Rendering Fractals: The Mobius Transformation and The Newtonian Basin - graphics

I understand how to render (two dimensional) "Escape Time Group" fractals (Julia and Mandelbrot), but I can't seem to get a Mobius Transformation or a Newton Basin rendered.
I'm trying to render them using the same method (by recursively using the polynomial equation on each pixel 'n' times), but I have a feeling these fractals are rendered using totally different methods. Mobius 'Transformation' implies that an image must already exist, and then be transformed to produce the geometry, and the Newton Basin seems to plot each point, not just points that fall into a set.
How are these fractals graphed? Are they graphed using the same iterative methods as the Julia and Mandelbrot?
Equations I'm Using:
Julia: Zn+1 = Zn^2 + C
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, and C is a complex constant (Correct).
Mandelbrot: Cn+1 = Cn^2 + Z
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, and C is the complex number (0, 0), and is compounded each step (The reverse of the Julia, correct).
Newton Basin: Zn+1 = Zn - (Zn^x - a) / (Zn^y - a)
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, x and y are exponents of various degrees, and a is a complex constant (Incorrect - creating a centered, eight legged 'line star').
Mobius Transformation: Zn+1 = (aZn + b) / (cZn + d)
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, and a, b, c, and d are complex constants (Incorrect, everything falls into the set).
So how are the Newton Basin and Mobius Transformation plotted on the complex plane?
Update: Mobius Transformations are just that; transformations.
"Every Möbius transformation is
a composition of translations,
rotations, zooms (dilations) and
To perform a Mobius Transformation, a shape, picture, smear, etc. must be present already in order to transform it.
Now how about those Newton Basins?
Update 2: My math was wrong for the Newton Basin. The denominator at the end of the equation is (supposed to be) the derivative of the original function. The function can be understood by studying 'NewtonRoot.m' from the MIT MatLab source-code. A search engine can find it quite easily. I'm still at a loss as to how to graph it on the complex plane, though...
Newton Basin:
f(x) = x - f(x) / f'(x)

In Mandelbrot and Julia sets you terminate the inner loop if it exceeds a certain threshold as a measurement how fast the orbit "reaches" infinity
if(|z| > 4) { stop }
For newton fractals it is the other way round: Since the newton method is usually converging towards a certain value we are interested how fast it reaches its limit, which can be done by checking when the difference of two consecutive values drops below a certain value (usually 10^-9 is a good value)
if(|z[n] - z[n-1]| < epsilon) { stop }


Why my fit for a logarithm function looks so wrong

I'm plotting this dataset and making a logarithmic fit, but, for some reason, the fit seems to be strongly wrong, at some point I got a good enough fit, but then I re ploted and there were that bad fit. At the very beginning there were a 0.0 0.0076 but I changed that to 0.001 0.0076 to avoid the asymptote.
I'm using (not exactly this one for the image above but now I'm testing with this one and there is that bad fit as well) this for the fit
f(x) = a*log(k*x + b)
fit = fit f(x) 'R_B/R_B.txt' via a, k, b
And the output is this
Also, sometimes it says 7 iterations were as is the case shown in the screenshot above, others only 1, and when it did the "correct" fit, it did like 35 iterations or something and got a = 32 if I remember correctly
Edit: here is again the good one, the plot I got is this one. And again, I re ploted and get that weird fit. It's curious that if there is the 0.0 0.0076 when the good fit it's about to be shown, gnuplot says "Undefined value during function evaluation", but that message is not shown when I'm getting the bad one.
Do you know why do I keep getting this inconsistence? Thanks for your help
As I already mentioned in comments the method of fitting antiderivatives is much better than fitting derivatives because the numerical calculus of derivatives is strongly scattered when the data is slightly scatered.
The principle of the method of fitting an integral equation (obtained from the original equation to be fitted) is explained in . The application to the case of y=a.ln(c.x+b) is shown below.
Numerical calculus :
In order to get even better result (according to some specified criteria of fitting) one can use the above values of the parameters as initial values for iterarive method of nonlinear regression implemented in some convenient software.
NOTE : The integral equation used in the present case is :
NOTE : On the above figure one can compare the result with the method of fitting an integral equation to the result with the method of fitting with derivatives.
Acknowledgements : Alex Sveshnikov did a very good work in applying the method of regression with derivatives. This allows an interesting and enlightening comparison. If the goal is only to compute approximative values of parameters to be used in nonlinear regression software both methods are quite equivalent. Nevertheless the method with integral equation appears preferable in case of scattered data.
UPDATE (After Alex Sveshnikov updated his answer)
The figure below was drawn in using the Alex Sveshnikov's result with further iterative method of fitting.
The two curves are almost indistinguishable. This shows that (in the present case) the method of fitting the integral equation is almost sufficient without further treatment.
Of course this not always so satisfying. This is due to the low scatter of the data.
In ADDITION , answer to a question raised in comments by CosmeticMichu :
The problem here is that the fit algorithm starts with "wrong" approximations for parameters a, k, and b, so during the minimalization it finds a local minimum, not the global one. You can improve the result if you provide the algorithm with starting values, which are close to the optimal ones. For example, let's start with the following parameters:
gnuplot> a=47.5087
gnuplot> k=0.226
gnuplot> b=1.0016
gnuplot> f(x)=a*log(k*x+b)
gnuplot> fit f(x) 'R_B.txt' via a,k,b
After 40 iterations the fit converged.
final sum of squares of residuals : 16.2185
rel. change during last iteration : -7.6943e-06
degrees of freedom (FIT_NDF) : 18
rms of residuals (FIT_STDFIT) = sqrt(WSSR/ndf) : 0.949225
variance of residuals (reduced chisquare) = WSSR/ndf : 0.901027
Final set of parameters Asymptotic Standard Error
======================= ==========================
a = 35.0415 +/- 2.302 (6.57%)
k = 0.372381 +/- 0.0461 (12.38%)
b = 1.07012 +/- 0.02016 (1.884%)
correlation matrix of the fit parameters:
a k b
a 1.000
k -0.994 1.000
b 0.467 -0.531 1.000
The resulting plot is
Now the question is how you can find "good" initial approximations for your parameters? Well, you start with
If you differentiate this equation you get
The left-hand side of this equation is some constant 'C', so the expression in the right-hand side should be equal to this constant as well:
In other words, the reciprocal of the derivative of your data should be approximated by a linear function. So, from your data x[i], y[i] you can construct the reciprocal derivatives x[i], (x[i+1]-x[i])/(y[i+1]-y[i]) and the linear fit of these data:
The fit gives the following values:
C*k = 0.0236179
C*b = 0.106268
Now, we need to find the values for a, and C. Let's say, that we want the resulting graph to pass close to the starting and the ending point of our dataset. That means, that we want
a*log(k*x1 + b) = y1
a*log(k*xn + b) = yn
a*log((C*k*x1 + C*b)/C) = a*log(C*k*x1 + C*b) - a*log(C) = y1
a*log((C*k*xn + C*b)/C) = a*log(C*k*xn + C*b) - a*log(C) = yn
By subtracting the equations we get the value for a:
a = (yn-y1)/log((C*k*xn + C*b)/(C*k*x1 + C*b)) = 47.51
log(k*x1+b) = y1/a
k*x1+b = exp(y1/a)
C*k*x1+C*b = C*exp(y1/a)
From this we can calculate C:
C = (C*k*x1+C*b)/exp(y1/a)
and finally find the k and b:
These are the values used above for finding the better fit.
You can automate the process described above with the following script:
# Name of the file with the data
# The coordinates of the last data point
# The temporary coordinates of a data point used to calculate a derivative
fit linearFit(x) data using (xn=$1,dx=$1-x0,x0=$1,$1):(yn=$2,dy=$2-y0,y0=$2,dx/dy) via Ck, Cb
# The coordinates of the first data point
plot data using (x1=$1):(y1=$2) every ::0::0
fit f(x) data via a,k,b
plot data, f(x)
pause -1

What's the different between using modelViewmatrix directly and using normalMatrix instead? [duplicate]

I am working on some shaders, and I need to transform normals.
I read in few tutorials the way you transform normals is you multiply them with the transpose of the inverse of the modelview matrix. But I can't find explanation of why is that so, and what is the logic behind that?
It flows from the definition of a normal.
Suppose you have the normal, N, and a vector, V, a tangent vector at the same position on the object as the normal. Then by definition N·V = 0.
Tangent vectors run in the same direction as the surface of an object. So if your surface is planar then the tangent is the difference between two identifiable points on the object. So if V = Q - R where Q and R are points on the surface then if you transform the object by B:
V' = BQ - BR
= B(Q - R)
= BV
The same logic applies for non-planar surfaces by considering limits.
In this case suppose you intend to transform the model by the matrix B. So B will be applied to the geometry. Then to figure out what to do to the normals you need to solve for the matrix, A so that:
(AN)·(BV) = 0
Turning that into a row versus column thing to eliminate the explicit dot product:
[tranpose(AN)](BV) = 0
Pull the transpose outside, eliminate the brackets:
transpose(N)*transpose(A)*B*V = 0
So that's "the transpose of the normal" [product with] "the transpose of the known transformation matrix" [product with] "the transformation we're solving for" [product with] "the vector on the surface of the model" = 0
But we started by stating that transpose(N)*V = 0, since that's the same as saying that N·V = 0. So to satisfy our constraints we need the middle part of the expression — transpose(A)*B — to go away.
Hence we can conclude that:
transpose(A)*B = identity
=> transpose(A) = identity*inverse(B)
=> transpose(A) = inverse(B)
=> A = transpose(inverse(B))
My favorite proof is below where N is the normal and V is a tangent vector. Since they are perpendicular their dot product is zero. M is any 3x3 invertible transformation (M-1 * M = I). N' and V' are the vectors transformed by M.
To get some intuition, consider the shear transformation below.
Note that this does not apply to tangent vectors.
Take a look at this tutorial:
You can imagine that when the surface of a sphere stretches (so the sphere is scaled along one axis or something similar) the normals of that surface will all 'bend' towards each other. It turns out you need to invert the scale applied to the normals to achieve this. This is the same as transforming with the Inverse Transpose Matrix. The link above shows how to derive the inverse transpose matrix from this.
Also note that when the scale is uniform, you can simply pass the original matrix as normal matrix. Imagine the same sphere being scaled uniformly along all axes, the surface will not stretch or bend, nor will the normals.
If the model matrix is made of translation, rotation and scale, you don't need to do inverse transpose to calculate normal matrix. Simply divide the normal by squared scale and multiply by model matrix and we are done. You can extend that to any matrix with perpendicular axes, just calculate squared scale for each axes of the matrix you are using instead.
I wrote the details in my blog:
Don't understand why you just don't zero out the 4th element of the direction vector before multiplying with the model matrix. No inverse or transpose needed. Think of the direction vector as the difference between two points. Move the two points with the rest of the model - they are still in the same relative position to the model. Take the difference between the two points to get the new direction, and the 4th element, cancels out to zero. Lot cheaper.

Is there a graph-drawing tool that will allow me to constrain x, and automatically lay out y?

I am looking for a tool similar to graphviz that can render graphs, but that will allow me to constrain just the x coordinate of each node. Then, the tool will automatically choose y coordinates to make the graph look neat.
Basically, I want to make a timeline.
Language / platform / rendering medium are not very important.
If you want a neat-looking graph a force-directed algorithm is going to be your best bet. One of the best ones is SFDP (developed by AT&T, included in graphviz) though I can't seem to find pseudocode or an easy implementation. I don't think there are any algorithms this specialized. Thankfully, it's easy to code your own. I'll present some pseudocode mostly lifted form Wikipedia, but with suitably one-dimensional modifications. I'll assume you have n vertices and the vector of x-positions is x, subscripted by x.i.
set all vertex velocities to (0,0)
set all vertex positions to (x.i, random)
while (KE > epsilon)
KE = 0
for each vertex v
force = (0,0)
for each vertex u != v
force = force + (0, coulomb(u, v).y)
if u is incident to v
force = force + (0, hooke(u, v).y)
v.velocity = (v.velocity + timestep * force) * damping
v.position = v.position + timestep * v.velocity
KE = KE + |v.velocity| ^ 2
here the .y denotes getting the y-component of the force. This ensures that the x-components of the positions of the vertices never change from what you set them to be. The epsilon parameter is to be set by you, and should be something small compared to what you expect KE (the kinetic energy) to be. Also, |v| denotes the magnitude of the vector v (all computations are of 2-vectors in the above, except the KE). Note I set the mass of all the nodes to be 1, but you can change that if you want.
The Hooke and Coulomb functions calculate the respective forces between nodes; the first is linear in distance between vertices, the second is quadratic, so there is a guaranteed equilibrium. These functions look something like
def hooke(u, v)
return -k * |u.position - v.position|
def coulomb(u, v)
return C * |u.position - v.position|
where again most computations are in vector form. C and k have real values but experiment to get the graph you want. This isn't usually necessary because the scaling factors will, in two dimensions, pretty much expand or contract the whole graph, but here the x-distances are set so to get a good-looking graph you will have to change the values a bit.

Is bilinear filtering reversible?

When using a bilinear filter to magnify an image (by some non-integer factor), is that process lossless? That is, is there some way to calculate the original image, as long as the original resolution, the upscaled image and the exact algorithm used are known, and there is no loss in precision when upscaling (no rounding errors)?
My guess would be that it is, but that is based on some calculations on a napkin regarding the one-dimensional case only.
Taking the 1D case as a simplification. Each output point can be expressed as a linear combination of two of the input points, i.e.:
y_n = k_n * x_m + (1-k_n) * x_{m+1}
You have a whole set of these equations, which can be expressed in vector notation as:
Y = K * X
where X is a length-M vector of input points, Y is a length-N vector of output points, and K is a sparse matrix (size NxM) containing the (known) values of k.
For the interpolation to be reversible, K must be an invertible matrix. This means that there must be at least M linearly-independent rows. This is true if and only if there is at least one output point in-between each pair of input points.

How to calculate the mass of a inhomogenous sphere?

I want to calculated the mass of a sphere based on a threedimensional discret inhomogenous density distribution. Lets say a set of 3x3x3 cubes of different densities is inscribed by a sphere. What is the fastest way to sum up the partitioned masses using Python?
I tried to calculate the volume under the mathematical equation for a sphere: x^2 +y^2 +z^2 = R^2 for the range of one of the cubes using scipy.integrate.dblquad.
However, the result is only valid if the boundaries are smaller than the radius of the sphere and repetitive calculation for lets say 50'000 spheres with 27 cubes each would be quite slow.
On the other hand, the usual equation for CoM caluations could't be used in my opinion, due to the rather coarse and discrete mass distribution.
Timing Experiment
You didn't specify your timing constraints, so I've done a little experiment with a nice integration package.
Without optimization, each integral in spherical coordinates can be evaluated in 0.005 secs in a standard laptop if the cubes densities are straightforward functions.
Just as a reference, this is the program in Mathematica:
(* Define a cuboid as density function *)
iP = IntegerPart;
f[{x_, y_, z_}, {lx_, ly_, lz_}] := iP[x - lx] + iP[y - ly] + iP[z - lz] /;
lx <= x <= lx + 3 && ly <= y <= ly + 3 && lz <= z <= lz + 3;
f[{x_, y_, z_}, {lx_, ly_, lz_}] := Break[] /; True;
Timing[Table[s = RandomReal[{0, 3}, 3]; (*sphere center random*)
sphereRadius = Min[Union[s, 3 - s]]; (*max radius inside cuboid *)
NIntegrate[(f[{x, y, z} - s, -s] /. (*integrate in spherical coords *)
{x -> r Cos#th Sin#phi,
y -> r Sin#th Sin#phi,
z -> r Cos#phi}) r^2 Sin#phi,
{r, 0, sphereRadius}, {th, 0, 2 Pi}, {phi, 0, Pi}],
The result is 52 secs for 10^4 iterations.
So perhaps you don't need to optimize a lot ...
I cannot get your exact meaning of inscribed by a sphere. Also I havent tried the scipy.integrate. However, here are some though:
Set a 3x3x3 cube to unit density. Then take the integration for each cube respectively, so you should have the volume cube V_ijk here. Now for each of sphere, you can get the mass of each sphere by summing V_ijk*D_ijk, where the D_ijk is the density of the sphere.
It should be much faster because you do not need to do integration now.
You can obtain an analytic formula for the intersecting volume between a cube (or rectangular prism) and a sphere. It won't be easy, but it should be possible. I have done it for an arbitrary triangle and circle in 2D. The basic idea is to decompose the intersection into simpler pieces, like tetrahedra and volumetric spherical triangle sectors, for which relatively simple volume formulas are known. The main difficult is in considering all the possible cases of intersections. Luckily both objects are convex, so you are guaranteed a single convex intersection volume.
An approximate method might be to simply subdivide the cubes until your approximate numerical integration algorithm does work; this should still be relatively fast. Do you know about Pick's Theorem? That only works in 2D, but there are, I believe, 3D generalizations.
