Configure Sails.js to use Vash view engine - node.js

I have been trying to find information on how to configure Sails to use the Vash view engine. I am not sure if it is possible or not, as it seems view engines that are compatible with Sails must be based on consolidate.js. I'm not sure if Vash is based on consolidate, and have been unable to figure out if it is or not.

According to documentation, you should pass to configs template extension and function for render. I've tried with express function and seems it is working for me, here what I have in config/views.js:
engine: {
ext: 'vsh',
fn: require('vash').__express


swagger - extract parameter info from express-validation

I'm new to node, swagger etc.
I'm working on a node.js app, I added some endpoints and using express-validation package I configured validators for my end points.
I now started using also swagger-autogen to generate swagger doc, but I can't find a way to make swagger use the validators in order to provide more data/limitations of the endpoints' parameters.
Is there a way to achieve something like that?

How do I add my view engine(ejs) to a combination of express and web pack dev server?

I am trying to integrate ejs to a express and web pack dev server project, and I am unable to do so because even though I am passing my variables, they are loading like this
Html Webpack Plugin:
ReferenceError: name is not defined
- index.ejs:102 ./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/templates/views/index.ejs.module.exports
- index.js:284
- task_queues.js:93 processTicksAndRejections
This Error is in the console. Please help, here is the code link. Thanks in advance.
When webpack compiles your ejs to HTML it has no local variables passed to the template, and so you get this error. If you know the variables in advance you can likely pass these as options in webpack --- see ejs-html-loader.
If you're want to still use variables passed to the page via ejs you will want to use a separate "template" ejs file that is really barebones --- just to pass data into <script>.
If you want to continue passing variables into your "html" of the page you will need to use some sort of ejs loader keep the ejs output in some fashion, which might limit your options on what loaders you can use for other webpack optimizations.

How should I use Swagger with Hapi?

I have a working ordinary Hapi application that I'm planning to migrate to Swagger. I installed swagger-node using the official instructions, and chose Hapi when executing 'swagger project create'. However, I'm now confused because there seem to be several libraries for integrating swagger-node and hapi:
hapi-swagger: the most popular one
hapi-swaggered: somewhat popular
swagger-hapi: unpopular and not that active but used by the official Swagger Node.js library (i.e. swagger-node) as default for Hapi projects
I though swagger-hapi was the "official" approach, until I tried to find information on how do various configurations on Hapi routes (e.g. authorization, scoping, etc.). It seems also that the approaches are fundamentally different, swagger-hapi taking Swagger definition as input and generating the routes automatically, whereas hapi-swagger and hapi-swaggered seem to have similar approach with each other by only generating Swagger API documentation from plain old Hapi route definitions.
Considering the amount of contributors and the number of downloads, hapi-swagger seems to be the way to go, but I'm unsure on how to proceed. Is there an "official" Swagger way to set up Hapi, and if there is, how do I set up authentication (preferably by using hapi-auth-jwt2, or other similar JWT solution) and authorization?
EDIT: I also found swaggerize-hapi, which seems to be maintained by PayPal's open source kraken.js team, which indicates that it might have some kind of corporate backing (always a good thing). swaggerize-hapi seems to be very similar to hapi-swagger, although the latter seems to provide more out-of-the-box functionality (mainly Swagger Editor).
Edit: Point 3. from your question and understanding what swagger-hapi actually does is very important. It does not directly serves the swagger-ui html. It is not intended to, but it is enabling the whole swagger idea (which the other projects in points 1. and 2. are actually a bit reversing). Please see below.
It turns out that when you are using swagger-node and swagger-hapi you do not need all the rest of the packages you mentioned, except for using swagger-ui directly (which is used by all the others anyways - they are wrapping it in their dependencies)
I want to share my understanding so far in this hapi/swagger puzzle, hope that these 8 hours that I spent can help others as well.
Libraries like hapi-swaggered, hapi-swaggered-ui, also hapi-swagger - All of them follow the same approach - that might be described like that:
You document your API while you are defining your routes
They are somewhat sitting aside from the main idea of swagger-node and the boilerplate hello_world project created with swagger-cli, which you mentioned that you use.
While swagger-node and swagger-hapi (NOTE that its different from hapi-swagger) are saying:
You define all your API documentation and routes **in a single centralized place - swagger.yaml**
and then you just focus on writing controller logic. The boilerplate project provided with swagger-cli is already exposing this centralized place swagger.yaml as json thru the /swagger endpoint.
Now, because the swagger-ui project which all the above packages are making use of for showing the UI, is just a bunch of static html - in order to use it, you have two options:
1) to self host this static html from within your app
2) to host it on a separate web app or even load the index.html directly from file system.
In both cases you just need to feed the swagger-ui with your swagger json - which as said above is already exposed by the /swagger endpoint.
The only caveat if you chose option 2) is that you need to enable cors for that end point which happened to be very easy. Just change your default.yaml, to also make use of the cors bagpipe. Please see this thread for how to do this.
As #Kitanotori said above, I also don't see the point of documenting the code programmatically. The idea of just describing everything in one place and making both the code and the documentation engine to understand it, is great.
We have used Inert, Vision, hapi-swagger.
import * as Inert from '#hapi/inert';
import * as Vision from '#hapi/vision';
import Swagger from './plugins/swagger';
// hapi server setup
const plugins: any[] = [Inert, Vision, Swagger];
await server.register(plugins);
// other setup
import * as HapiSwagger from 'hapi-swagger';
import * as Package from '../../package.json';
const swaggerOptions: HapiSwagger.RegisterOptions = {
info: {
title: 'Some title',
version: Package.version
export default {
plugin: HapiSwagger,
options: swaggerOptions
We are using Inert, Vision and hapi-swagger to build and host swagger documentation.
We load those plugins in exactly this order, do not configure Inert or Vision and only set basic properties like title in the hapi-swagger config.

What is a recommended way to get data into your meteor template from the front-end for a famous surface?

I've been following along with the book Discover Meteor from and I have built the tutorial project called 'Microscope'
This uses iron-router and Meteor templating system to render out the front-end. I want to redo this project using for the front-end but I am unclear on how I to do so.
I am aware of a package called famono. mrt add famono. Using this package I can integrate and draw surface to the screen in a meteor project. It also allows you to render templates to the screen.
But I am confused on how to redo the project so the router - routes to render a famous surface with the data.
Also I am wondering if the templates will still be reactive.
If someone could provide insight on how to redo the 'Microscope' project to use on the front-end I would greatly appreciate it!
UPDATE (to be more specific)
I have been trying to figure out how to integrate famous with templates and routing, and I have no clue how to do it.
I use iron-router to handle my routing which chooses which template and data to render like so: ->
#route 'posts',
path: '/',
data: ->
So this will load up the posts template with Posts.findOne() data.
But I know with famous I can generate surfaces from templates on the front end like so:
background = new Surface
data: ??? (Posts.findOne()) ???
Because javascript is what is going to load the final template into the view, what is the recommended way for me to get the data for that template, should I query the database from the front-end by setting up special subscriptions?
Typically I render the data into the page from the router on the server but...
with famous, I just have to load the main template and let famous load the rest of the templates. The only thing left is getting the data for the other templates. What is recommended?
I would start by looking at That package will do all the work for you if you want.
I have never used the Surface template argument but I believe that is a one time load and will not update on data invalidation (data change).
Or u can take a look at working examples )

call functions from with ejs templates on node

I am trying to create a non-javascript version of my web app using ejs on the server side. I pass into the template an object containing the app's state, and at one point I want to build a url using that state object. So basically I want to do something like <%=makeUrl([0])%>
how can I make makeUrl callable from within ejs templates?
edit: I know I can pass a function in as a parameter to the template, but is there a better way?
in Express 3, they removed the concept of dynamic helpers. I believe that passing functions into the template via app.locals is in fact the recommended way to do this now. I gather you already know how, but for anybody else with this same question:
in your app.js:
app.locals.myFunc = function(arg){...}
in your template:
<%= myFunc([0]) %>
