Julia: Building symbol expressions - metaprogramming

I have a repetitive set of boilerplate code that looks like this:
type Object
function Object()
ptr = ccall( (:createObject, LIB_SMILE), Ptr{Void}, ())
smart_p = new(ptr)
finalizer(smart_p, obj -> ccall( (:freeObject, LIB_SMILE), Void, (Ptr{Void},), obj.ptr ))
I would like to auto-generate a set of these type definitions:
for str = ("Obj1","Obj2","Obj3")
op_fname = symbol(str)
op_create = ???
op_free = ???
#eval begin
type $op_fname
function ($fname)()
ptr = ccall( ($op_create, LIB_SMILE), Ptr{Void}, ())
smart_p = new(ptr)
finalizer(smart_p, obj -> ccall( ($op_free, LIB_SMILE), Void, (Ptr{Void},), obj.ptr ))
I have not figured out how to generate the correct "symbol symbols" for op_create and op_free. As in, I need op_create = :(:createObj) but I cannot replicate this. Is there a way to generate the needed symbol in this context?
Thank you.

Update: the original answer works (see below), but as #mlubin points out, QuoteNode is an internal implementation function. The quot function in Base.Meta is better:
import Base.Meta.quot
str = "Obj1"
returns :(:createObj1). But I don't think that Meta.quot is documented either.
Original answer:
You're looking for QuoteNode:
str = "Obj1"
returns :(:createObj1) But this seems like a clear application for a macro!


Add method to string and modify self in Lua

How can I add a method to the string table and modify self inside it ?
Basically, I'm trying to mimic the behaviour of the io.StringIO.read method in python, which reads n char in the string and returns them, modifying the string by "consuming" it.
I tried this:
function string.read(str, n)
to_return = str:sub(1, n)
str = str:sub(n + 1)
return to_return
local foo = "heyfoobarhello"
print(string.read(foo, 3))
Output is:
I expected the second line to be only foobarhello.
How can I achieve this ?
To mimic Python's io.StringIO class, you must make an object that stores both the underlying string and the current position within that string. Reading from an IO stream normally does not modify the underlying data.
local StringIO_mt = {
read = function(self, n)
n = n or #self.buffer - self.position + 1
local result = self.buffer:sub(self.position, self.position + n - 1)
self.position = self.position + n
return result
StringIO_mt.__index = StringIO_mt
local function StringIO(buffer)
local o = {buffer = buffer, position = 1}
setmetatable(o, StringIO_mt)
return o
local foo = StringIO"heyfoobarhello"
I don't recommend adding this class or method to Lua's string library, because the object has to be more complex than just a string.
You can add methods to the datatype string independently from the string table.
Short example that shows that the string methods even work if string table gets deleted...
return _VERSION:upper():sub(1,3)
-- Returning: LUA
So you can add a method...
-- read.lua
local read = function(self, n1, n2)
return self:sub(n1, n2)
return read
...for all strings.
( Not only _VERSION )
And use it...
do require('read') print(_VERSION:read(1,3):upper()) end
-- Print out: LUA

Is it possible to provide a setter function in my computational expression?

I'm trying to write an F# computational expression that permits reading and writing thread-safe variables only from within a critical section.
I've got a type, ThreadSafeVar<'t> that wraps a value, a CriticalSection<'t> and a computational expression builder, LockContext, as follows:
// wraps a value and restricts access to it
type ThreadSafeVar<'t> (value: 't) =
member val internal Value = value with get, set
// Encapsulates a critical section
type CriticalSection<'t> =
{ LockObj: obj
fn: unit -> 't }
static member Lock(lc: CriticalSection<'t>) = lock lc.LockObj lc.fn
// Expression builder for a locked context
type LockContext () =
member internal this.SyncRoot = obj()
member this.Return(value: 'v) = value
member this.ReturnFrom(value: ThreadSafeVar<'t>) = value.Value
member __.Bind(value: ThreadSafeVar<'t>, fn: 't -> 'u) = fn value.Value
// returns a CriticalSection
member this.Run(fn : unit -> 'u) = { LockObj = this.SyncRoot
fn=fn }
Reading the thread-safe values from within a lock context is simple enough thanks to Bind. e.g.
let lockedInt = ThreadSafeVar(1) // create a thread-safe variable
let context = LockContext()
let wrapperVal = context {
let! i = lockedInt // get the wrapper value inside lockedInt
return i
} |> CriticalSection.Lock
But I'm struggling to understand how to implement a means setting the value from within a LockContext instance. The approach I've thus taken is to implement a custom operation called, for instance, setVal. I've included my attempts thus far but I'm afraid they'd just muddy the waters. It seems that custom operations operate upon the computation built so far within the expression, encoded as a tuple, but I don't see that this is required in my case.
Any hints, pointing to resources, or direct help would be appreciated.
I'm not at all sure of the wisdom of this, but I came up with something based on the State monad that might work for you. First, define a "stateful" function as one that takes a ThreadSafeVar and returns some type of result:
ThreadSafeVar<'state> -> 'result
We then put that signature into a type that represents a stateful computation:
type Stateful<'state, 'result> =
MkStateful of (ThreadSafeVar<'state> -> 'result)
Now we need a way to run such a computation safely using a given TSV:
let run (tsv : ThreadSafeVar<_>) (MkStateful f) =
lock tsv (fun () -> f tsv)
Note that I've gotten rid of your CriticalSection type and instead just lock the TSV itself.
Next, we need a way to lift a pure value into a stateful computation:
let lift value =
MkStateful (fun _ -> value)
And a way to bind two stateful computations together:
let bind binder stateful =
MkStateful (fun tsv ->
run tsv stateful
|> binder
|> run tsv)
Defining the builder is then trivial:
type LockContext () =
member __.Return(value) = lift value
member __.Bind(stateful, binder) = bind binder stateful
let context = LockContext()
We also need helper computations for setting and getting a value safely:
let getValue =
MkStateful (fun tsv ->
let setValue value =
MkStateful (fun tsv ->
tsv.Value <- value)
Putting it all together, we can define a computation that increments the value of a TSV:
let comp =
context {
let! oldValue = getValue
let newValue = oldValue + 1
do! setValue newValue
return newValue
And we can run it like this:
let lockedInt = ThreadSafeVar(1)
let result = comp |> run lockedInt
printfn "%A" result // output is: 2
You can see the full solution and try it yourself here.

js_of_ocaml calling a function in ocaml from js

I have a function that uses a mutable variable that takes strings and returns strings. (its a read eval print loop interpreter)
I tried exporting it as such:
let () =
method js_run_repl = Js.wrap_callback js_run_repl
Heres a snippet of the function im exporting
let js_run_repl str =
match String.(compare str "quit") with
| 0 -> "bye"
| _ -> ...
regardless of my input it always returns bye, calling the function directly in ocaml produced the expected behaviour. Heres the output from node:
> var mod = require('./main.bc');
> mod.js_run("constant P : Prop");
MlBytes { t: 0, c: 'bye', l: 3 }
Its also peculiar why the function is called js_run instead of js_run_repl. the latter is undefined according to node.
let () =
method js_run_repl str =
|> Js.to_string
|> js_run_repl
|> Js.string
I had to convert the strings explicitly to ocaml strings and back to js

Find string in list - Erlang

I am trying to find if some string is really in list. There is my code:
comparing() ->
FileName = "msg-0001",
{ok,[NumLine],_} = io_lib:fread("msg-~d",FileName),
io:format("Numline:~p~n", [NumLine]),
{ok, Pars} = file:read_file("parsing.txt"),
{ok, Dump} = file:read_file("msg-0001"),
StringNumline = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [NumLine])),
io:format("StringNumline:~p~n", [StringNumline]),
StringDump = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Dump])),
io:format("StringDump:~p~n", [StringDump]),
SubStringDump = string:substr(StringDump, 4),
io:format("SubStringDump:~p~n", [SubStringDump]),
Ndump = concat(StringNumline, SubStringDump),
io:format("Ndump:~p~n", [Ndump]),
FineDump = Ndump--"\">>",
io:format("FineDump:~p~n", [FineDump]),
L1 = binary:split(Pars, <<"\r\n">>, [global]),
io:format("L1=~p~n", [L1]),
Check = lists:member(FineDump, L1),
io:format("Check=~p~n", [Check]),
Check ->
file:write_file("check.txt", "true\n", [append]);
true ->
file:write_file("check.txt", "false\n", [append])
Here is output of the code:
10> c(compare).
11> compare:comparing().
I have a problem in line Check = lists:member(FineDump, L1). It's always false although 1hello is member of the list. I don't know where is the mistake. Is it function lists:member fine for this operation? Or does exist some other way to find if string is a member of a list? I'm new at Erlang.
L1 is a list of binaries while FineDump is a string (a list of integers in Erlang). You need to convert FineDump into a binary to make the lists:member/2 call work.
This should work:
Check = lists:member(list_to_binary(FineDump), L1),
You also seem to be doing this in a way too convoluted way than necessary. If I understood the logic fine, you don't need all that code. You can concatenate NumLine and Dump into a binary using just:
X = <<(integer_to_binary(NumLine))/binary, Dump/binary>>
and then use that directly in lists:member:
lists:member(X, L1)
1> NumLine = 1.
2> Dump = <<"hello">>.
3> <<(integer_to_binary(NumLine))/binary, Dump/binary>>.

F#: I cannot return unit in a do clause and still have side effects

I'm writing a simple ini file parser and I'm having a little problem with the initialization of the object in the "do" clause. It wants me to return a unit but i can't get the blankity function to do the side effects if I try to pipe into an "ignore" or if i return "()" directly.
This code works as a separate function because I can ignore the results.
module Utilities.Config
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Collections.Generic
type Config(?fileName : string) =
let fileName = defaultArg fileName #"C:\path\myConfigs.ini"
static let defaultSettings =
dict[ "Setting1", "1";
"Setting2", "2";
"Debug", "0";
"State", "Disarray";]
let settingRegex = new Regex(#"\s*(?<key>([^;#=]*[^;#= ]))\s*=\s*(?<value>([^;#]*[^;# ]))")
let fileSettings = new Dictionary<string, string>()
let addFileSetting (groups : GroupCollection) =
fileSettings.Add(groups.Item("key").Value, groups.Item("value").Value)
do File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
|> Seq.map(fun line -> settingRegex.Match(line))
|> Seq.filter(fun mtch -> mtch.Success)
|> Seq.map(fun mtch -> addFileSetting(mtch.Groups) // Does not have the correct return type
//|> ignore //#1 Does not init the dictionary
//() //#2 Does not init the dictionary
//The extra step will work
member c.ReadFile =
|> Seq.map(fun line -> settingRegex.Match(line))
|> Seq.filter(fun mtch -> mtch.Success)
|> Seq.map(fun mtch -> addFileSetting(mtch.Groups))
Use Seq.iter (executing an action for each element - returning unit) instead of Seq.map (transforming elements).
The code doesn't work with ignore because Seq's are evaluated lazily and when you ignore the result, there is no need to run any code at all. Read this article
