Powershell: Hiding columns and bordering cells in Excel - excel

I've been diving into how Powershell can use Excel as a COM object, have most of it down but there are two things I'd like to be able to do that I haven't been able to find anywhere, hoping someone can help.
1/ Would like to be able to script hiding a range of columns in the generated Excel spreadsheet.
2/ Would like to be able to have Excel add a border around all cells in the script as well.

Hiding a column:
Here is an example that you can adapt. This is hiding the first column in the active work sheet.
$file = "C:\Users\Micky\Desktop\not locked.xlsx"
$excel = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass
$excel.Visible = $true
$wb = $excel.Workbooks.Open($file)
$ws = $wb.ActiveSheet
$c = $ws.Columns
$c.Item(1).hidden = $true
Cell border:
For the example I use a double border and apply to the first cell, A1.
The XlLineStyle Enum can be found here
$xlDouble = -4119
$item = $ws.Range("A1")
$item.Borders.LineStyle = $xlDouble


Finding if excel sheet contains array using powershell

I'm trying to find out if an excel sheet contains an array (in any cell in the fourth sheet). The variable is a user input as shown:
$j = Read-Host "Enter sensor serial number"
$Sens_name = #("$j")
And the act of it trying to find the input looks like this, where $EPRB2_loca is the location of the excel file including file extension:
#Checking in EPRB 2 file
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("$EPRB2_loca")
$WorkSheet = $Workbook.Sheets.Item(4)
$EPRB2_file = $WorkSheet.Cells.Find("$Sens_name")
if ($EPRB2_file.HasArray -eq $false)
$EPRB2_file = $null
Can someone please help me figure out why it won't show as it containing the array when I know it does?
I was using the wrong command.
If anyone comes across this, use .Count instead of .HasArray

Insert Image in Excel Sheet Using PowerShell at Specific Position

$xl = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application -Property #{
Visible = $true
DisplayAlerts = $false
$wb = $xl.WorkBooks.Add()
$sh = $wb.Sheets.Item(‘Sheet1’)
Using this code I am able to insert picture in excel sheet but it always puts the picture at "A1" position.
Is there any way to insert picture at selected row,column location using PowerShell?
A picture isn't in any cell. It's in a different layer on top of the cells.
You are telling it to be at 0,0 with your code. If you do this:
you will insert it a 300, 300.

Copy CSV Rows to an Existing Excel Sheet

This should be pretty simple. I'm looking to take the information from my previous question(s), which is a CSV, and place them in an existing Excel document.
Here's the existing data (in a CSV):
SO | Status | ElapsedHrs
PMTT12345678 Hit on Debra 2.5
PMTS23456789 Get rejected 4.25
PMTT87654321 Send some faxes 1.0
So I have an existing Excel sheet, where all of the SO category needs to go to column K starting at cell 6, Status goes to L starting at 6 and ElapsedHrs goes to column O starting at cell 6.
Using this and a few others as examples, but I can't figure out the syntax. Any help is appreciated, again.
So far I have this:
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$Excel.visible = $false
$WorkBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($ExportCsv)
$WorkBook2 = $excel.Workbooks.open($Template)
$Worksheet = $Workbook.WorkSheets.item(“$ExpCsvShort”)
$ExportCsv is the name of the CSV with the full path. $ExpCsvShort' is just the filename (the name changes based on the hour and date). $Template` is the template .xslx file to which the data would be written.
$range = $WorkSheet.Range(“A2”).EntireColumn
$range.Copy() | out-null
Not sure what this should be, as I want column A (minus the header) to go to K on $Template starting at 6. Then I want C to start at L6 and D to start at O6, but I don't know the syntax.
Once I have that:
$Worksheet2 = $Workbook2.Worksheets.item(“Worklog”)
$range2 = $Worksheet2.Range(“K6:K6”)
But again, I don't know the syntax for the range here, either.
Edit 2
Here's what I ended up doing.
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$Excel.visible = $true
$WorkBook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($ExportCsv)
$WorkBook2 = $excel.Workbooks.open($Template)
$Worksheet = $Workbook.WorkSheets.item($ExpCsvShort)
#A Range Copy
$rangeAc = $WorkSheet.Range(“A2:A26”)
$rangeAc.Copy() | out-null
#Select sheet 2
$Worksheet2 = $Workbook2.Worksheets.item(“Worklog”)
#A Range Paste
$rangeAp = $Worksheet2.Range(“K6:K30”)
#C Range Copy
$rangeCc = $WorkSheet.Range(“C2:C26”)
$rangeCc.Copy() | out-null
#C Range Paste
$rangeCp = $Worksheet2.Range(“O6:O30”)
#D Range Copy
$rangeDc = $WorkSheet.Range(“D2:D26”)
$rangeDc.Copy() | out-null
#D Range Paste
$rangeDp = $Worksheet2.Range(“L6:L30”)
Probably a pretty crappy way to do it, but it works. Also, I still have EXCEL.EXE running after everything is closed. I've read about 5 ways to kill the process, but I'm worried if I do I'll mess someone up who has another document open, so maybe I can -passthru and capture the .id and kill that instead, but I'll worry about that later I guess.
Thanks for helping, all.
And I'd love to use that gravity, but I'm not sure I understand how. Thanks!

Add a column in excel sheet using powershell

I want to add a column after a particular column number in excel sheet using Powershell.
I am able to add it at starting of sheet, but couldn't insert after a specific column.
#This will insert a column at column R
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$ExcelWorkSheet = $ExcelWordBook.Worksheets.Add()
$ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "TestThis"
#do other things
$ColumnSelect = $ExcelWorkSheet.Columns("R:R")
Alas, I agree, I have not found neither documentation or examples :-/ .
Nevertheless here is below how to insert a column 7th and give it a name:
(Get-ChildItem "*.xlsb")|
foreach-object {
$xl=New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$ws = $wb.worksheets.Item(1)
$ws.Cells.Item(1,7) ='Comment'
while([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$xl)){'released'| Out-Null}
Best regards

How to Insert Cells (not Entire Row/Column) in Excel using Powershell

As the title suggested, I'm not sure how to do the equivalent of selecting only a portion of a row and insert cells (shift rows down) using Powershell. It seems like all tutorials online are about inserting the entire row or entire column which is not what I want to do.
Any ideas?
Try something like this:
$xl = New-Object -COM "Excel.Application"
$xl.Visible = $true
$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open "C:\path\to\your.xlsx"
$ws = $wb.Sheets.Item(1)
