Rerun node app on WebStorm after code change - node.js

I recently started to use WebStorm and before this I used to use nodemon as a supervisor, so it watches any code change and restart the server.
How can I reach the same effect running node by the IDE?
While there's no 9 version/live edit I'm posting my solution:
It's just have nodemon installed globaly and used it as a Node Parameter in the project configuration.
More details and screenshot below:
Discover where is the nodemon's path;
Here (OSX) is "/usr/local/bin/nodemon" and it could be discovered using "which nodemon" (on terminal);
Use this path in the Node Parameter field;
Go to Run > Edit configurations, choose your configuration below the Node.js option at left;
Screen shot for detail:

Possible since WebStorm 9 - see


Vue JS Intellij setup

I am working on a Vue js application but am having difficulty getting it to run/debug within IntelliJ. I am currently running it from the command line but I'm interested in getting it to debug in IntelliJ. Not many tutorials out here on getting this set up to work. Is there anyone that has experience in setting up this framework and IDE?
Steps are rather straightforward and described in blogpost:
First, install the JetBrains IDE Support Chrome extension. This will bind the browser debugger environment with IntelliJ in real-time.
start the server with npm serve (can be done from a gutter in package.json):
create a new JavaScript debug configuration, specify the URL your app is running on (usually http://localhost:8080) in it, put the breakpoints right in the source code, and start the debug session.
See also for some hints on working with Vue.js in IDEA. And
You can add "Run Configuration" for any project to run in Intellij. For this, you must have a run script in package.json.
Refer below link for a screenshot. NPM Run Configuration Sample:
Choose NPM and give like this. Once done, you are all ready for clicking the RUN button available in the toolbar to run the project

Cannot debug Nodejs with node-inspector: websocket_closed and Assertion failed: Unknown experiment canvasInspection

I try to debug my server.js app with node-inspector (v0.12.8), nodejs (v5.9.1) and chrome (v49.0.2623.112 m) under windows environment.
In a shell i do
Node Inspector v0.12.8 Visit to start debugging.
In a second shell i do
node --debug server.js
When i go to chrome tab i obtain a message:
Detached from target
remote debug has been terminated with reason: websocket_closed
please reattach to the new target
In the console dev tool of chrome i can see either a message that inspector can't find experimental function canvasInspection (removed in the latest chrome version).
I'm doing something wrong?
Not the answer specifically, but as of Node v6, you can actually just use the --inspect flag when you start a process, and it will let you use the Chrome debugging tools instead of relying on node-inspector. Check it out:
Hope this helps!
I had the same problem, I fixed it the way below:
1- Go and edit the following file in your currently in use nodejs path:
2- Go to line 111. if you're using vim as text editor you can do it by command :111
3- Add the following if statement at line 111 and indent the next line.
if(NM.length > 0)
cb(error, NM[0].ref);
4- Save and re-run node-inspector.
I'm using MacOS Sierra, Node v6.3.1. But the solution is general.
I had also faced this issue , but after lots of googling and finding about this issue. The only thing work for me is listed below :
Open your Command Promp(cmd) & type node -v, it will show you the version of node installed on your machine.
If the installed version is something 5.x.x or 6.x.x , then proceed further.
just uninstall this node version from control panel.
Install the node release with version 4 . I've tested with Node version v4.5.0 & I hope it will work fine for all Node with version v4.x.x.
Uninstall the previous node-inspector with command npm uninstall node-inspector -g.
Then Install again with command npm install node-inspector -g.
Then start debugging .. :)

How do you set up file watcher in Webstorm to restart Node.js?

What I am trying to achieve is to trigger same behavior as Menu option Run > Run 'server.js'
Please try using Live Edit here - see It allows re-starting node.js application on changing the code
You need to integrate webstorm with nodemon instead of the main node program. Basically nodemon is in charge of restarting your application and not webstorm.

How to use nodemon in NTVS(Node Tools for Visual Studio)

I was working with Node on Visual Studio Professional 13, and I soon realized that restarting my server for every change in code was becoming a hassle.
So I did some research and discovered that most people used the nodemon to automatically refresh their server. Although the tutorials online used command line to install and run their server with nodemon when I used VS's interface to generate my express project and download nodemon.
My problem is that when I run my server, the server doesnt restart when I update my code. My question is how can run my server through nodemon if I am coding my project using VS
this link also shows people with the same question as me, but the solution in it isn't that clear
the following works for me:
open your Project Properties ("PROJECT" > "YourApp Properties...")
point the "Node.exe path" to nodemon.cmd (click on the button right
of the input field, enter "%AppData%\npm\" in the adress bar, show
all files, select "nodemon.cmd", save the properties form)
start debugger, or use "start without debugging" (Ctrl+F5)
The accepted answer didn't work for me, as there was no nodemon.cmd file in my Nodemon installation. Perhaps things have changed.
This did work, however:
In the project properties, I simply set the Node.exe options to "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\nodemon\bin\nodemon.js" server.js
Note that my TypeScript file is server.ts, but I used the compiled filename server.js in the Node.exe options.
Try to use last version of NTVS(Node Tools for Visual Studio).
Now when I run app in debug and change some code server restart and apply changes.
It's amazing in new version!

Webstorm: debugging node.js sails app

I'm having a hard time finding the right combination of settings to allow me to debug my node.js sails application in webstorm.
These are the settings I've tried using, both configurations work (as in sails starts) but none is stopping at breakpoints.
If I go to the breakpoints menu and turn on 'Any exception enabled' - it does stop for exceptions, but never hits my breakpoints.
Any ideas? I'm on webstorm 7.0.1 and Node 0.10.18 / Sails 0.9.7
You don't need the --debug in node parameters. Here is my config and i am on 7.0.1 and node 0.10.4
Let me know if it helped. Also, you are hitting the bug to run debug right?
Also, can you please invalidate caches/ restart? That helps sometimes. Here is a snapshot in the file menu.
I had the same problem and simply installed sails local to the project and everything worked fine. Not sure why the configuration can't resolve the globally installed sails as that is the error I was getting, but the local install works fine. I should investigate further, but I'm lazy :)
When you open a new project on WebStorm, it detects the package.json file and it will ask you to install the dependencies locally. After that, by using the configuration mentioned before (not necessarily by using sails lift but using app.js directly instead), you can debug you application from WebStorm. Another way to do it, is by using this tool, that works like a charm: :)
