Using dc.js with node.js - node.js

Is it possible to use dc.js with node.js, and if so how? I would like to provide an example, but it's hard to see how to start on this, and no working examples seem to be available online.

In short, yes.
I have implemented a full fledged app using nodejs and dc while the document store was mongo. The nodejs server is used for fetching the data from mongo db and serving it as api. Dc.js then uses this data for rendering charts.
I will write a blog post about it and post it in a couple of days. In the meantime do let me know if you have any more queries.
Here is the link to the blog post.Do share if you find it useful.


How can i load data in IBM cloudant DB using node.js?

I am trying to create a survey using node.js+ejs and try to save data in cloudant DB but i am new with that so anyone knows how to do that ?
Your question is very open-ended; if you're not showing code, it's hard to give appropriate advice. Cloudant's official node library is very well documented. I'd suggest you start off with learning how you use that to store simple documents, and building from there onto storing your survey results.

How to provide code samples for nodejs and mongoose

What is the best way to provide code samples for my NodeJS application that uses mongo via mongoose.
I am dealing with a problem where I want to post a working example of some schemas & models that requires DB access.
I was hoping for something like jsfiddle but could not quite figure out how to use that for what I wanted.
Yes, I'm a noob... Thanks!
Why don't you try the reliable service of
I haven't tried using Mongoose there, but it shouldn't be much of a magic.

Express.js and Neo4j

I have seen alot of examples of how to integrate express.js and mongodb. Does anyone know a good way to integrate neo4j and express.js?
I have been playing around with node-neo4j and I am able to return cypher queries to the terminal. However, I am confused as to how to post the cypher query, in json format, to the local host.
Thanks for your help.
In order to reply simply to your question, there is an express module for Neo4j, here :
It will remove you the burden to format the json correctly for preparing the statements.
Repository is here if you want to see how it is used inside :
Maybe you can contribute to it, for the quick look I did, I see that there is no support for 2.2 auth extension, so you may want to make a PullRequest in order to improve the library.

Best way to set an API server using Node.js and Postgres?

I'm new in Node.js. I'm trying to find out and learn which is the best way to set an Api Server, just for CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) requests.
I've being looking around the different server frameworks that are normally used with Node.js:
I'm also using the node-postgres library already connecting to the database and making queries, but I haven't found a good guide or example using either of the previous frameworks to set an Api Server with PostgreSQL.
I'd be very thankful is someone could point me to the right direction or show me a basic example.
Thank you
Hapi has the best performance. Otherwise I hope this can help you:

Use Socket.IO to update data in real-time?

I am writing a nodejs / express / mongodb based web application and all is working great.
What I've made for learning purposes is a twitter clone.
People can tweet whatever they want and it will show up on their profile and anyone who follows them stream.
On my home page it shows everyone who you are followings posts.
I want this stream to automatically update when someone they are following posts something new.
So they can just sit their on the home page and see all new posts come in in real time.
I've worked with Socket.IO in the past and loved it for it's awesome simplicity of use.
But is Socket.IO an appropriate use for this sort of situation?
Are their better options I can use, perhaps going with a simpler approach of AJAX polling would be more efficient for scalability?
So basically what is the best to use for an application like this?
I need:
Realtime updates to the client
Scalability and effeciency
You have multiple option
My firstoption RacerJS
and Socket.IO
Get data from mongodb and send through racerjs or
RacerJS is synchronization model built on top of ShareJS, which has underlying technique called Operational Transformation, this is used to do collaborative work on the same data in real-time (like Google docs) I guess it does not really apply to your case or its not the case where it should be used. Because ShareJS does a lot of work to keep clients able to edit at the same time on the same data. This is not the case with Activity streams like your case.
A good option would be Meteor
