical apart from the fact that there are more processors and memory to run code on. They don't have the same hardware, as far as I'm aware, so I still don't know if they can safely run the same binaries. Is such a setup safe to run code that needs to be numerically precise?
Alternatively, I would redo my hack differently this time. I had a lot of dotfiles that still ended up going into $HOME, rather than my serverXhome directories and the situation was always a little messy. I want to know if it's possible to redefine $HOME on login, based on hostname and then have nothing but the two serverXhome directories inside the shared $HOME, with everything duplicated inside each of these new home directories. Is this possible to set up without administrative privileges? I imagine I could make a .profile script that runs on login and changes $HOME to point at the right directory and then sources the new .bashrc within that directory to set all the rest of the environment variables. Is this the correct way of going about this or are there some pitfalls to be wary of?
TL;DR: I have the same home directory for two separate machines. Do binary libraries and executables compiled on one machine run safely on the other? Otherwise, is there a strategy to redefine $HOME on each machine to point to a subdirectory of the shared home directory and have separate binaries for each?
PS: I'm not sure if this is more relevant in superuser stackexchange or not. Please let me know if I'd have better luck posting there.
If the two machines have the same processor architecture, in general compiled binaries should work on both.
Now there is a number of factors that come into play, and the result will hugely depend on the type of programs that you want to run, but in general, if the same shared libraries are installed, then your programs will work identically.
On different distributions, or different versions of a given distribution, it is likely that the set of installed libraries, or that the version of them will differ, which means that your programs will work on the machine on which they are built, but probably not on another one.
If you can control how they are built, you can rebuild your applications to have static linkage instead of dynamic, which means that they will embed all the libraries they need when built, resulting in a much bigger executable, but providing a much improved compatibility.
If the above doesn't work and you need to use a different set of programs for each machine, I would recommend leaving the $HOME environment variable alone, and only change your $PATH depending on the machine you are on.
You can have a short snipper in your .bashrc like so:
export PATH=$HOME/$(hostname)/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/$(hostname)/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Then all you need is a folder bearing the machine's hostname for each machine you can connect to. If several machines share the same operating system and architecture, making symbolic links will save you some space.

File read(i.e. using vfs_read()) from LKM init_module()

I would like to read files from my LKM "initialization" function so that I can config the LKM from some configuration files.
I'm wondering if it is not a good practice to read files even from the initialization function of LKM; I heard that it is NOT recommended to read files from LKM after all kernel was initialized.
Please advice me.
Thank you.
Reading from/writing to files from the kernel is definitely not recommended.
The Kernel Newbies wiki page describes it quite nicely.
For several reasons:
Selecting where and in what format to read/write data is a policy and policy does not belong to kernel. A userland daemon is much
easier to replace with one that receives or sends the data over a
network, generates or converts them from/to different format etc.
Filesystem operations need a user context (i.e.: current != NULL). You can't be sure you're in user context so you can't write something
from (for example) an interrupt handler.
The kernel allows multiple filesystem namespaces for user processes. Which one should it use? How do you make sure it indeed
uses the one you want?
Kernel should not depend on particular layout of a filesystem nor on availability of writable filesystem. The location of the file is
a policy decision and policy decisions should be done in userspace.
Maybe you want to dump the kernel output in a remote MySQL server
tomorrow, that kind of policy is so much easier in userland.
Kernel code should be kept simple and stupid, because any bug in it is likely to have serious consequences. Working with files requires
being aware of various locking issues and would add unnecessary
If you want to configure the behaviour of the kernel module you're writing, you can pass module parameters that configure it on start up. Alternatively, your module can expose interfaces to sysfs that can be used to configure it at run time.

Developmental testing of programs using Linux's POSIX capabilities

I'm developing a project where the executables use Linux's POSIX capabilities rather than being setuid root. So far I've had to keep one root shell open so that each time I recompile I can redo the setcap command to give the needed capability to the executable file so that I can test the results. That's getting tedious, plus if I ever hope that anyone else would want to contribute to the project's development I'll have to come up with a better way of doing it.
So far I've come up with two ways of dealing with this:
1) Have a single make target to be run as root to create a special setuid program which will be used to by the makefiles to give the capability to the executables. The program will be compiled from a template modified via sed so that it will only run if used by the non-root user the developer is working as, and will only modify files owned by the developer (and which are sitting in directories owned by the developer which aren't world writeable).
The problem with this is that I'm using GNU autotools to generate my make files, and I can't figure out how to get the makefiles to run a program on a linked executable after it's been linked. I could create a setcap-all target which has all the executables as its dependencies, with a rule that runs the setuid program on them, but then you can't simply do make executable-1 if that's all you want to build.
2) Have a single make target to be run as root to create a setuid daemon which will use inotify to monitor the src directory and grant the capability to any new executables (and which has security consideration similar to the setuid program from #1).
My problem with this is that I can't figure out how to get the build system to automatically and transparently start up the daemon, plus my intuition that This Is Not The Way Things Are Done in a proper build system.
Are there any better ways of doing this?
Maybe I'm a bit confused about the question, but it seems you're trying to use the build-system to solve an installation problem.
Whether you're packaging your project using dpkg, rpm or anything else, there should be a rule to enforce usage of setcap, which will set the capabilities of the installed binary using the Filesystem Extended Attributes (xattrs).
# Post-install rule example
setcap cap_net_raw=+pe /usr/bin/installed-binary
However, of you're installing a system daemon, you may count on the init-script to already have all the capabilities, so it's a matter of letting your process to drop unneeded capabilities.

How to blacklist a shared library to avoid it being fetched by the loader?

I'm trying to force a build internal pre-processor used for built-sources to not rely on shared libraries installed in my host machine without having to uninstall them.
Although there is a LD_PRELOAD environment variable which forces the loader (ld-linux) to fetch the specified shared libraries before anything else, I'd like to do quite the opposite, forcing the loader not to fetch the specified libraries during the setup process (kind of LD_NEVERLOAD variable).
Is there some way to do so without breaking my entire system (aka, removing such libraries)?
PS: I've renamed my system libraries to test this specific use case, but this is definitely not an elegant way of doing so.
Reading the manual pages ld(1) and you might try playing with LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_RUNPATH and options in both manuals which are related to "rpath".

How can I sandbox filesystem activity, particularly writes?

Gentoo has a feature in portage, that prevents and logs writes outside of the build and packaging directories.
Checkinstall is able to monitor writes, and package up all the generated files after completion.
Autotools have the DESTDIR macro that enables you to usually direct most of the filesystem activity to an alternate location.
How can I do this myself with the
safety of the Gentoo sandboxing
Can I use SELinux, rlimit, or
some other resource limiting API?
What APIs are available do this from
C, Python?
The mechanism used will not require root privileges or any involved/persistent system modification. This rules out creating users and using chroot().
Please link to the documentation for APIs that you mention, for some reason they're exceptionally difficult to find.
This is to prevent accidents. I'm not worried about malicious code, only the poorly written variety.
The way Debian handles this sort of problem is to not run the installation code as root in the first place. Package build scripts are run as a normal user, and install scripts are run using fakeroot - this LD_PRELOAD library redirects permission-checking calls to make it look like the installer is actually running as root, so the resulting file ownership and permissions are right (ie, if you run /usr/bin/install from within the fakeroot environment, further stats from within the environment show proper root ownership), but in fact the installer is run as an ordinary user.
Builds are also, in some cases (primarily for development), done in chroots using eg pbuilder - this is likely easier on a binary distribution however, as each build using pbuilder reinstalls all dependencies beyond the base system, acting as a test that all necessary dependencies are specified (this is the primary reason for using a chroot; not for protection against accidental installs)
One approach is to virtualize a process, similar to how wine does it, and reinterpret file paths. That's rather heavy duty to implement though.
A more elegant approach is to use the chroot() system call which sets a subtree of the filesystem as a process's root directory. Create a virtual subtree, including /bin, /tmp, /usr, /etc as you want the process to see them, call chroot with the virtual tree, then exec the target executable. I can't recall if it is possible to have symbolic links within the tree reference files outside, but I don't think so. But certainly everything needed could be copied into the sandbox, and then when it is done, check for changes against the originals.
Maybe get the sandbox safety with regular user permissions? So the process running the show has specific access to specific directories.
chroot would be an option but I can't figure out how to track these tries to write outside the root.
Another idea would be along the lines of intercepting system calls. I don't know much about this but strace is a start, try running a program through it and check if you see something you like.
is using kernel modules an option? because you could replace the write system call with your own so you could prevent whatever you needed and also log it.
It sounds a bit like what you are describing is containers. Once you've got the container infrastructure set up, it's pretty cheap to create containers, and they're quite secure.
There are two methods to do this. One is to use LD_PRELOAD to hook library calls that result in syscalls, such as those in libc, and call dlsym/dlopen. This will not allow you to directly hook syscalls.
The second method, which allows hooking syscalls, is to run your executable under ptrace, which provides options to stop and examine syscalls when they occur. This can be set up programmatically to sandbox calls to restricted areas of the filesystem, among other things.
LD_PRELOAD can not intercept syscalls, but only libcalls?
Dynamic linker tricks: Using LD_PRELOAD to cheat, inject features and investigate programs
Write Yourself an Strace in 70 Lines of Code
