Self-hosted WCF service maxing cpu load - multithreading

I am looking into an issue at work with a WindowsService that is taking 100% CPU on a machine with 16 CPU's.
The service is hosting a self-hosted .NET WCF service.
I have received a crash dump which I have loaded up in windbg, in order to look for clues.
So what I have tried:
!threads :
ThreadCount: 646
UnstartedThread: 0
BackgroundThread: 643
PendingThread: 0
DeadThread: 2
Hosted Runtime: no
642 of the threads were Threadpool workers as following:
8 29 2a34 000000002068b510 3029220 Preemptive 0000000000000000:0000000000000000 0000000000563f50 0 MTA (Threadpool Worker)
~29s -> !CLRStack
000000003c66eb70 00000000770512fa [GCFrame: 000000003c66eb70]
000000003c66ec40 00000000770512fa [GCFrame: 000000003c66ec40]
000000003c66ec78 00000000770512fa [HelperMethodFrame: 000000003c66ec78] System.Threading.Monitor.Enter(System.Object)
000000003c66ed70 000007fef7af1c9c System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.Fire()
000000003c66ede0 000007fef7a6c2f3 System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
000000003c66ee30 000007fef7a6c92a System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
000000003c66f388 000007fef8d57d33 [DebuggerU2MCatchHandlerFrame: 000000003c66f388]
~29s -> K
000000003c66e858 000007fefd7010dc ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xa
000000003c66e860 000007fef8d049bf KERNELBASE!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x79
000000003c66e900 000007fef8d04977 clr!CLREventBase::WaitEx+0x16c
000000003c66e940 000007fef8d048f8 clr!CLREventBase::WaitEx+0x103
000000003c66e9a0 000007fef8e9c5de clr!CLREventBase::WaitEx+0x70
000000003c66ea30 000007fef8dc5a34 clr!WKS::GCHeap::WaitUntilGCComplete+0x2b
000000003c66ea60 000007fef8d0c4f4 clr!Thread::RareDisablePreemptiveGC+0x176
000000003c66eaf0 000007fef8dd1f3d clr!GCCoop::GCCoop+0x3d
000000003c66eb20 000007fef8e898cf clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x137
000000003c66ebe0 000007fef7af1c9c clr!JITutil_MonContention+0xaf
000000003c66ed70 000007fef7a6c2f3 mscorlib_ni+0x521c9c
000000003c66ede0 000007fef7a6c92a mscorlib_ni+0x49c2f3
000000003c66ee30 000007fef8d57d33 mscorlib_ni+0x49c92a
000000003c66eef0 000007fef8d556e6 clr!CallDescrWorkerInternal+0x83
000000003c66ef30 000007fef8d557af clr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0x4a
000000003c66ef70 000007fef8eda2c9 clr!MethodDescCallSite::CallTargetWorker+0x2e6
000000003c66f120 000007fef8ee51b0 clr!QueueUserWorkItemManagedCallback+0x2a
000000003c66f200 000007fef8ee513e clr!DebuggerU2MCatchHandlerFrame::DebuggerU2MCatchHandlerFrame+0xa0
000000003c66f240 000007fef8ee50b5 clr!ManagedPerAppDomainTPCount::DispatchWorkItem+0x38e
000000003c66f340 000007fef8ee51eb clr!ManagedPerAppDomainTPCount::DispatchWorkItem+0x2bd
000000003c66f3d0 000007fef8eda224 clr!ManagedPerAppDomainTPCount::DispatchWorkItem+0x23b
000000003c66f430 000007fef8ee6baf clr!ManagedPerAppDomainTPCount::DispatchWorkItem+0xb4
000000003c66f5c0 000007fef8ee6ab3 clr!ThreadpoolMgr::ExecuteWorkRequest+0x4c
000000003c66f5f0 000007fef8eda8a6 clr!ThreadpoolMgr::WorkerThreadStart+0xf3
000000003c66f6b0 0000000076c9652d clr!Thread::intermediateThreadProc+0x7d
000000003c66f7f0 000000007702c541 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
000000003c66f820 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x1d
Im having a hard time interpreting the stacktraces since they dont hit any of my applicationcode.
Are they all just idle threadworkers, waiting for work?

Threads with WaitForSingleObject are not critical, since they are waiting and not consuming CPU time. But be aware that your dump is only a snapshot and you might have had bad luck when taking the snapshot.
For a performance analysis with WinDbg you'd need several dumps during high CPU and compare them. If they all have similar stack traces, that's fine and you can conclude something. If they are all very different, it's almost useless.
The command !runaway seems more interesting here, since it lists CPU times consumed per thread, so you can identify the one(s) which are on high CPU. Again: having two snapshots that you can compare is helpful, because the main thread may still have consumed more CPU time in total than some short-living 100% threads.
If you can't use a performance profiler, SysInternals Procdump can generate a series of dumps (-n) for you on high CPU (-c). Use -s to set the time between dumps. For .NET, don't forget -ma for full memory.
Other than that, 646 threads sounds a lot to me. The OS itself could be quite busy scheduling them.

Sounds like the issue could be related to GC. Since this is a self-hosted service, it will use the Workstation GC by default, unless you enable the server GC manually:
Have you tried that and see if it makes any difference?

Perfview from Microsoft may be helpful. From the link:
"Late last year, Vance Morrison, who is currently an architect on the .NET Framework Performance team, released PerfView, which is a new performance tool for .NET developers. PerfView helps you discover and investigate performance hotspots in .NET Framework apps, and enables you to deliver consistently high-performance apps to your customers.
Using PerfView, you can perform complex CPU performance analyses to solve hard-to-detect performance problems. PerfView's revolutionary grouping and folding features are what makes it possible to grasp and solve these difficult problems."

use WPRUI.exe to capture a trace and analyze the CPU usage with WPA.exe.
Microsoft explained how to analyze the created trace in the following video:
Defrag Tools: #42 - WPT - CPU Analysis

Collect ETW with Perfview and follow the big % numbers.
try run in windbg ~*e!clstack => call stacks of all threads look for repeatable code.


Is it possible to monitor all write access to the filesystem of all process under linux

Is it possible to monitor all write access to the filesystem of all process under linux?
I've some different mounted filesystems. A lot of them are tempfs.
I'm interested in all writes to the root filesystem except the tempfs,devtmpfs etc.
I'm looking for something that will output: <PID xy> write n Bytes to /targe/filepath.
What monitoring tool can list all this write syscalls? Can they be filtered by mount points?
iotop (kernel version 2.6.20 or higher) or dstat could help you. E.g. iotop -o -b -d 10 like discussed in this similar thread.
/proc/diskstats has data for all the block devices.
The /proc/diskstats file displays the I/O statistics of block devices. Each line contains the following 14 fields:
1 - major number
2 - minor mumber
3 - device name
4 - reads completed successfully
5 - reads merged
6 - sectors read
7 - time spent reading (ms)
8 - writes completed
9 - writes merged
10 - sectors written
11 - time spent writing (ms)
12 - I/Os currently in progress
13 - time spent doing I/Os (ms)
14 - weighted time spent doing I/Os (ms)
For more details refer to Documentation/iostats.txt
You can write a SystemTap script to monitor filesystem operations. Maybe you can visit the Brendan D. Gregg's blog, where there are many monitor tools.
fatrace (File Activity Trace)
fatrace reports file access events (Open, Read, Write, Close) from all running processes. Its main purpose is to find processes which keep waking up the disk unnecessarily and thus prevent some power saving.
When running it outputs one line per event in this format:
<timestamp> <processName(id)>: <accessType> </path/to/file>
For example:
23:10:21.375341 Plex Media Serv(2290): W /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-UID/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Server.log
From which you easily get the all necessary infos
Timestamp from the --timestamp option
Process name (who is accessing)
File operation (O-pen R-read W-rite C-lose)
Filepath (where is it writing to).
You can limit the search scope with --current-mount to only record events on partition/mount of current directory.
So simply cd into the volume which corresponds to your spinning HDD first, and there run ftrace with the --current-mount option.
Without this option, all (real) partitions/mount points are being watched.
Very practical
With it I found out easily that the reason why my NAS disk was spinning 24/7 also when nobody accessed the NAS and also no maintenance tasks where about to run was unnecessary logging of the Plex Media Server.

Hazelcast High Response Times

We have a Java 1.6 application that uses Hazelcast 3.7.4 version,
with a topology of two nodes. The application operates mainly with 3 maps.
In normal application working, response times when consulting the maps are
generally in values around some milliseconds tens.
I have observed that in some circumstances such as for example with network
cuts, the response time increases to huge values such as for example, 20 or 30 seconds!!
And this is impacting the application performance.
I would like to know if this kind of situation with network micro-cuts can lead
to increase searches response time in this manner. I do not know if some concrete configuration can be done to minimize this, and also which other elements can provoke so high times.
I provide some examples of some executed consults
Example 1:
String sqlPredicate = "acui='"+acui+"'";
Collection<Agent> agents =
(Collection<Agent>) data.getMapAgents().values(new SqlPredicate(sqlPredicate));
Example 2:
boolean exist = data.getMapAgents().containsKey(agent);
Thanks so much for your help.
Best Regards,
The Map operations are all TCP Socket based and thus are subject to your Operating Systems TCP Driver implementation.

Measuring time: differences among gettimeofday, TSC and clock ticks

I am doing some performance profiling for part of my program. And I try to measure the execution with the following four methods. Interestingly they show different results and I don't fully understand their differences. My CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770. System is Ubuntu 14.04. Thanks in advance for any explanation.
Method 1:
Use the gettimeofday() function, result is in seconds
Method 2:
Use the rdtsc instruction similar to
Method 3 and 4 exploits Intel's Performance Counter Monitor (PCM) API
Method 3:
Use PCM's
uint64 getCycles(const CounterStateType & before, const CounterStateType &after)
Its description (I don't quite understand):
Computes the number core clock cycles when signal on a specific core is running (not halted)
Returns number of used cycles (halted cyles are not counted). The counter does not advance in the following conditions:
an ACPI C-state is other than C0 for normal operation
STPCLK+ pin is asserted
being throttled by TM1
during the frequency switching phase of a performance state transition
The performance counter for this event counts across performance state transitions using different core clock frequencies
Method 4:
Use PCM's
uint64 getInvariantTSC (const CounterStateType & before, const CounterStateType & after)
Its description:
Computes number of invariant time stamp counter ticks.
This counter counts irrespectively of C-, P- or T-states
Two samples runs generate result as follows:
(Method 1 is in seconds. Methods 2~4 are divided by a (same) number to show a per-item cost).
0.016489 0.533603 0.588103 4.15136
0.020374 0.659265 0.730308 5.15672
Some observations:
The ratio of Method 1 over Method 2 is very consistent, while the others are not. i.e., 0.016489/0.533603 = 0.020374/0.659265. Assuming gettimeofday() is sufficiently accurate, the rdtsc method exhibits the "invariant" property. (Yep I read from Internet that current generation of Intel CPU has this feature for rdtsc.)
Methods 3 reports higher than Method 2. I guess its somehow different from the TSC. But what is it?
Methods 4 is the most confusing one. It reports an order of magnitude larger number than Methods 2 and 3. Shouldn't it be also kind of cycle counts? Let alone it carries the "Invariant" name.
gettimeofday() is not designed for measuring time intervals. Don't use it for that purpose.
If you need wall time intervals, use the POSIX monotonic clock. If you need CPU time spent by a particular process or thread, use the POSIX process time or thread time clocks. See man clock_gettime.
PCM API is great for fine tuned performance measurement when you know exactly what you are doing. Which is generally obtaining a variety of separate memory, core, cache, low-power, ... performance figures. Don't start messing with it if you are not sure what exact services you need from it that you can't get from clock_gettime.

What are stalled-cycles-frontend and stalled-cycles-backend in 'perf stat' result?

Does anybody know what is the meaning of stalled-cycles-frontend and stalled-cycles-backend in perf stat result ? I searched on the internet but did not find the answer. Thanks
$ sudo perf stat ls
Performance counter stats for 'ls':
0.602144 task-clock # 0.762 CPUs utilized
0 context-switches # 0.000 K/sec
0 CPU-migrations # 0.000 K/sec
236 page-faults # 0.392 M/sec
768956 cycles # 1.277 GHz
962999 stalled-cycles-frontend # 125.23% frontend cycles idle
634360 stalled-cycles-backend # 82.50% backend cycles idle
890060 instructions # 1.16 insns per cycle
# 1.08 stalled cycles per insn
179378 branches # 297.899 M/sec
9362 branch-misses # 5.22% of all branches [48.33%]
0.000790562 seconds time elapsed
The theory:
Let's start from this: nowaday's CPU's are superscalar, which means that they can execute more than one instruction per cycle (IPC). Latest Intel architectures can go up to 4 IPC (4 x86 instruction decoders). Let's not bring macro / micro fusion into discussion to complicate things more :).
Typically, workloads do not reach IPC=4 due to various resource contentions. This means that the CPU is wasting cycles (number of instructions is given by the software and the CPU has to execute them in as few cycles as possible).
We can divide the total cycles being spent by the CPU in 3 categories:
Cycles where instructions get retired (useful work)
Cycles being spent in the Back-End (wasted)
Cycles spent in the Front-End (wasted).
To get an IPC of 4, the number of cycles retiring has to be close to the total number of cycles. Keep in mind that in this stage, all the micro-operations (uOps) retire from the pipeline and commit their results into registers / caches. At this stage you can have even more than 4 uOps retiring, because this number is given by the number of execution ports. If you have only 25% of the cycles retiring 4 uOps then you will have an overall IPC of 1.
The cycles stalled in the back-end are a waste because the CPU has to wait for resources (usually memory) or to finish long latency instructions (e.g. transcedentals - sqrt, reciprocals, divisions, etc.).
The cycles stalled in the front-end are a waste because that means that the Front-End does not feed the Back End with micro-operations. This can mean that you have misses in the Instruction cache, or complex instructions that are not already decoded in the micro-op cache. Just-in-time compiled code usually expresses this behavior.
Another stall reason is branch prediction miss. That is called bad speculation. In that case uOps are issued but they are discarded because the BP predicted wrong.
The implementation in profilers:
How do you interpret the BE and FE stalled cycles?
Different profilers have different approaches on these metrics. In vTune, categories 1 to 3 add up to give 100% of the cycles. That seams reasonable because either you have your CPU stalled (no uOps are retiring) either it performs usefull work (uOps) retiring. See more here:
In perf this usually does not happen. That's a problem because when you see 125% cycles stalled in the front end, you don't know how to really interpret this. You could link the >1 metric with the fact that there are 4 decoders but if you continue the reasoning, then the IPC won't match.
Even better, you don't know how big the problem is. 125% out of what? What do the #cycles mean then?
I personally look a bit suspicious on perf's BE and FE stalled cycles and hope this will get fixed.
Probably we will get the final answer by debugging the code from here:
To convert generic events exported by perf into your CPU documentation raw events you can run:
more /sys/bus/event_source/devices/cpu/events/stalled-cycles-frontend
It will show you something like
According to the Intel documentation SDM volume 3B (I have a core i5-2520):
Increments each cycle the # of Uops issued by the RAT to RS.
Set Cmask = 1, Inv = 1, Any= 1 to count stalled cycles of this core.
For the stalled-cycles-backend event translating to event=0xb1,umask=0x01 on my system the same documentation says:
Counts total number of uops to be dispatched per- thread each cycle
Set Cmask = 1, INV =1 to count stall cycles.
Usually, stalled cycles are cycles where the processor is waiting for something (memory to be feed after executing a load operation for example) and doesn't have any other stuff to do. Moreover, the frontend part of the CPU is the piece of hardware responsible to fetch and decode instructions (convert them to UOPs) where as the backend part is responsible to effectively execute the UOPs.
A CPU cycle is “stalled” when the pipeline doesn't advance during it.
Processor pipeline is composed of many stages: the front-end is a group of these stages which is responsible for the fetch and decode phases, while the back-end executes the instructions. There is a buffer between front-end and back-end, so when the former is stalled the latter can still have some work to do.
Taken from
According to author of these events, they defined loosely and are approximated by available CPU performance counters. As I know, perf doesn't support formulas to calculate some synthetic event based on several hardware events, so it can't use front-end/back-end stall bound method from Intel's Optimization manual (Implemented in VTune) "B.3.2 Hierarchical Top-Down Performance Characterization Methodology"
%Retiring = 100 * ( UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS/ N) ;
%BE_Bound = 100 * (1 – (FE_Bound + Retiring + Bad_Speculation) ) ;
N = 4*CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD" (for SandyBridge)
Right formulas can be used with some external scripting, like it was done in Andi Kleen's pmu-tools ( (source), (description):
% -d -l2 numademo 100M stream
perf stat --log-fd 4 -x, -e
numademo 100M stream
BE Backend Bound: 72.03%
This category reflects slots where no uops are being delivered due to a lack
of required resources for accepting more uops in the Backend of the pipeline.
FE Frontend Bound: 54.07%
This category reflects slots where the Frontend of the processor undersupplies
its Backend.
Commit which introduced stalled-cycles-frontend and stalled-cycles-backend events instead of original universal stalled-cycles:
author Ingo Molnar <mingo#el...> 2011-04-29 11:19:47 (GMT)
committer Ingo Molnar <mingo#el...> 2011-04-29 12:23:58 (GMT)
commit 8f62242246351b5a4bc0c1f00c0c7003edea128a (patch)
tree 9021c99956e0f9dc64655aaa4309c0f0fdb055c9
parent ede70290046043b2638204cab55e26ea1d0c6cd9 (diff)
perf events: Add generic front-end and back-end stalled cycle event definitions
Add two generic hardware events: front-end and back-end stalled cycles.
These events measure conditions when the CPU is executing code but its
capabilities are not fully utilized. Understanding such situations and
analyzing them is an important sub-task of code optimization workflows.
Both events limit performance: most front end stalls tend to be caused
by branch misprediction or instruction fetch cachemisses, backend
stalls can be caused by various resource shortages or inefficient
instruction scheduling.
Front-end stalls are the more important ones: code cannot run fast
if the instruction stream is not being kept up.
An over-utilized back-end can cause front-end stalls and thus
has to be kept an eye on as well.
The exact composition is very program logic and instruction mix
We use the terms 'stall', 'front-end' and 'back-end' loosely and
try to use the best available events from specific CPUs that
approximate these concepts.
Cc: Peter Zijlstra
Cc: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
Cc: Frederic Weisbecker
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar
/* Install the stalled-cycles event: UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_ACTIVE_CYCLES,c=1,i=1 */
- intel_perfmon_event_map[PERF_COUNT_HW_STALLED_CYCLES] = 0x1803fb1;
+ intel_perfmon_event_map[PERF_COUNT_HW_STALLED_CYCLES_BACKEND] = 0x1803fb1;

SharePoint Search Component has multiple process and use lots memory?

I'm using sharepoint2013 + windows2012. I noticed that the SP search component has 5 processes in taskmgr. each uses about 400-500 MB memory. Is this normal? I also tried
Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService -PerformanceLevel Reduced
But it did not change anything. Should I restart the server?
I never nooticed this on other SP server I worked before. Just curious, is it because of SP 2013, some default settings?
user3211586 ‘s link worked for me. Basically this article says:
Quick and Dirty
Kill the noderunner.exe (Microsoft Sharepoint Search Component) process via TaskManager
This will obviously break everything related to Search on the site
Change the Search Service Performance Level with powerhsell
Get-SPEnterpriseSearchService | Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService –PerformanceLevel “PartlyReduced”
Performance Level Explained:
Reduced: Total number of threads = number of processors, Max Threads/host = number of processors
PartlyReduced: Total number of threads = 4 times the number of processors , Max Threads/host = 16 times the number of processors
Maximum: Total number of threads = 4 times the number of processors , Max Threads/host = 16 times the number of processors (threads are created at HIGH priority)
For the setting to take effect do an IISReset or restart the Search Service in Central Admin
I had the same issue as the OP and running Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService –PerformanceLevel “PartlyReduced” followed by IISRESET /noforce resolved the issue for me.
Please check below given article:
When I tried this method, and when I changed the config setting from 0 to any value between 1 and 500, it did reduce the memory usage but the search stopped working. After I reverted back the config settings to 0, the memory usage increased but search started working again.
