Extract zip files contents and rename the directory dynamically - linux

I have an application zip file created using Play Framework. It create the zip file with name A-1.0.zip. This zip file contains the directory with name A-1.0. (1.0 changes according to the version)
I wanted to extract the zip file and rename the folder from A-1.0 to A. So that my application init.d script finds the directory to start the application. This shuld be done dynamically using shell script.
Is there a way where i can extract all the zip files into A folder instead of extracting into A-1.0 and renaming?? Please help!
The following is what I tried....
unzip A-1.0.zip -d ~/A
(I know that it is very dumb of me to do this !!)
This extracted the file into ~/A/A-1.0/[contents]
I need to extract all the [contents] into ~/A instead of ~/A/A-1.0/. I dunno how to do this using command line.....
My init.d script searched for ~/A/bin/A -Dhttp.port=6565 -Dconfig.file=~/A/conf/application.conf to start the Play! application.
To make this script working, I extract all into A-1.0/ then I rename with mv ~/A-1.0 ~/A manually.

I didn't find any specific unzip option to perform this automatically, but managed to achieve this goal by creating a temporary symbolic link in order to artificially redirect the extracted files this way
ln -s A A-1.0
unzip A-1.0.zip
rm A-1.0

From the unzip man page it boils down to:
unzip A-1.0.zip 'A-1.0/*' -d /the/output/dir
^ ^
| |
| +- files to extract (note the quotes: unzip shall parse the wildcard instd of sh)
+- The archive

EDIT: This answer does not preserve subdirectories. It works fine if one doesn't have or need the subdirectory structure.
I found that you can combine the answer from #géza-török with the -j option mentioned by #david-c-rankin (in the comment below the question). Which leads to unzip -j A-1.0.zip 'A-1.0/*' -d /the/output/dir. That would only process the files inside A-1.0/ and output them straight into the given output directory.
Source: https://linux.die.net/man/1/unzip (look at -j)

I was looking to unzip all .zip files in the current directory into directories with names of the zip files (even after you rename them)
the following command is not elegant but works
cd to/the/dir
find *.zip | cut -d. -f1 | xargs -I % sh -c "unzip %.zip -d %; ls % | xargs -I # sh -c 'mv %/#/* %; rm -rf %/#'"


I am working in linux and have tot extract archives that were already in an archive. Could anyone explain how to extract this while using loops?

tar -xvf assignment_UA_InleidingProgrammeren_Huistaak1-HelloWorld_2019-11-11.tgz
a=$(echo assignment_UA_InleidingProgrammeren_Huistaak1-HelloWorld_2019-11-11.tgz | cut -b 15-35)
b=$(echo assignment_UA_InleidingProgrammeren_Huistaak1-HelloWorld_2019-11-11.tgz | cut -b 37-56)
#cutcommand van geeksforgeeks.org
mkdir -p "$a"/"$b"
mv assignment_UA_InleidingProgrammeren_Huistaak1-HelloWorld_2019-11-11/*.tgz InleidingProgrammeren/Huistaak1-HelloWorld
rmdir assignment_UA_InleidingProgrammeren_Huistaak1-HelloWorld_2019-11-11
for x in InleidingProgrammeren/Huistaak1-HelloWorld
I have already extracted the first archive but i have to extract tthe tgz archives that are in this archive without using hardcode.
I have tried using different loops but it doesn't work and i don't know if i am using them correctly.
you have an archive, a.tgz, containing some files.
you have an archive, b.tgz, containing some files.
both a.tgz and b.tgz are themselves contained in another archive, top.tgz.
both a.tgz and b.tgz do not exist outside top.tgz when the script starts.
    - a.tgz
         - some files
    - b.tgz
         - some files
tar -xzf top.tgz
rm -f top.tgz
for F in *.tgz
tar -xzf "$F"
rm -f "$F"
Extract the top archive first.
Delete that top archive (or move it somewhere else) so the for F in *.tgz does not process it again.
Then loop on the new archives and extract them.
Final result, all files from a.tgz and b.tgz are available.

Unzip wrongly: All files are scattered in the current directory

On CentOS, I wanted to unzip files in A.zip into ./A/. However, I didn't notice that there were hundreds of files in A.zip and I just use unzip A.zip. So now these extra files are all in the current directory. How could I solve this problem?
Thank you very much for any help!
You can try this -
unzip -Z1 is the zip info mode which basically returns the files which were zipped. The output is then piped onto other command which removes that file based on the input(from the previous command).
Assuming, first you take a proper backup of that folder.
unzip -Z1 t1.zip | xargs rm -f
If the zip files has folders inside of it then
unzip -Z1 t1.zip | xargs rm -rf
t1.zip is the zip file which I tested with.

How to create empty txt files in a directory reflecting files in another directory?

I need to do some testing and need the same file names as I have in directory /home/recordings in /home/testing folder.
For example, if i have a file recording01.mp4 in /home/recordings, i would want to have the an empty file recording01.txt or recording01.mp4 or in /home/testing
I understand I can use the following command?
for i in /home/recordings/*; do touch "$i"; done
Not sure how to specify extension or the destination directory in this case?
A simple addition of /home/testing/ to touch command will do it.
for i in /home/recordings/*; do
temp=`echo $i|cut -f3 -d'/'`
cd /home/testing/
touch "$temp";
cd ../..
I assume you are not in home directory and running this script file from anywhere else.
You can also do this without a loop
find /home/recordings/ -type f -printf /home/testing/%f'\n' | xargs -n1 touch
Try this:
for i in /home/recordings/*; do touch "/home/testing/$i"; done
You need only specify absolute paths and things will work fine. A bunch of 0-length files are created, their names corresponding to those in /home/recordings.

How to add files to zip archive without a intermediate folder

I'm using zip program in a bash script and i would like to create an archive containing all files in a folder without adding the folder itself to the archive.
I have such files :
I'm using this command in script.sh
zip -q -9 -r arch.zip files/*
but this creates a files folder in the archive and i would like to get files 1 and 2 directly at the root of the archive.
How can i modify the parameters passed to zip command to prevent it from adding files in this archive ?
Here and Here
Obviously, SO search engine is more efficient when the question is posted than before ...
cd files
zip -q -9 -r ../arch.zip *
you should use -j key. Try this way:
zip -q -9 -j arch.zip files/*

Zip folder recursively, save for a given sub folder (Linux)

In Linux zip, is it possible to zip a folder recursively except for a given sub-path?
For instance, to zip 'base_folder' and all its sub folders except 'base_folder/sub_folder'.
Is it possible?
And if so, how?
zip -r base_folder.zip base_folder -x base_folder/sub_folder/\* base_folder/another_sub_folder/\*
(I have incorporated the improved information from your experience that you have kindly offered in your comment.)
For more information: man zip
You can use tar with --exclude, and use the -z option to gzip the output tar file.
find the files, exclude the folder, xargs the remaining files to tar or zip or whatever:
find /in/your/dir | grep -v 'name_of_dir_to_be_excluded' | xargs tar jcvf nameOfArchive.tar.bz2
