Can I display multiselect list items as onordered list using Razor? -

I was wondering if this is possible with razor syntax (I have found that there are other ways that utilize jquery). Please point me in the right direction if you know one. I am working on a MVC 5 project.

Yes, this is possible by creating custom html helper methods. Refer this little example which would be helpful.
Video version of tutorial


Using prevNext Modx Addon

I need to display previous and next resource with tv in one parent using this addon in modx
But there is some simple documentation, and i can see it has a lot of options, is it posible that someone can show me simple example of tlp. shows clear description and parameters.
Use pdoNeighbors (part of pdoTools) - it has better documentation and examples.

MVC patterns with node.js with comon layout and partials

I am trying to apply mvc pattern (as in ruby) using node.js. I would like also to use a common layout and partials. I saw this post and I tried Locomotivejs, but I don't know how to apply a common layout and partials with Locomotivejs. Should I use another frameworks? if I should, which one has all these features? Could you please give me some suggestion?
You can see what I did in order to solve that problem with locomotive.js here:

Using the Extension Library Navigator

Does anyone know of a good tutorial or YouTube video that explains how to set up and use the Navigator in the IBM Xpages Extension Library?
It is a bit confusing with all the options, types of nodes, and Select & Submit Values. Hope to find something that shows the simple way to use this tool along with some of the Advanced capabilities.
I did a quick youtube video where I show just the simplest use of it. enjoy
Is there anything specific you want to know?
Hopefully a good tutorial is the XPages Extension Library book. It goes into detail on all the various node types.

A minimal code webpart that displays a single picked item from a list

I'm not sure this is possible, but figured I´d give it a shot. First a few pre-requeistes and environment details:
I´m using SharePoint 2010, SharePoint
Designer 2010, VS 2010
I want to create as little code as
possible, preferably, create it all via UI or Designer
use out of the box components as much
as possible
Here is What I want to do:
Have a custom list with custom columns (easy part)
Create a webpart with an edit interface to select a single item from this list
This same webpart when visible would display the contents of this selected item in a given layout
I know I can do this creating a custom web part and code it all from scratch, I guess my main question is, is there a way to do this with less code and more out of the box components in SP2010. If not, I guess I'm left with lots of C# code.
Any tips, or pointers in this direction will be most welcome. Thanks in advance.
I think what you're looking for is the Data Form Web Part.
Unfortunately, I can't find any good tutorials for 2010, but hopefully the steps should be similar to setting it up in 2007.
Thanks all for the update. In the end, i had to create quite a bit of code to get this to work:
created a web part that enumerates
the content type,
creates a light box that has a picker
then stores the ID of the content in a column
Not the easiest way,but the only way I could get it working. Thanks again!

Rad grid custom filtering

How can I activate custom filtering for my radgrid?(I googled but I didn't get any proper response regarding this)
I have a property like AllowCustomSorting but I don't have any property regarding filtering.
Can any one provide the way how to implement custom filtering?
If possbile give me a sample page then I will understand.
Thanks in advance.
All you need to know about filtering:
I usually do my filtering/sorting within my stored procedures as that brings huge speed benefits when working with larger tables.
I'm aware this is a fairly old question now but this link should help you:
Note that it has a sample project at the bottom of the page.
The property you are looking for is AllowFilteringByColumn="True"
This page has a sample using a dropdown and a custom filter.
