Unable to run X11 (graphical) programs from atd - linux

I am trying to schedule the execution of a shell-script with the Linux tool "at".
The shell script (video.sh) looks like this:
/usr/bin/vlc /home/x/video.mkv
The "at" command:
at -f /home/x/video.sh -t 201411052225
When the time arrives, nothing happens.
I can execute the shell-script just fine via console or by rightclicking - Execute. VLC starts like it is supposed to. If I change the script to e.g. something simple like
touch something.txt
it works just fine.
Any ideas, why "at" will not properly execute a script that starts a graphical program? How can I make it work?

You're trying to run an X command (a graphical program) at a scheduled time. This will be extremely difficult, and quite fragile, because the script won't have access to the X server.
At the very least, you will need to set DISPLAY to the right value, but even then, I suspect you will have issues with authorisation to use the X screen.
Try setting it to :0.0 and see if that works. But if you're logged out, or the screensaver's on, or any number of other things...
(Also, redirect vlc's stdout and stderr to a file so that you can see what went wrong.)
Your best bet might be to try something like xuserrun.

I suspect that atd is not running. You have to start the atd daemon before (and to set DISPLAY variable like chiastic-security said) ;)
You can test if atd is running with
pidof atd &>/dev/null && echo 'ATD started' || echo >&2 'ATD not started
Your vlc command should be :
DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/vlc /home/x/video.mkv
(Default display)


using screen session in shebang of a bash script

I have recently come across this post which says that it is possible to force a script to run in screen with a shebang. My question is, how does one do this if I want to reconnect to an existing screen session (and thus force the script to run under screen).
So, on my server, when I do screen -list, I see:
There is a screen on:
22566.myscreen (10/26/13 23:47:09) (Detached)
1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-admin.
Now, I have the following bash script, and I would like the bash script to be run with the above screen session. At the moment, I have something like this:
#!/usr/bin/screen -r "myscreen" /bin/bash
# /home/foo/jobscripts/script.sh
echo $STY
git status
touch /home/foo/jobscripts/testsuccess.txt
exit 0
... but this obviously does not work and tells me Error: Unknown option r "myscreen" /bin/bash Wondering if there was a way to specify in shebang to reattach to my above screen.
For Linux, I think we should just use something like pid.sessionname.
For other Unix-like OS, it may also indicate the TTY like this pid.tty.sessionname.
To be sure, consult your manpage of screen : man screen

Running a script in the background before logging in

I have a python script that I want run prior to any user logging in. This is for a home automation server and I want it always to be up and running as soon as the system allows.
I already have it in the rc.local file including an ampersand. This works.
But I can't see the screen output that it produces.
When I log into the unit (it's a raspberry pi running raspian) via SSH I can start it using screen which works the best as when I logout and back in, it's still there. AND I can see the output from the script.
But when I try running screen from the rc.local file, and subsequently login to check, the script isn't there (ie ps aux | grep script.py confirms)
edit: I've taken on Nirk's solution below about using tail. From the command line, it works fine. But starting it form within /etc/rc.local doesn't. I have touched the file and everyone has write access to it.
This is what's in my rc.local file:
python /home/pi/gateway.py &> /x10.log &
This is how I did it in the end:
Although the question was just about how to run in the background prior to login, there was more to it. The script is a work in progress and because of the way a particular serial device acts with it, it is/was prone to crashing (I've almost got all the bugs out of it). I needed to be able to restart it as well. I tried nohup but for some reason, it wouldn't keep it alive so in the end I found the top answer from this page got it all sorted.
In my /etc/rc.local I included a shell script to run:
nohup /home/pi/alwaysrun.sh > /home/pi/mha.log 2>&1 &
alwaysrun.sh contains:
until python /home/pi/gateway.py; do
echo "'gateway.py' exited with exit code $?. Restarting..." >&2
sleep 1
nohup will keep the alwaysrun.sh script alive, and that in turn keeps my gateway.py script running. The redirect of stdout and stderr means I can setup a tail (and/or go back and check) the log.
Instead of using screen, if you just want to see the output you should redirect the output of the command to a log file and then tail the file.

when linux system calls scripts some commands don't work ( cron / if-up.d )

Hi I'm trying to run a script that calls xclip in order to have a string ready to paste when i connect to the internet.
I have a script /etc/network/if-up.d/script that does execute when connecting (i make him post a date in a file succesfuly ) but the xclip instruction seems not to work, there's nothing to paste. If i call this script manually by typing /etc/network/if-up.d/script in a console it works perfectly.
If i try to launch a zenity message it also don't appeare when connecting. Again if i do it by hand it appeares.
Then I have a expect script that calls matlab (console mode), if I execute it manually it works but if i call it from cron it freezees when calling the script.
It's driving me crasy since it seems that only certain commands in a script can be executed when the system calls them automaticaly.
I'v tryed to call the instructions with nohup instruction & but still misses
This is working as designed, you search around and will see compliated ways to resolve this issue, or you can use xmessage as I describe here: Using Zenity in a root incron job to display message to currently logged in user
Easy option 1: xmessage (in the script)
echo -e " MESSAGE \n ==========\n Done with task, YEY. " > ${MSSG}
xmessage -center -file ${MSSG} -display :0.0
[[ -s ${MSSG} ]] && rm -f ${MSSG}
Easy option 2: set the DISPLAY (then should work)
export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/somedirectory/somecommand
question is answered here for cron :
and here for if-up network :
Bash script not working properly when run automatically

execute a gui application from the command line and send it to the background

Is there a command line utility that I can use for executing X based applications that will detach my applications from the terminal so they aren't closed if the terminal is closed?
I guess such a app could be called something like gnome-run if it existed.
I have tried dtach, but it seems that you have to provide a socket file which is a bit clunky to type. I have also tried nohup, but found that also to be a bit clunky to type by the time std out and err are redirected to /dev/null.
I guess I'm looking for a simple program that will do something similar to this:
nohup $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Yes, there is a way to do it: first you need to run your GUI app and send it to background, then you (probably) want to detach it from Bash task management. For example if I wanted to run gedit this way:
gedit &
disown %1
After that you can close your terminal window and gedit will not be killed. Enjoy!
You already wrote your program, it is called a shell script and you give it the name you like and put it somewhere. Then you either add that directory to your $PATH or in your bashrc you set:
alias gnome-run=<path>/my-awesome-script.sh
Why waste earth's resources on a program?
If you want to run an application (say, gedit) as if it was run from the GUI, use:
xdg-open /usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop
See this answer on superuser.

Linux: using the tee command via ssh

I have written a Fortran program (let's call it program.exe) with does some simulation for me. Via ssh I'm logging ino some far away computers to start runs there whose results I collect after a few days. To be up-to-date how the program proceeds I want to write the shell output into a text file output.txt also (since I can't be logged in the far away computers all the time). The command should be something like
nohup program.exe | tee output.txt > /dev/null &
This enables me to have a look at output.txt to see the current status even though the program hasn't ended its run yet. The above command works fine on my local machine. I tried first with the command '>' but here the problem was that nothing was written into the text file until the whole program had finish (maybe related to the pipe buffer?). So I used the workaround with 'tee'.
The problem is now that when I log into the computer via ssh (ssh -X user#machine), execute the above command and look at output.txt with the VI editor nothing appears until the program has finished. If I omit the 'nohup' and '&' I will not even get any shell output until it has finished. My thought was that it might have to do something with data being buffered by ssh but I'm rather a Linux newbie. For any ideas or workaround I would be very grateful!
I would use screen utility http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/cmd.csp?path=s/screen instead of nohup. Thus I would be able to set my program to detached state (^A^D) reconnect to the host, retrieve my screen session (screen -r)
and monitor my output as if I never logged out.
