Creating a new &str - rust

I want to map over a vector of str so that it reproduces other values:
let v = vec!["str1", "str2", "str3", "str4"]
let res = v.map_in_place(|x| x + "__") // error: binary operation `+` cannot be applied to type `&str`
Note that I don't need to change x, I need to create a new &str by adding a new string literal to x. How can I do that?

You need to convert x to a String before you can do + on it, like x.to_string() + "__", but, there's another problem with your code:
The type of v here is Vec<&str> and map_in_place expects the type of the resulting type to be of the same size (and alignment) as the original, and the size of &str is not the same as String, so it fails at runtime - Demo.
There are several possible changes to make this work:
If you really want to use map_in_place, you could declare v as:
let v = vec!["str1".to_string(), "str2".to_string(), "str3".to_string(), "str4".to_string()];
Another way would be to use into_iter().map(...).collect(), which will immediately free the original vector after creating the new one.
fn main() {
let v = vec!["str1", "str2", "str3", "str4"];
let res = v.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string() + "__").collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("{}", res);
[str1__, str2__, str3__, str4__]

The issue is that the memory has to be owned by someone. In the case of your literals, they're written into your binary directly. But when you want to add the two literals together, that isn't going to work. You're going to need to make some Strings to represent the actual owning structure, and then if you really want to work with an vector of slices, make one from that vector. Does that make sense?


String equality in Rust: how does referencing and dereferencing work?

As a Rust newbie, I'm working through the Project Euler problems to help me get a feel for the language. Problem 4 deals with palindromes, and I found two solutions for creating a vector of palindromes, but I'm not sure how either of them work.
I'm using a vector of strings, products, that's calculated like this:
let mut products = Vec::new();
for i in 100..500 {
for j in 500..1000 {
products.push((i * j).to_string());
For filtering these products to only those that are palindromic, I have the following two solutions:
Solution 1:
let palindromes: Vec<_> = products
.filter(|&x| x == &x.chars().rev().collect::<String>())
Solution 2:
let palindromes: Vec<_> = products
.filter(|&x| *x == *x.chars().rev().collect::<String>())
They both yield the correct result, but I have no idea why!
In Solution 1, we're comparing a reference of a string to a reference of a string we've just created?
In Solution 2, we dereference a reference to a string and compare it to a dereferenced new string?
What I would expect to be able to do:
let palindromes: Vec<_> = products
.filter(|x| x == x.chars().rev().collect::<String>())
I'm hoping somebody will be able to explain to me:
What is the difference is between my two solutions, and why do they both work?
Why can't I just use x without referencing or dereferencing it in my filter function?
Thank you!
Vec<String>.iter() returns an iterator over references (&String).
The closure argument of .filter() takes a reference to an iterator's item. So the type that is passed to the closure is a double reference &&String.
|&x| tells the closure to expect a reference, so x is now of type &String.
First solution: collect returns a String, of which & takes the reference. x is also a reference to a string, so the comparison is between two &String.
Second solution: The dereference operator * is applied to x, which results in a String. The right hand side is interesting: The String result of collect is dereferenced. This results in a string slice because String implements Deref<Target=str>. Now the comparison is between String and str, which is works because it is implemented in the standard library (Note that a == b is equivalent to a.eq(&b)).
Third solution: The compiler explains why it does not work.
the trait std::cmp::PartialEq<std::string::String> is not implemented for &&std::string::String
The left side is a double reference to string (&&String) and the right side is just a String . You need to get both sides to the same "reference level". All of these work:
x.iter().filter(|x| x == &&x.chars().rev().collect::<String>());
x.iter().filter(|x| *x == &x.chars().rev().collect::<String>());
x.iter().filter(|x| **x == x.chars().rev().collect::<String>());

Sort HashMap data by value

I want to sort HashMap data by value in Rust (e.g., when counting character frequency in a string).
The Python equivalent of what I’m trying to do is:
count = {}
for c in text:
count[c] = count.get('c', 0) + 1
sorted_data = sorted(count.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1])
print('Most frequent character in text:', sorted_data[0][0])
My corresponding Rust code looks like this:
// Count the frequency of each letter
let mut count: HashMap<char, u32> = HashMap::new();
for c in text.to_lowercase().chars() {
*count.entry(c).or_insert(0) += 1;
// Get a sorted (by field 0 ("count") in reversed order) list of the
// most frequently used characters:
let mut count_vec: Vec<(&char, &u32)> = count.iter().collect();
count_vec.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(a.1));
println!("Most frequent character in text: {}", count_vec[0].0);
Is this idiomatic Rust? Can I construct the count_vec in a way so that it would consume the HashMaps data and owns it (e.g., using map())? Would this be more idomatic?
Is this idiomatic Rust?
There's nothing particularly unidiomatic, except possibly for the unnecessary full type constraint on count_vec; you could just use
let mut count_vec: Vec<_> = count.iter().collect();
It's not difficult from context to work out what the full type of count_vec is. You could also omit the type constraint for count entirely, but then you'd have to play shenanigans with your integer literals to have the correct value type inferred. That is to say, an explicit annotation is eminently reasonable in this case.
The other borderline change you could make if you feel like it would be to use |a, b| a.1.cmp(b.1).reverse() for the sort closure. The Ordering::reverse method just reverses the result so that less-than becomes greater-than, and vice versa. This makes it slightly more obvious that you meant what you wrote, as opposed to accidentally transposing two letters.
Can I construct the count_vec in a way so that it would consume the HashMaps data and owns it?
Not in any meaningful way. Just because HashMap is using memory doesn't mean that memory is in any way compatible with Vec. You could use count.into_iter() to consume the HashMap and move the elements out (as opposed to iterating over pointers), but since both char and u32 are trivially copyable, this doesn't really gain you anything.
This could be another way to address the matter without the need of an intermediary vector.
// Count the frequency of each letter
let mut count: HashMap<char, u32> = HashMap::new();
for c in text.to_lowercase().chars() {
*count.entry(c).or_insert(0) += 1;
let top_char = count.iter().max_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1)).unwrap();
println!("Most frequent character in text: {}", top_char.0);
use BTreeMap for sorted data
BTreeMap sorts its elements by key by default, therefore exchanging the place of your key and value and putting them into a BTreeMap
let count_b: BTreeMap<&u32,&char> = count.iter().map(|(k,v)| (v,k)).collect();
should give you a sorted map according to character frequency.
Some character of the same frequency shall be lost though. But if you only want the most frequent character, it does not matter.
You can get the result using
println!("Most frequent character in text: {}", count_b.last_key_value().unwrap().1);

What is the "standard" way to concatenate strings?

While I understand basically what str and std::string::String are and how they relate to each other, I find it a bit cumbersome to compose strings out of various parts without spending too much time and thought on it. So as usual I suspect I did not see the proper way to do it yet, which makes it intuitive and a breeze.
let mut s = std::string::String::with_capacity(200);
let precTimeToJSON = | pt : prectime::PrecTime, isLast : bool | {
"{ \"sec\": "
+ &(pt.sec.to_string())
+ " \"usec\": "
+ &(pt.usec.to_string())
+ if isLast {"}"} else {"},"})
The code above is honored by the compiler with error messages like:
src\ 25:33 error: binary operation + cannot be applied to type &'static str [E0369]
And even after half an hours worth of fiddling and randomly adding &, I could not make this compilable. So, here my questions:
What do I have to write to achieve the obvious?
What is the "standard" way to do this in Rust?
The Rust compiler is right (of course): there's no + operator for string literals.
I believe the format!() macro is the idiomatic way to do what you're trying to do. It uses the std::fmt syntax, which essentially consists of a formatting string and the arguments to format (a la C's printf). For your example, it would look something like this:
let mut s: String = String::new();
let precTimeToJSON = | pt : prectime::PrecTime, isLast : bool | {
s = format!("{{ \"sec\": {} \"usec\": {} }}{}",
if isLast { "" } else { "," }
Because it's a macro, you can intermix types in the argument list freely, so long as the type implements the std::fmt::Display trait (which is true for all built-in types). Also, you must escape literal { and } as {{ and }}, respectively. Last, note that the format string must be a string literal, because the macro parses it and the expanded code looks nothing like the original format! expression.
Here's a playground link to the above example.
Two more points for you. First, if you're reading and writing JSON, have a look at a library such as serde. It's much less painful!
Second, if you just want to concatenate &'static str strings (that is, string literals), you can do that with zero run-time cost with the concat!() macro. It won't help you in your case above, but it might with other similar ones.
Itertools::format can help you write this as a single expression if you really want to.
let times: Vec<PrecTime>; // iterable of PrecTime
let s = format!("{}", times.iter().format(",", |pt, f|
f(&format_args!(r#"{{ "sec": {}, "usec": {} }}"#, pt.sec, pt.usec))
format() uses a separator, so just specify "," there (or "" if you need no separator). It's a bit involved so that the formatting can be completely lazy and composable. You receive a callback f that you call back with a &Display value (anything that can be Display formatted).
Here we demonstrate this great trick of using &format_args!() to construct a displayable value. This is something that comes in handy if you use the debug builder API as well.
Finally, use a raw string so that we don't need to escape the inner " in the format: r#"{{ "sec": {} "usec": {} }}"#. Raw strings are delimited by r#" and "# (free choice of number of #).
Itertools::format() uses no intermediate allocations, it is all directly passed on to the underlying formatter object.
You can also do this madness:
fn main() {
let mut s = std::string::String::with_capacity(200);
// Have to put this in a block so precTimeToJSON is dropped, see
// I have no idea why this has to be mut...
let mut precTimeToJSON = |sec: u64, usec: u64, isLast: bool| {
s.push_str(&( // Coerce String to str. See
"{ \"sec\": ".to_string() // String
+ &sec.to_string() // + &str (& coerces a String to a &str).
+ " \"usec\": " // + &str
+ &usec.to_string() // + &str
+ if isLast {"}"} else {"},"} // + &str
precTimeToJSON(30, 20, false);
println!("{}", &s);
Basically the operator String + &str -> String is defined, so you can do String + &str + &str + &str + &str. That gives you a String which you have to coerce back to a &str using &. I think this way is probably quite inefficient though as it will (possibly) allocate loads of Strings.

String append, cannot move out of dereference of '&'pointer

I'm having trouble combining two strings, I'm very new to rust so If there is an easier way to do this please feel free to show me.
My function loops through a vector of string tuples (String,String), what I want to do is be able to combine these two strings elements into one string. Here's what I have:
for tup in bmp.bitmap_picture.mut_iter() {
let &(ref x, ref y) = tup;
let res_string = x;
but I receive the error : error: cannot move out of dereference of '&'-pointer for the line: res_string.append(y.as_slice());
I also tried res_string.append(y.clone().as_slice()); but the exact same error happened, so I'm not sure if that was even right to do.
The function definition of append is:
fn append(self, second: &str) -> String
The plain self indicates by-value semantics. By-value moves the receiver into the method, unless the receiver implements Copy (which String does not). So you have to clone the x rather than the y.
If you want to move out of a vector, you have to use move_iter.
There are a few other improvements possible as well:
let string_pairs = vec![("Foo".to_string(),"Bar".to_string())];
// Option 1: leave original vector intact
let mut strings = Vec::new();
for &(ref x, ref y) in string_pairs.iter() {
let string = x.clone().append(y.as_slice());
// Option 2: consume original vector
let strings: Vec<String> = string_pairs.move_iter()
.map(|(x, y)| x.append(y.as_slice()))
It seems like you might be confusing append, which takes the receiver by value and returns itself, with push_str, which simply mutates the receiver (passed by mutable reference) as you seem to expect. So the simplest fix to your example is to change append to push_str. You'll also need to change "ref x" to "ref mut x" so it can be mutated.

What is the third argument to std::int::to_str_bytes?

In Rust programming language - I am trying to convert an integer into the string representation and so I write something like:
use std::int::to_str_bytes;
to_str_bytes(x, 10);
...but it says that I have to specify a third argument.The documentation is here: , but I am not clever enough to understand what it expects as the third argument.
Using x.to_str() as in Njol's answer is the straightforward way to get a string representation of an integer. However, x.to_str() returns an owned (and therefore heap-allocated) string (~str). As long as you don't need to store the resulting string permanently, you can avoid the expense of an extra heap allocation by allocating the string representation on the stack. This is exactly the point of the std::int::to_str_bytes function - to provide a temporary string representation of a number.
The third argument, of type f: |v: &[u8]| -> U, is a closure that takes a byte slice (I don't think Rust has stack-allocated strings). You use it like this:
let mut f = std::io::stdout();
let result = std::int::to_str_bytes(100, 16, |v| {
to_str_bytes returns whatever the closure does, in this case Some(()).
int seems to implement ToStr:
so you should be able to simply use x.to_str() or to_str(x)
