How does the dropbox client for Linux work? [closed] - linux

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How does the dropbox client for Linux work ?
Does it intercept read/write system calls using something like FUSE and then makes HTTP put/get calls to the dropbox server accordingly?

Linux supports file change detection through iNotify and so there is no need for any clever filing system hacks.
The really clever parts of any of the file synchronisation tools revolve around detecting which bits of a file have changed and only sending those parts (delta changes). Any file sync service that doesn't include this is pretty hopeless. Thankfully, Dropbox have this reasonably well nailed.


I want to my web be able manipulate a file from my hard disk. What should I do? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am a beginner and I create a web app with react, I want to my web app be able to read and write a json or csv from my hard disk, I've done this easy with c++ and python I should learn about node.js, django or something like that? I've search and I don't know what to do
What should I do?
Edit: In this question I mean my disk no matter what, I readed the answers and already know what this is not a good idea
Part of the beauty of the web is that web browsers generally do not have access to the computer's filesystem. This is an intentional security choice. It would be horrible if advertisers could see the contents of your hard drive.
There are technologies that let individual websites store information on your computer that act a little bit like a filesystem, ranging from old school cookies to more advanced databases like LocalStorage or IndexedDB.

dedicated servers for [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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One of the main features in my website is a simple One-to-One chat.
I'm debating whether or not I shall dedicate a server (or a cluster) for the sole purpose of this chat feature. The simpler option would be combining this feature as part of the web-servers and just scale out when necessary.
It is worth mentioning I'd like in the future to enable images transfer within the chat.
So what is the better option and why?
Well yes, Whether to use another dedicated server is not depending on how much traffic your site will have to handle. If you're dealing with images It will be a good idea to store them in another server and keep the root server clean.

Is there any low level copy protection for an exe file, whether software or hardware based? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I know, I know. I'm biting off more ethics than I'd like to chew with this question but there is an importance to it. I'm selling a very limited software package to an immensely small market. The thing is, most machines running this software will be in the same building and sharing a totally open exe is not something I'd like to have happen. The user base is not going to be adept with computers, let alone piracy. What low-level options exist for copy protection? I first thought to buy encrypted and locked USB thumb drives but I'm hoping to avoid that if possible, seeing as a direct download would be much more convenient for all. I'm not trying to punish customers, just trying to keep this on a small number of machines.

Is node.js good for non-server applications, e.g. command line scripts? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I believe node is a fast I/O non-blocking platform, which sounds like it does not have to be only network applications.
So I wonder if there are any cases of which using node, not as a server, would be of benefit? E.g. for writing command-line programs.
Grunt is a great example. It's a JS task runner that most people use as a build tool. Unless you make it run a server for you, you will communicate with it solely via CLI.

Can I send arduino programs directly via bluetooth? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would love to upload my arduino sketches via bluetooth, but I have no idea where to start. This is part of a bigger project I am working on.
Yes and it is fairly easy to do. see this post.
Here's a detailed how-to I wrote that includes instructions for Windows and a slightly more simple circuit for using the HC-05 with it's common breakout board (highly recommend getting the module on the breakout): ​
