Simulating Failure to Access Mongodb - node.js

I create an Express.js library that uses the official Node.js driver for its Mongodb operations.
I'm currently in the process of writing unit tests and I want to simulate failures to access the database in order to ensure:
The library acknowledges failure cases (handles the error)
Makes the right error callbacks and fires the proper events.
I want the tests to run cross-platform, preferably without having to shut down or start the database with special parameters.
Looking at the reference for commands, the sleep command seems to do almost exactly what I want, but the waiting time in seconds in pretty long, plus it is flagged as for internal use only and you need to fire the database with a special parameter for it to work. The forceerror command looks like another good one, but again, it's listed for internal use only and the description is vague to say the least.
I am wondering if there is any recommended (preferably not overly hackish) way of doing this.

Here, it requires superuser privileges for the node process executing this script to send signals to the MongoDB process without having spawned it, but it is the best I found so far to simulate unresponsiveness:
var MongoDB = require('mongodb');
MongoDB.MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/SomeDB", {'server': {'socketOptions': {'connectTimeoutMS': 50, 'socketTimeoutMS': 50}}}, function(Err, DB) {
DB.command({'serverStatus': 1}, function(Err, Result) {
process.kill(, 'SIGSTOP');
//Put testing logic to test unresponsiveness
process.kill(, 'SIGCONT');
If your testing logic crashes on Linux, you can resume the MongoDB process manually on the shell by executing:
kill -CONT PID
Where PID is the process id of the MongoDB process.


How does async work in Express?

I found the following on the ExpressJS guide:
var mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host : 'localhost',
user : 'dbuser',
password : 's3kreee7'
connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('The solution is: ', rows[0].solution);
Isn't this supposed to be bad practice? The way I see it, it is possible for the connection to end before the query can be executed. Wouldn't that give an error?
As stated here :
Every method you invoke on a connection is queued and executed in sequence.
Closing the connection is done using end() which makes sure all remaining queries are executed before sending a quit packet to the mysql server.
So even though the call to the end() method can be made before the query has completed, it won't actually be executed until the query has finished executing.
This has to do more with the mysql package than NodeJS itself.
Your question How does async work in Express? and Isn't this supposed to be bad practice? can be answered in many ways, but for clarity I would like to explain that It depends !!!!
It generally is very bad practice, assuming you don't know the actual implementation.
If the the implementation is really simple, where it does exactly what you ask -- i.e. closes or ends the connection when end is executed then it could lead to rather ugly race conditions where it may or may not work depending on the load of the machines.
However, a clever implementation that does reference counting -- that is the end does not actually close the connection but just sets a flag to say -- "when last callback is done then close" -- then it may work.
If the mysql connector it implemented using reference counting then this may well work fine -- but that is not the same as saying that it is good practice for everything you find as a plugin.

How to execute / abort long running tasks in Node JS?

NodeJS server with a Mongo DB - one feature will generate a report JSON file from the DB, which can take a while (60 seconds up - has to process hundreds of thousands of entries).
We want to run this as a background task. We need to be able to start a report build process, monitor it, and abort it if the user decides to change the params and re build it.
What is the simplest approach with node? Don't really want to get into the realms of separate worker servers processing jobs, message queues etc - we need to keep this on the same box and fairly simple implementation.
1) Start the build as a async method, and return to the user, with reporting progress?
2) Spin off a child process for the build script?
3) Use something like
With the few approaches I've looked at I get stuck on the same two areas;
1) How to monitor progress?
2) How to abort an existing build process if the user re-submits data?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated...
The best would be to separate this task from your main application. That said, it'd be easy to run it in the background.
To run it in the background and monit without message queue etc., the easiest would be a child_process.
You can launch a spawn job on an endpoint (or url) called by the user.
Next, setup a socket to return live monitoring of the child process
Add another endpoint to stop the job, with a unique id returned by 1. (or not, depending of your concurrency needs)
Some coding ideas:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var job = null //keeping the job in memory to kill it
app.get('/save', function(req, res) {
if(job &&
return res.status(500).send('Job is already running').end()
job = spawn('node', ['/path/to/save/job.js'],
detached: false, //if not detached and your main process dies, the child will be killed too
stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr] //those can be file streams for logs or wathever
job.on('close', function(code) {
job = null
//send socket informations about the job ending
return res.status(201) //created
app.get('/stop', function(req, res) {
if(!job || !
return res.status(404).end()
//or process.kill(, 'SIGTERM')
job = null
return res.status(200).end()
app.get('/isAlive', function(req, res) {
try {
return res.status(200).end()
} catch(e) { return res.status(500).send(e).end() }
To monit the child process you could use pidusage, we use it in PM2 for example. Add a route to monit a job and call it every second. Don't forget to release memory when job ends.
You might want to check out this library which will help you manage multi processing across microservices.

node-vertica throws exception for multi-queries with a callback

I have created a simple web interface for vertica.
I expose simple operation above a vertica cluster.
one of the functionality I expose is querying vertica.
when my user enters a multi-query the node modul throws an exception and my process exits with exit 1.
Is there any way to catch this exception?
Is there any way overcome the problem in a different way?
Right now there's no way to overcome this when using a callback for the query result.
Preventing this from happening would involve making sure there's only one query in the user's input. This is hard because it involves parsing SQL.
The callback API isn't built to deal with multi-queries. I simply haven't bothered implementing proper handling of this case, because this has never been an issue for me.
Instead of a callback, you could use the event listener API, which will send you lower level messages, and handle this yourself.
q = conn.query("SELECT...; SELECT...");
q.on("fields", function(fields) { ... }); // 1 time per query
q.on("row", function(row) { ... }); // 0...* time per query
q.on("end", function(status) { ... }); // 1 time per query

Why isn't my Node script exiting? (utilising Monk)

I'm writing a library to abstract my data layer (it's going to use a mix of Mongo and Memcached). I've been testing Monk and can't figure out why the below script isn't finishing:
mongo = require("monk")("mongodb://#{options.mongodb.username}:#{options.mongodb.password}##{options.mongodb.hostname}:#{options.mongodb.port}/#{options.mongodb.database}")
users = mongo.get("users")
find = users.findById 12345
find.complete (err, doc) ->
console.dir doc
console.dir err
It's returning the document to the log, { _id: 12345, foo: "bar" }, successfully but not completing when run using node test.js. Why is this?
The reason the script stays alive is because the connection to MongoDB is still open. If you call mongo.close(); that should close the connection and provided you have nothing else keeping the event loop alive (e.g. network connections, timers, etc), then your script should terminate.

Cancel previous MongoDB operation from the same client

I have a MongoDB collection of 3257477 cities, and I'm using Mongoose on NodeJS to access it. I'm making requests to it repeatedly (once per 500ms). Requests are usually answered very quickly. However, when I make a bad typo the query takes a long time and requests start to pile up until the initial request is answered. Here are some logs I collected of requests and responses:
21:48:50 started query for "new"
21:48:50 finished query for "new"
21:48:52 started query for "newj ljl" // blockage
21:48:54 started query for "newj"
21:48:55 started query for "new"
21:48:57 started query for "new ye"
21:48:59 started query for "new york"
21:49:08 finished query for "newj ljl" // blockage removed, quick queries flood in
21:49:08 finished query for "new"
21:49:08 finished query for "new york"
21:49:08 finished query for "new ye"
21:49:23 finished query for "newj"
I'm able to cancel the requests made by the client so I'm not worried about queries coming back in the wrong order. And I'm not interested in how to make that query faster at this point, since queries for actual correct spellings are quick.
I'm wondering how a new request can cancel an old request that was made by the same client. In other words "newj ljl" gets canceled when "newj" arrives, "newj" gets canceled when "new" arrives, and so on. If it's just going to be thrown out, why tie up the database?
Is there a proper way to do this?
I'm aware of db.currentOp().inprog and I'm thinking I can use the client property of the documents within that array to know whether it's a repeat request, but I can't quite figure out how to access that from Mongoose. I'm also not sure when to do that, or how I know which request was spawned from this client (and therefore which to cancel). I'd like an actual code example using Mongoose, or the native NodeJS MongoDB driver if possible!
Here's some sample code to go off of:
models.City.find({ ... })
.exec(function (err, cities) {
Below is what I came up with to solve the issue.
I can easily do db.currentOp().inprog and db.killOp() from the Mongo shell, but I really need this to happen automatically, when it needs to, from Mongoose. Since you can reference the MongoDB driver using require('mongoose').connection.db, you can execute those commands by doing "queries" on the following collections:
The full solution:
var db = require('mongoose').connection.db,
// get the client IP address
ip = request.headers['x-forwarded-for'] ||
request.connection.remoteAddress ||
request.socket.remoteAddress ||
// same thing as db.currentOp().inprog
db.collection('$cmd.sys.inprog').findOne(function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
data.inprog.filter(function (op) {
// get the operation's client IP address without the port
return ip == op.client.split(':')[0];
// same thing as db.killOp()
.findOne({ 'op': op.opid }, function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
// start the new cities query
models.City.find({ ... })
.exec(function (err, cities) {
Helpful links:!topic/mongodb-user/1wFp7AqWnM4
drop database with mongoose
How to determine a user's IP address in node
You can try using db.killOp()
UPDATE: You can get the list of current operations from db.currentOp() and identify the operation to be cancelled by matching fields like op, query and client
You can definitely do this with killop, and the above solution looks like it could work for the problem as stated. However, I think it may be worthwhile to dig a bit deeper.
The fact that you have a noticeably slow query when you've got a query that's going to return no results seems unusual. That reeks of a full collection scan. The questions to ask are, first, do you have indices set up, and second, are you querying with a general regex? MongoDB doesn't really handle regex searches like { "name" : /.*new york.*/ } particularly well.
Also, the whole "send an http request every time the user hits a key" approach is simple and elegant, but also causes some unnecessary server load. Perhaps a search button or a client-side timeout where you only send a request if a user hasn't hit a key for 1 second could help alleviate the need for the killop approach.
