Sharepoint 2013 List - users only view their own Items - sharepoint

I have a SharePoint 2013 list where I need users to only see the items they have created. It is a user support ticket system so users need to be able to add tickets using the form I created but then should not be able to see tickets others have created. Any idea how to do this? I know it is in Advanced Settings in SharePoint 2010 but cannot find this setting in 2013.
Thank you!

In Advanced Settings of a Custom List you will have the option to set Item-Level Permissions, if you have a Library this option will not be available.

You can also change the view of the list to filter on field Created by. Insert [Me] into the criteria. Then when someone goes to the list they will only see the items they created.


Creating a SharePoint Quiz OOTB

I am trying to create a quiz that users can take in SharePoint to test their knowledge. I can do this by creating a custom list with calculated fields to work out whether they have passed or not.
This is fine but the issue comes in making sure that users cannot see other user's completed quizzes too. I see you can tick the option of 'Read items that were created by the user'. How can I make sure then that I can see all items created by all users in this list?
I am new to SharePoint so any help would be great.
Thanks in advance
What you're doing is setting item-level permissions. Options such as "Read items that were created by the user" and "Create items and edit items that were created by the user" only apply to users with Contribute or Edit permissions. They do not apply to users with at least Design permissions.
So, to see all items created by all users in this list, make yourself a Designer or an Admin.

Microsoft InfoPath Designer

I am trying to create a form in Microsoft InfoPath designer 2013 using a SharePoint list, and I would like to allow users to designate who approves each stage.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I might do this?
Please note that I do not have the access in my organization to use SharePoint Designer in case that was part of your solution.
Is there any reason you can't use an OOTB Approval Workflow for this?
This should be a case of the user kicking off the workflow after the user starting the workflow picks who the various approvers are from the People Editor.
You can add a people picker column in if you wanted to add a field to the form to allow someone to put a user in manually and then read that value in during the workflow. On the downside, a people picker would allow them to choose from any person / person or group on the site. I would advise against basing a workflow on a text input like that (people picker or not).
Better to use a multiple choice field to have someone select that they'd like to go down x path or to notify a set group of people and wait for x number of responses/approvals.

Best way to create Sharepoint forms using Designer 2007 / WSS 3.0

My company is running its own server with WSS 3.0, and I am using Sharepoint Designer 2007 to make changes. I am new to the world of sharepoint (but experienced with webservers and web programming), but basically what I am trying to accomplish is this:
We are trying to automate forms that all employees must fill out (for example, our Employment Application). Since all employees have access to our sharepoint intranet, we will put it on there. It must do the following:
Display a form where users can enter their data. Once submitted, the data is stored in a database (sharepoint uses Lists for this I believe).
A user can go back to the form to edit things if need be (and their old data will be automatically loaded).
User’s should only be able to access their own form and not see everyone else’s. Only admin’s should be able to see everyone’s stuff.
What is the best way to go about accomplishing this? Can I create a standard list and modify it to suit my needs? Do I need to code some ASP forms to make this work? Is there an inexpensive web part that can do this sorta stuff?
I don’t think using Infopath is an option for me since I have wss 3.0 I would need the end user to have infopath as well, and many won’t have it, so that rules that out.
I think you want to adjust the Item Level Permissions setting of the list. (List Settings->Advanced Settings)
The form in SharePoint States:
"Item-level Permissions
Specify which items users can read and edit.
Note: Users with the Manage Lists permission can read and edit all items. Learn about managing permission settings."
There are settings for Read access and Create and Edit access:
Read access: Specify which items users are allowed to read
-Read all items
-Read items that were created by the user
Create and Edit access: Specify which items users are allowed to create and edit
-Create and edit all items
-Create items and edit items that were created by the user
This sounds like you simply need a custom list, possibly with custom forms (edited with SharePoint Designer) in case the default forms aren't adequate.

Set list field permission

So you don't have programming privileges on a SharePoint Server but you can use SharePoint Designer. You create lists and you need to separate field permissions. You need fields that all can fill out and fields for administrators to fill out. How do you accomplish this without code?
Have a look at this blog post from Laura Rogers. It shows you how to display (and therefore edit) fields according to permission level using SharePoint Designer.
It'll be awkward.
There is no such functionality out of the box but you can spoof it using multiple lists and workflows.
Something like:
1 list for admins with all fields
1 list for users with user fields
Tie these together with workflows: users have rights on the user list, they can add an entry that fires a workflow that creates or updates an entry in the admin list, copying in all the fields.
You should be able to create these workflows with SharePoint designer.

SharePoint 2007: How to Restrict Access at the Field Level?

Is it possible in a SharePoint 2007 list (MOSS, though I don't think that this is Enterprise Edition) to allow users in one SharePoint group to edit values in some fields and users in another group to edit values in the other fields?
From all the searching I've done, this does not appear to be possible, so as a fallback I'll accept answers that suggest the best way to accomplish something like this (e.g. maintain the items in separate lists, linking them by ID).
I do not have access to Central Admin, but I do have Full Control of the site. Also, this site was not configured for custom code, so besides changing list settings (and site settings) I can make changes via SharePoint Developer (but not Visual Studio).
A big THANKS in advance!
You are correct that it's not possible to set field-level permissions without custom code. Furthermore, you're on the right track thinking separate lists, though you should be aware that SharePoint list lookups are a rather weak correlation. Usable, but not exceedingly robust.
For presenting the combined data you'll want to look at SharePoint Designer's joined subviews.
Have a look at Displaying SharePoint Fields by Permission Level by Laura Rogers. This is an approach that uses SharePoint Designer.
Also see the SPListDisplaySetting CodePlex project. This is a site collection feature that needs to be installed so may not be an option.
You can customize Edit Forms for SharePoint 2007 Lists (EditForm.aspx).
With custom list definition and custom edit form you can write code to check the user and show different fields depended on the users permissions.
'a' workaround to get this functionality is to change the content type associated with a list item using workflows.
Like so:
User creates list item in content type A (limited fields).
Workflow starts, changes to content type B (all fields).
Admin gets notified, opens listitem, fills out additional form fields.
And so on..
