SHELL to TXT, Is It Possible? - linux

I created a .sh file in Linux Server and would like to convert it into a text file for windows or Linux mint. Is that possible of doing?
Thank You!!!

In windows right click on it and click "Open with..." and choose notepad.
In mint go to terminal and use either vi or nano to edit the file:
vi /path/to/file/

Well, not sure if it is what you wanted, but if you have i.e. file named, you can simply redirect it to another file by executing
cat > script.txt
However, be aware that EOF in linux is different than in Windows, so you can use this.

just copy the contents from sh file into another file within linux or run this command
cp file.txt


"Couldn't find a file descriptor referring to the console" on Ubuntu bash on Windows

I have a problem with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. If I type "open (filename)" on Mac terminal, it opens the file with the right program but if I try to use it on Windows bash, it says: "Couldn't find a file descriptor referring to the console".
I have also tried xdg-open and gnome-open but none of them works. How can the issue be fixed, and how does the open command work?
Instead of open u can use xdg-open which does the same thing, independently of application i.e. pdf, image, etc. It will open a new virtual terminal (I have tried this on Linux)
xdg-open ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/myPic.jpg
xdg-open ~/Docs/holidays.pdf
For linux, use xdg-open. open is for Mac OS. open in linux is an name alias of openvt (open virtual terminal).
To simplify it, you can append the following line to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc depends on the shell you are using.
alias o="xdg-open" # o stands for open
Then next time you can just type like the following to reduce some keyboard strokes.
o file_name.pdf
That's because open is a Mac specific command, it is not available under Linux (ubuntu), Mac open can execute a file (if the file is executable), or open the file into a text editor (if it is a document or text file) or open a directory.
For opening a file to write in Ubuntu on Windows bash, you can type -:
nano filename.txt
The above command will allow you to write/edit in the file after which, you can use ctrl+x and then press 'y' to save. Check/view the file content using -:
cat filename.txt

Run Perl script in Linux environment

I'm trying to run code on Linux environment
Here's the code (saved as
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Hello You\n";
Here's what I tried on my linux environment:
I tried listing out the path starting from C:\Users\... and so on
I keep getting error that says:
Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory
You have to be located in the same folder with the in the "window" (aka terminal, or console) that you try to execute perl
On linux, you can determine the folder that you're in by issuing pwd.
If you're not in the same folder (the most probable cause of your error), you have 2 options:
Navigate to that folder with cd /path/to/your/script/location you have to replace the /path/to/your/script/location in the example, with your actual path
Execute the file with perl /path/to/ - of course, you have to replace the /path/to/ in the example, with your ac
Also, you can try and view the file from the console running a less
In cygwin you might try: /cygdrive/c/Users/bonan/Desktop/perl/
Alternatively at your prompt try tying in just perl without hitting enter, and then drag the file from its file explorer location into the terminal window. That should paste the full file path to the file as text into the command prompt. If you're using cygwin I forget it if properly pastes the path with forward-slashes, like /cygdrive/c/Users/bonan/Desktop/perl/, or if it pastes what it would in cmd with backslashes as you've indicated you typed yourself.
The other thing to do that's relatively easy is right click the file and choose to open a terminal or shell here, which for cygwin you can get in your context menu by running chere -i once (it actually says "Bash prompt here" I think). And there's similar context menu options for cmd, powershell, an actual linux bash, or mac os x's terminal ... once you're in the same path as the file, you can just type perl heltab and autocomplete the filename assuming no other files in the same folder start with "hel".

how to convert a text/plain to text/x.shellscript

I am sending a .sh file created from a windows machine to a linux so that I could run it there. The problem is that I keep on getting an error called bad interpreter.But when I program the shell script in the linux machine it runs with no problems even though it has the same code with the one sent from the windows machine. After my ivestigation, I found out that the windows machine .sh script is a text/plain file(using file -bi) and the other one from the linux machine is a text/x.shellscript. Is there a way to convert the text/plain to a text/x.shellscript? thank you
this is the script:
sudo apt-get update
I tried a solution by doing another .sh file in a linux box containing only
Then the windows machine only sent a file containing test commands like :
Then I append the file from the windows box to the linux one with
cat >>
It did not work if I run It says errors like:
./ line 2 $'date\r':command not found
./ line 2 $'hostname\r':command not found
However, if I open then save it again without doing anything. It works
I'm summarising below the steps you need to take so other users can see easily what needs doing:
Firstly, you need to check your script has the correct path to your interpreter after the "#!" in the very first line. This is should probably be:
and you can find which is correct by typing:
which bash
on your Linux box.
Secondly, you need to make sure that any Windows carriage returns (or "^M") at the ends of the lines are removed before expecting your Linux box to run the script. You can do this with:
dos2unix yourscript
Just for reference, you can easily see weird characters such as TABs or linefeeds or carriage returns in Linux by using:
cat -vet yourfile
sed -n l yourfile
Thirdly, you need to make sure your script is executable on Linux, using chmod like this:
chmod +x yourscript
Finally, when you have done all that, you need to either add the directory where the script is located to your PATH variable (and export it) or give the full path to your script like this if your script is in the current directory:
or like this if it is located somewhere else

Linux command to DOS

I have a file include some linux command and I want to run in on windows (DOS command).
The command is:
cat tmp/$id/index.html | sed -e 's/ID/$id/g' > a;mv a tmp/$id/index.html
What is the similar command in MS-DOS?
Thank you!
The problem is that natively there is no equivalent command to sed. You have two options from my point of view. Either create a vb script that does what you want (It will not take 1 line though - more like 10-15 I guess), or use something like GnuWin32 that gives you the option to run unix commands in windows terminal.
You could consider using powershell to do approximately the same thing. It supports cat and mv and you can get a sed like equivalent by using %{_ -replace "expression", "replace"}. Details here
Or consider using a linux like command prompt like bash which should be available through cygwin
I think this is impossible to do in "bare" command line (as you called DOS command), because cat and sed are separate utilities. If you want to port this script from Linux command shell to windows command line, I would advise you to download and install CygWin
DOS itself does not have support for that. You could try with a port of SED for DOS available here. If you can get Powershell, that's an option. Here's an example of using grep/sed with Powershell.
There are many options.
You can try to install cygwin or download and install Git and use Git-bash or add the bin directory to your PATH so you can run this command on your CMD prompt.
There is no such command(s) for MS-DOS.

how to run file associated application from console linux

on windows exist command:
start myfile.mp3
start myfile.txt
on mac:
open myfile.mp3
open myfile.txt
Are there analogue command under Ubuntu?
xdg-open if you have a environment.
There are several commands in Linux that help you open application associated files. If you know the application to open the file, then this may work . I am not sure if you are looking for this
env DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox ""
opens Firefox with opened in it. You can replace the application name and file name and use this command.
Try "gnome-open", for Gnome powered distros.
gnome-open random-file.torrent will open my torrent app.
