I have a Spinner with drop down items: "Meter" & "Ft".
When I choose one of these(Meter or Ft),I want the text in Spinner change to : "Length(Meter)" or "Length(Ft)".
I am creating a post form that will send my input as dictionary to a server. I planned to display the user entered input in a TextArea with my first display button click. This display button sets the next button (Send) to be visible. The Send button then convert or saves the values to a dictionary (key/value pair).
In my code, i followed the example in the ipywidget documentation (https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Widget%20Styling.html [cell 12]) by adding all my widgets in a list. I am have difficulty in calling the values of the widget items to display in the Text area
I have tried to access the values using children[0].values but get error each time. AttributeError: 'Button' object has no attribute 'values'. I will appreciate anyone's help to do this form. If i can get my inputs as a dictionary, that will be very helpful
from ipywidgets import Layout, Button, Box, FloatText, Textarea, Dropdown, Label, IntSlider, Text
#Form item layout
form_item_layout = Layout(
#form container
form_items = [
], layout=form_item_layout),
Label(value='Collection UUID'),
Dropdown(options=['theme', 'play', 'character'])
], layout=form_item_layout),
Textarea(rows = 20)], layout=form_item_layout),
Button(description="Send", button_style='success')
#box layout that holds the forms
box_lyt = Layout(
border='solid 2px',
form = Box(children=form_items, layout=box_lyt)
form.children[4].layout.visibility = 'hidden'
def show(b):
form.children[4].layout.visibility = 'visible'
form.children[2] = c.children[0] + c.children[1] + c.children[2]
#Convert textarea values to dictionary
def list_children(c):
return c.children[2].to_dict()
form.children[4].on_click(list_children )
I expect a widget displaying: Name, ID, result and display button. Clicking the display should show the values in the result TextArea and make the button (send) visible. Clicking the Send button should accept these values from result and save as dictionary. The widget displays but is not responsiveenter image description here
In Android Studio, I want to change the color of a portion of a item in the Navigation Drawer. In the image attached Navigation Drawer, I want the word "PRO" to appear red.
Use a spannable string:
MenuItem item = (MenuItem) navigation.getMenu().findItem(R.id.miItem);
String str = item.getTitle().toString();
SpannableString span = new SpannableString(str);
span.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), str.length() - 3, str.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
navigation with your NavigationView variable
miItem with the corresponding MenuItem's id
I have linked a livecode application to a relational database. I want to use a combobox to display values related to an ID. I other program such as msaccess this is done by having combobox with 2 columns. The first is linked to the ID and set to 0 width and the second displays the related value. Is that possible in livecode?
I have a text field and a list field and I managed to get it working using the following code on rawkeyup
global strHilitedLine,strTempHilitedLine,booAfterReturn,booFirstKeyUp
on keyup -- when your press a character key
end keyup
on returninfield --when user press return key on keyboard
--accept the temporary hilite
put the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" into strHilitedLine
put empty into strTempHilitedLine
--set booFirstKeyUp to true so that the keyup command will know that
-- the next keyup is the first after clicking the enter/return key
put "True" into booFirstKeyUp
--clear field txtfood
put empty into fld "txtFood"
end returninfield
on enterkey --when user press enter key on mobile(code same as on returninfield)
set the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" to strTempHilitedLine
put the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" into strHilitedLine
put empty into strTempHilitedLine
put "True" into booFirstKeyUp
put empty into fld "txtFood"
end enterkey
on TempHilited
if booFirstKeyUp="True" then
--store the value of hilitedline if this is the first keyup after
-- clicking enter(see on enterkey)
put the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" into strHilitedLine
put "False" into booFirstKeyUp
end if
--set hilitedlines to the hilitedlines just after clicking enter
set the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" to strHilitedLine
-- cleartemporary hilitedlines from previous keyup
put empty into strTempHilitedLine
-- create array from field lstFood and find if the text in txtFood
-- appears at the start of any item in the array
put field "lstfood" into arrFood
filter lines of arrFood with regex pattern "^" & me into strLineText
--create new value to temporarily hilite
if the length of strHilitedLine>0 and the length of strLineText>0 then
put strHilitedLine & "," & lineoffset (strLineText ,field
"lstfood") after strTempHilitedLine
else if the length of strHilitedLine>0 then
put strHilitedLine into strTempHilitedLine
else if the length of strLineText>0 then
put lineoffset (strLineText ,field "lstfood") into strTempHilitedLine
end if
--set temporay hilite
set the hilitedLine of field "lstfood" to strTempHilitedLine
put the length of me into mylength
--Select the part of txtFood that user did to type so that it is overwritten on the next keyup
put strlinetext into field "txtFood"
select char mylength +1 to the length of me of field "txtFood"
End TempHilited
As you can see it is a long convoluted code. Happy to hear if you have a more
-- efficient way of achieving the same.
You mentioned "Store the data in a custom property, filter to include relevant lines, put the remaining data into the field" and I believe you were alluding to another method of doing it but I have not really work out how to do that
No, menu buttons don't allow for multiple columns in LiveCode. However, it is possible to make your own combobox, e.g. by using a stack panel for a menu and adding two fields to that stack. Use the properties inspector of a menu button to assign a stack as a stack panel.
I made such a stack panel, with only one column, quite some time ago:
It would be easy to make this a two-column menu: just make the field half as wide, add another field and update the hilitedLine of the field that doesn't have focus when the hilitedLine of the focused field changes. This example isn't a real stack panel, but it works pretty much the same. I open the stack hidden as a palette, set the size and location, and show it making sure that it has focus.
(The picture is from my own website; the library is in an area available to donors only).
Using C#, how do I get values from a textbox which is in a RadGrid Footer?
I am getting an error in the following code. How do I solve it?
TextBox texte=(TextBox)RadGrid1.FooterRow.FindControl("textempno");
You should do it like this:
if (e.Item is GridFooterItem)
TextBox texte = (TextBox)RadGrid1.FooterRow.FindControl("textempno");
Also, you can do it like this:
GridFooterItem footerItem = (GridFooterItem)RadGrid1.MasterTableView.GetItems(GridItemType.Footer)[0];
TextBox texte=(TextBox)footerItem.FindControl("textboxid");//accessing Button inside FooterTemplate
I have give the index [0] while getting the grid footer item as the text box is the one and only item in my grid footer. If you have multiple footer items, you can give the index of the item you want to find.
I was wondering if it was possible to replace one control in a TableLayoutPanel with another at runtime. I have a combo box and a button which are dynamically added to the TableLayoutPanel at runtime, and when the user selects an item in the combo box and hits the button, I'd like to replace the combobox with a label containing the text of the selected combo box item.
Basically, if I could simply remove the control and insert another at it's index, that would work for me. However I don't see an option like "splice" or "insert" on the Controls collection of the TableLayoutPanel, and I was wondering if there was a simple way to insert a control at a specific index. Thanks in advance.
Fixed this by populating a panel with the two controls I wanted to swap and putting that into the TableLayoutPanel. Then I set their visibility according to which I wanted to see at what time.
This is what I've been able to come up with for what I needed. It gets the position of the ComboBox and makes a new label using the selected value.
// Replaces a drop down menu with a label of the same value
private void lockDropMenu(ComboBox dropControl)
TableLayoutPanelCellPosition pos = myTable.GetCellPosition(dropControl);
Label lblValue = new Label();
if (dropControl.SelectedItem != null)
lblValue.Text = dropControl.SelectedItem.ToString();
lblValue.Font = lblValue.Font = dropControl.Font;
// Just my preferred formatting
lblValue.AutoSize = true;
lblValue.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
lblValue.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
myTable.Controls.Add(lblValue, pos.Column, pos.Row);