Add multiple organizations in CRM 2011 - dynamics-crm-2011

I have installed CRM 2011 server. when i try to add a second organization to the CRM server through CRM Deployment Manager it gives a warning message "To Create a new Organization, the wizard must remove the current organization ''. after the wizard completes you will no longer have access to this organization."
couldn't find anything useful through google also. please let me know if anyone has an insight.

This is because the license key used is for workgroup server which limits you to 1 organisation and 5 users. To fix this change the license key to a server edition.
See this for server editions:


SSRS 2016 Role Assignments

I have recently installed Reporting Services 2016 on a server.
When I try to add a user it only allows me to assign 2 roles to the user. System Administrator and System User.
I should be able to add them to Browser, Content Manager and Publisher.
Does anyone know where I can find these roles to add users to?
I have found the problem and I was looking in the site settings. To fix this I changed the security in folder settings.

How to create a new user on Dynamics CRM Online through calling APIs

I want to design an application to sync user information between local system and CRM online. I found we can't create user in CRM online through APIs directly as CRM on-premise. System said we only can add user through office 365 admin portal. But I have no idea about how to use office 365 APIs to create CRM online user. Did you guys encounter the situation before? Please help me, thanks!
Ok, let me answer my question. Right now if we want to operate Dynamics CRM Online User or License information, we need to operate Active Directory Graph Service associated with CRM Online. This Service is a web api based service. We can get the example code on "", and current there is one helper library can be used you guys can download it on

RuleDeploymentException: Failed to access the default store for the user

I nearly spent 3 Days to fix the issue which is related to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Email Router: Rule Deployment Wizard.
I installed Microsoft Exhange 2010 on same virtual box where CRM 2011 server is installed.
The problem
Rule Deployment Wizard is not able to verify/create/delete rules for selected user's mailbox. Always the ran into exception which is given below:
"Microsoft.Crm.Tools.ExchangeConnectorDeployment.RuleDeploymentException: Failed to access the default store for the user."
Any suggestion is highly appereciable.

Team Foundation Service won't let me add members

I have successfully set up a Team Foundation Service account and have been using it with Visual Studio 2012 for source code control, no problems. Note this is the online service, not the old TFS product. I now want to add another Live ID account so they can write and track bugs. Using the Manage Members link I have tried two different Live ID accounts as well as their name but it always says they are not a known user. I know the Live ID accounts are correct. Do I have to invite them or add them some other way first? All of the examples show it "just working".
Are you adding them via the web interface? You should be able to do this by clicking the cog icon in the site. This launches the admin site, you can go into a collection, or add from the Security tab. It really depends on where you want to add them (if they only need access to specific projects/collections it's done at that level), you can add a new user from the Overview or Security tabs by entering their Live ID/email address.

how an utility application connects with all three deployment types of CRM

I am working with an utility application which has user authentication(i.e. it takes username password from users as input). Previously I worked with CRM online. Now requirement is this utility should be able to connect all three deployment types of CRM (i.e. Onpremise, Online, IFD).I am not sure how to do it. I was using crmservice.cs and deviceidmanager.cs for connection with CRM.
From other online resources I found that in connection string if I add Authentication Type="Integrated"/"AD"/"SPLA"/"Passport" , it should work.
So If I write my connection string like
connectionString="Authentication Type="Integrated";Data Source= LINE500\sage;Initial Catalog=cs3live; Integrated Security=false; User Id=XXXXXXXX;Password=XXXXXXXX"
Is this gonna work? FYI, I have only CRM online trial account to verify my code.So I need your help on this.
a CRM Online environment can use Windows Live ID or Office 365 authentication, DeviceID and DevicePassword are necessary only when connecting with Windows Live ID credentials. So you need to know which authentication type is in use in your CRM.
To be able to connect to different environments I suggest to use the Simplified Connection, you can find more information here:
and here:
Sample: Simplified Connection Quick Start using Microsoft Dynamics CRM
