How to sync when you can't connect directly to the remote computer - linux

I have my home computer A and a work computer C that I want to synchronise using unison. In the middle is a work computer B. A can communicate with B and B can communicate with C directly but A and C can't directly connect to each other. In fact the communication diagram looks like A->B<->C. That is A can connect to B but B can't connect to A.
To give an example how I use this setup, I currently do the following if I want to ssh from A to C
ssh -t -X -C me_B#B ssh -X me_C#C
How can I run unison from A and sync with C, maybe using ssh port forwarding?
To make it a little clearer, C has unfiltered outgoing connectivity to the Internet. B has unfiltered in and outgoing connectivity to both C and the Internet. A is my home computer.
The following command line works for me to at least copy files from A to C
scp -oProxyCommand="ssh me_B#B nc -v %h %p" foo/* me_C#C:foo
Is there some way to use this idea to get unison to work?

Yes, ssh port forwarding can be used for that. Use the following command on A if you want to forward ssh on port 22 at C to the local port 3000 (for example):
# Create the tunnel
ssh -L 3000:C:22 userB#B -N
After you have issued the command, you can login into C from A using:
# Connect using the tunnel
ssh -p 3000 userC#localhost
Note: During the discussion below it turned out, that in OP's network, the connection trough the tunnel can only be established using the following command:
ssh -p 3000 -l userC localhost
Note that I'm using -l userC instead of userC#.
Now you can use unison like this:
unison directory ssh://userC#localhost:3000 directory


How to run ssh over an existing TCP connection

I want to be able to SSH to a number linux devices at once, behind different NATs. I can't configure the network that they are on. However, I'm having trouble getting ssh to go over an existing connection.
I have full control over both my client and the devices. Here's the process so far:
On my client, I first run
socat TCP-LISTEN:5001,pktinfo,fork EXEC:./,fdin=3,fdout=4,nofork
Contents of ./
ssh -N -M -S "~/sockets/${SOCAT_PEERADDR}" -o "ProxyCommand=socat - FD:3!!FD:4" "root#${SOCAT_PEERADDR}"
On the device, I'm running
socat TCP:my_host:4321 TCP:localhost:22
However, nothing comes in or out of FD:3!!FD:4, I assume because the ProxyCommand is a subprocess. I've also tried setting fdin=3,fdout=3 and changing ./ to:
ssh -N -M -S "~/sockets/${SOCAT_PEERADDR}" -o "ProxyUseFdpass=yes" -o "ProxyCommand=echo 3" "root#${host}"
This prints an error:
mm_receive_fd: no message header
proxy dialer did not pass back a connection
I believe this is because the fd should be sent in some way using sendmsg, but the fd doesn't originate from the subprocess anyways. I'd like to make it as simple as possible, and this feels close to workable.
You want to turn the client/server model on its head and make a generic server to spawn a client on-demand and in-response-to an incoming unauthenticated TCP connection from across a network boundary, and then tell that newly-spawned client to use that unauthenticated TCP session. I think that may have security considerations that you haven't thought of. If a malicious person spams connections to your computer, your computer will spawn a lot of SSH instances to connect back and these processes can take up a lot of local system resources while authenticating. You're effectively trying to set up SSH to automatically connect to an untrusted (unverified) remote-initiated machine across a network boundary. I can't stress how dangerous that could be for your client computer. Using the wrong options could expose any credentials you have or even give a malicious person full access to your machine.
It's also worth noting that the scenario you're asking to do, building a tunnel between multiple devices to multiplex additional connections across an untrusted network boundary, is exactly the purpose of VPN software. Yes, SSH can build tunnels. VPN software can build tunnels better. The concept would be that you'd run a VPN server on your client machine. The VPN server will create a new (virtual) network interface which represents only your devices. The devices would connect to the VPN server and be assigned an IP address. Then, from the client machine, you'd just initiate SSH to the device's VPN address and it will be routed over the virtual network interface and arrive at the device and be handled by its SSH daemon server. Then you don't need to muck around with socat or SSH options for port forwarding. And you'd get all the tooling and tutorials that exist around VPNs. I strongly encourage you to look at VPN software.
If you really want to use SSH, then I strongly encourage you to learn about securing SSH servers. You've stated that the devices are across network boundaries (NAT) and that your client system is unprotected. I'm not going to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot but it would be very easy to spectacularly do so in the situation you've stated. If you're in a work setting, you should talk to your system administrators to discuss firewall rules, bastion hosts, stuff like that.
Yes, you can do what you've stated. I strongly advise caution though. I advise it strongly enough that I won't suggest anything which would work with that as stated. I will suggest a variant with the same concepts but more authentication.
First, you've effectively set up your own SSH bounce server but without any of the common tooling compatible with SSH servers. So that's the first thing I'd fix: use SSH server software to authenticate incoming tunnel requests by using ssh client software to initiate the connection from the device instead of socat. ssh already has plenty of capabilities to create tunnels in both directions and you get authentication bundled with it (with socat, there's no authentication). The devices should be able to authenticate using encryption keys (ssh calls these identities). You'll need to connect once manually from the device to verify and authorize the remote encryption key fingerprint. You'll also need to copy the public key file (NOT the private key file) to your client machine and add it to your authorized_keys files. You can ask for help on that separately if you need it.
A second issue is that you appear to be using fd3 and fd4. I don't know why you're doing that. If anything, you should be using fd0 and fd1 since these are stdin and stdout, respectively. But you don't even need to do that if you're using socat to initiate a connection. Just use - where stdin and stdout are meant. It should be completely compatible with -o ProxyCommand without specifying any file descriptors. There's an example at the end of this answer.
The invocation from the device side might look like this (put it into a script file):
IDENTITY=/home/WavesAtParticles/.ssh/tunnel.id_rsa # on device
REMOTE_SOCKET=/home/WavesAtParticles/.ssh/$(hostname).sock # on client
REMOTEUSER=WavesAtParticles # on client
REMOTEHOST=remotehost # client hostname or IP address accessible from device
while true
echo "$(date -Is) connecting"
# Set up your SSH tunnel. Check stderr for known issues.
ssh \
-i "${IDENTITY}" \
-o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes \
-o PasswordAuthentication=no \
-o IdentitiesOnly=yes \
-l "${REMOTEUSER}" \
"sleep inf" \
2> >(
read -r line
if echo "${line}" | grep -q "Error: remote port forwarding failed"
ssh \
-i "${IDENTITY}" \
-o PasswordAuthentication=no \
-o IdentitiesOnly=yes \
-l "${REMOTEUSER}" \
2>/dev/null # convince me this is wrong
echo "$(date -Is) removed stale socket"
# Re-print stderr to the terminal
>&2 echo "${line}" # the stderr line we checked
>&2 cat - # and any unused stderr messages
echo "disconnected"
sleep 30
Remember, copying and pasting is bad in terms of shell scripts. At a minimum, I recommend you read man ssh and man ssh_config, and to check the script against The intent of the script is:
In a loop, have your device (re)connect to your client to maintain your tunnel.
If the connection drops or fails, then reconnect every 30 seconds.
Run ssh with the following parameters:
-i "${IDENTITY}": specify a private key to use for authentication.
-R "${REMOTE_SOCKET}:": specify a connection request forwarder which accept connections on the Remote side /home/WavesAtParticles/$(hostname).sock then forward them to the local side by connecting to
-o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes: if the remote side fails to set up the connection forwarder, then the local side should emit an error and die (and we check for this error in a subshell).
-o PasswordAuthentication=no: do not fall back to a password request, particularly since the local user isn't here to type it in
-o IdentitiesOnly=yes: do not use any default identity nor any identity offered by any local agent. Use only the one specified by -i.
-l "${REMOTEUSER}": log in as the specified user.
remotehost, eg your client machine that you want a device to connect to.
Sleep forever
If the connection failed because of a stale socket, then work around the issue by:
Log in separately
Delete the (stale) socket
Print today's date indicating when it was deleted
Loop again
There's an option which is intended to make this error-handling redundant: StreamLocalBindUnlink. However the option does not correctly work and has a bug open for years. I imagine that's because there really aren't many people who use ssh to forward over unix domain sockets. It's annoying but not difficult to workaround.
Using a unix domain socket should limit connectivity to whoever can reach the socket file (which should be only you and root if it's placed in your ${HOME}/.ssh directory and the directory has correct permissions). I don't know if that's important for your case or not.
On the other hand you can also simplify this a lot if you're willing to open a TCP port on for each device. But then any other user on the same system can also connect. You should specifically listen on which would then only accept connections from the same host to prevent external machines from reaching the forwarding port. You'd change the ${REMOTE_SOCKET} variable to, for example, to listen on port 4567 and only accept local connections. So you'd lose the named socket capability and permit any other user on the client machine to connect to your device, but gain a much simpler tunnel script (because you can remove the whole bit about parsing stderr to remove a stale socket file).
As long as your device is online (can reach your workstation's incoming port) and is running that script, and the authentication is valid, then the tunnel should also be online or coming-online. It will take some time to recover after a loss (and restore) of network connectivity, though. You can tune that with ConnectTimeout, TCPKeepAlive, and ServerAliveInterval options and the sleep 30 part of the loop. You could run it in a tmux session to keep it going even when you don't have a login session running. You could also run it as a system service on the device to bring it online even after recovering from a power failure.
Then from your client, you can connect in reverse:
ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - unix-connect:/home/WavesAtParticles/remotehost.sock' -l WavesAtParticles .
In this invocation, you'll start ssh. It will then set up the proxycommand using socat. It will take its stdin/stdout and relay it through a connected AF_UNIX socket at the path provided. You'll need to update the path for the remote host you expect. But there's no need to specify file descriptors at all.
If ssh complains:
2019/08/26 18:09:52 socat[29914] E connect(5, AF=1 "/home/WavesAtParticles/remotehost.sock", 7): Connection refused
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
then the tunnel is currently down and you should investigate the remotehost device's connectivity.
If you use the remote forwarding option with a TCP port listening instead of a unix domain socket, then the client-through-tunnel-to-remote invocation becomes even easier: ssh -p 4567 WavesAtParticles#localhost.
Again, you're trying to invert the client/server model and I don't think that's a very good idea to do with SSH.
I’m going to try this today:
It seems like what you are looking for.
Not to answer your question but helpful for people who may not know:
Ngrok is the easiest way I’ve found. they do webservers as well as tcp connections. I’d recommend installing it through homebrew.
$ ngrok http 5000
In the terminal for http, 5000 being the port of your application.
$ ngrok tcp 5000
In the terminal for tcp.
It’s free for testing(random changing domains).
For tcp connections remove “http://“ from the web address to get the IP address. Sorry I can’t remember. I think the client ports to 80 and I believe you can change that by adding port 5001 or something, google it to double check

How to scp back to local when I've already sshed into remote machine?

Often I face this situation: I sshed into a remote server and ran some programs, and I want to copy their output files back to my local machine. What I do is remember the file path on remote machine, exit the connection, then scp user#remote:filepath .
Obviously this is not optimal. What I'm looking for is a way to let me scp file back to local machine without exiting the connection. I did some searching, almost all results are telling me how to do scp from my local machine, which I already know.
Is this possible? Better still, is it possible without needing to know the IP address of my local machine?
Given that you have an sshd running on your local machine, it's possible and you don't need to know your outgoing IP address. If SSH port forwarding is enabled, you can open a secure tunnel even when you already have an ssh connection opened, and without terminating it.
Assume you have an ssh connection to some server:
local $ ssh
remote $ echo abc > abc.txt # now we have a file here
OK now we need to copy that file back to our local server, and for some reason we don't want to open a new connection. OK, let's get the ssh command line by pressing Enter ~C (Enter, then tilde, then capital C):
ssh> help
-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward
-D[bind_address:]port Request dynamic forward
-KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward
That's just like the regular -L/R/D options. We'll need -R, so we hit Enter ~C again and type:
ssh> -R
Forwarding port.
Here we forward remote server's port 2222 to local machine's port 22 (and here is where you need the local SSH server to be started on port 22; if it's listening on some other port, use it instead of 22).
Now just run scp on a remote server and copy our file to remote server's port 2222 which is mapped to our local machine's port 22 (where our local sshd is running).
remote $ scp -P2222 abc.txt user#
user#'s password:
abc.txt 100% 4 0.0KB/s 00:00
We are done!
remote $ exit
Connection to closed.
local $ cat abc.txt
Tricky, but if you really cannot just run scp from another terminal, could help.
I found this one-liner solution on SU to be a lot more straightforward than the accepted answer. Since it uses an environmental variable for the local IP address, I think that it also satisfies the OP's request to not know it in advance.
based on that, here's a bash function to "DownLoad" a file (i.e. push from SSH session to a set location on the local machine)
function dl(){
scp "$1" ${SSH_CLIENT%% *}:/home/<USER>/Downloads
Now I can just call dl somefile.txt while SSH'd into the remote and somefile.txt appears in my local Downloads folder.
I use rsa keys (ssh-copy-id) to get around password prompt
I found this trick to prevent the local bashrc from being sourced on the scp call
Note: this requires SSH access to local machine from remote (is this often the case for anyone?)
The other answers are pretty good and most users should be able to work with them. However, I found the accepted answer a tad cumbersome and others not flexible enough. A VPN server in between was also causing trouble for me with figuring out IP addresses.
So, the workaround I use is to generate the required scp command on the remote system using the following function in my .bashrc file:
function getCopyCommand {
echo "scp user#remote:$(pwd)/$1 ."
I find rsync to be more useful if the local system is almost a mirror of the remote server (including the username) and I require to copy the directory structure also.
function getCopyCommand {
echo "rsync -rvPR user#remote:$(pwd)/$1 /"
The generated scp or rsync command is then simply pasted on my local terminal to retrieve the file.
You would need a local ssh server running in your machine, then you can just:
scp [-r] local_content your_local_user#your_local_machine_ip:
Anyway, you don't need to close your remote connection to make a remote copy, just open another terminal and run scp there.
On your local computer:
scp root#remotemachine_name_or_IP:/complete_path_to_file /local_path

How to transfer a file in an "indirect" ssh connection?

I have to access my server in such way: localhost -> remote1 -> remote2 (my server)
[xxxx#localhost] $ ssh yyyy#remote1
[yyyy#remote1] $ ssh zzzz#remote2
[zzzz#remote2] $ echo "now I logined into my server..."
I know how to transfer files with scp. however I have no read or write permissions on remote1. How can I transfer a file to remote2?
Another alternative could be to use a Proxy command:
scp -o ProxyCommand='ssh yyy#remote1 netcat %h %p 2> /dev/null' zzz#remote2:fromfile tofile
if remote1 has netcat installed. Other viable options could be nc or socat (the latter has a different syntax).
Try this,
ssh -L localhost:8022:remote2:22 remote1
Now, you can use localhost port 8022 to contact 22 of remote2 via remote1. This session session should be active whenever you need to transfer. Use
scp -P 8022 /path/locale/file
This is commonly called as SSH Tunneling. You can search and get to know lot about it.

ssh port forwarding (tunneling) in linux

I have a specific scenario that I want to solve. I currently connect to a host via port forwarding:
laptop -> gateway -> remote_server_1
and another host:
laptop -> remote_server_2
with passwordless login working on both. Neither of the remote servers are visible to the outside world. Now I'm running a service on remote_server_2, that I'd like to be able to access on remote_server_1. I presume I have to setup reverse port forwarding from remote_server_1 to my laptop, and then on to remote_server_2, but I'm not sure how to do this. Anyone come across this situation before?
The full solution in case anyone else needs it:
mylaptop$ ssh -L 3001:localhost:3000 server_2
server_2$ netcat -l 3000
Then setup the tunnel via gateway to server_1:
ssh -t -t -L 3003:server_1:22 gateway
Then access it from server_1:
ssh -R 3002:localhost:3001 -p3003 localhost
echo "bar" | nc localhost 3002`
and hey presto server_2 shows bar :-)
You have to do exactly as you've described. Setup the server on server_2.
mylaptop$ ssh -L 3001:localhost:3000 server_2
server_2$ netcat -l 3000
Then access to it from server_1.
mylaptop$ ssh -R 3002:localhost:3001 server_1
server_1$ echo "foo" | netcat localhost 3002
server_2 will show foo.

linux execute command remotely

how do I execute command/script on a remote linux box?
say I want to do service tomcat start on box b from box a.
I guess ssh is the best secured way for this, for example :
ssh -OPTIONS -p SSH_PORT user#remote_server "remote_command1; remote_command2;"
where the OPTIONS have to be deployed according to your specific needs (for example, binding to ipv4 only) and your remote command could be starting your tomcat daemon.
If you do not want to be prompt at every ssh run, please also have a look to ssh-agent, and optionally to keychain if your system allows it. Key is... to understand the ssh keys exchange process. Please take a careful look to ssh_config (i.e. the ssh client config file) and sshd_config (i.e. the ssh server config file). Configuration filenames depend on your system, anyway you'll find them somewhere like /etc/sshd_config. Ideally, pls do not run ssh as root obviously but as a specific user on both sides, servers and client.
Some extra docs over the source project main pages :
ssh and ssh-agent
man ssh
an older tuto in French (by myself :-) but might be useful too :
ssh user#machine 'bash -s' <
or you can just
ssh user#machine "remote command to run"
If you don't want to deal with security and want to make it as exposed (aka "convenient") as possible for short term, and|or don't have ssh/telnet or key generation on all your hosts, you can can hack a one-liner together with netcat. Write a command to your target computer's port over the network and it will run it. Then you can block access to that port to a few "trusted" users or wrap it in a script that only allows certain commands to run. And use a low privilege user.
on the server
mkfifo /tmp/netfifo; nc -lk 4201 0</tmp/netfifo | bash -e &>/tmp/netfifo
This one liner reads whatever string you send into that port and pipes it into bash to be executed. stderr & stdout are dumped back into netfifo and sent back to the connecting host via nc.
on the client
To run a command remotely:
echo "ls" | nc HOST 4201
