Failed to configure Release Management - release

I have a problem when i try to configure the agent on another server.
I have installed the Server RM in one machine and i use the user with name: usr_deploy.
(This machine has an domain called: mydomain.local)
I have another server that i need map to submit files for deploy. What i do? I installed the Agent RM, using the same account and password, but when i try to configure i have the error:
(This machine has an domain called: anotherdomain.local)
(Because i´m a new user i cant post image. I found the same image in Url:
All users i used with the name usr_deploy have local account on each server.
I need to use the same account but all the accounts needs to be a domain account ?
I have very difficultily to find on the web articles or steps to make the correctly configuration.
My scenario is 1 server with the RM Server and 3 servers to make a deploy.
Anyone can help me ?

If you don't have a trust relationship between your domains, you'll have to use shadow accounts.
Follow these steps to configure the Release Management Server and the
Deployment Agent on machines that run in different domains that do not
have a two-way trust relationship.
On each computer where you will install the RM Server or Deployment Agent, create a local user account that is a member of the
Administrators group. Use the same account and password on each
machine (i.e. Shadow Account).
Add the RM Server’s Shadow Account to RM and grant both “Service User” and “Release Manager” permissions.
Add the Deployment Agent’s Shadow Account to RM and grant “Service User” permission.
Use the Shadow Account as the service account when you install and configure the Deployment Agent.
Note: When you add the local accounts to Release Management, include
the name of the local machine where the account resides. For example,
add the user account as \ or

When you are configuring the shadow account as the service account in deployment agent, make sure that you logged in using the same shadow account.

write it down as
Correct way:- http://(server):(port)
Incorrect way:- http://(server):(port)/ReleaseManagement
Do not write "/ReleaseManagement/" or any other URL segments after . This will solve your problem.
for e.g. :


How to work with multiple Azure accounts with Azure CLI? [duplicate]

We actually have multiple azure accounts (for some valid reason) and I want to be able to run azure-cli commands for different accounts at the same time from the same machine.
The problem with that is, once I login to one azure account with azure login, token will be stored in ~/.azure directory so I am not sure if I can login into another account exactly at the same time on that machine.
Is there any way to tell azure-cli not to store token in local profile so that I can use azure-cli to connect to multiple accounts at the same time from same machine?
If you are using a windows or mac machine then the tokens are stored in Windows token manager or OSx key chain respectively. Only on Linux systems the tokens are stored in ~/.azure/azureProfile.json
However, you should still be able to login with multiple accounts on Win/Mac or Linux machines.
azure account set "subscription-name" will set the subscription as your default subscription and all the commands that you execute will run against that subscription.
Every command has a -s or --subscription switch where you can explicitly specify the subscription id. Even if the subscription belongs to a different account, it should still work if you have authenticated with that account.
For Linux system, I would suggest to create multiple user accounts and then run the CLI from those accounts. I think there could be a race condition when two commands from different accounts try to access ~/.azure/azureProfile.json.
The latest update is that the environment variable AZURE_CONFIG_DIR has been introduced and that can be set differently for each environment before az login is called.
export AZURE_CONFIG_DIR=/tmp1
az login
and on other window
export AZURE_CONFIG_DIR=/tmp2
az login
Reference: configure the AZURE_CONFIG_DIR for fixing concurrency issue
For Windows, here are steps
Go to env variables and add AZURE_CONFIG_DIR with the value of new config folder (e.x. C:\Users\YourUser\.azure-personal)
restart your cli, then run this az login --use-device-code
use the code given on step 2 and use it with whatever browser to login to new azure account
Now, one of your accounts config is in default azure folder config (C:\Users\YourUser\.azure) and new one lives in the place you specified on step 1.
if you wanna switch between them, you need to flip that env variable to point to whatever config you want

How to restrict folder permissions of Gitlab shell executor on Windows

I'm mostly new to Gitlab and the Windows command line. I set up a Gitlab runner on my windows PC and it works well. However, I want to restrict it so that it can only access the folder I set it up in, and all subfolders. What is the most reliable way to do this?
Since the GitLab runner is installed as a service, you could:
create a second Windows account
use that account to register your service
gitlab-runner install --user ENTER-YOUR-SECOND-USERNAME --password ENTER-YOUR-SECOND-PASSWORD
protect the folder (and its content) you want with the second user account.
By default, the second account would not have read/write access to at least your own C:\user\login, provided you change the File and Folder permission setting.

Azure DevOps Manage IIS task deploy fails due to insufficent permissions yet account is in local admin group

After a successful build using a hosted VS2017 agent, I'm trying to deploy on-prem using an local hosted agent which was setup using a domain account which should have sufficient permissions as it is in the local admin group. As I was digging around on this issue elsewhere, one user re-installed their agent using NTATHORITY\SYSTEM and it worked.
I d'ont really need to create or stop\start the website, just deploy the recent build artifact.
What permissions should I check or should I use another task?
019-04-06T21:03:10.3898646Z ERROR ( message:Configuration error
2019-04-06T21:03:10.3899791Z Filename: redirection.config
2019-04-06T21:03:10.3900026Z 2019-04-06T21:03:10.3900293Z Line
Number: 0 2019-04-06T21:03:10.3900530Z 2019-04-06T21:03:10.3900852Z
Description: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient
permissions 2019-04-06T21:03:10.3901076Z 2019-04-06T21:03:10.3901333Z
. ) 2019-04-06T21:03:10.8135484Z ##[error]Process 'appcmd.exe' exited
with code '5'.
An agent is running under a user. The error means that your user doesn't have permissions to read/modify the redirection.config file that is necessary to manage IIS.
You have multiple options to solve this.
Change the user were the agent is running under. In example: NTATHORITY\SYSTEM
Give permissions to the user were your agent is running under to the folder C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config. If you want to create app pools or websites etc, modify permissions are of course needed.
When we install Azure agent as a service(In Windows, search for 'Services' and look for something like Azure Pipelines Agent..), by default it is logged on as 'Network Service'. Change it to 'Local System' and the pipeline should be able to run IIS related tasks/commands.

Can I access multiple azure accounts with azure-cli from the same machine at same time?

We actually have multiple azure accounts (for some valid reason) and I want to be able to run azure-cli commands for different accounts at the same time from the same machine.
The problem with that is, once I login to one azure account with azure login, token will be stored in ~/.azure directory so I am not sure if I can login into another account exactly at the same time on that machine.
Is there any way to tell azure-cli not to store token in local profile so that I can use azure-cli to connect to multiple accounts at the same time from same machine?
If you are using a windows or mac machine then the tokens are stored in Windows token manager or OSx key chain respectively. Only on Linux systems the tokens are stored in ~/.azure/azureProfile.json
However, you should still be able to login with multiple accounts on Win/Mac or Linux machines.
azure account set "subscription-name" will set the subscription as your default subscription and all the commands that you execute will run against that subscription.
Every command has a -s or --subscription switch where you can explicitly specify the subscription id. Even if the subscription belongs to a different account, it should still work if you have authenticated with that account.
For Linux system, I would suggest to create multiple user accounts and then run the CLI from those accounts. I think there could be a race condition when two commands from different accounts try to access ~/.azure/azureProfile.json.
The latest update is that the environment variable AZURE_CONFIG_DIR has been introduced and that can be set differently for each environment before az login is called.
export AZURE_CONFIG_DIR=/tmp1
az login
and on other window
export AZURE_CONFIG_DIR=/tmp2
az login
Reference: configure the AZURE_CONFIG_DIR for fixing concurrency issue
For Windows, here are steps
Go to env variables and add AZURE_CONFIG_DIR with the value of new config folder (e.x. C:\Users\YourUser\.azure-personal)
restart your cli, then run this az login --use-device-code
use the code given on step 2 and use it with whatever browser to login to new azure account
Now, one of your accounts config is in default azure folder config (C:\Users\YourUser\.azure) and new one lives in the place you specified on step 1.
if you wanna switch between them, you need to flip that env variable to point to whatever config you want

Web Deploy Impersonation (Management Service Delegation) does not work

I’m trying to use web deploy to deploy my dacpac package, which comes to executing some sql scripts.
I have local windows account called .\DeploymentService, which is in local Administrators group, which I want to own the database and execute scripts.
For that - I configure delegation accordingly - In Management Service Delegation I set "Specific User" for dbDacFx rule = .\DeploymentService providing password
I create according serveradmin login in SQL Server. My WMSvc executed under LOCAL SERVICE account.
I use the following command line parameters for deployment:
-dest:dbDacFx="Data Source=.;Database=CommunityInt; Integrated Security=true",computername=”https://Community02:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=Default
Web Site”,username=.\DeploymentService,password=*************,authType=basic
I execute it on my PC, where destination is different PC.
However this fails with error “Invalid Handle” or “Class name not found” depending on do I have “Local service” login with public role in my SQL Server created.
Expected behavior:
When I set user name in Management Service Delegation to specific account, I expect MSDeploy to be executed under the account I specified.
Actual behavior:
I traced using SQL profiler in target environment and I found out that WMSvc executes msdeploy under its process account (LOCAL SERVICE) instead of .\DeploymentService, and that’s why script execution fails. If in SQL server I have LOCAL SERVICE account mapped to serveradmin role, then it works fine. If I execute WMSvc under .\DeploymentService account, it also works fine.
So basically there is NO WAY TO USE "User Name" in Management Service Delegation - It just does not matter what you set up there - it gives no effect.
Does any one know how to make that work?
Keywords: WebDeploy, WMSvc, dbDacFx, Impersonation, Delegation
Hey guys I'm sorry to hear that you are running into this issue. I wanted to let you know that we have a bug in the dbDacFx provider/MSDeploy which is preventing SQL Auth to work when used with the dbDacFx provider in WMSvc scenarios.
We have not yet received enough feedback regarding this to warrant servicing MSDeploy in order to unblock this. If you are impacted by this the best thing to do is to create an entry at and vote it up. If we get enough votes then we can consider shipping an update to unblock this. Sorry for the bad news.
