Alfresco Lucene search syntax - search

I am writing a webscript, wherein I have a custom content model.
I want to list all the documents, that have a particular property as one of it's attributes.
Firstly I did
search.luceneSearch("PATH:\"/app:company_home//*\" AND #cm:name:myDocument")
This returned me value 1. But this query actually returns me the documents, whose cm:name property is myDocument.
what if I want to search for documents, who has cm:name property as an attribute.
So that later, I can change cm:name with mycontentmodel:myproperty, and find the elements that belong to my content type.

If I understand correctly, you'd like to find all the documents that have property mycontentmodel:myproperty, but you're not interested in the actual value of the property.
If so, find out what type or aspect mycontentmodel:myproperty belongs to.
If it belongs to type mycontentmodel:mytype the query can be:
PATH:"/app:company_home//*" AND TYPE:"mycontentmodel:mytype"
and if it belongs to aspect mycontentmodel:myaspect
PATH:"/app:company_home//*" AND ASPECT:"mycontentmodel:myaspect"


Filtering GetEntries by another Entry ID's existence within array of links attribute

I have a content type post where the entries have a categories attribute, which is an Array of Links (to a category content type).
I want to fetch all posts that have been tagged with a certain category. That is, Post entries where fields.categories[any link] = MyCategoryId.
I can only find an example only where the reference field is a singleton, not an array.
Would love any help, thanks!
You could specify your query like this:
Notice that a content type restriction is necessary as we are filtering on a field property.
Also note that this only works because we're filtering on a system property directly accessible from the actual entry returned. If you wanted to filter on another property of the Category content type, for example title or description that is not currently supported.
Here's also a link to the official documentation including examples and explanations for the search api:

Lucene wildcard applied to indexed field

I have a set of indexed fields such as these:
And I get that it's possible to wildcard queries such as
What I'm trying to do is get "any" submitted form via something like:
Is this possible? Or will I have to do a stream of "OR"s on the known forms (which seems quite heavy)
That's not the intended use of fields, I think. Field names aren't supposed to be the searchable values, field values are. Field names are supposed to be known a priori.
My suggestion is (if possible) to store the second part of the name as the field value, for instance: submitted_form:2398389-2-32-43242423. submitted_from would be the field known a priori, and the value could eventually be searched with a PrefixQuery.
Anyway, you could access the collection of fields' names using IndexReader.getFieldNames() in Lucene 3.x and this in Lucene 4.x. I wouldn't expect search performance there.

Sharepoint Extenal List and Custom Field Types

I have an odd issue.
I have client that wants a sharepoint list what is populated from a WCFService. That part is working quite well.
I have a bdcmodel that is mapping the WCF data and I can create an external list from the bdcmodel as well so that is working fine.
The issue I have is that one of the properties in the model is actually a collection of entities called Attributes. The objects in this collection simply have 2 properties Name and Value so really they are just a key value pair.
The client wants to see the list of attributes of the parent entity in the external list. So there would be an Attributes column and within that column would be the list of attributes for each parent object.
Is there even a way to do this? I am looking into Custom Field Types, but it seems like these are really intended to be singular values.
How would I create a list within and external list?
Any help anyone can give would be great even if its just to tell me that there really isn't a stable way to do this so I can go back to the client and tell them we will need to build a custom list to support this because the OOB external list and custom fields and custom field types won't support this kind of nested listing.
I decided to set up the custom field as a string and when I get my collection in from the BdcModel I am serializing it to JSON and then passing it to the field. When the field is viewed in display, edit or new I have overridden the FieldRenderingControl and I am tiling the collection out that way.

How to display "ContentType" name in search results?

I have a MOSS site where I have created custom content types and activated those on a document library. Now I want to use a custom XSL stylesheet with search results to pull back those documents and display the name of the custom content type assigned for each one.
I know how to create managed properties and map those, etc... but can not seem to find the built-in type that would have the name I assigned to the custom content types? You would think this would be simple - but simply using a built-in one like "ContentType" returns something generic and not the name of the custom type.
Any ideas?
The default content type managed property is mapped to multiple crawled properties, with the first one usually being the mime type. I think there is a way to get all values of a property rather than just the first one in the search results xsl, but if that doesn't work out you can always add a custom managed property that only maps to the one crawled property.

Difference between FieldLinks and Field in Sharepoint

I'm in the middle of trying to copy a custom content type from one web to another. I've googled around and found some examples that use FieldLinks and Fields. I'm kind of lost as to which one to use, since when I get the FieldLinks from my source web, I get 3 fields; while retrieving from Fields only returned me 2 fields... the custom field is missing. I'm pretty darn sure that I've added the fields at the proper level since I did it via the interface. But when retrieving it using code... the numbers just don't add up.
So besides from that strange problem, I want to know what is the difference between FieldLinks and Fields, and when dealing with them in Content Types (programmatically) which one should I use?
SPFields are fields themselves, while SPFieldLinks are references to the fields. This is a good read that will explain things in detail. In general practice, it is safer to use SPFieldLinks when you are working on the actual content type definition. However, I'll give a quick summary here.
Lists and Webs contain the actual fields with field data. A content type, on the other hand, only holds Field Reference, which simply points at the corresponding field in the list or web. This gets a bit confusing, because content types have both an SPFieldLinkCollection and an SPFieldCollection.
The SPFieldLinkCollection is used in the actual definition of the content type, and is what you would want to use in your situation of copying a content type from one web to another. SPFieldLinks correspond to the actual elements in the XML Schema for a content type.
Comparatively, when you call on a content type's SPFieldCollection and retrieve a Field from it, what is actually happening is that the content type is checking the corresponding field reference, and then looking up in the list/web to get the actual field. Basically, think of the SPFieldCollection in the same way a lookup works: it is worthless without both the lookup value and the lookup source.
