make cmake_check_build_system error 1 - linux

I am trying to run the make command, but it says
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /h1/cs/Desktop/cmake/ME/build: No such file or directory
make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
This is possibly caused because I used to keep my files in that directory, but I deleted that directory and I moved the source files, CMakeLists.txt, etc, basically everything, from the old to new directory. The new directory is ws/cs/cmake/ME. Yes, I tried to run make in that new directory, and the error above is what I got. Because the new directory has a massive number of sub-directories, I'm not sure which file I need to change so that it knows about the new directory Where in my new directory do I need to change the path, so I can then run make again?

If you delete and start compiling from a new directory you will get an easy fix.. For other options try searching with combination of file and grep.

Believe this is a CLion question.
I'm late to the party but, if someone's looking then -
delete the cmake-build-debug folder entirely from within the project.
select the folder saying your <PROJECT_NAME>, under which the cmake-build-debug folder was present originally, then right click and Reload CMake Project


no such file or directory (cygwin)

I am trying to install a solver (SCIP) with cygwin. After unpacking the folder consists of another 5 folders. The manual says I have to go in folder A and use make. Here, I get the message that one file was not found:
zimpl/bool.h: No such file or directory
This file is in folder B in the path zimpl/src/bool.h. How can I link this file from folder B that cygwin can use it while using make in folder A?
The support says:
Blockquote The error you postet looks like your zimpl softlink is incorrect. If you use a relative path, make sure that it is relative to the position where
the link is created. Most softlinks are created directly in the lib
directory, the zimpl softlink, however, is in a subdirectory of the lib
directory, so you have to go up two directories to get to the main SCIP
However I am not sure how to check the softlinks.

Linux SSH: Can't find a file (though it exists)

I'm experiencing a weird problem, I have a header file that is included in source files (c++),now whenever I run 'make' on any source file I get the error:
pin.H: No such file or directory
pin.H is found in a different directory (but in some parent directory of the source files), anyway this shouldn't make a problem in my case, the files (sources, headers, makefile, libraries and even exe. files) are given to us by course staff and it's meant to work this way.
I was able to compile successfully before, but somehow after several attempts to run a test on some source file, I had probably made something wrong, I used 'chmod' on some files (and directories maybe), because while trying to run a test I was getting : "Permission denied", However I doubt that I've made chmod for something that it now can't reach that header file anymore (while compiling).
And if that is the case, can I somehow restore "the initial mode" of the system?

Can I compile a single .c file from the Nagios-Plugins package?

I'm wondering if I can compile just a single .c file like check_http.c in de source package of nagios-plugins-1.4.15 in the dir plugins. I'm about to add a piece of code to resolve a problem encountered by PNP4NAGIOS.
I want to compile this check_http and replace the old one in the libexec folder with this new one.
Yes, you can do this. In fact, we have done it here.
Configure up the nagios-plugins source as you would normally do. Then, edit your check_http.c file to make your changes, and from within the plugin source directory, just run 'make check_http' and it will compile just that. If it claims that the file is already up to date, just 'rm check_http' and then 'make check_http'.
If it complains about a missing library (libcoreutils libnagiosplug) or or other .o files, then this is because you have never run the initial compile to make the common libraries. Go back to the base of the source tree, and do 'make all'. Then, go back to the plugins directory and try 'make check_http'.

sharing source between Linux eclipse and MS Visual Studio

I have a linux eclipse project checked into our company svn. Works great.
The project is intended to be cross compiled on Windows.
Untill now, I have simply moved the source files between OSes. However, I thought I'd like to let svn do this for me. Should be simple enough, just checkout the eclipse linux src into the VS project dir, right? Wrong!
The correct source was checked out of svn and it worked fine. But when I tried to check it back in i kept getting "Commit not completed filename remains in conflict" errors. I hadn't even changed anything!
Did a little checking. Turns out the linux src directory is pretty much just the source and headers. On the MSVS side the project directory contains the source and headers but also contains a bunch of files that are used by VS with names like projname.vcproj etc. etc.
So, I did a checkout into a scratch dirextory, .\fred. Checked .\fred back in. No problems. Added a new file to .fred, Check in reported:
svn: E200009: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200009: 'C:\Projects\fred\' is not under version control
Makes me wonder about those uncommitted Visual Studio files.
So, are those files my problem? Are they breaking the commit operation?
As an alternate solution I am thinking of adding the VS files to the src dir in svn. If linux/eclipse checks them out I can tell eclipse to ignore them (I think it'll just ignore them for me). Any thoughts or recommendations for this approach?
(BTW, i still had fresh source on the linux side so any thing that got clobbered could be safely restored.)
So here is one solution I have working for the moment. I am not sure how totally stable it is.
Caveat: The project i am using already existed as a MSVS project.
In the MSVS solution dir, rename the source dir (MSVS likes the source dir name to match the solution dir name, so this means the source dir may not be named src) to something uninvolved in the solution, like temp.
SVN checkout the src (eclipse like to call source dirs src).
cd into the source dir. Issue the command:
svn changelist msvs *.cpp *.h
Add *.c if needed. "msvs" is the changelist name. It can be whatever you want ti to be.
This will created a changelist for the checked out directory.
Now, copy the remaining files from the temp directory into your source dir.
When you need to do a checkin, cd into the source dir and issue this command:
svn ci --changelist msvs
Note. You have to be in the src dir for this to work.

Error opening file during Installer Compilation

While running a script to create an NSIS installer, I'm getting an error I can't figure out. The script copies the files needed to create the installer, and then calls makensis to build the setup.exe.
During the compilation with makensis, I get an error while trying to include a directory structure that was copied before makensis was called.
The error is: File: failed opening file "..\..\..\My\Long\Path\Name\To\File.ext"
It fails reliably on a specific file that is 5 directories deep from the File /r command used to include the directory structure. The total path length is 180 characters, so it is not insanely long.
This error persists even after reboots or deleting and recreating the entire directory structure. To make it even worse, it works fine on another machine.
I've used Process Monitor to watch the usage of the files in the directory, and there isn't anything that is opening the file after the copy completes.
Any idea how to solve this problem?
The complete path (Current directory + relative path) has to be < 260 characters.
Are you sure your Process Monitor filters are correct, there should be some type of action taken that then fails? The "File: failed opening file" message is printed if CreateFile fails...
I was getting the same error and the complete path was < 260 characters.
File: failed opening file "\FOLDERSHARE\XYZSRelease\XYZV1.2.2\AutoCompleteMenu.dll"
Error in script "C:\TFS\XYZProject\Releases\NullsoftInstaller\XYZWin7Installer.nsi" on line 77 -- aborting creation process
For some reason when the files are on a Folder Share it doesn't work (I am positive this is a change to the corporate network environment) as it previously was working.
Put all the files in C:\Temp or another local directory.
