Accessing a server as localhost? - linux

I use ssh keys to access a server at lets say It works fine. How can i access that server in my host as
I have tried my best but couldn't make it work.

You normally do this via port forwarding so you forward the remote port (the one from the server) that you are interested in to your local machine. Then you can access it via
Example tutorial:
In putty it is also straight forward:
You could also modify your local hosts file to point to this server but that often causes hick ups with local services.


How to access remote machine nodeserver url from my system if both the systems are behind proxy

Suppose if my ip address is : In this machine I'm running node server. I can access the webpages by using this url: http://localhost:3000/ in the same machine.
But, if I'm trying to access the node server from a remote machine having the ip It does not work. I used the below url to access the url from the remote machine:
I'm facing network connectivity issues.
Do, I need to change any settings in node.js for remote access.
Then, how can I access the node server from the remote machine.
if you can access localhost:3000, then type in on same machine. and if you are having problems connecting, then no outside computer going to connect. and you need to adjust your nodejs settings.
if you have server at home, and trying to connect from some place else not at home. you are more likely looking for something like "dynamic ip address" example: it helps getting past ISP (internet server providers) and your own routers, and publishing your ip address.
if you are dealing with 2 computers in your same house or business and passing through your own router, try changing the to DMZ. basically by passing all router safety, if that happens, you are not opening correct ports on the router. or not setting other setting correctly.

Amazon Nodejs webserver

I'm getting stuck here, so i have an amazon ec2 (standard redhat server) host up and working. i can connect to it personally no problem, however it cannot be connected to outside of my ip.
I've checked the rules and i have port 80 and 3000 open to to be able to communicate, however outside of my computer (and computers in this network) i can not connect.
Everything I've found is about connecting to ssh which works fine, i have no rules in iptables, i haven't dealt much with them before, but since i can connect to the service i don't think its the issue.
Web server is running, i can connect from my computer to it, and any others in my local network, but nothing outside of it works.
i do have httpd installed as well as a simple forward from the browser to port 3000, however i cant connect to it either from outside my network.
so this is a new one for me, the dns forwarding works in houst, but not outside. so inside and outside here, i can use IP address to connect, but inside only i can connect with my dns lookup. not sure what caused this, but its not an amazon problem at least. going to look at that side.

Port forward not working to set a local web server

I have just created a simple web server using node server and it's running fine. I can access it from the same PC by going to address
Now I want to access that web server from my WAN IP. I got my my using whatismyip and got something like
When I tried, I got:
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
Here is the screenshot how I created the port forwarding in my router:
What's wrong here?
Localhost is only accessible from the same pc. You have to launch your webserver either on address (it will be available on all network interfaces) or so that it is accessible from your wan interface

Node.js Proxy for out going calls

I am trying to create a local mockup server for an iOS app. I have a running deployed server like url: "" I would like to be able to use a local using node.js.
In the app i would user
I have seen "Charles" application can do this. Maybe someone have done this in Nodes, so you a able to test agents a local mockup using only node.js?
Setup your browser to use as a proxy (network settings), then run your code on localhost ( and respond to the request. The url can stay the same as the original one. You can use node-http-proxy to forward the request to the original server, if you want to.
You can add the url to your hosts file. If your on OSX or Linux you can find it in etc/hosts. On windows the file is at %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\ just map the url to your local IP localhost
# mapping some-running-server to localhost for development
Just remember to remove the entry when you go to production!

Noob questions for SVN checkout and network issues regading it

We have a local server with SVN installed on it that we are using for development/testing purpouses. We would like to checkout the data from it to the live server that is somewhere out there.
The only way to do that which I thought of was to use "svn checkout" from the live server, right? This way we do not need to FTP the changes to it, that may cause problems is we forget to upload some of the changes. And if we found a problem we can alway go back to previous stable version, right? Correct me if I am wrong about any of these.
The problem is that our local server (Ubuntu) does not have a IP that is reachable from outside. We have a router from out ISP, but we can not use that to access the local server from the live. We are willing to ask the ISP provider to setup a second IP for the local server, but for security sake they want to setup a separate machine with Windows and windows base security software (firewall - and antivirus) that will cost us a lot. Can we just setup a free firewall on the local server (Ubuntu as I said) and solve the problem without spending additional money?
I hope I was clear.
It's always hard to comment without knowing the exact situation, but this sounds a bit crazy.
What you would usually do is set up port forwarding for one port to the local server. The server would then be reachable (for example) through
That's a three-minute task to set up in a normal household router.
As long as the Ubuntu server is closed otherwise, and Subversion or whatever you are using for authentication is properly configured and up to date, this should not create security issues.
In any case, putting a Windows machine in between to act as a firewall sounds really unnecessary. Ubuntu comes with everything necessary to secure the setup properly.
If the remote server has an ssh server, then you can use ssh forwarding.
From the internal svn server:
ssh -R 7711:localhost:3690 {REMOTE_SERVER}
7711 is an arbitrary port (you can use any free port on the remote system) that will be forwarded from the remote system to port 3690 (svn) on the svn server.
3690 is the port on the internal svn server that you want to talk to (via svn://).
If you are using subversion over http:// then use port 80 instead of 3690.
If you are using subversion over https:// then use port 443 instead of 3690.
After setting up the forward, then you can do this on the remote system:
svn checkout {SCHEME}://localhost:7711/{PATH}
{SCHEME} is svn, http, https, etc.
{PATH} is the normal svn path you want to check out.
the forwarded traffic is tunneled through the ssh connection (on a different "channel") so it is also encrypted which is a nice benefit.
by default, the remote end of the forward will listen on the loopback interface so only processes on that system will be able to use the port forwarded port.
As soon as you close the ssh session, the forwarded port will also close. It only lasts the duration of the ssh connection.
ssh forwarding is very powerful. If you can ssh between two systems, then you can get around any sort of connection problem like this.
Do man ssh and read about the -L and -R options.
Useful links about ssh forwarding:
check if your ISP router provide some port forwarding abilities,
You should probably forward the ssh port ( after ensuring that everyone password is secure/or enforcing login with ssh keys file), and use SVN+SSH protocol to access your repository.
You should be able to open up and forward a single port (3690 by default) on your existing IP to the local server, as pointed out by Pekka. This depends on your router, and your ability to access the configuration interface on the router.
Instead of having to deal with SSH and worry about people trying to access your local server from anywhere, you could setup a firewall to only allow incoming traffic from your single remote server. Depending on the router setup, you could simply use the builtin firewall on the local server. It would still be advisable to have some svn authentication, though.
The SSH forwarding method described by kanaka prevents the entire issue about remote access to the local machine, but it requires you to execute the forwarding command from the local server every time you need to access svn on the remote server.
