Undefined method of global variable with Node.js in WebStorm - node.js

For complicated reasons, I have some Node.js code like this:
global.redis= require('redis').createClient(...);
(some other file.js)
const Util= require('./util.js');
In WebStorm 8, when I inspect the code it will recognize global.redis but will error saying unresolved function or method rpush.
redis is listed in the Node.js and NPM settings in WebStorm and I have Node.js globals enabled.
The code runs as expected though.
Has anyone run into this?


SvelteKit and Postgres implementation solution

Has anyone successfully deployed a SvelteKit app using npm pg to Netlify/Vercel/Cloudflare? My local dev implementation works just fine with how I have it set up ( db.ts file with a query function in lib/server, and then using endpoint actions and the load function in +page.server.ts files)
My build errors are as follows:
node_modules/pg-connection-string/index.js:3:18: ERROR: Could not resolve "url" node_modules/pg-connection-string/index.js:4:17: ERROR: Could not resolve "fs" node_modules/pg-pool/index.js:2:29: ERROR: Could not resolve "events" node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:9:41: ERROR: Could not resolve "assert" node_modules/pg/lib/client.js:3:27: ERROR: Could not resolve "events"
And many of the above display a previous log message with something along the lines of:
✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "buffer"
3 │ var buffer = require('buffer')
╵ ~~~~~~~~
The package "buffer" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error.
I've been trying to get it to just build and it seems like it isn't able to use the pg package because it isn't a true node server environment. For each adapter it attempts to build with (except the node adapter) it refuses to build anything to do with the pg npm package. I could be wrong about the why, but my question about the how remains.
My hope is to avoid something like Prisma (which hasn't been working for me either) and I am trying to do this as "intended" meaning that I want to use SvelteKit as both the front end and the true backend. So an additional express server or the like is not the solution I'm looking for.
EDIT: I have also successfully deployed the app to Azure using the node adapter, but pg AND Postgres.js both do not work.

GCP Secret Manager throws: "path" argument must be of type string

I'm working on using the GCP Secrets Manager from Node.js 8.x (I know, it's ancient, but it's the newest GA Node runtime on Cloud Functions). However, when I run their example, it keeps throwing gRPC error from this line:
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type object
Line of code I'm trying to test:
const secretClient = new SecretManagerServiceClient();
I get the same error if I'm running on Node 8.x or Node 10.x, and if I use the latest version of the secrets lib (3.0.0) or the legacy version for Node 8.x (1.2.1)
It appears this error occurred because the library is running browser rather than Node mode, which forces it to avoid "fallback" mode, trying to lookup the gRPC path incorrectly. The decision is because window is in scope, tricking the isBrowser logic.
Root Cause
The root cause is that jest was used to test, which by default runs in jsDom mode, inserting globals like window.
Add the following to your jest.config.json file.
testEnvironment: 'node',

Browserify / Electron / AngularJS Error: fs.existsSync is not a function

I'm getting a Error: fs.existsSync is not a function code after I bundle my code using Browserify.
Before I've tried to use require() but I kept getting Error: require is not defined due to require function not supported on client side. Browserify seems a solution to use. I've managed to solve require error with browserify but another one came up - fs.existsSync is not a function.
Here is the error code as shown on my console:
Error: fs.existsSync is not a function
<div ui-view="" class="ng-scope">
I'm using electron, angularjs and sqlite to build my app but I'm stuck on this error, any help will be appreciated.
I've managed to solve my error without browserify by enabling nodeIntegration: true in main.js file (electron entry file). Then I was able to load my script (coolscript.js) which has require function inside of it to my html without problems -

using systemjs on node.js (& Angular 2)

Say I have a foo.ts and app.ts as follows:
export interface Foo {
id: number;
label: string;
import {Foo} from './foo'
var myfoo: Foo = { "id": 1, "label": "One" };
After compiling, executing 'node app.js' from the command line runs as expected if I use "module"="commonjs" in my tsconfig.json. Cutting to the chase, what I would like to do is is use my Foo interface client-side with Angular 2, and server-side with node. Inconveniently, the Angular 2 quickstart I am modeling on here wants "module"="system" in tsconfig.json. This configuration causes an error when trying to run 'node app.js':
System.register([], function(exports_1) {
ReferenceError: System is not defined`
I have tried following the instructions for using systemjs with node on github, but at this point I am just mashing keys and could use some help. How do I either (a) get my app.ts code running on the server-side using systemjs, or alternately, (b) get the Angular 2 quickstart running with commonjs?
I am going to wrap this up with an answer, even if the question hasn't been up-voted. The solution appears to be to use Gulp to compile the common typescript code (like interface Foo) differently for the client ("module"="system") and the server ("module"="commonjs"). If there is a way to compile the typescript code in the OP with "module"="system" I'd still like to know. But it appears to be kind of academic since everyone manages their project with Gulp or something similar anyway.

Cannot call require('fs') with PhantomJS runner

I've been trying to use the FS API in PhantomJS, but I get an error I'm not able to understand when I run the following code
private[scalajssupport] object PhantomFile {
val fs: PhantomFS = js.Dynamic.global.require("fs").asInstanceOf[PhantomFS]
The error I get is:
TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating '$g["require"]("fs")')
However, when I run
var fs = global["require"]("fs")
directly in the PhantomJS REPL, it's working fine.
It turns out that when using PhantomJS to run scala.js code, it is ran in a sandbox with the "webpage" module, which does not have access to require.
The only way to write to the filesystem was to define a callback in onCallback, as seen in the answer to this StackOverflow question.
