How to deploy phpmyadmin with http authentication and protected by an htaccess - .htaccess

I'm currently using phpmyadmin with http auth.
I would like to add a security layer using a htaccess with a htpasswd, but I failed.
Whatever browser I use to test, I'm caught in an authentification loop :(
My test platform is a debian wheezy with stable release of phpmyadmin.
I haven't done any "tweaks" just configured the http auth mecanism.
I tried searching for a solution using google, but it seems I've failed too
Any clues maybe?


Local install GitLab Pages - 404

I have a local installation of Gitlab-ce and I have enabled gitlab-pages using the simplest setup.
Added an A record to point to the server running Gitlab
edited /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb to contain pages_external_url ''
However, when I visit the link after deploying pages I get a 404 page.
What am I doing wrong?

How to block external access to website?

I'm currently building a web server on Centos7 and I'm using Virtualmin and Nginx instead of Apache.I have established the connections and I'm now going to install some modules and later install Wordpress. But how can I set the site to 'offline mode' or make it only accessible internally so that google and others can't reach the site?
Try to generate .htpasswd file

Golang app on Heroku htaccess basic auth

Is possible use htaccess on golang application running in heroku??
I had read this link but the solution doesn't work for me (also, the command htpasswd is not recognized in the heroku bash, but I made the htpasswd file usin this tool).
Thank you.
A Go web application is a server so no need to use Apache httpd server, especially on Heroku that has crystal clear deployment instructions for Go :
Follow these instruction closely and you'll find out there is no need for Apache.
htaccess and htpasswd are related to Apache httpd server, they are Apache configuration files.
Finally, Go standard library gives you all the tools you need to implement basic auth yourself :

Setting up Bonobo 5.0.0 with Windows authentication

I'm trying to install Bonobo 5.0.0 on Windows 7 + IIS 7.5 with Windows authentication.
When I go to the homepage (http://domain/bonobo), I'm prompted for my Windows username/password and after that it redirects back to the root to look for a route called windowsAuthCallback:
Obviously this gives me a 404 error.
I have authentication set to 'anonymous' in IIS and 'Windows' in the Bonobo web.config and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Not sure if this is related... I have an existing Bonobo installation on the same server and I'm installing Bonobo 5 fresh as a new application. After running into the issue I described, trying to open the original Bonobo app gives me the following error:
Unable to find an entry point named 'sqlite3_open_interop' in DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll'.
Restarting IIS resolves the issue and I can access my old Bonobo app again.
This commit should resolve the windowsAuthCallback redirecting to root:
A workaround for this issue along with a link to the commit that resolves it can be found on the following page:

Node.JS code fails without error on Ubuntu

I have the simplest code for firebase :
var Firebase=require('firebase');
var Ref=new Firebase('');
and I'm running it with SSH in command line on my Ubuntu 12.04 server. For some reason the push method runs but doesn't push anything and doesn't even show an error. I tried logging the error to a file but the file remains empty. I also tried catching an uncaught exception from the process, no luck. There basically isn't an error to show. How should I catch an error so I can investigate further ?
Extra information :
-Node.JS version installed on the server is 12.4 .
-One thing I noticed is there is no certificate file on the server and for example I can't use curl with an https url or PPA to download a package.
-Ubuntu 12.04.
-When I push to firebase using a PHP script it works fine but nodeJS fails to do it.
-The server is in a hospital's internal network and connects to internet through a proxy. Certain HTTPS websites are allowed on port 80 , the rest are blocked . Some similar policies might be in place for other ports and protocols.
