i am searching the internet to find what Fields are calculating by crc-32 of the Central directory file header as mentiond here
as you can see there are some calculation but i don't know what fields are entered to this calculation, the main reason i want to do this is because i want to enter some data to the comment field and still that a docx file(=pkzip) could be open on office 2007+ without the message of corrupted file, i am pretty sure after long research is that it has something to do with the CRC-32 Calculation.
if there are any other ideas i be glad to hear them
i now try to hide more info at the extra feild and get that the file is coruptted althought i added the size to the footer
If you are simply inserting a comment in the central directory, then the problem has nothing to do with the CRC. You are messing up the size of central directory in the end of central directory field.
In SharePoint online when my flow moves the file (PDF, ZIP...) named "U000" in a folder where is a file with the same name it renames the file in "U0001".
How can I customize this to be renamed like "U000-Rev.1" or "U000_copy(1)" instead of "U0001"?
I know this is the default SharePoint behavior and there is no option for renaming format but maybe I can change or add a code in "definition.json" file from exported ZIP flow (or somewhere else).
(I'm not a software developer so any answer/idea is welcomed.)
Thank you!
Add an if statement to check the file name you just uploaded. If it contains (1) at the end of the name then rename the file. This is probably the least convoluted fast approach but it's not 100% robust.
You can add more logic or change the approach to make it fully robust but you can look into that after you've got something working imo, baby steps.
I hope you can help. I have a pretty big Excel file stored on my local drive that is linked to my Sharepoint model.
Because this excel file is so large it has taken up a lot of space so I have placed this file and a second file "World Map" in my Sharepoint.
See Pic 1
Pic 1
The current location of the Excel file is here H:\TOV Storage Folder\EFPIA_TOV All_Master_Master.xlsx
and the current World map is stored here H:\WorldMap\World_Countries.shp
What I would like to do is replace these files with their equivalents in Sharepoint but I keep getting the same error when I try to do so.
See Pic 2
The link that I am placing into the OData Connection is this
But I keep getting the error pop up in Pic 2.
Can anyone help me solve this issue?
I simply wish to replace the files on my H drive feeding my Spotfire model to the ones in Sharepoint.
Pic 2
I do this a lot with Spotfire; Try the OData link:
You will likely need to include authentication details for your active directory.
You can also try following that link in internet explorer/chrome to see the XML (if you get page not found someone has customised something and it wont work).
The Problem
I recieved a pdf file at work which I then printed. In the pdf file there were several optional fields where one could enter information such as "place of birth" etc. If I open the pdf file on my computer, I can see a set of input information A (a travel request with dates from this year 2017).
If I print the pdf on the local printer, the printed document contains a set of information B which for example contained travel request dates from 2015.
This information was not visible when opening the file on my computer.
I have been able to reproduce the error multiple times.
Why is this a problem?
It seems that previous entries into the pdf were yet somehow stored in the pdf contrary to what was visible when opening the pdf. When printing, the printer seems to access only the oldest entries and prints those.
This is a potential breach regarding data privacy and security since the pdf file seems to save all previous entries without anyone knowing.
Especially at work, some of these pdfs contains bank account information and other identity related information.
The Question
Did anyone experience a simliar issue or knows how to delete the invisible old information yet stored in the pdf?
UPDATE1: I could not reproduce the error on other printers. It seems this error is caused by the specific printer. Yet the information must be present in the PDF file, which is the specific cause of my question.
UPDATE2: Using the information from the accepted answer, I used the program "PDF CHAIN" and selected the option "drop XFA from document". I then saved the manipulated document again and printed it on the same printer.
Finally, the correct information was printed.
At a guess (and that's all it is without being able to see the original file) the PDF contains optional content or annotations which contain different field data for Print and Screen.
If you open the file using a PDF consumer (eg Acrobat) then what you see is the 'screen' result. Depending on the consumer you are using it may then either send the screen data to the printer, or substitute with the 'Print' data.
The printer you note as being a problem is capable of direct PDF printing, you haven't stated if that's how you are printing the PDF file, or whether you are using an application, nor whether the other printers are PDF capable or not.
My guess is that there is a different decision being made somewhere in the 2 print paths as to which is the 'correct' information to print.
Note that this does not mean that the PDF 'seems to save all previous entries without anyone knowing'; that's not really possible with a PDF file.
A malicious PDF processing application could do so, by adding comments to the PDF file, but only that application would be able to retrieve it.
But it is possible to have multiple entries of different types for different purposes, and if they aren't the same (because of the tool used to edit the file) then you can get strange results like this.
Note that if this is a problem for you then you probably shouldn't be using PDF, but you can mitigate the issue by digitally signing your documents. Signed PDF files include means (secure cryptographic hash) for verifying that the document has not been tampered with . Of course, you can't then edit the PDF file without re-signing it.
Oh, one other possibility would be that the PDF was actually an XFA form; its possible to have part of the document be a valid PDF which prints 'something' when a PDF consumer can't handle an XFA form, but that need bear no relation to what you see when you use an XFA processor.
My money's on optional content, AcroForm fields, or annotations where the Print data is different from the Screen data though.
How do I search in MS Access (ver 2010) for data in files attached to records? If I do a "Find" and specify text I KNOW is in an attached txt file to a particular record, there are no hits. While if I have the same data in a Text Field or Memo field, Access finds it. I understood from one of the Access help screens I found that it is possible to search attachments from within Access, but I have not been able to do this yet.
BTW, I did try using the query tool and searching for text I knew was in the attachment, but it was not successful, although it did find the same text within a memo field in another record.
I'm fairly certain that there is no mechanism in Access to find records based on text within a file attachment. A bit of web searching found an earlier question here and the responses seem to agree that there isn't.
One reference from Microsoft here says
By using attachments, you open documents and other non-image files in their parent programs, so from within Access, you can search and edit those files.
but I think that statement could be misinterpreted. I believe what they meant to say was that
"...from within Access you can open an attachment in its parent program and then work on it as usual (e.g., edit it, search it, print it, and so on)."
You can use file system object, open the file as string and search sequentially. That's as close as you'll get
I used http://site-perf.com/ to test the speed of my site (http://sweatingthebigstuff.com) and it shows one file that gives a 404 error. That file does not exist (hence the error), but how do I found out how to fix it? I don't know where it is being called (definitely not in the code).
The file in question is:
I assume that I used to have a file but since deleted it. It was in a widget and it is now pointing to a png file.
Any ideas?
It was in a widget and it is now pointing to a png file.
There is a reference to it somewhere - in a forgotten HTML file, in a style sheet.... The easiest might be doing a full-text search for your whole (local) Wordpress directory for icon-rss.gif.
If that doesn't turn up anything - it should, though! - try using a downloader like GetLeft to fetch a full HTML copy of your site, and do a full text search on that. That should at least show you which page the offending line is on.