detect vrapper in .vimrc - vim

In my .vimrc I have the following:
" Use j/k to navigate the word completion popup menu
inoremap <expr> j pumvisible() ? "\<C-N>" : "j"
inoremap <expr> k pumvisible() ? "\<C-P>" : "k"
This works perfect when using vim within a terminal, however this is not compatible with vrapper (eclipse vim plugin). Vrapper completely stops working when these settings are in my .vimrc. In my home directory I have a .vrapperrc file, which is simply a symobolic link pointing to my .vimrc file. Hence the vim settings which are loaded for vim / vrapper are equal.
Is there a way that in my .vimrc I can detect that the settings are loaded for vrapper instead of default (terminal) vim. That way I would like to disable these settings for vrapper and just load them when vim is used from the command line. Perhaps there is a different smart way to solve this issue. Of course I could create two .vimrc files, one for default vim and one for vrapper, however that way I would need to maintain two files which I would like to prevent.

I had a similar problem in which Vrapper executed the contents of my functions immediately because it didn't understand what they were.
I solved it by wrapping the vim only code with
if has("eval")
" vim only code
which caused Vrapper to ignore it.

As #romainl noted, Vrapper only understands a limited set of Vim commands and features. Function definitions, ternaries and <expr> are definately not supported.
If you are willing to split your rc files, you could use the source command to at least reuse one of them.
For example, put these basic settings in your .vrapperrc:
set ignorecase
set hlsearch
Then you can do this in your .vimrc:
" Load common settings for Vim / Vrapper
source .vrapperrc
" ... Other Vim-specific settings
Note that Vrapper also has a source command, so you could in theory have 3 rc files with the "common" settings shared between the two:
Example .vrapperrc:
set novisualmouse
source .vimcommonrc
Example .vimrc
" Use j/k to naviage the word completion popup menu
inoremap <expr> j pumvisible() ? "\<C-N>" : "j"
inoremap <expr> k pumvisible() ? "\<C-P>" : "k"
source .vimcommonrc
And the common settings:
set hlsearch
set ignorecase
It's your choice.

I don't think you can detect Vrapper, but you can instead write a command that real Vim will process and Vrapper will ignore.
Example: mapping <KMinus>:
nnoremap <KMinus> q
If Vrapper runs that, it crashes. Let's make it ignore it. There are many ways:
if v:true
nnoremap <KMinus> q
if v:true | nnoremap <KMinus> q | endif
exec 'nnoremap <KMinus> q'
There's also this more "aggressive" version, if the other ones don't work. It's useful for multiple commands:
if v:true |
\nmap <C-Bslash> gcc |
\vmap <C-Bslash> gc |
\imap <C-Bslash> <C-o><C-Bslash> |
You can even add a finish statement which Vim will treat as "I should stop reading this file" and Vrapper will probably ignore and keep executing the file, making it ideal to precede Vrapper-only commands:
if v:true
" Vim-only stuff
" Vrapper-only stuff

How do you think it would work?
Your ~/.vimrc is not a sentient being that can take decisions by itself: it needs to be sourced by a program that understands it and… that program is Vim.
Vrapper only supports a subset of Vim's vocabulary so it is not very reasonable to expect it to behave exactly like Vim. The main missing feature that would make possible the detection you are asking about is vimscript: since Vrapper doesn't support it you can't use an if-else-endif construction!
Because the two programs support vastly different sets of options and commands I'm afraid you will have to manage two separate files.
Did you try Vrapper's :source command?


Vim, when exiting without editing, creates unsaved buffer

I am having some weird behavior when it comes to VIM.
The behavior that I'm expecting:
When editing a file, if one is in insert mode and doesn't make any file modifications when you exit insert mode the buffer should be considered "saved".
The behavior that I'm actually getting:
When editing a file and when I exit insert mode while making NO MODIFICATIONS, the buffer says that the file has been edited. Even though
I tested if this behavior was normal in vim by opening a clean version of vim, and it seems that the behavior I'm expecting is the default.
This a snippet of my config, my full configuration is here: (
I'm assuming whatever is causing this behavior is here otherwise it might be a plugin
set shell=bash
set nowrap
set number
set nocompatible
set noshowmode
set directory^=$HOME/.vim/.swapfiles
set undofile
set mouse=a
syntax on
colorscheme neodark
hi Normal ctermbg=none
sign define transparent_sign
augroup SignColFixAu
au BufReadPost *.c,*.cc,*.h,*.cpp,*.hh,*.hpp,*.py,*.js,*.php,*.rs exe "sign place 1111 name=transparent_sign line=1 file=".#%
augroup end
inoremap <cr> <space><bs><cr>
inoremap <esc> ~<bs><esc>
inoremap <expr> <up> pumvisible() ? "\<c-p>" : "~\<bs>\<up>"
inoremap <expr> <down> pumvisible() ? "\<c-p>" : "~\<bs>\<down>"
inoremap <Esc>x <Esc>x
set listchars=tab:➡\
set list
set autoindent
set noexpandtab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plugin 'w0rp/ale'
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
Plugin 'LukeLike/auto-pairs'
Plugin 'ananagame/vimsence'
Plugin 'preservim/nerdcommenter'
call vundle#end()
filetype plugin indent on
Thank you for any help!
The problem is caused by your <Esc> mapping:
inoremap <esc> ~<bs><esc>
This mapping is inserting a ~ character then backspacing over it, which in practice doesn't change the contents, but still marks the buffer as modified. (Vim doesn't really track the exact contents of the buffer, but tracks whether any change was introduced, and both inserting ~ and backspacing over a character count as such.)
You mentioned in the comments you use this mapping (together with the <CR> mapping) to change how Vim behaves with indentation. The usual behavior of Vim is to remove auto-indentation when you move to a new line (with <CR> on an otherwise blank line) or leave Insert mode (with <Esc>.)
There doesn't seem to be a way to change this behavior in Vim. But the default Vim behavior is actually very useful, as it prevents ending up with lines with trailing spaces all over the place. (Many use Vim autocmd's to trim trailing whitespace on save and others use git hooks or code review bots to block source code files that have trailing whitespace.)
I imagine your motivation to keep the trailing whitespace is so that you can leave Insert mode and then later enter Insert mode again on that same line, while preserving indentation. But it turns out you don't really need to do that, since Vim has many ways to start Insert mode again with the proper indentation.
For example, if you insert a line above (with O) or below the current one (with o), Vim will insert the appropriate indentation on the new line. If you're on a blank line and want to start inserting there, then instead of using i to start Insert mode, use S to replace the contents of the current line. Since the line is empty, there won't be anything to replace, but the S command will start the replacement with the current indentation, so that should solve that too.
If you're already in Insert mode (and not necessarily at the beginning of a line), you can also use Ctrl+F to have Vim apply the proper indentation to the current line, so that's an option too. With some languages (notably Python), Vim can't always figure out the proper indentation (since you indent to end a block), so Vim might not be able to guess right. In those cases, you also have Ctrl+T to increase indentation and Ctrl+D to decrease it. Both are Insert mode commands and can be executed anywhere in the line.
Hopefully with the use of these commands you'll be able to let go of the trailing spaces that you're using to track indentation and also drop those mappings.
A good starting point to debug this might be comparing both original and modified versions after vim says its been edited.
To see the changes, use git diff if the file is VCS controlled, or vim -d original_copy edited_copy if it's not.
The diff-ed characters should give you an idea of the side-effect of the code that might be causing this. Paste the diff here if you can't figure that out.

reusing earlier inoremap sequence in newer inoremap sequence

I'm using a plugin that performs multiple *noremap operations in its initialization. After I added the following mapping to YCM/UltiSnips:
inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "<C-R>=<SID>ExpandSnippetOrReturn()<CR>" : "\<CR>"
I've broken the other plugin's ability to see the <Enter> key, or rather I overrode/destroyed the original inoremap. I want to reenable that functionality, but without disabling ability to pick snippets from the auto-complete menu using Enter key. This keymap is effectively saying "if the menu is visible, select the option, otherwise simulate <Enter> key". What I need it to say instead is "if the menu is visible, select the option, otherwise perform whatever command <Enter> key is already mapped to". So basically, at the time of declaration of this inoremap, I need to expand existing inoremap for this key into the else.
I've looked at <C-R>=feedkeys('<CR>')<CR> and <C-R>=mapcheck('\<CR>', 'i')<CR> but couldn't get either to work. Can someone help me out?
Finally figured it out... this was way more vim troubleshooting than I needed for one day.
function! LoadPumvisibleEnter()
let smartmap = maparg("<Enter>", "i")
execute printf('inoremap <script> <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "<C-R>=<SID>ExpandSnippetOrReturn()<CR>" : %s', smartmap)
au VimEnter * :execute LoadPumvisibleEnter()
throwing it in a function allowed me to stay sane with escapes and which mode I was in
autocommand is needed because vim apparently runs vimrc BEFORE loading any plugins (Does Vim load plugins after loading vimrc?), so without it the map will not yet be set

(Mac)Vim always does autocomplete (even whitelines)

Somehow my macvim/vim instance is expanding every tab to the autocomplete menu, this prevents me from tabbing my code.. I really dont have a clue about the why.
My vimrc is here:
a screenshot of the problem:
(the "happens" text, is the first appearance in the autocomplete list, i tabbed on a newline though)
I hope someone can help me, this is driving me insane!
I had found this online and used it in my vimrc to "fix" the problem. But it was still kinda a pain, so I just retrained myself to use ctrl-p. not the url in the comment was valid at one time, but is not longer..
" Remap the tab key to do autocompletion or indentation depending on the
" context (from
function! InsertTabWrapper()
let col = col('.') - 1
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
return "\<tab>"
return "\<c-p>"
inoremap <silent> <tab> <c-r>=InsertTabWrapper()<cr>
inoremap <s-tab> <c-n>
I think i found the problem, it was the 'ervandew/supertab' bundle, after removing it, i was able to use vim normally.
The supertab plugin aims at both keeping usual indentation functionality of <Tab> key and completing with it. I personally don’t use it using self-written function instead, but possible causes of your issue are described in the very first question in the FAQ placed in the README file available right at project homepage:
Why isn't supertab honoring my configured settings (attempts to complete at the start of a line, always performs keyword completion instead of my configured default, etc.)?
Chances are that you have a very old version of snipmate installed, or something similar, which will issue a <c-n> when no snippet is found. Supertab use to map to <c-n>, so this behavior would act as a fallback to supertab, but current versions of supertab no longer do so, resulting in snipmate bypassing supertab entirely.
You can check if this is the case by running the following in vim to see what is mapped to <tab>:
:verbose imap <tab>
To resolve the issue you can either:
Install my fork or
Upgrade to a more recent snipmate fork, like garbase/vim-snipmate
See #74 for additional details.

Get Vim to open new blocks like Sublime Text 2

In sublime text 2 when you:
BLOCK { <Return>
It generates (where the pipe is the cursor):
How can I get Vim to behave this way?
I have autoindent on, and smartindent off because with smartindent it does this on return:
To be more clear, I'm specifically looking for 2 returns, moving up a line, and tabbing in (2 soft tabs to be specific). I already have it auto-matching characters like {, (, [ etc.
A simple mapping will work for most purposes:
imap {<cr> {<cr>}<c-o>O
Depending on plugins, some users may need inoremap instead of imap.
Before it was with TextMate, now it's with ST2.
You have basically two paths before you.
The "dumb" path
One could come up with dozens of variations of this method: you simply create a mapping that executes the series of key presses needed to reach your goal:
inoremap {<CR> {<cr><cr>}<C-o>k<tab>
I called it "dumb" but it doesn't mean that you would be dumb to use it: it's low-tech, has no dependencies, is easy to customize and it can be mapped to anything you like.
The "smart" method
This method involves the use of a plugin. I use DelimitMate but there are many others, choose your poison.
I did some quick digging for vim addons (which are often the solution to this sort of problem). I don't think I've found what you want: there are a few addons that come close, but nothing that inserts the extra newline before the closing brace.
You could do something like
imap { {<return><return>}<up><tab>
but this will get awkward if you are working in a language that uses braces in other situations. You could instead react to the newline:
inoremap <return> <return><return>}<up><tab>
Of course this will trigger on EVERY entered newline, rather than just those following an opening brace. To get it to check that the brace is the last character of the current line, you can:
Have a function (in ~/.vimrc or somewhere in ~/.vim/plugin) that looks like
function! CloseBraceIfOpened()
if getline(".")[-1:] == '{'
" insert a space and then delete it to preserve autoindent level
exec "normal o "
normal x
normal o}
normal k
normal o
also do
inoremap <buffer> <enter> <esc>:call CloseBraceIfOpened()<enter>A
Note that this imap is buffer-specific, so that mapping will only apply to the buffer you are in when you run it. To have it apply to all buffers, remove <buffer>.
If you are really ambitious/particular, you can do tests in the function to see if the code in the current line really opens a block.
To get the indentation working the way you want it, turn on the 'autoindent' and 'smartindent' settings.
: set autoindent smartindent
To have it on by default, add
set autoindent smartindent
to ~/.vimrc.
I use the following map:
inoremap {{ {<CR><CR>}<ESC>kcc
so instead of using {<CR> I use this mapping. Besides that I also use the plugin mentioned by romainl, DelimitMate for other mappings with braces.
I had the same problem and delimitMate solves it. After installing it you can enable it with:
let g:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
There are lot's of hacks that delivers the SublimeText experience. Because I got frustrated I've created a project that includes all those features in a single vim distribution (without the need of installing/compiling external plugins/tools).
You can check it out from here:

Vim: Resolve ambiguity of key mappings in a specific buffer to avoid timeout

I use plugin "Buffet", and there's local-to-buffer mapping "d" to delete buffer under cursor.
I also use plugun Surround, and there's global mapping "ds" that means "delete surround".
So, when i press "d" in the Buffet's window, Vim waits for a second before execute mapping "d". I know about &timeoutlen, but i don't want to change it. So that I want to resolve ambiguity of key mappings for "d" in the Buffet's window to avoid timeout to delete a buffer.
To resolve the problem, I want to unmap in Buffet window all the mappings that start with "d", but except Buffet's own mappings. How can i do that?
P.S. I have read about maparg() and mapcheck(), but they seem not to be what i need, unfortunately.
It seems like i found the solution myself:
au BufEnter buflisttempbuffer* nunmap ds
au BufLeave buflisttempbuffer* nmap ds <Plug>Dsurround
I hoped that there's more universal approach (to remove really all mappings starting from "d"), but at this moment i failed to find it.
Even if i found out how to get all these mappings, unfortunately i can't do unmap <buffer> ds, because ds is a global mapping. I'm sure that i should be able to disable global mapping for some buffer, though. Vim is great but not perfect.
Well, it works for me now.
Now that the question has been "rephrased", this solution is no longer relevant, but I'll post it anyway since I spent a few minutes on it.
Here's a function that grabs the output of map <letter> and extracts the individual maps. Then it unmaps them all.
function! Unmap(leader)
redir => maps
sil exe "map " . a:leader
redir END
let maps_list = split(strtrans(maps),'\^#')
if len(maps_list) > 1
for this in maps_list
let mapn = matchstr(this,"^\\w\\s*\\zsd\\w*\\>")
exe "unmap " . mapn
Example usage: call Unmap("d"). This will remove all mappings that begin with d, leaving only Vim's defaults.
Disclaimer: this has not been rigorously tested. In particular I don't know how portable the \^# character is, but that's how it looks on my (Win32) machine.
The easiest way to do it is:
:%s:map <buffer> <silent> d:"&:
$ vim # Restart Vim to take effect...
Generally you can't unmap based on a pattern.
If you want to use another key (e.g. with <leader>, just change this line in the plugin:
map <buffer> <silent> d :call <sid>deletebuffer(0)<cr>
This question is rather old, but if you're still interested, you might want to give Bufstop a try.
This issue is handled by the plugin, you can press the d key to delete a buffer, and you won't get any timeout if you installed other plugins which have global mappings.
A cheap trick that worked for me was to make the timeoutlen so short it becomes pretty much instantaneous. As long as you don't use multiple key mappings yourself, that will cover all plugins in one shot.
We don't want that setting to stay however, so we remove it every time we leave the buffer.
Add this so that it runs inside your custom buffer:
augroup no_map_chords
autocmd BufEnter <buffer> let g:bak_timeoutlen = &timeoutlen | set timeoutlen=1
autocmd BufLeave <buffer> let &timeoutlen = g:bak_timeoutlen | unlet g:bak_timeoutlen
augroup END
A similar technique could be used for a specific file type, or other such "global" settings.
Buffet is a very young plugin, I don't think it's used by as many people as Command-T or NERDTree so you may not receive lots of answers. Its author has been very responsive on the numerous threads he created there about it you should contact him directly or create an issue on Buffet's github.
