Unable to ping VM outside windows Azure - azure

I followed the following link to create the azure instance
I am able to ssh to the VM from my local machine, however I am not able to ssh or ping from the VM to any public servers (www.google.com, www.yahoo.com).That is the communication is happening only between VMs within the Windows azure Cloud.
Please let me know how to enable outbound traffic to public servers from Windows Azure VM.

ICMP is blocked by default (see this SO post: ping google.com or fails) for the Virtual IP Address
But with the new instance level public-ip address, you will get an ip address per virtual server:
Now ping works (ping after a reboot of the VM in my case.


How to ssh to Azure VM using private IP address from internet

I'm new to Azure. Just deployed an Ubuntu VM but thought I'd only create a private IP address, no public IP.
How do I ssh from my laptop at home to the Azure VM using the 10.x.x.x IP address?
I've tried:
Using the Azure Cloud Shell but connection just times out
Using ssh on my laptop, but its looking for the VM on my LAN and times out.
You can't SSH from your local machine to your VM with a private IP because your machine isn't in the same network as the VM. You would only be able to SSH to the VM from another VM on the same virtual network.
In order to SSH to your VM from outside of the vnet you will need a NIC attached with a Public IP and the default port of 22 open on your Network Security Group.
Edit: because I couldn't find a relevant document for this I wrote a blog post. https://medium.com/#joelatwar/how-to-ssh-to-your-azure-linux-vms-with-username-and-password-from-windows-linux-or-mac-df7d07ea3be1
I have found some other way working.
Temporarily attach the VM with private ip address under a public azure lb, configure a nat rule for ssh in the load balancer.make sure you have allowed the ssh from inside vnet in the nsg where the vm is attached.
SSH into the public load balancer ip and you will be able to access the internal machine via azure load balancer ip.
In the meanwhile there exists Azure Bastion which could help you.

Write failed: Broken pipe

i was accessing a vm from a server ip . today i changed that vm ip to a different ip.but while restarting network it showed
Shutting down interface eth0: Write failed: Broken pipe
after that i am not able to access the old ip as well as the new ip i assigned.i think it shutted down the eth0 interface . so i am not able to access.so how to reset that vm network configuration now from server ip??? i am not able to ssh now to that vm from server as well .
note: i ahve a server ip.i am doing ssh to that ip first.then i was doing ssh to a vm ip. i was not able to access directly the vm from outside. so i was configuring that vm to a new ip for outbound access.

Azure VM shows different IPs

I have Windows Azure VM and public IP ( assigned to it. However when I execute ipconfig /all command inside VM, it shows me different IP address. I'm wondering why?
When you launch a VM in Azure you do not have a public IP Address attached directly to the Nic.
With a v1 (classic) VM you either connect through the Cloud Service IP, or through a Public IP attached to the VM.
In a v2 VM, all VMs need to exist within a virtual network, to which you attach a Network Interface. That interface will have an IP Address that is local to the virtual network it is a member of. Optionally you can attach a Public IP to that interface.
In both cases the external IP address is mapped to the internal address of your VM through whatever firewalling you have configured.
This is the reason that your VM does not have the same IP as the external IP.

how to get Azure point-to-site client to connect to an Azure VM

I have created an Azure virtual network with point-to-site connectivity enabled.
The point-to-site address space is ( -
The virtual network address space is ( -
I added an Azure VM, and it is assigned an IP of
I created the client VPN package and installed it on a machine. It creates a PPP adapter with an IP address
As a result I can't ping / connect to from the client to the VM
How should this work? Do I need some other routing or should I have somehow ended up with the client and VM in the same subnet?
Should I have set up DNS?
It is simple - Windows VMs have default Firewall enabled (as do all default WIndows Server Installations). And this Windows Firewall blocks ICMP packets (which are the PING) packets.
You can easily test the connectivity to the VM by simply trying remote desktop to the targeted VM. Or disable the Windows Firewall.

Azure Web Role can't see VM's internal IP (but VM can see web role)

I have a web role (WR) and a virtual machine (VM) hosted on Azure, both are within the same Virtual Network (VNet), and on the same subnet.
If I look at the azure portal and go to the VNet page, the dashboard shows both my VM and my WR are on the network with internal IP addresses as I expect:
I can Remote Desktop to both machines, from the VM, I can ping and get a response, from the WR, if I ping all I ever get is a Timeout.
I've been following the instructions from: http://michaelwasham.com/2012/08/06/connecting-web-or-worker-roles-to-a-simple-virtual-network-in-windows-azure/ and there is no mention of any additional settings I need to do to either machine - but is there something I'm missing?
Do I need to open up the VM to be contactable?
Extra information:
At the moment, the VM has an Http and Https end point available publicly, but I aim to turn those off and only use the WR for that (hence wanting to connect using the internal IP).
I don't want to use the public IP unless there is absolutely no way around it, and from what I've read that doesn't seem to be the case.
For completeness, moving my comment to an answer: While the virtual network is allowing traffic in both directions, you'll need to enable ICMP via the firewall, which will then let your pings work properly.
