unix - get substring of a file name - string

If I have a folder called myfiles/ which has a bunch of python files in it, in a shell script like the following:
for k in myfiles/*.py
// code here?
How do I print for each k a string that's just --name-of-file--.py ?
If I do
echo $k
as is, it prints myfiles/--name-of-file--.py
I'm very new to shell scripting, but it seems like the cut function attempts to cut the contents of the file and not just the file name (and I don't really know how to use cut).
To be clear, I'd like to know how to get rid of the folder name when printing.

basename "$k"
Or if you want to avoid spawning so many processes, this is more efficient:
echo ${k##*/}


balancing the bash calculations

We have a tool for cutting adaptors https://github.com/vsbuffalo/scythe/blob/master/README.md and we wanted it to be used on all the files in the raw folder and make an output of each file separately as OUT+File Name.
Something is wrong with this script I wrote, because it doesn't take each file separately, and the whole thing doesn't work properly. It's gonna generateing empty file named OUT+files
Expected operation will looks:
take file1, use scythe on it, write output as OUTfile1
take file2 etc.
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing the $f file..."
/home/deve/scythe/scythe -a /home/dev/scythe/illumina_adapters.fa -o "OUT"+$f $f
Additionally, I noticed (testing for a single file) that the script uses only one core out of 130 available. Is there any way to improve it?
There is no string concatenation operator in shell. Use juxtaposition instead; it's "OUT$f", not "OUT"+$f.

storing output of ls command consisting of files with spaces in their names

I want to store output of ls command in my bash script in a variable and use each file name in a loop, but for example one file in the directory has name "Hello world", when I do variable=$(ls) "Hello" and "world" end up as two separate entries, and when I try to do
for i in $variable
mv $i ~
it shows error that files "Hello" and "world" doesn't exist.
Is there any way I can access all files in current directory and run some command even if the files have space(s) in their names.
If you must, dirfiles=(/path/of/interest/*).
And accept the admonition against parsing the output of ls!
I understand you are new to this and I'd like to help. But it isn't easy for me (us?) to provide you with an answer that would be of much help to you by the way you've stated your question.
Based on what I hear so far, you don't seem to have a basic understanding on how parameter expansions work in the shell. The following two links will be useful to you:
Matching Pathnames, Parameters
Now, if your task at hand is to operate on files meeting certain criteria then find(1) will likely to do the job.
Say it with me: don't parse the output of ls! For more information, see this post on Unix.SE.
A better way of doing this is:
for i in *
mv -- "$i" ~
or simply
mv -- * ~

Read filename with * shell bash

I'am new in Linux and I want to write a bash script that can read in a file name of a directory that starts with LED + some numbers.(Ex.: LED5.5.002)
In that directory there is only one file that will starts with LED. The problem is that this file will every time be updated, so the next time it will be for example LED6.5.012 and counting.
I searched and tried a little bit and came to this solution:
export fspec=/home/led/LED*
LedV=`basename $fspec`
echo $LedV
If I give in those commands one by one in my terminal it works fine, LedV= LED5.5.002 but if i run it in a bash scripts it gives the result: LedV = LED*
I search after another solution:
LedV=$(basename $a)
echo $LedV
but here again the same, if i give it in one by one it's ok but in a script: LedV = LED*.
It's probably something small but because of my lack of knowledge over Linux I cannot find it. So can someone tell what is wrong?
Thanks! Jan
Shell expansions don't happen on scalar assignments, so in
the expansion of "$varname" will literally be "foo*". It's more confusing when you consider that echo $varname (or in your case basename $varname; either way without the double quotes) will cause the expansion itself to be treated as a glob, so you may well think the variable contains all those filenames.
Array expansions are another story. You might just want
fspec=( /path/LED* )
echo "${fspec[0]##*/}" # A parameter expansion to strip off the dirname
That will work fine for bash. Since POSIX sh doesn't have arrays like this, I like to give an alternative approach:
for fspec in /path/LED*; do
echo "${fspec##*/}"
ls -1 /usr/local/src/mysql*
if you only have 1 file, you will only get 1 result
MyFile=`ls -1 /home/led/LED*`

how to print the ouput/error to a text file?

I'm trying to redirect(?) my standard error/output to a text file.
I did my research, but for some reason the online answers are not working for me.
What am I doing wrong?
cd /home/user1/lists/
for dir in $(ls)
echo | $dir > /root/user1/$dir" "log.txt
) > /root/Desktop/Logs/Update.log
I also tried
2> /root/Desktop/Logs/Update.log
1> /root/Desktop/Logs/Update.log
&> /root/Desktop/Logs/Update.log
None of these work for me :(
Help please!
Try this for the basics:
echo hello >> log.txt 2>&1
Could be read as: echo the word hello, redirecting and appending STDOUT to the file log.txt. STDERR (file descriptor 2) is redirected to wherever STDOUT is being pointed. Note that STDOUT is the default and thus there is no "1" in front of the ">>". Works on the current line only.
To redirect and append all output and error of all commands in a script, put this line near the top. It will be in effect for the length of the script instead of doing it on each line:
exec >>log.txt 2>&1
If you are trying to obtain a list of the files in /home/user1/lists, you do not need a loop at all:
ls /home/usr1/lists/ >Update.log
If you are attempting to run every file in the directory as an executable with a newline as its input, and collect the output from all these programs in Update.log, try this:
for file in /home/user1/lists/*; do
echo | "$file"
done >Update.log
(Notice how we avoid the useless use of ls and how there is no redirection inside the loop.)
If you want to create an empty file called *.log.txt for each file in the directory, you would do
for file in /home/user1/lists/*; do
touch "$(basename "$file")"log.txt
(Using basename to obtain the file name without the directory part avoids the cd but you could do it the other way around. Generally, we tend to avoid changing the directory in scripts, so that the tool can be run from anywhere and generate output in the current directory.)
If you want to create a file containing a single newline, regardless of whether it already exists or not,
for file in /home/user1/lists/*; do
echo >"$(basename "$file")"log.txt
In your original program, you redirect the echo inside the loop, which means that the redirection after done will not receive any output at all, so the created file will be empty.
These are somewhat wild guesses at what you might actually be trying to accomplish, but should hopefully help nudge you slightly in the right direction. (This should properly be a comment, I suppose, but it's way too long and complex.)

All files in one dir, linux

Today I tried a script in linux to get all files in one dir. It was pretty straightforward, but I found something interesting.
for file in $InputDir'*'
echo $file
The output is:
/home/XXX/fileA /home/XXX/fileB
But when I just input the dir directly, like:
for file in /home/XXX/*
echo $file
The output is:
It seems, in the first script, there was only one loop and all the file names were stored in the variable $file in the FIRST loop, separated by space. But in the second script, one file name was stored in $file just in one loop, and there were more than one loop. What is exactly the difference between these two scripts?
Thanks very much, maybe my question is a little bit naive..
The behavior is correct and "as expected".
for file in $InputDir'*' means assign "/home/XXX/*" to $file (note the quotes). Since you quoted the asterisk, it will not be executed at this time. When the shell sees echo $file, it first expands the variables and then it does glob expansion. So after the first step, it sees
echo /home/XXX/*
and after glob expansion, it sees:
echo /home/XXX/fileA /home/XXX/fileB
Only now, it will execute the command.
In the second case, the pattern /home/XXX/* is expanded before the for is executed and thus, each file in the directory is assigned to file and then the body of the loop is executed.
This will work:
for file in "$InputDir"*
but it's brittle; it will fail, for example, when you forget to add a / to the end of the variable $InputDir.
for file in "$InputDir"/*
is a little bit better (Unix will ignore double slashes in a path) but it can cause trouble when $InputDir is not set or empty: You'll suddenly list files in the / (root) folder. This can happen, for example, because of a typo:
for file in "$InputDir"/*
Case matters on Unix :-)
To help you understand code like this, use set -x ("enable tracing") in a line before the code you want to debug.
The difference is the quoting of '*'. In the first case the loop only executes once, with $file equal to /home/XXX/* which then expands to all the files in the directory when passed to echo. In the second case it executes once per file, with $file equal to each file name in turn.
Bottom line - change:
for file in $InputDir'*'
for file in $InputDir*
or, better, and to make it more readable - change:
for file in $InputDir'*'
for file in $InputDir/*
