Unable to use "-prune" option from find command - linux

I don't want to find "passwd" under "/etc" directory, but I do want to find rest of the "passwd", I am trying following,
sudo find / -name '/etc' -prune -o -name 'passwd' -print
this is the output I get,
this is the output I expect,
I referred this, good info about prune, but could not solve my problem

Try this:
find / -path '/etc' -prune -o -name 'passwd' -print

try -path instead of -name
sudo find / -path /etc -prune -o -name 'passwd' -print


Find especific directory and ignore other

I need to find all the iplanets on one server and I was thinking to use this command:
find / type d -name https-* | uniq
But at the same time I need to ignore some directories/file. I've been trying to use !, but it not always work. I have a command like this:
find / type d -name https-* ! -name https-admserv* ! -name conf_bk* ! -name alias* ! -name *db* ! -name ClassCache* | uniq
I need to ignore all that. The directories admserv, conf_bk, alias and tmp and the files *.db*
Basically I need find this:
I only need to find the directory name. How can I ignore all the other stuff?
Use -prune to keep from recursing into directories:
find / \( -type d \( -name 'https-admserv*' -o -name 'conf_bk*' -o -name 'alias*' -o -name 'tmp' \) -prune -o -type d -name 'https-*' -print
There's no need to ignore any files. You're only selecting https-* directories, so everything else is ignored.
And there's no need to pipe to uniq, since find never produces duplicates.

Need help writing compound linux query

Trying to write my first compund linux query and running into some gaps in knowledge.
The idea is to find all the file that may be either .doc or .txt as well as search the contents for the text clown.
So I started off with searching from the root as such.
$find /
Then I added the wildcard for filename.'
$find / -name '*.doc'...uhh oh
First question. How do I specify or? Is it with pipe | or double pipe || or...? and do I need to repeat the -name parameter like this?
$find / -name '*.doc' || -name '*.txt'
Second ? do I add the grep for the string after / before...?
$find / -name '*.doc' || -name '*.txt' grep -H 'cat' {} \
Finally is there a place where I can validate syntax / run like SQLFiddle?
'Or' in find is -o
You have to specify the find type again though. So something like:
find / -name *.doc -o -name *.txt
You can simply put your grep command in front, so long as you encase your find command in backticks:
grep 'whatever' `find / -name *.doc -o -name *.txt`
There's a reasonably nice guide to find here
You want something like this:
find / \( -name \*.doc -o -name \*.txt \) -exec grep clown {} \; -print
you specify or with -o within \( \), you run grep in a -exec and you can validate the syntax in a bash shell.
(find ./ -name "*.txt" -print0 2>/dev/null ; find ./ -name "*.doc" -print0 2>/dev/null) | xargs -0 grep clown

excluding a directory from find and sed rename

I'm using this command to go through all files, directories and subdirectories to change any mentions of oldurl.com to newurl.org:
find . -type f -name '*.php' -exec sed -i 's|oldurl.com|newurl.org|g' {} +
It works fine, however, I need to exclude three sub-directories from ANY CHANGES: /cache, /archive and /etc as changing the urls with the above command in these paths breaks other scripts.
Haven't had much luck finding an answer... Is it even possible?
Many thanks for any suggestions/help.
Use finds -not Option:
find . -type f -name '*.php' -not \( -path './etc/*' -o -path './cache/*' -o -path './archive/*' \) -exec sed -i 's|oldurl.com|newurl.org|g' {} \;

linux find prune

I am trying to exclude two directories; vntvdone and downloading, but for some reason, my command still goes in there and outputs the file within it:
find -name '*.avi' -o -name '*.mkv' -o -name '*.mp4' -o -name '*.VOB' -o -path './downloading' -prune -o -path './vntvdone' -prune
I am also running into problems where if a folder/directory that has .mp4 in it, it also gets treated as a file as well... how can we do this search only for files and not folders?
I find it easier to use ! than use prune. I've assumed the starting path for find is '.' The example omits it.
find . \( -type d -a ! -name 'downloading' -a ! -name 'vntdone' -a ! -name '.' \) -o -name \*.avi -o -name \*.mkv -o -name \*.mp4 -o -name \*.VOB

find all but skip one folder

I have a command that looks through all my sub folders for files, however I want it to skip a folder from the search and I'm not sure what is the right way to do this:
find -name '*.avi' -o -name '*.mkv' -o -name '*.mp4' -o -name '*.vob'
I want it to not look into the folder name: secure
I tried:
find -name '*.avi' -o -name '*.mkv' -o -name '*.mp4' -o -name '*.vob' --skip 'secure'
but it does not work.
Thanks for your help in advance.
There is no --skip argument in GNU find. But you can do what you want using the -path and -prune expressions. The syntax is a little weird: you use -path ./secure -prune as a term which you then OR with the rest of the expression. So in your case:
find . -name '*.avi' -o [...] -o -path ./secure -prune
Note that this will still return the directory ./secure in the results, but nothing inside it.
What about the following?
find \( -name '*.avi' -o -name '*.mkv' -o -name '*.mp4' -o -name '*.vob' \) -a -not -path './secure*'
