Require One of Several Columns on Mongoose.js - node.js

Is there any way to require only one (or more than one, but not all) of several columns in a single collection in Mongoose.js? In my case, I am using Passport and want my user to sign up via one of the providers I provide, or make his/her own. However, I do not want to require the user to sign up via any one provider, but rather whichever one he/she wishes.
Here is a sample schema, from the tutorial on Passport (NOTE: This is an example. I am not going to use it in my app, but may use something like it):
// app/models/user.js
// load the things we need
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt-nodejs');
// define the schema for our user model
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
local : {
email : String,
password : String,
facebook : {
id : String,
token : String,
email : String,
name : String
twitter : {
id : String,
token : String,
displayName : String,
username : String
google : {
id : String,
token : String,
email : String,
name : String
// methods ======================
// generating a hash
userSchema.methods.generateHash = function(password) {
return bcrypt.hashSync(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(8), null);
// checking if password is valid
userSchema.methods.validPassword = function(password) {
return bcrypt.compareSync(password, this.local.password);
// create the model for users and expose it to our app
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
How do I make it required that at least one of the objects local, facebook, twitter, or google is specified (not null, not undefined, etc.) before saving the document, without making any single one required (and the other ones not required) or making all of them required? In terms of the app, this would make the user be required to sign up for the first time via a username & password; a Twitter or Facebook OAuth account, or a Google+ OpenID account. However, the user would not be tied to any one provider, so he/she would not have to sign up via a username & password, but nor would he/she have to sign up via a social networking account if that's not his/her thing.

I'd try using a global pre-validation hook:
const providers = ['google', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'local'];
userSchema.pre('validate', function(next) {
let hasProvider = false;
// not sure if this is needed, but sometimes, the scoping is messed up
const that = this;
// you should add more validations, e.g. for fields, too
hasProvider = providers.some(provider => that.hasOwnProperty(provider));
return (hasProvider) ? next() : next(new Error('No Provider provided'));
Note: This only works, if the pre-validation hook is actually being called. If you only use .save() you should be fine according to the docs.:
The save() function triggers validate() hooks, because mongoose has a
built-in pre('save') hook that calls validate(). This means that all
pre('validate') and post('validate') hooks get called before any
pre('save') hooks.
If you use a function that circuments the validation, this might lead to problems. Check for more info!


Edit User's Custom Claims from Firebase

I am using firebase to generate JWT tokens to authorize access to a hasura graphql server.
I want an end user to have a callable firebase function that they can call from the app so they can change the x-hasura-role in their claims without changing other parts of their claims. I am guessing the best way to do this is to export the old custom user claims and set a new role inputted by the user.
exports.changeUserType = functions.https.onCall( async (data, context) => {
var userType = data.usertype;
// get the old user claims somehow
// check if user should be able to change their userType via a graphql query
// edit the user claims
return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(userType, {
'': {
'x-hasura-role': userType,
'x-hasura-default-role': 'orgdriver',
'x-hasura-allowed-roles': ['orgauditor', 'orgdriver', 'orgmanager', 'orgadmin', 'orgdirector'],
'x-hasura-user-id': user.uid // <-- from the old claims so user can't edit
If there is a better way to do this, maybe by grabbing a user's id from the auth database by checking who ran the function please tell me. Thank you in advance.
When a Firebase Authenticated user hits a Firebase Function, their uid is passed in through context. I would ensure they are authenticated first:
if (context.auth == undefined) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
'The user must be authenticated.',
Then I would grab their uid:
const uuid = context?.auth?.uid as string;
Then you can get their user using the firebase-admin library's getAuth():
// get user
const user = await getAuth().getUser(uuid);
Now finally you can set your new custom claim property:
// set the hasura role
return await getAuth().setCustomUserClaims(uuid, {
'x-hasura-role': userType,
Be sure to import:
import { getAuth } from 'firebase-admin/auth';
In this way you can safely know the user is authenticated and a uid exists, then you can simply grab the user and all their existing claims, then when you go to update destructure all existing claims values, and update the one value you want.
In this way get all the user's old claims, ensure they are authenticated, retain all old claim properties, and update the one thing you want to update.
I hope that helps out!

Cognito - How to get username from email

When running the following code
const userDetails = {
Username: email,
Pool: userPool
const cognitoUser = new amazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUser(userDetails);
the output is the email.
How can I get Cognito user's GUID? (i.e : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
The use-case is general and not related to a specific function like 'signup' or 'login'.
The only parameter the client pass is an email, (i.e no tokens) for example when users forget their password.
As of today you cannot do it.
The UUID/sub is an internal attribute. You can search for users having it with the ListUsers API, but you cannot retrieve it in any other way than through a token.

Using wildcards in firestore get query

I want to create a cloud function in firebase that gets triggered whenever a user logs in for the first time. The function needs to add the UID from the authentication of the specific user to a specific, already existing document in firestore. The problem is that the UID needs to be added to a document of which I do not know the location. The code I have right now doesn't completely do that, but this is the part where it goes wrong. The database looks like this when simplified
[randomly generated id]
[randomly generated id] (in here, a specific document needs to be found based on known email
There are multiple different organisations and it is unknown to which organisation the user belongs. I thought of using a wildcard, something like the following:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const db = admin.firestore();
console.log('function ready');
//Detect first login from user
//User is logged in for the first time
//const userID = firebase.auth().currentUser.UID;
//const userEmail = firebase.auth();
const userID = '1234567890';
const userEmail = '';
//Get email, either personal or work
console.log('Taking a snapshot...');
const snapshot = db.collection('organisations/{orgID}/people').get()
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
I commented out some authentication-based lines for testing purposes. I know the code still runs, because hardcoding the orgID does return the right values. Also, looping trough every organisation is not an option, because I need to have the possibility of having a lot of organisations.
A lot of solutions are based on firestore triggers, like onWrite, where you can use wildcards like this.
However, I don't think that's possible in this case
The solution to the problem above:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const db = admin.firestore();
//Add UID to document in DB[FMIS-94]
//Detect first login from user
//User is logged in for the first time
//const userID = firebase.auth().currentUser.UID;
//const userEmail = firebase.auth();
const userID = '1234567890';
const userEmail = '';
var docFound = false;
//Get email, either personal or work
console.log('Taking a snapshot...');
//Test for work email
const snapshot = db.collectionGroup('people').where('', '==', userEmail).get()
//work email found
console.log('work email found');
docFound = true;
const organisationID =;
writeUID(, userID, organisationID);
//Test for personal email
const snapshot = db.collectionGroup('people').where('email.personal', '==', userEmail).get()
//personal email found
console.log('personal email found');
const organisationID =;
writeUID(, userID, organisationID);
async function writeUID(doc, uid, organisationID){
const res = db.collection(`organisations/${organisationID}/people`).doc(doc).set({
userId: uid
}, { merge: true });
This was exactly what I needed, thanks for all your help everyone!
It is not possible to trigger a Cloud Function when a user logs in to your frontend application. There is no such trigger among the Firebase Authentication triggers.
If you want to update a document based on some characteristics of the user (uid or email), you can do that from the app, after the user has logged in.
You mention, in your question, "in here, a specific document needs to be found based on known email address". You should first build a query to find this document and then update it, all of that from the app.
Another classical approach is to create, for each user, a specific document which uses the user uid as document ID, for example in a users collection. It is then very easy to identify/find this document, since, as soon the user is logged in you know his uid.
I'm not sure I understand you correctly, but if you want to search across all people collections not matter what organizations document they're under, the solution is to use a collection group query for that.
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
console.log("user: "" in organization: ";
This will return a snapshot across all people collections in your entire Firestore database.
First setup Cloud Functions according to the official Documentation.
Then after setting up create functions like this:
exports.YOURFUNCTIONNAME= functions.firestore
.document('organisations/[randomly generated id]/people/[randomly generated id]')
.oncreate(res => {
const data =;
const email =;/----Your field name goes here-----/
/-----------------Then apply your logic here---------/
This will triggers the function whenever you create the People -> Random ID

Should I need to refresh the page in order to get user data?

Right now I have to refresh the page in order to get user data from local storage, I'm not sure that this is the correct way of doing things. How would I go about getting user data on login? Right now I'm just grabbing it from a local storage JWT but that doesn't seem like best practice. Should I be getting the user based on their ID every time they log in? How do I persist that data?
login(userName: string, email: string, password: string) {
const authData: LoginData = {userName, email, password };
console.log('AuthData', authData);<{token: string, expiresIn: number, displayName: string}>(this.loginRoute, authData)
.subscribe(response => {
const token = response.token;
this.token = token;
if (token) {
const expiresInDuration = response.expiresIn;
this.isAuthenticated = true;
this.username = response.displayName;;
const now = new Date();
const expirationDate = new Date(now.getTime() + expiresInDuration * 1000);
this.saveAuthData(token, expirationDate, userName);
I'd like to be able to display the user data on my home page of the user that is currently logged in but am unsure how to persist that data. right now I'm just using local storage.
Without a backend, you don't have a ton of options (like websockets). But with what you have you could create a separate function from login that checks if the user is actually authenticated and put it in an interval and poll it every X seconds. This will get rid of the reload function. You would create an Observable onInit that just goes off every 10 seconds or whatever and checks the status of the token.

Convert NodeJS asynchronous code to Spring Project Reactor

I have below NodeJS code:
// req and resp are http request, response objects
var uri = req.getURI()
var pageView = new PageView(uri)
var token = req.token
if (token) {
UserRepository.findByToken(token, function(notFound, user){
if(notFound) { // means user not found by specified token
var newUser = new User('John Doe') = 'some value'
processUser(newUser, pageView)
} else { // user found by token = 'some value'
processUser(user, pageView)
} else { // token does not exist
token = new Token('some value')
var newUser = new User('John Doe') = 'some value'
processUser(newUser, pageView)
processUser(user, pageView) {, function(error, savedPageView){
if(error) {
throw 'error'
// save the modified savedUser , function(error, savedUser){
It uses Repository pattern as abstraction over database layer (same as the Repository pattern in Spring applications).
Basically it finds user by incoming token (from http req object). If user is found then updates user entity and adds the saved pageView entity and saves the modified user. If user is not found by token then it creates a new User, updates the user with saved pageView, saves the user.
How the same code will be written in Spring Project Reactor (Flux) ?
Is it possible to solve this problem without using block()? Ideally I would like a solution that does not use block().
First of all, you have some logic to generate a token if a token isn't present. For example:
private Mono<String> getToken(String token) {
return Mono
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("some token"));
In this case, it's a bit overkill to use switchIfEmpty for this, but I assume your process to generate a token is a bit more complex, otherwise you could have worked with Optional<String> in stead (eg. token.orElse("some token")).
Additionally, we also have some logic to either find the user by its token, or create a new user if there is no user by the given token:
private Mono<User> findUserByToken(String token) {
return userRepository
.switchIfEmpty( User("John Doe", token)));
Now that we have these methods, we can create a PageView and use these methods along the way. The reason I start with creating a PageView is because that's the first "constant" in the entire token, regardless of whether there is a token/user found:
return Mono
.just(new PageView(uri))
.flatMap(pageView -> getToken(token)
.doOnNext(user -> user.setFoo("foo"))
.doOnNext(user -> user.getPageView().add(pageView)))
Now, since you need the token to add to the response, and I figured out that the token is part of the User object somehow (otherwise UserRepository.findByToken() wouldn't work?), it would be easier to just use User::getToken at the end to retrieve the token to pass to the response.
Be aware though, the repository pattern does work properly with Spring, but there is only reactive support for MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase and Redis. Other than that there's also reactive support for PostgreSQL through rdbc, but I don't think Spring data has support for that.
